Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Gemini: compatibility in love and business relationships

Taurus and Gemini: compatibility in love and business relationships
  1. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Features of the union
  4. Major conflicts

Nowadays astrology is gaining more and more confidence from skeptics. And this is no coincidence. It took several centuries for specialists in this field to come to the conclusion that the location of the stars and the date of birth play a huge role in the fate of a person. Especially horoscope fans are interested in the relationship of people born under different signs of the zodiac. Below are the options for relationships and the possibility of compatibility between Taurus and Gemini.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

Taurus is characterized by silence and even some isolation. A person born under the earthly sign of Taurus is laconic, he is characterized by a manner of measured communication, his movements are smooth and calm.

These are always reserved people who prefer to solve problems in words, and it is better to avoid them altogether.

However, with pressure on Taurus, another sign can show anger and even aggression. For many years Taurus can endure various troubles, but one day it will "break through", and then it is better not to get in his way. Nevertheless, this furious moment does not last long, after a while Taurus will again let go and he will again fall into a slightly melancholic measured lifestyle.

Passive Taurus will not impose on the person he likes, but will try to draw attention to himself, although this sign has no desire for popularity. Usually these are people who prefer home comfort, you rarely take them to visit, but when you visit their apartment you always feel the hospitality of the owner.

Getting used to one environment, it is difficult for Taurus to adapt to new conditions. They are inclined to work on the land, they are not abandoned by the desire to buy their own house, ideally outside the city. In general, city life is not particularly attractive to this type of people; in nature they feel more confident and satisfied.

When it comes to health, Taurus boasts disease resistance. If, nevertheless, some disease overtakes Taurus, then recovery will proceed rather slowly. And all because a patient born under this sign is rather passive, slightly pessimistic and stubborn before the appointment of doctors. Most often, Taurus suffers from the throat, neck, legs, back.

Stubbornness manifests itself in other areas as well. Despite the calmness and exceptional patience, Taurus usually achieve what they want with their perseverance, diligence, dedication to their work. Cruelty, vindictiveness and greed are not about Taurus.

From the outside, it seems that a man born under the sign of Taurus is lazy, but this is not so. Taurus is very hardy and efficient, with his slowness such a man always achieves a successful result. The troubles and problems that arise during work only temper. However, you cannot force him to work, Taurus cannot stand pressure.

The risk for males is not typical. Before committing any act, Taurus adequately evaluates everything that happens, calculates and plans in advance. The man is organized and stable.

This young man has a rather pleasant sense of humor; he will not be noticed with "toilet" jokes.

He is loyal to his wife, friends, has a delicate taste and tries to create a pleasant, serene atmosphere around him.

The purposefulness of Taurus has already been said above, this aspect also applies to well-being, as one of the goals of Taurus. It is unlikely that a family headed by a representative of this earth sign will need money.

The Taurus woman always looks good and neat; in the company she is famous for her quick wit and intelligence. A lady born under the sign of Taurus always knows where to apply her charm. Some people underestimate the intelligence of such a woman, and in vain. Because creating the wrong impression is a trick used by a Taurus woman to achieve her goal.

She quickly becomes attached to people, but she will never lose her head from her chosen one, since common sense is still in the first place for her. She feels well falsity and deception, it is difficult to mislead her. When showing a sincere good attitude, he will reciprocate.

Such a woman has more than enough emotions, but she always keeps herself in control and does not show sincere feelings to others. In communication, she is easy, she will not show her dislike for the interlocutor, she will simply stop communicating with him.

People are drawn to her for advice, care, warmth. This woman is able to solve the most difficult issues without the help of a man, but she is wise, and therefore she will leave this problem to her beloved so that he feels his courage and sees in her a tender and defenseless chosen one.

Female twins are characterized by inconsistency in their decision. They can change their opinion several times a day. They are often easily amenable to mass decisions. They love to be in the center of attention, but they do not strive for leadership and in every possible way try to avoid responsibility. They are more likely to bring in mild anxiety or take initiative during the meeting.

In the blood of the Gemini, they are constantly engaged in some kind of business, they usually grab several activities at the same time, without completing a single one. That is, for this sign of the zodiac, the process is more important than the result. Serious questions are usually taken lightly and even lightly.

Gemini cannot be alone. Often their actions are guided by reason, not feelings, and therefore such people may differ in some emotionlessness.

Gemini are sensitive to other people's troubles, in the case of visible injustice in relation to loved ones, they can show sincere participation and care, they know what words can support in difficult times.

They correctly assess people and their actions, have a tendency to “digest” various situations in memory, and based on their decisions, make adequate conclusions about people.

Diversity in everything and impermanence is what distinguishes a man under the sign of Gemini, who does not sit in one place, is in constant movement and search. He is characterized by a changeable lifestyle and an easy attitude towards it.

A young person born under this sign is attracted by everything unfamiliar. Dragged into the cycle of various events, a man feels at ease and can completely forget about his relatives and friends. Relatives do not take offense at the extravagant guy, they are used to this violent character. The Gemini man often changes his social circle, this is due to a constant change of interests. Better not to trust this person's promises. He may not fulfill them, but not at all because he did not want to, he simply “forgot” or did not foresee something.

There are many influential acquaintances among the friends of the air sign of the zodiac; he easily adapts to any company. This is an intelligent and attentive young man, often bestows compliments on the female sex, while being absolutely sincere. Loneliness scares him.

A woman born under the sign of Gemini has a constant need for communication, she easily makes new acquaintances, is sociable, is a pleasant companion, sympathetic to other people's problems, but she will only reveal herself to people who are proven and understand her.

The Gemini woman is less frivolous than the man of the same sign. Before an act, she will always weigh the pros and cons, but to the last she will doubt her abilities. This lady quickly changes her preferences. Carried away by one lesson, in a couple of days she will be interested in a new one, leaving the previous one.

She likes to be in public, loneliness causes depression. Her company is made up of successful, motivated people who are ready for intelligent conversation. This girl always knows how to choose the right words in the right situations, she can give sincere advice, however, not always correct, since she has a very peculiar outlook on life.

For the people around you, the representative of the Gemini sign seems mysterious and enigmatic, since she is very changeable. This is due to the duality of this zodiac sign.

The favorite hobby of the Gemini lady is an activity that requires concentration, the expenditure of time and effort, but do not expect that she will achieve a successful result - during the action she may be carried away by something else.

Advantages and disadvantages

The nature of both signs is complex and mysterious. Each of them has attractive sides, as well as some flaws in disposition, which limit communication with other signs of the zodiac.

Among the virtues of the Taurus character are the following:

  • constructiveness and practicality, unshakable willpower, which grows even more with age;

  • is interested in art, especially music;

  • has a tendency to conduct internal monologues, is sensitive to injustice around;

  • purposefulness, stubbornness before achieving the goal, not an alarmist;

  • loyal to the opposite sex, to his friends.

Of course, in different situations, the character of Taurus is revealed in different ways, at first he is vulnerable to difficult environmental conditions, the actions of other people are often incomprehensible to him and seem to be wrong. After all, he has everything planned out for a long time, competently calculated, why do not other people share similar goals? Why are they not so serious? It's not right! These questions are always in the thinking head of Taurus.

Among the features that distinguish this zodiac sign, several disadvantages can be noted:

  • conservatism, passivity;

  • the desire for home comfort often develops into laziness and a love of drinking;

  • if the patient Taurus has been brought to aggression, then it is better to avoid meeting him;

  • they are often narcissistic and self-centered.

The Gemini sign is usually characterized by natural curiosity, the ability to impress, an easy attitude towards life.

Advantages in the character of Gemini:

  • speak well of the word, are drawn to learning and gaining new knowledge;

  • show a sincere interest in reading;

  • do not reach for the prejudices of the majority, are guided only by personal interest;

  • delicate and polite.

The questions that torment Taurus will never occur to Gemini. This air sign will not find out why other people are interfering with it. He will try to adequately assess their actions, perhaps even take their side, try to see the opposite point of view, and also intuitively find out the motives.

Disadvantages characterizing Gemini:

  • the desire to do several things at once often leads to zero results;

  • slightly absent-minded and inattentive, interesting storytellers, but can jump from topic to topic;

  • skillfully hide their true intentions, in a conversation they can lie.

Features of the union

When communicating with each other, representatives of these signs will not be easy. The measured calm life of Taurus does not correspond much to the active rhythm of Gemini. Taurus will find it difficult to chase Gemini, Gemini, on the contrary, will quickly get bored with the monotonous lifestyle of Taurus.

This does not mean that such a union will face constant conflicts and quarrels, but it will not be easy for Taurus and Gemini to adapt to each other.

In friendship

Friendship of a Taurus man and a Gemini woman is almost impossible. They have no common interests. The evenings of such friends will pass in silence. A woman will feel sad in the company of a calm, uncommunicative young man; it’s easier for him to find more predictable friends.

Of course, such an alliance is not excluded, but nevertheless it is often explained by a long-standing relationship, coming from childhood, or it is not a strong friendship, but just light friendships.

Roughly the same can be said about the friendship between a Gemini guy and a Taurus girl. Their lifestyle is so different that there is not a single common topic of conversation. In the eyes of a woman, the young man looks slightly windy, frivolous, she does not see in him a reliable friend who can support. The guy is bored of spending time with the Taurus girl, she has nothing to answer his stories, admire his activities, often the Taurus lady does not even understand the jokes of a friend born under the sign of Gemini.

At the very beginning of a friendly relationship, two people whose zodiac signs are Taurus and Gemini may be interesting, but this is not for long. Most likely, after a couple of meetings, these two people will remain just acquaintances. They have a different attitude to life: if Taurus is used to planning everything, calculating, being responsible for every step, then Gemini is an indicator of a certain frivolity, light irresponsibility.

Meanwhile, if a friendly alliance, contrary to the predictions of the stars, nevertheless took place, then there are even some advantages in these relations.

  • Taurus will take care of his carefree friend under the sign of Gemini, come to his rescue.

  • This serious companion will be able to help the Gemini in solving many issues, because the Gemini friend is inclined to grab onto several things at once.

  • Gemini seems funny to Taurus, sometimes they make him laugh, they bring variety to a quiet life. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the friendship will end.

In love

This is not the most successful union, but if it did take place, then you should not panic. Among the traits, there is something in common, namely, purposefulness. If Gemini is interested in something, then he will easily attract Taurus to this business, which, in turn, will allow them to achieve a successful result. The desire to create a strong family can unite both signs.

Such a couple should prepare for a lot of challenges. The air sign will be drawn to new acquaintances and communication, Taurus will constantly warn the chosen one against communicating with suspicious people.

Air and Earth are incompatible elements, under which these signs had to be born. It is difficult for them to understand each other and it is difficult for them to compromise, but it is possible.

At the very beginning of the union of a Taurus man and a Gemini woman, they will be interesting to each other. These are opposite signs, and this is what attracts them to each other. A man is attracted by an easy attitude towards the life of his companion, as well as her intelligence and ability to charm others. She is always in the spotlight, and therefore he is proud of his beloved. However, after a while, the changeable lady will tire the Taurus man, who is accustomed to a calm, passive lifestyle, noisy unfamiliar companies do not attract him, he does not keep up with her thoughts and lifestyle.

In turn, the Gemini girl will first be carried away by a mysterious, silent young man born under the sign of Taurus, because we already know how she is interested in everything mysterious. Perhaps she will even try to adopt a peaceful lifestyle in order to win the heart of an unusual chosen one, but this will quickly bore her. A calm passive rhythm is not for her. This woman needs to be in the spotlight and to experience admiring glances on herself, so it is impossible to keep her at home.

If a Gemini man and a Taurus woman met, then a stronger union awaits them. This young man appreciates loyalty and femininity in his mysterious darling, he is confident in her loyalty and knows that she will not fail in anything.

However, the Taurus lady will not be so confident in her lover. However, not in vain. Despite the fact that a man will strive for fidelity and sincerely love his soul mate, nevertheless, due to his character, more interesting representatives of the fair sex will also attract him. This is not about betrayal, but rather about flirting, an easy infatuation, although in relation to the Gemini man, one cannot say for sure about his devotion. He himself cannot be sure of himself, and the discerning Taurus lady is well aware of these character traits of her beloved. In this regard, a conflict arises.

The Taurus woman strives for a serious relationship, she has already thought out her plan for her future family life. If the Gemini man continues his frivolous behavior, then, most likely, his reserved darling will find himself a more responsible young man.

To be successful in a romantic relationship, both signs should heed the following tips.

  • Constant work on yourself.

It must be remembered that the views of the partner are fundamentally different, so you need to be able to make concessions.

  • It would be nice to learn how to find common goals - this can perfectly bring the representatives of these signs together.

  • Share responsibilities around the house.

  • Organize a common business.

  • Having children will help mend relationships.

In family life

If the union of Taurus and Gemini took place and they decided to legalize their relationship, then everyone needs to be prepared for various problems. This compatibility is rather low. A family can be strong only with the constant work of each of the spouses.

In the early days of marriage, conflicts may be completely absent. Taurus is pleased with his next achieved goal - the creation of a family, he is fascinated by the ability of the other half to easily adapt to new conditions. For Gemini, marriage is a new adventure, and therefore the chosen one, born under this sign, feels quite happy and enjoys home comfort. The family experiences all this comfort only for the first time.

After several weeks, the first conflicts begin. Taurus feels that the chosen one is not organized and irresponsible, he stays at home while the partner under the sign of Gemini is having fun with the company of friends.Over time, hobbies for the other opposite sex on the part of Gemini are not excluded, this is due to boredom. Taurus will never forgive betrayal. However, in case of conflicts in the everyday sphere, the earth sign easily moves away from resentment, it is enough to caress it. It is recommended for such a couple to arrange romantic evenings more often, try to surprise each other, be able to understand a partner and make compromises.

Marriage Taurus man and Gemini woman cannot be called a successful union. For this man, an example of femininity is a spouse swarming in the kitchen, creating comfort and coziness in the house, the best pastime is a joint family vacation in the form of a walk in the park, trips to the countryside, vacation at sea. A young wife born under the sign of Gemini will not be able to give this. At first, she will gladly equip the house, organize the design and life well, but soon she will get bored with the monotony and will be drawn to new adventures.

Taurus, at first delighted with his charming soul mate, will make concessions, although he will be unhappy. And soon the stubborn Taurus will completely stop following his lady's lead.

If children have appeared in this family, then they will be able to improve the relations of their parents.

Taurus is an exemplary father, he does not hesitate to openly talk about what he wants children. If he became a father at a very young age, he does not run away from responsibility, but usually he is even glad of this event. He assigns a special role to upbringing, but adheres to more conservative views. Newfangled computer toys are unlikely to be gifts from the Taurus father. He does not expect to achieve great heights from the child and gives him the freedom of choice, but nevertheless he will try to present quite reasonable requirements for the education and future specialty of a son or daughter. You can rely on him for the upbringing and development of a child. He will always be able to ensure the well-being of his family.

Mother Gemini is a cheerful, caring and affectionate woman. She is interested in raising children to be versatile personalities who can easily get out of difficult situations. In everyday matters, Gemini's mother is not too strong, she does not pay attention to the scattered toys and does not teach the child too much to order. For her, moral and mental education is more important. Such a mother takes an active part in the child's life, she is on parental committees, always attends concerts and matinees. A woman who has fallen for children, having shown severity, often then regrets it. Despite all this, a mother born in the constellation Gemini should always have free time for her interests and personal space, otherwise she will not feel happy in the family.

In a pair, a Gemini man and a Taurus woman, life together is filled with conflicting feelings and emotions. There is always a tense relationship between spouses. The atmosphere in the house is tense. Often, with a light filing of the husband, all the acquaintances know about conflicts in the family. This man is very optional, at first he is attracted by a measured family life, but then new adventures are captured, and, as a rule, this happens outside the house. At first, the Taurus woman favors her husband's frivolity, perceives it as a whim, and she is also attracted by her husband's skill benefit from everything. But this mobility and disorganization leads to the fact that the Taurus woman ceases to take seriously the point of view of the chosen one, she largely does not consider him, which again leads to conflicts. And even if the man turned out to be right in the end, the stubborn Taurus wife will not admit her mistake. But meanwhile she is a wonderful hostess.

If the Gemini man stops his ardor and tries to take life more seriously, then home coziness and comfort, perfect cleanliness and a wonderful daily dinner are guaranteed to him.

It is not easy for a man born under the sign of Gemini to focus on thoughts about the upcoming fatherhood. Most likely, he will postpone this event until the last. Like everything else, Gemini's father will not take children very seriously. He will be more interested in assembling children's Lego constructors than in the process of moral education. In the face of this man, the children see a friend and comrade, he plays football with them in the yard, and not because to look after his sons, but because he is really interested in it. If the daughter's violin playing does not cause special emotions in the father, then it is unlikely that he should be expected at her performance. Tactile contact with children is also not for this man. Nevertheless, he sincerely loves children, will never leave them in trouble, and children will always wait for a cheerful and energetic dad from work.

Mother Taurus is a thrifty economic woman. She has a pre-planned future of the child. Often, children attend school, a sports section, and in addition, a few more clubs. The well-being of the family is almost always a priority for this mother. She actively participates in the life of children, but sometimes they do not see her as an affectionate and gentle parent. Taurus by nature rarely show their emotions, but this does not mean at all that the Taurus woman treats children coldly. She loves them very much and has dreamed of a son or daughter since childhood. Often these children have the most fashionable clothes, expensive school, modern toys. The Taurus woman tries very hard to create the impression of an ideal family.

In bed

If a couple of Taurus and Gemini are connected only by sex, then, probably, these people will scatter in the near future. Often the stumbling block in such a union is the question of the personal sexual freedom of each partner. Union is possible if only a material foundation is laid in the basis of relations. Otherwise, they will not be faithful to each other, quickly becoming disillusioned with the chosen one.

At the beginning of a relationship, Taurus and Gemini are genuinely passionate about each other. Taurus is interested in new experiences, and Gemini wants to discover and unravel the potential of the mysterious Taurus. However, soon this couple ceases to feel interested in each other. Taurus is more conservative in sexual matters, moreover, representatives of this sign rarely allow themselves intimate relationships without any obligations.

Gemini, on the other hand, are more inventive, they strive for something new, so the monotony to which Taurus is accustomed begins to disappoint every time.

Nevertheless, intimacy for Taurus is the most important part of marriage. He cannot be called constrained, he is just more sensual, gentle and affectionate, he gives his partner sincere love and tries to awaken this sensuality in him. Gemini, on the contrary, this approach seems boring, he is not against role-playing games and the use of intimate toys. For Taurus, the main thing in bed is feelings, and if he does not decide on the experiments that Gemini's partner offers, then this couple is unlikely to last long.

The Taurus man gets sincere pleasure from sex and gives pleasure to his partner to the same extent. He does everything confidently, he is characterized by a subtle assessment of female beauty. For him, the ideal woman combines grace in body and soul. Usually this man himself determines the time and place of sexual pleasures. A young man should not be rushed, he subordinates life to his own rhythm, the same feature manifests itself in bed. He is not interested in the realm of fantasy, more attracted by naturalness and naturalness. Physical intimacy for this zodiac sign is a way of expressing the feelings of pleasure that possess it, and he expects the same from a partner.

All sensuality and love is manifested in the Taurus woman during sex. If in everyday life she can be called cold and unemotional, then in bed she completely removes this stigma from herself. Like the male representative of this zodiac sign, the woman gives herself to her partner in body and soul.She loves gentle massage, hugs, frequent intimacy. It is unlikely that this girl will allow herself "dirty" sex, but with her you can taste chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream as attributes of sexual pleasures. This is a fairly hardy partner, although she requires a long foreplay. Loves to delight her man.

The Gemini man is a good and passionate lover. He knows perfectly how to satisfy his partner, but still takes care of his own pleasure to a greater extent. Nevertheless, in this erotic performance, the young man is both an actor and a spectator, therefore he chooses beautiful female bodies. He likes foreplay, he is interested in a woman's reaction to certain actions, he likes to have sex in the light. Do not mind watching erotic films. More often than not, the intercourse itself cannot be called long, but the word wild is quite appropriate.

Usually girls are just an experience for him.

A woman born under the sign of Gemini is unpredictable in sex. She can be loving and affectionate, she can turn into an erotic tigress, and next time she can present herself to her partner in the form of a depraved seductress. In sexual matters, this is a rather brave partner, she is not afraid of experiments, although she will not initiate these actions. In sex, this girl is in no hurry, although she is easily aroused. If her partner is quickly wound up, then she will stop the ardor. At the same time, a lady can kiss a man and stimulate his erogenous zones. Any kind of affection turns her on, but it is important that each time they are different.

In general, Taurus' behavior in bed can be characterized as follows:

  • tenderness, affection;

  • frequent kissing on the lips;

  • perhaps a gentle whispering of affectionate words;

  • declaration of love during sex;

  • sensuality;

  • passion coupled with tenderness;

  • sincerity;

  • you can hardly expect dirty sex from a Taurus partner;

  • intimacy in a state of stress (in an elevator, in a fitting room) is unacceptable.

Gemini can be described in opposite words:

  • restrained passion;

  • curiosity about foreplay;

  • desire for experimentation;

  • Gemini is not against threesome sex;

  • inconstancy in intimate relationships;

  • selection of non-standard poses;

  • slightly selfish in sex, more focused on himself than on a partner;

  • he will hardly be able to give warmth and affection, one can expect only a beautiful honed act from him, in which all the skill will be invested.

Despite all the disadvantages of this union in bed, such a couple has some prospects. Despite their sexual selfishness, Gemini will not force a more conservative partner into dirty experiments, since the air sign still loves to be praised and admired. Namely, this is what the usually emotionless Taurus does, fully opening up in sexual relationships and surrendering to feelings.

In work

In business relationships, Taurus and Gemini are just as little compatible. Despite only one month in the calendar, separating these two signs, their views on life are radically different.

Taurus can be successful in the arts, many of them become singers and artists. The professions of a journalist, TV presenter, entertainer are also well suited. They can be good medical workers, cooks, locksmiths.

An excellent solution for Taurus is the choice of activities related to the land: farming, botany, flower cultivation.

Gemini is a dual sign of the zodiac. He can also find himself in completely different areas. The most preferred of these are arts, business, science and technology.

Taurus confidently goes to his goal, before that he has already outlined a successful plan for himself and carefully adheres to the points set. Nevertheless, it is important for him that working conditions fully satisfy him, the relationship with colleagues is also an important factor. It is unlikely that these problems will stop Taurus from achieving their goal, but they can still be confusing.

A company employee born under the sign of Gemini, pursuing a career, strives to achieve a goal without any plan, usually grasps everything on the fly, rarely calculates business moves. He wants to quickly achieve what he wants, but often gives up this activity in the middle of the path. He will either get bored with the work process, or he will be carried away by another field of activity.

However, by becoming business partners, Taurus and Gemini can achieve quite a lot of success. The Gemini companion will become the generator of ideas, the executor and the implementer of some of them. Taurus, on the other hand, will carefully calculate whether Gemini's plan will work, and if he doubts success, he will develop his own ideas, and also direct the energy of his active business partner in the right direction. The financial basis of a common company will strengthen the relationship between the two representatives of these signs, but each should know their responsibilities and the percentage of income, both should be entrusted with only their feasible tasks.

To make a common business successful, you should heed the following tips:

  • these two partners need to agree on all issues;

  • to professionally plan all activities in advance, it is better to provide a solution to this issue to Taurus;

  • to impose on everyone duties available to the appropriate nature.

A different approach to doing business can ruin a profitable business, but if everything is organized and calculated correctly, then the Taurus-Gemini business tandem is a very promising and promising project.

Major conflicts

In the love, friendship and business relationship of Taurus and Gemini it is possible to identify common features and conflicts that will not lead this union to anything good.

  • According to the calendar, these two signs are neighbors who are quarrelsome with each other, and sometimes envy. Taurus is often envious, he sees how easily Gemini wins the hearts of others.

Taurus bites their elbows, looking at the popularity of Gemini.

  • Gemini is bored to be around Taurus, they rarely have common topics of conversation. And if Taurus can still tolerate silent interlocutors, then a person born under the sign of Gemini will better find himself a more talkative company.

  • The ideas and thoughts that the versatile representative of the Gemini sign gives out often seem unreal, frivolous, and sometimes frankly ridiculous to a rational Taurus, which he constantly reminds the interlocutor of, putting him in an awkward position.

  • Perseverance and some tediousness of Taurus can infuriate Gemini, who, in moments of an explosion of emotions, will say not the most pleasant things about Taurus. The same, in turn, will remain the same indifferent in appearance, but in his soul he will remember the insult and will try to reduce communication with this unrestrained person to a minimum.

  • Taurus doesn't like surprises. A curious representative of the Gemini sign is trying to stir up the emotionless Taurus, trying to plant surprises, which again leads to conflict.

  • In communication, these two signs can lie to each other, but at the same time, each of them does not trust the partner's words in advance. Taurus is very perceptive and difficult to deceive, Gemini knows about the cunning and extravagance of Taurus, and therefore the words of the earth sign also do not inspire confidence.

Thus, the union of the signs Taurus and Gemini cannot be called successful. The assessment of this pair is a weak three. These are radically opposite signs, having completely different outlooks on life, manifested both in family and love relationships, and in workers. Nevertheless, it is impossible to call the union completely hopeless, and breaking off relations with the chosen one, having learned about the opposite of the signs of the zodiac, would be a big mistake. Any relationship is a constant work on oneself. And if Taurus and Gemini adhere to this rule, then they will succeed.If a common goal appears in their life together, for example, having children, buying real estate or a common business, then their marriage can become a model for family relationships.

Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko will talk about the compatibility of Taurus and Gemini in the next video.

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