
Taurus boy: character of the child and his name

Taurus boy: character of the child and his name
  1. Characteristic
  2. Eastern horoscope
  3. How to educate?
  4. What name is right?

Each zodiac sign is subject to a certain element. Taurus is ruled by the element of the Earth, so people born under this sign are distinguished by their down-to-earth and practicality. The Taurus boy has shown his independence and unwillingness to obey orders from childhood. But the character of the child is influenced not only by the sign of the zodiac - the eastern horoscope and his name also determine the behavior and fate of the baby. Knowing all the positive and negative aspects of a Taurus boy born in the year of the Dog, you can learn to get along with him.


Taurus boys are friendly and cheerful kids. They rarely quarrel with their peers, because they often show affability, honesty, and benevolence towards other people. But this is exactly as long as others do not show their anger, rudeness, or begin to swear. Then the baby becomes a mirror image of his abuser and will definitely punish him. In their loved ones, Taurus children see reliable protection, so the family environment plays an important role for them. Harmony, calmness and love between parents and other relatives will make the boy a purposeful and cheerful person. But scandals and discord in the family will lead to the fact that the child becomes indecisive or withdrawn into himself.

In order for the boy to remain an honest person with his life position and principles, parents should not deceive the child. The earth zodiac sign loves clarity in everything. By your own example you need to show what is good and what is bad. You should try to answer the questions intelligibly in order to satisfy the child's interest.

Since Taurus belongs to an earth sign, material values ​​play one of the main roles for them in life.From early childhood, parents should teach their child how to save money and properly manage savings. Taught in childhood, a Taurus teenager will be able to independently save a certain amount for a really necessary thing, and as a man, he will become a financially successful and self-confident person.

Maintaining the cheerful, friendly and purposeful character of a Taurus boy can only be done with the help of praise, approval and encouragement of his child's good deeds. With age, such children will not lose faith in themselves, dedication and perseverance.

Eastern horoscope

Dogs are very loyal animals, therefore children born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope are loyal and reliable companions. Such boys always have many friends, they are friendly with their peers, sociable and interesting. Like a magnet, the Dog child attracts other children and makes a real friendship with them. Boys born this year are very active. Their life credo is to move forward, so often such children associate their future with sports. Parents should think about how to enroll their child in the sports section, channeling his enormous energy in the right direction.

Learning will be easy for boys, because the year of the Dog gives children a thirst for knowledge. And such a character trait as responsibility allows you to achieve great academic success. A sense of duty helps in the future to occupy high positions, to be a reliable partner and friend. The negative aspects of the character of the Dog boy include his susceptibility and vulnerability to the words spoken, touchiness. Such a child takes not only words, but also actions to heart.

Resentment (as a result) he can carry with him for a very long time, sometimes - all his life. Therefore, kids need to be taught to forgive and not let all negative things pass through themselves.

The Year of the Dog endows its "owners" with friendliness and cheerfulness, which is very close to Taurus. The combination of two similar signs only enhances the characteristic of its owner. There is no need to doubt the reliability and loyalty of such a child - he certainly will not substitute and will always lend a helping hand to a friend. The Taurus dog is too gullible, which can harm him. Therefore, the parents are faced with a difficult task - to teach the child to distinguish between good people and bad people, otherwise it will not be difficult to gain confidence in such a baby.

How to educate?

The character of Taurus boys is not easy, but you can also find an approach to them. From an early age, such a child will show his unwillingness to obey the orders and instructions of his parents. If the elders show some kind of aggression towards their child, threaten, raise their voice or force them to do something, they will receive absolutely the same reaction in response. At the same time, the child will stand his ground to the last, stubbornly defending his point of view.

Parents of Taurus need to know that no screams and decrees will be able to subdue a child so much as tenderness and affection. You can always agree with such a baby if you talk to him calmly, judiciously, without showing aggression and anger. And if you give reasonable arguments, then we can assume that the child almost agrees to any suggestions.

Do not scold them for a long meal or a slow solution of equations in mathematics (we are talking about a student). It must be remembered that the boys of the earth sign are somewhat slow in their actions, so they should not be rushed too much. "The quieter you drive, the further you will be" - this is about them. They think it's best to do things slowly and then show great results.

It is very important to encourage your child, to praise for good deeds, focusing on this. The child immediately gets an incentive to do even better, to achieve even greater results and success.When parents are going to give their child to any circle, it should be remembered that Taurus boys need an occupation that requires perseverance and determination. These qualities are inherent in the earth sign, but they must be directed in the right direction, without wasting energy in vain.

What name is right?

Not only the sign of the zodiac and the horoscope can influence the character of the baby. A correctly chosen name will help to adjust the boy's future and endow him with those traits that will be useful throughout his life. It is not always possible to determine the year, and even more so the month of birth of your child, but how to name the child is a conscious choice of the parents.

The name is selected according to several criteria:

  • the meaning of the name, its translation from a particular language;
  • a good combination / consonance with a middle name;
  • the predominance of certain qualities that will be necessary for their child;
  • compliance with the Orthodox or other religious calendar.

If you want to endow your child with perseverance and determination, the boy should be called Boris, Roman or Gleb. The names Matvey, Alexey, Ilya, Ivan will give softness and obedience. Masculinity and courage will be added to children named Anton, Arseny, Dmitry. Parents who want to see their sons as businessmen can call them Maxim, Yaroslav, Bogdan. All these names are perfectly combined with the earthly element, for the strengthening of which the following names are also suitable: Makar, Timur, Vasily, Daniel, Matvey, Taras, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikita.

Boys whose parents have successfully chosen names always achieve their goals, because they have enough energy not only to start a business, but also to complete it. At the same time, Taurus children are anxious about their surroundings, they are always happy to come to the rescue and show care.

Children's horoscope for a Taurus child, see the next video.

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