
Taurus-Dragon woman: personality characteristics and horoscope

Taurus-Dragon woman: personality characteristics and horoscope
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Love and marriage
  3. Career and finance
  4. Compatibility and recommendations

The Taurus-Dragon woman is an extraordinary personality with a strong character and unique charm. All these qualities help her firmly and confidently move towards her intended goal. In the article, we will consider what else the characteristic of her horoscope tells about, what are her strengths, and what is the compatibility with other signs of the zodiac.


In order to better know a woman born in the year of the Dragon and under the sign of Taurus, you need to study her horoscope as carefully as possible. It could be a structural Chinese horoscope or something else. The main thing is that with its help you can find out the strengths of this woman, as well as her weaknesses.

The main feature of such a girl is her natural charm. She is able to easily charm anyone who will be next to her. After communicating with her, everyone remains deeply impressed. This quality helps her in many areas in her life.

Taurus-Dragon is a woman who is always in search of something interesting and new. She is always ready to learn something, strive to acquire new knowledge and skills. Such women love to change and are always ready for various experiments. This applies not only to appearance, but also to work.

If a woman born in the year of the Dragon realizes that a new promising job awaits her or that she will be better in a new city, then she will quit her old job and move to a new city without much hesitation.

Another feature of her character is that Taurus-Dragon never loses its taste for life. At any age, she is interested in learning something unfamiliar, traveling and so on. This character trait helps her to be always in the spotlight and to be “her own” in any company. With such a woman it is interesting for both children and adults.She can safely ride on the slide with the baby, even if she is already over sixty. This quality makes this woman special and spontaneous.

It is safe to say that a woman born under the sign of Taurus and in the year of the Dragon is a real optimist. Whatever happens in life, no matter what difficulties fate confronts, she never despairs and looks at everything through the prism of optimism. By the way, these girls and women are great at convincing others that everything will be fine, charging everyone around with their inexhaustible optimism.

It is always easy to find a common language with such a woman, since she is always kind, generous and very good-natured. But there is one drawback in Taurus-Dragon - it's inconsistency. Sometimes, despite all these positive qualities that are so attractive to those around her, she can be rude and even somewhere arrogant. If this woman gets angry with something or someone, then at this moment it is better to stay away and not get caught in her eyes, otherwise you will radically change your opinion about her.

Despite the fact that it is easy to piss her off, and she is very scary in anger, the Dragon-Taurus has another plus - these women are very quick-witted. She very quickly forgets offenses, stops getting angry and literally in a matter of minutes is ready to be kind, sociable and affectionate again.

Love and marriage

In love, as in ordinary life, these women can be completely unpredictable. Thanks to their natural charm, these women never experience a lack of attention from the male sex. Even in their school years, they are always surrounded by fans who are ready to do anything in order for the Dragon-Taurus lady to pay attention to them.

This girl is always in the center of attention of men, wherever she goes. Of course, other girls don't always like this and often makes them feel envious. But the one born under the sign of Taurus simply does not pay attention to such trifles. The girl bathes in universal male attention, gladly accepts gifts, bouquets and compliments. It is worth noting the fact that with all this, it is not so easy to win her heart. This woman does not tolerate platitudes, so it will be difficult for a man to win her attention with a simple trip to a restaurant and a banal bouquet.

Of course, she will gladly agree to dinner, accept a bouquet and a gift, but you shouldn't even think about continuing.

To win the heart of the Taurus Dragon, you need to look for non-standard approaches to it. If you are one of those men who know how to surprise, are ready to arrange unusual dates and look after for a long time, then in the end such a woman will be yours. After she reciprocates you, it is worth remembering that in a relationship with such a lady you will have to constantly adjust to her. Adapt to her character, lifestyle, and so on. Otherwise, she will very quickly get tired of being around that man who does not fulfill all her whims.

But if the Dragon-Taurus lady herself falls in love, then it will be a completely different woman. Then she becomes affectionate, flexible, gentle and very trusting. In a state of love, this woman is ready to do anything for the sake of her chosen one. This is often used by scammers and gigolos, leaving the lady in love alone and without money. Taurus-Dragon, experiencing such feelings, rarely thinks about the consequences and has absolutely no control over himself.

It is important to remember that it is very important for this woman that the relationship is built on full trust. In relationships and marriage, she tries to be honest in everything and demands this in return from her partner. If, in response to her sincerity and kindness, the Taurus-Dragon woman does not feel reciprocity, she will be deeply disappointed in her chosen one and abruptly end all relationships. It is worth remembering that such a woman will never forgive betrayal.

Many men naively assume that after marriage and after the birth of a child, Taurus-Dragon will become different. Many believe that motherhood will awaken tender feelings in her, and she will become less demanding of others. But actually it is not. Of course, having a baby has a positive effect on her and she really will be a caring and loving mother. But this will not affect her relationship with her husband in any way. She will continue to demand complete trust and reciprocity in everything.

Career and finance

Thanks to her sociability, charm and analytical mind, the Dragon-Taurus woman will be able to achieve great success in her chosen field. This woman always knows how to clearly set a goal for herself and knows exactly how to behave, what to work on and in what direction in order to achieve her goal. She is a real strategist who always has a clear plan of action.

Such a woman always achieves her goals. It rarely happens that something starts to go not according to her plan. She knows how to calculate everything several steps ahead, thanks to which she confidently moves up the career ladder, leaving behind all her colleagues.

Sometimes stubbornness can hinder them. But if you give her weighty arguments, correctly explain that she is wrong, then Taurus-Dragon will easily change his mind and change tactics in work. But at the same time, it is important to note that it is very difficult to convince her, since she is always confident that she is right.

Since such women are natural born leaders, they never experience problems and difficulties with finances. Whatever field of activity Taurus-Dragon chooses, she will achieve success and will always live in abundance.

As an employee, this woman is distinguished by her diligence and honesty. The bosses love and appreciate these workers. And for colleagues, she is the best friend, advisor and helper. She is rarely envied by her colleagues, probably because she is always ready to help and does it completely disinterestedly.

In the event that this woman achieves great heights and occupies a leadership position, she does not change her principles. She is a hardworking and fair leader. The Taurus Dragon will never allow its workers to work half-heartedly. They are always used to keeping everything under control.

Compatibility and recommendations

In order for a Taurus-Dragon woman, who is very confident in herself and her charm, to build harmonious relationships, she should pay attention to men born in the year of the Monkey or Rat. It is worth mentioning that men born in the year of the Rat are strong and cunning personalities. It is such a life partner that will be able to give the Dragon-Taurus everything that she dreams of. He can easily adapt to her character, and next to such a man, the Dragon can show weakness. But a partner born in the year of the Monkey can make this woman truly happy. Such men always know how to find an approach to women. We can safely say that they feel and understand the female soul.

There are great chances to build a harmonious relationship with a man who was born in the year of the Snake. But there is one obstacle. Such men themselves often require a lot of attention to themselves, which may not please the Dragon born under the sign of Taurus. A good relationship can develop with a partner who was born in the year of the Dragon. But only if the man is much older than her.

He will already be more experienced and wise, and he will definitely be able to give everything that the Dragon-Taurus woman so dreams of.

It is categorically not worth building a relationship with a man born in the year of the Ox. The stubborn Taurus and the same stubborn Ox cannot exist next to each other.

To make it easy to achieve your goals in this life, astrologers recommend Taurus born in the year of the Dragon to reduce their stubbornness as much as possible. If you want to be happy in your personal life, then you should not so actively strive for power and lead your other half. Men don't like being told what to do.They love soft and docile women, and Taurus-Dragon, if desired, may well be white and fluffy.

You will learn more about Taurus women in the following video.

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