
Taurus-Monkey man: personality characteristics and compatibility

Taurus-Monkey man: personality characteristics and compatibility
  1. Peculiarities
  2. In a career
  3. In love
  4. In bed
  5. Married
  6. Relationship with other signs
  7. How to win his heart?
  8. Recommendations

The Taurus man, known for his calmness and stubbornness, being born in the year of the Monkey, multiplies these qualities. He is assertive, thoughtful, purposeful, interesting for women. However, some character traits often complicate his life.


Taurus-Monkey is an independent and calculating man. In search of a way out of difficult situations, he is always guided by sober reason and common sense. He is by no means an adventurer, but he loves a good active vacation with friends.

Slightly self-confident, he cannot hide this peculiarity, which sometimes causes difficulties in communicating with others. Another difficulty in the development of love or friendship is associated with the fact that this man categorically does not tolerate criticism and advice. It is impossible to impose a different opinion on him, he always considers himself right. However, this is usually the case, nevertheless, taking into account the cold mind in solving any issues often leads to success.

In the company, he is usually restrained, but if the Taurus-Monkey pursues selfish goals, he is able to completely change his behavioral pattern.

Taurus men are easy to learn, they are drawn to knowledge, and the character of the Monkey helps to transmit new discoveries to others in a very interesting design. That is, listening to news from Taurus-Monkeys is more interesting than from other Taurus.

Outwardly, they often have a completely ordinary appearance, but their refined manners and romantic courtship always attract the opposite sex.

Character Advantages:

  • has a natural wit and charm;
  • has a subtle good sense of humor;
  • easily converges with people;
  • always puts family values ​​above all else;
  • always achieves the assigned tasks;
  • has a high efficiency.

The character of the Monkey sometimes ruins the dedication of Taurus. Usually Taurus always strive for their goal by all means, but the features of the Monkey sometimes force him to abandon his path. This can happen if you piss off a young man, which, by the way, is almost impossible to do. But if, nevertheless, someone managed to explode the steel nerves of this man, then it is better not to face him during this period.

The Taurus-Monkey guy has a few more complexities in his character:

  • for the sake of the thirst for power and money, he is ready to sacrifice his decency;
  • everywhere he is looking for profit - the Taurus-Monkey, who suddenly turned with a careless question to an unfamiliar person, most likely asks “How are you? "For a reason;
  • usually these are selfish people who do not notice their shortcomings, but do not tolerate the mistakes of others.

In a career

In work, this man always strives for a leadership position. This is due both to his constant impulse to manage everyone, and to the desire to provide himself and his family financially to the maximum.

To achieve power, he is ready to go over his head and sometimes sinks to very ignoble deeds. People around you often suffer from this. In fact, Taurus-Monkey is not evil and does not wish anyone suffering, but he always puts his personal interests above others. Sometimes the impulsive disposition of the Monkey does not allow him to achieve his goal due to independent factors, but still this is a rarity.

In partnership work, he is quite patient, efficient and accurate, has a tendency to be creative.

In business, this man is also successful and is looking for partners who, along with him, strive for financial well-being; honesty does not play a role in choosing a companion.

In love

In a love relationship, Taurus-Monkey feels pretty comfortable. Unlike other Taurus, the Monkey man does not have unrealistic requirements for choosing a chosen one, and therefore he enters into a relationship without difficulties. Most of all, he is attracted by such traits of a woman's character as a sense of humor, mystery and wit.

He sincerely loves his partner, always tries to guess her mood, to do something pleasant. Affectionate and caring, but rarely shows sincere emotions. This man is able to utter a bunch of gentle words, at first the woman believes, falls in love with an affectionate guy, but over time realizes that he can only talk about feelings, but not demonstrate them.

This is a reliable companion, he is faithful to his beloved and is always ready for a long-term relationship. It is unlikely that he will initiate a break.

In bed

The Taurus man is slightly conservative in bed. Usually these young people prefer to enter into an intimate relationship in a comfortable and cozy room, however, the Monkey, striving for everything new, makes Taurus not so traditional, sometimes encouraging to enter into intimacy in an unusual place.

To a partner, a Taurus-Monkey man may seem slightly detached. The reason for this is the habit of expressing feelings in other ways. A sensual mistress will help a man's active temperament to fully open up. In bed, he can be both a leader and a guided lover.


Having become a family man, the Taurus-Monkey man will devote a lot of time to the house. He himself will arrange it and even take part in the cleaning. A spouse born in the year of the Monkey under the sign of Taurus is able to surprise his family with a sudden dinner. His characterization as a husband is extremely positive.

This man is maximally focused on the well-being of his loved ones, and this devotion can even become the reason why he will give up his career. Although more often the head of the family still strongly supports the financial basis of this unit of society.

Often guests visit the Taurus-Monkey house. Visitors see him as a hospitable host - he is, in fact, he is. This man will treat children with reverence.The Taurus-Monkey wife can be sure of the loyalty and devotion of her husband.

Relationship with other signs

If we turn to the eastern horoscope, then the Taurus-Monkey man should take into account different options for the development of events, bearing in mind compatibility with representatives of various signs.

  • Snake: a wonderful union. Unchained and desired by the Monkey, the Snake has sincere tenderness for its companion. The most successful combination will turn out with the Snake woman, whose zodiac sign is Taurus.
  • Dog: a successful couple, both partners are devoted to each other for the rest of their lives.
  • Bull: they easily find a common language, mutual understanding always reigns in a pair.
  • Tiger: it is better to avoid communicating with the Tiger woman, this union will face a constant struggle, but the business tandem with her will turn out to be very successful.
  • Rooster: love with a girl Rooster for a Taurus-Monkey guy will not be able to, an easy affair is possible, but no more. A good business alliance can arise.
  • Horse: with a woman a horse this man will be united by love for home, home comfort, family values. It will be a good, solid marriage.
  • Rat: not a very good couple. The Rat is always interested in the material side, and Taurus is looking for spiritual closeness. At first he will be attracted by this partner, but it is better to be more careful with her.
  • A monkey: Monkey woman always strives for power. And this quality, inherent in both partners, will cause the couple to break up.
  • Pig: with a woman Pig, a man will be very interested, they are compatible on many points, except for one, the most important - there can be no spiritual intimacy between them. It is unlikely that the relationship can become serious.
  • Rabbit: also not a very good union. With a woman Rabbit, a Taurus-Monkey man can have a good time, she is cheerful and even touchingly frivolous, but having met a more mundane and serious partner, this young man is likely to break off an unpromising relationship with the Rabbit.

If a man, when choosing his beloved, will be guided by the Western horoscope, then it is better for him to pay attention to Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Leo and Scorpio. In choosing a business partner, a good union will develop with Taurus, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius. Women whose zodiac signs are Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra are best avoided in any relationship.

How to win his heart?

    Astrologers give advice to ladies who met a Taurus-Monkey man and dream of winning his heart:

    • be cheerful and optimistic in communication - the emotional balance of the chosen one is very important for him;
    • do not anger this man, he is not one of those who are attracted by insidious women; an angry Taurus-Monkey is even capable of revenge;
    • often praise this guy, he is very self-centered and self-confident, always takes flattery at face value;
    • try to surprise him, the object of your passion is very curious and often takes a great interest in something new;
    • the main mistake is criticism of his actions, this is an unforgivable oversight, after which Taurus-Monkey, in general, can stop communicating with a woman.


      Due to some traits of his character, the Taurus-Monkey man often faces difficult life situations. This mainly concerns communication with people.

      To avoid most problems, astrologers suggest that these men listen to the following recommendations:

      • try to think more about the feelings of other people, remember that your opinion is not the only one, the thoughts of others may differ from yours;
      • striving for the goal, try to calm down the emotional and energetic Monkey in yourself, which often becomes the cause of the descent from the intended path;
      • give up harsh statements about others, put yourself in the place of a person - after all, you yourself cannot stand other people's criticism.

      Thus, the Taurus-Monkey man is a very interesting person who achieves great heights both in his career and in family relationships.Perhaps he should slightly reconsider his attitude towards people, and then difficult life situations will bypass him.

      For the psychology of a Taurus man in love, see the next video.

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