
Characteristics of a Taurus man born in the year of the Horse

Characteristics of a Taurus man born in the year of the Horse
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Appearance and behavior
  3. Professional sphere and finance
  4. Relationships and compatibility
  5. Marriage behavior

A man according to the zodiac sign Taurus, who was born in the year of the Horse, is a purposeful and strong-willed person who knows what he wants from life, and is trying with all his might to achieve this. He is by nature a pragmatist and soberly looks at the world around him, therefore he never "hovers in the clouds" and does not set himself unrealistic tasks. Such a man will be a loyal friend and reliable partner, but it is not easy to approach him - he will not let every person into his world.


For men of Taurus-Horses, material well-being is important, so they are ready to work hard to provide for themselves and their family. It is not enough for such persons to be an ordinary employee - they strive to become the best specialist in their field, and to gain recognition from others. As a rule, representatives of the tandem of these signs quickly climb the career ladder and occupy leadership positions. At the same time, they are not conceited, but remain the same kind and open guys, ready to come to the aid of those in need at any moment.

Taurus-Horse has a lot of positive qualities, but the characteristic of this combination of signs indicates that in life it tends to show more negative traits. The horoscope recommends such men to constantly work on themselves and improve their character, otherwise difficulties may arise in communicating with people.

It should also be noted that without an effort to educate their own personality, they are unlikely to find success in life.

Taurus, born in the year of the Horse, is stubborn, and is not used to choosing the easy path to achieve his goals. But in this way he strengthens his character and learns to find a way out of any situation.Despite his stubbornness, in his personal life, the Taurus-Horse guy is ready to make some compromises with his soul mate. He has a calm nature, so it is easy to negotiate with him. In addition, such a man is distinguished by generosity, so he is ready to give gifts and do things to prove his love. But he absolutely does not know how to make compliments and express feelings in words.

Appearance and behavior

Typical Taurus men, who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born in the year of the Horse, usually have a dense build and short stature. Due to this, even with relative thinness, they look strong and solid. The face is generally round but not full, and the neck is short and powerful. The nose of such men is wide, full lips, big eyes and fluffy eyelashes. Few of the representatives of such a zodiac tandem can boast of thick hair - they have mostly thin and sparse hair.

In general, the Taurus-Horse man has a pretty appearance., but he needs to monitor his diet and not forget about sports, because he is inclined to be overweight. Even if at a young age the guy was thin, then with age he will certainly begin to gain weight.

The horoscope advises such people to lead an active lifestyle and avoid sedentary work, otherwise the problem can take on a large scale, and along with the extra pounds, serious health problems will appear.

In society, Taurus Horses behave confidently - they are sociable and know how to maintain a conversation. But if they find themselves surrounded by strangers, they will feel awkward and embarrassed, become less talkative, or even try to distance themselves from the company. Men of this combination of signs have few real friends, since they do not want to let people close to them, although they almost immediately inspire confidence in those around them.

The negative qualities of Taurus-Horse include unwillingness to delve into the essence of other people's problems. This does not mean that he will not help in a difficult situation, he just will listen to the person and empathize with his grief, so as not to take on the negative and not violate his own comfort. Another bad thing about a man is his complete lack of control when he is angry. He can hide resentment, emotional stress and anger in himself for a long time, but at one point he will throw out his discontent on the one who falls under the “hot hand”.

Professional sphere and finance

To build a brilliant career, the Taurus-Horse man needs to decide in his youth on his future profession and make every effort to develop in this direction. Otherwise, he will try his hand at different spheres, and not finding something really worthwhile for himself, he will lose all desire to do anything. At the same time, the guy will miss his best years, when he was full of enthusiasm and energy.

Taurus needs to put a lot of effort into self-improvement, since the persistence and perseverance of the Horse will help him in this. The main thing is that he should not be scattered over several cases at once, but gradually achieve his goals.

It should be noted that often men of such a zodiac tandem achieve great success in their careers after they find their soul mate. It is the woman who helps the Taurus-Horse man to believe in himself and to feel his significance.

Representatives of this zodiac sign can perform well in the following areas:

  • finance - accountant, businessman, economist, trade;
  • agriculture - livestock breeding, crop cultivation;
  • creativity - artist, writer, singer, sculptor, architect;
  • handicraft and production - turner, joiner, carpenter, locksmith.

The Taurus-Horse man treats any work with all responsibility and usually puts it in the first place. In fact, he can be called a workaholic, because he can work almost seven days a week in order to achieve financial well-being and take a high position.Such individuals know how not only to earn, but also to accumulate them. Most of the money is spent on providing comfort and household needs, but they are reluctantly spent on entertainment.

And also representatives of these zodiac signs love to give gifts, because this is how they show their close people their affection and love.

Relationships and compatibility

Both in the professional sphere and in love, the Taurus man, born in the year of the Horse, strives for reliability and stability. Fleeting novels and non-binding relationships do not interest him. Such a serious person can spend a long time alone until he finds "his" person with whom he decides to connect his life. For some, this may seem strange, but not for Taurus. He does not want to waste his time on trifles, and he knows exactly what kind of woman he wants to see next to him.

The Taurus Horse is reluctant to start a new relationship, as it constantly doubts a potential partner. At first, the guy will behave coldly and detached, but when he gets used to the person and sees in him all the qualities that are important to him, he will certainly change his tactics. Representatives of this combination of signs in love are always attentive to their chosen one, kind and affectionate.

It is quite difficult to build a relationship with Taurus, but if a girl has patience, she will soon find out how reliable, reverent and loyal her lover really is.

To conquer a Taurus-Horse guy, a girl must have a soft and docile character, great patience and the ability to smooth out conflicts. She will have to learn to pacify his anger during scandals and be able to gently, without reproach and persistence, direct him in the right direction. Even the most stubborn representative of this tandem of signs “melts” from female caresses and is ready to do whatever she asks, including changing her mind regarding the decision.

The strongest Taurus-Horse relationship can be created with the representatives of the zodiac Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. And also a happy couple can develop with Aries, Libra and Leo, but both parties will have to put in a lot of effort. Alliances with Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius can be called catastrophic.

Marriage behavior

The Taurus man, born in the year of the Horse, takes a responsible approach to marriage and decides to take such a step only if he is 100% confident in his chosen one. Such a person does not accept divorce, therefore, even in critical times, he will make every effort to resume the idyll in the family. To his soul mate, a man promises loyalty, reliability and stability, and in return he wants to receive support, respect and affection.

The Taurus Horse will become a wonderful family man, a caring father and an attentive spouse. In any situation, he will always take the side of his wife and will not allow relatives to interfere in their relationship. In the house, a man prefers to occupy a leading place, and no event should pass him by.

If a woman wants an idyll and peace in the house, then she will have to listen to her husband in everything, although little tricks and charm will help her tame even such an animal as Taurus.

In bed, representatives of this zodiacal tandem prefer to give more than receive, but at the same time they also do not forget about themselves. Such men have an average temperament, and adhere to conservative views. They are reluctant to agree to various sexual experiments, and are cautious about trying new things. Despite the fact that the Taurus-Horse man chooses the dominant role in bed, sometimes he is not averse to transferring the initiative into female hands.

For the psychology of a Taurus man in love, see the next video.

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