Thematic gifts

Memorable Gift Ideas for Former Employees

Memorable Gift Ideas for Former Employees
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Personal presents
  3. If the manager leaves
  4. Due to retirement
  5. Memorable gifts for colleagues

Working in a team, people often become not only colleagues, but also friends. They even know personal things about each other, and the dismissal of one of the employees often becomes a real loss for colleagues. Regardless of the reason for the departure of the employee, the team in most cases wants to cheer up their colleague by presenting him with a memorable gift. This can be either a general present or various souvenirs from each colleague. The main thing is that the farewell gift is made from the bottom of the heart and reminds of the best moments spent in a friendly team.


Leaving your usual place of work can be dictated by a variety of conditions. Let's consider the most common reasons for dismissal.

  • Personal factors. This includes everything related to the circumstances of the employee's life. For example, a wedding, a move, the upcoming birth of a child, health conditions, and other situations that are not related to the work environment and policies of a particular company. It happens that a resigning employee himself gives his colleagues memorable gifts from himself.
  • Dismissal by the boss. The most stressful option of leaving, it is associated either with the fact that the employee did not cope with the duties assigned to him, or he had an insoluble conflict with the manager. In this case, dismissal from work takes place rather in a negative way, and the task of the team is to support a colleague, to smooth out the overall impression of this situation.
  • Job change. Often an employee leaves the previous job when he finds something more suitable and corresponding to his needs.For example, a new job is closer to home or provides better working conditions. And the most common argument is that wages are higher in the new firm. But even leaving on their own is stressful, because the usual collective changes. Therefore, it is so important to say goodbye to a colleague with dignity, giving him something as a keepsake.
  • Retirement. This argument is weighty both for the quitting employee and for the entire team. Therefore, in this case, a memorable gift for a colleague should be solid, reflecting the long-term contribution that the employee has made to this company.

When choosing a gift from the team, it is important to build on the reason for leaving. For example, upon dismissal due to an insoluble conflict with the boss, the ceremonial farewell will be inappropriate.

But words of support and souvenirs will come in handy. Going on a well-deserved retirement vacation already presupposes a celebration of merits and a general solid gift. The main thing is that the resigning person remembers his colleagues with warmth and joy.

Personal presents

If a colleague has time to become a comrade for employees, then you can present him with an individual gift for parting. It all depends on the gender and age of the colleague.

Upon dismissal, a young girl can be presented with:

  • accessories for your phone - from a fashionable case to headphones;
  • cosmetic bag, mirror, beautiful wallet;
  • jewelry or a certificate for the purchase of perfume;
  • selfie stick.

A young man will come in handy:

  • car accessories (if he drives a car) - from a key fob to a navigator;
  • Cool gifts, such as a runaway alarm clock or a jar with inviolable socks
  • computer accessories - from a memory card to a wireless mouse;
  • mug with a funny inscription;
  • vape accessories (for the smoker);
  • a certificate for visiting a go-kart or shooting range.

A woman will be delighted to receive the following lovely and useful gifts.

  • Fruit basket. You can put not only fruits there, but also sweets. It is harmonious to add a bouquet of flowers to this simple but pleasant gift.
  • Textile accessories: napkins, tablecloth, towels, blankets. These are always necessary things in everyday life.
  • Interior items: vases, paintings, clocks. Such a present will be appropriate from an employee who was visiting a colleague and knows that it will harmoniously fit into the interior.

Men will be happy to make funny and at the same time useful presentations: you can give an umbrella, business card holder, computer accessories, mugs, T-shirts with a funny inscription.

To make the present even more personal and friendly, you can place a commemorative inscription on the gift, make an engraving, or add shared photographs (for example, print them on a mug).

If the manager leaves

It so happens that the boss leaves the team for one reason or another. For example, he moves to another department in connection with a promotion, retires or leaves for personal, family reasons. If the team has a warm relationship with the leader, then a memorable gift will be an excellent consolidation of long-term friendship. The present in this case should express the respect of the employees and emphasize the status of the boss. Let's consider the most relevant options.

  • Expensive alcohol. For a man, it is better to buy a strong alcoholic drink, for example, whiskey, for a woman, collection wine, liqueur is suitable.
  • Leather items. Such gifts always look solid - from a leather wallet or purse to a briefcase or even a comfortable leather armchair. It all depends on the budget and personal preferences of the manager.
  • Items with personalized engraving. No boss will give up a watch, pen, or diary with his name on it. Such a gift can be considered classic and solid.
  • An excellent souvenir will be certificate to the SPA-salon, sauna, to a concert or a football match.
  • If employees know the hobbies of their boss, then an interesting solution would be to present a gift, related to his hobby. For example, you can donate a set of computer games or even virtual reality glasses, a chessboard or a sewing machine.

Such gifts will surely please the boss, and he will warmly remember his former subordinates.

Due to retirement

When a colleague retires, it means he can devote himself to household, family and hobbies. The team must present a colleague with a solid gift appropriate to the occasion.

  • Hostess it is better to choose a cookbook with recipes that has a section for your own notes. You can also delight her with kitchen utensils, such as baking dishes or oven mitts. If your budget allows, you can even purchase a food processor, toaster, juicer, or meat grinder.
  • For the needlewoman a book with a knitting kit (knitting needles, crochet hooks) is suitable.
  • If a retired woman has indoor plants at home, then you can give her care products. Or choose a beautiful living flower.
  • The samovar will become an original present for an employee who has a large family. What could be more comfortable than drinking delicious tea from a beautiful expensive samovar with your children and grandchildren!
  • If the employee has not yet decided on retirement classes, then the team can give her ideas, for example, by presenting, for example, a subscription to cooking or artistic modeling courses. The main thing is to try something new, and this is the only way to find yourself an interesting occupation.

For a man who is about to retire, the following gifts are suitable.

  • Fisherman I will like fishing accessories such as fishing rods, special suit, backpack, bite alarms, ice fishing kits. If the budget allows, then you can even donate a boat.
  • For summer residents garden tools, such as decorative fountains, an artificial pond, or plaster figures are suitable. An excellent gift will be a hammock (even a double one), only you need to choose from handmade models, with which there will be no problems during installation. So a colleague will be able to relax in his garden, rest, and even sleep during a break between summer cottages. If the budget allows, then you can even please a retired colleague with a garden swing. The main thing is that the material is of high quality, otherwise there is a risk of injury. The inner child of a former employee will jump with delight at such a gift.
  • For those who prefer intellectual relaxation, you can present board games - from chess to backgammon or dominoes.
  • Not a single connoisseur of high-quality alcohol will refuse a barrel for making homemade wines. Such a gift will not only look solid, but also preserve the taste of the wine.

Memorable gifts for colleagues

It often happens that a resigning person wants to leave gifts from himself to his colleagues in the shop. Several options would be appropriate here.

  • Mugs. This modest and sweet present will never lose its relevance. You can print the names of employees or their photographs on the circles, or you can pick up dishes with symbolic inscriptions or pictures that are suitable individually for each member of the team.
  • Stationery. It is always a necessary gift for any company. In addition, the stores now have a huge selection of various pens or notebooks with interesting designs.
  • Antistress coloring pages. The right thing at work. They are sold in bookstores. You can accompany these gifts with some kind of memorable inscriptions for each employee.
  • Another option is to organize a farewell reception with former colleagues. Set the table and have a good time chatting.

Regardless of whether the gift from the team is expensive or it turns out to be cute souvenirs, in any case it will become a dear token of attention for the leaving employee.

He will feel like an important member of the team and will retain in his memory all the best moments spent together with now former colleagues.

To learn how to make a gift with your own hands, see the video below.

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