Thematic gifts

Gifts for doctors: what to choose and how to present?

Gifts for doctors: what to choose and how to present?
  1. Best options
  2. Selection recommendations
  3. What is better not to give?
  4. How to present a present correctly?

When you are seriously ill, the world around you becomes gloomy and joyless, and the person who returned hope to you is perceived as one of the closest and kindest. It is not surprising that many patients consider it necessary to at least symbolically thank their doctor, especially if there is a direct reason for this - for example, a birthday or New Year's. This is not so difficult to do, you just need to approach the choice of a gift correctly.

Best options

A gift to the doctor as a token of gratitude for the treatment is certainly a pleasant thing, but through simple inferences one can come to the conclusion that most patients do not have unique ideas. As a result, at the doctor's house a huge number of similar, and therefore useless, gifts can be collected, while each cured person, giving a gift, wants to show his best side. Consider what can be given to a physician so that it really comes in handy.


If you don't know at all what you can give the doctor, start with the most banal - with flowers. The good thing about this gift is that it can be renewed indefinitely, and you don't have to be original. It is believed that women will be more happy with a bouquet, but in fact, many male doctors also love such gifts, especially since many of them are married. Another thing is that a bouquet is usually not considered the main gift, but usually comes as an addition to something else. The optimal choice is roses in the amount of at least 5 pieces, without any extraneous decorations and necessarily without thorns, because it is extremely important for a doctor to have "whole" hands and not expose himself to unnecessary risk of infection.

Another good option is this is a wicker basket with a grocery set... Most often it is filled with fruits, and this approach is always justified, because they contain a lot of vitamins, and this is the health of a physician. We have already mentioned good coffee or tea, if you are handing something like this, present at the same time a mug with a suitable print.

If you want to present the doctor with a more original gastronomic gift, please him with expensive cheeses or smoked sausages, gourmets can also be presented with a set of spices.

Many patients believe that small household appliances are a good gift for a doctor. Indeed, with the help of the same microwave oven and electric kettle, you can normally have a snack during the night shift at work, but here it should be borne in mind that something similar already exists in the department. For this reason, it is better to hand not the technique itself, but a certificate of purchase for a specified amount in the respective store.

Who knows, perhaps, grateful patients literally flooded the specialist with teapots, but he actually needs an ordinary flash drive, which no one thought to give.

Tickets for any cultural event also look like a pretty good solution, since they will help the doctor unwind and take a little break from the annoying routine. Here, however, you need to understand that the schedule of such a specialist is very complex and scheduled for many days in advance, therefore it is usually advised to hand over such gifts with a date until which there is still at least two weeks. This is the only way to hope that the doctor will be able to organize the workflow with the remaining "window" for attending the event.

In the end, you need to rest and unwind not only on major holidays, but also every day, after returning home from work after a hard day at work. For this reason, any presents whose task is to provide comfort and coziness. For a home atmosphere, sconces with diffused light can be very useful; a small artificial fountain can also be a wonderful home souvenir. Sometimes even the busiest doctors have a day off, so some kind of outdoor recreation kit will not be superfluous.


Whatever one may say, gifts to the doctor from patients are repeated even very often. With all the originality of the latter, over several decades of practice, any popular option passes through the hands of a good doctor many times, because some patients do everything to still be unique in their choice of presentation. This approach to gifting doctors is highly appreciated by specialists, therefore, we will consider what unbroken options have a right to exist.

For a pediatrician, a good gift can be drawing of a cured child - it doesn't even cost money, but it shows the attitude of a little man. Here, of course, it all depends on the personality of the doctor - not all pediatricians are madly in love with their work, some children, without being patients, are completely indifferent, but if the doctor still does not doubt the correctness of his choice of his profession, then such a present should be his. touch.

Some doctors of this direction in their offices arrange whole exhibitions of donated children's drawings, and this, by the way, helps newly arrived patients to relax and feel in safe and good hands.

As we already understood, a thing made with our own hands, in any case, claims to be unique, and although it may not cost as much as a purchased brand one, it clearly demonstrates the gratitude of a cured person.

In recent years, have gained great popularity hand-made goods and gifts, that is, handmade... If you yourself can build some such decoration, and even see that the attending doctor is not against the use of such accessories, you can try to thank the specialist in this way.In principle, a craft can be of any nature and purpose, as long as it has a certain aesthetic or practical value.

The only personal product that you should not give is soap, because even in your own hand, it can seem like a hint of an unpleasant smell from the person being gifted.

Souvenir decorations for the workplace are good because they help to dispel the formal atmosphere of the office a little. In a typical hospital, the emphasis is on practical things that may be needed for examining or treating a patient, but this is a little scary and does not allow you to relax, and, as you know, most offices do not smell of comfort. The owner of the office himself is hardly very happy about this, it is just that there is always not enough money, then time to do this thoroughly.

By presenting a craft made of wood, stone or amber, you will allow everyone who is in this office to feel in an atmosphere a little more like home.

On the eve of the New Year, gifts are very much appreciated, not only consisting of typically "New Year" things, but also having the appropriate design. In this context, the original solution looks like presentation of a symbolic "pineapple", constructed from a bottle of champagne, pasted over with sweets. Even if the doctor himself fundamentally does not consume alcohol and does not eat sweets, such creativity will ensure the New Year's mood, and the products from which the composition is constructed can be treated to loved ones.

Like representatives of any other profession, doctors have their own holiday - Day of the medic... This date can also be marked by the presentation of a gift, especially since most patients ignore it out of ignorance. Here the choice of gifts is quite impressive - you can present a book about the great doctors in the history of mankind or a collection of their aphorisms, as well as give a certificate for the purchase of medical clothing. As an option, even souvenir soft toys are presented, dressed in a well-recognized white medical gown.

Selection recommendations

When deciding on gifts for doctors, please note that they are selected depending on the gender and specialization of the doctor.

The rules for choosing a present for a man are quite simple: focus on useful things with a positive message, avoid overused and overly personal options. At the same time, the same alcohol and candy are considered extremely well-worn options, but sometimes they are still justified. So, even a conscientious doctor sometimes will not refuse a couple of sips of an expensive and high-quality drink, and sweets, in addition to the main gift, will never be superfluous if the doctor has children.

The head physician can be gifted expensive and stylish ballpoint pen. Even today, filling out documents by hand is an important daily activity for doctors, so at least it should be done with the help of valuable and high-quality accessories.

Do not think that you will offend a doctor with a too cheap souvenir - the same famous "Parkers" can cost up to 20 thousand rubles apiece!

Qualified specialists from private clinics usually earn good money and drive their own cars, so a traumatologist or surgeon can be given some accessory for the car. In advance, however, you can't guess what exactly it lacks, but an example is an ionizer.

The rest of the examples are a little more trivial, but useful too. So, diary will help you not to get confused in your own schedule, and name folder will allow you to keep documents in order. Leather wallet will be a good gift for any man, and if the doctor smokes, it will do and cigarette case... Finally, as a souvenir, you can give some unusual keychain.

If the doctor is a woman, the emphasis is often placed on the fact that she always remains beautiful and attractive. Upon discharge from the hospital, the leading gynecologist can be given a set of cosmetic or aromatic oils - this is not cosmetics, which everyone chooses on their own, but only health-improving components, which are fundamentally important for the preservation of beauty.

Flowers are given to doctors regardless of their gender, but for a female specialist, a vase in combination with a bouquet will be a good present. If you are not too lazy to choose a stylish option, then such a gift will come in handy both at home and in the office, because for sure you are not the last person who gives flowers to this doctor.

It's no secret that doctors and nurses are very fond of tea drinking, so it makes sense to hand them sets for a pleasant pastime in a team. Naturally, the gift will look much more holistic if you add the rest of the essentials in the form of tea or coffee themselves.

Please note that these products must be natural - doctors are well aware of the essence and dangers of instant coffee and tea bags.

In addition to all of the above, it is for women that they will be especially valuable gift certificates to beauty salons and other typical ladies' establishments.

What is better not to give?

There are certain options for gifts to the attending physician that are unlikely to be accepted with great enthusiasm. Let's start, for example, with a simple example - by giving a really expensive gift from the heart, you show your positive attitude towards the doctor, but you can violate the ethical rules of the hospital and create unnecessary risks to the doctor's reputation.

In the same way, sometimes it is even too banal and unreasonable to give medical supplies to a doctor - most likely, a professional already has them. You can argue that a fallback will not hurt, but you do not know - suddenly the doctor is given this every day. Finally, if this is some kind of purely professional tool, you, not being a specialist, can pick up a completely stupid sample.

Sometimes you can come across a point of view according to which doctors are often superstitious people. For this reason, they should not be gifted with piercing or cutting objects that could be associated with a risk of injury. Clocks, mirrors and candles can also cause associations with phenomena that are undesirable for the doctor.

Finally, like any other person, you should not give your doctor items from the general “stop-list”. So, various washing or fragrance accessories can be perceived as a hint of an unpleasant smell from the person being gifted. Shaving accessories are not accepted as gifts, since they should always be an individual choice of a person. They also do not give too intimate things, be it underwear, socks or a supposedly harmless handkerchief.

How to present a present correctly?

There are unspoken rules for how to give gifts to doctors. Since a present, even if it is given on the occasion of a birthday, can be regarded by ill-wishers as a bribe, it must necessarily look like a gift. For this reason, it is always packed in a beautiful bag or wrapped in wrapping paper, envelopes are used for tickets to various events or certificates. So that the doctor himself does not think that you are giving a gift simply because it is "so accepted", do not forget to attach a postcard to it, in which you sincerely express your own gratitude. Bouquets are usually presented to doctors unfolded, without a wrapper.

If the treatment took place in a hospital, and there is no other reason for a gift other than recovery, it is reasonable to give a present at the time of discharge. Some patients are embarrassed to give anything in front of other doctors, but they usually understand the situation, and when they see meaningful packages, they themselves leave. As a last resort, a visitor's room could be a privacy option.

At the same time, during the morning or evening rounds, the specialist is unlikely to find at least a minute of time even for pleasant events, therefore it is best to present gifts towards the end of the working day,when the physician has no special responsibilities today.

If the treatment took place on an outpatient basis, then it is most reasonable to give gifts in the office. Please note that the doctor's direct assistant during the entire treatment was a nurse, who will certainly be present at this moment. It would be ugly to ignore her participation, because at least a box of chocolates can be handed over to her.

Finally, there are a couple of situations to avoid. For example, if a gift is given as if from a child, it only seems cute from the outside - in fact, many children do not have a sense of tact and can easily embarrass the doctor. To prevent this from happening, adults give a present on behalf of the baby. In addition, from a medical point of view, it is considered very ugly to leave a gift in the staff room - if you have already decided to give something, hand the package personally, from hand to hand.

For information on how to make a gift to a doctor with your own hands, see the next video.

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