Thematic gifts

How to make an original gift from diapers?

How to make an original gift from diapers?
  1. Basic nuances and rules of work
  2. Cake Present
  3. Other options

The birth of a child for most families is the main and, perhaps, the most pleasant event in life. It is not surprising that relatives and close friends wish to congratulate new parents. An original and non-standard gift, which will bring not only surprise and positive emotions, but also benefit, is a present made with your own hands from diapers, which will later be used as intended by a new family member.

Many may be surprised, but it is really possible to make a lot of interesting and unusual gift constructions from diapers.

Not everyone knows how to make an original gift from diapers, therefore, the article will describe the main methods for accomplishing this task as soon as possible and with an available list of necessary materials.

Basic nuances and rules of work

First you need to decide on the diaper company and its size. It is advisable to use those that are well suited for babies, and you should buy not only one size, but several, because the baby grows very quickly, and the parameters change with them.

It is also important to use those shades that correspond to the gender of the child, so that the gift looks as beautiful and appropriate as possible. For example, green, blue or beige tones are suitable for boys, while purple, pink, white and neutral beige are used for girls.

During the assembly of the gift, other components may be needed, depending on the chosen shape. These can be baby things (hats, undershirts, socks, anti-scratches and sliders), satin ribbons of various sizes, diapers and even towels for the baby.

They decorate the product according to their own views of beauty, even toys are used.

There are also certain rules that must be followed when assembling an interesting structure for a child.

  • Hands should be clean and the practice area sterile. It is not recommended to turn the diapers inside out, as the inner part has a protective layer and it should not come into contact with anything other than the baby's body.
  • If there are pets in the apartment, then it is better to remove them away from the sterile place and temporarily drive them out of the room. This is done so that there is no wool on the diapers, which can easily cause allergic reactions in a child, not to mention unhygienicity.
  • If additional items made of plastic and fabric are used during assembly, then they must be carefully processed before use (washed with soap or an antiseptic, ironed out). The same happens with special ribbons or laces that will hold the entire structure together.
  • Use only natural and hypoallergenic materials.
  • In order to protect the future product from bacteria, it is advisable to cover the table for work with ordinary cling film.

Cake Present

The most popular and beautiful item that can be made from diapers is cake. It offers a ton of decorating options, yet it looks like a massive and incredibly attractive gift.

First, decide on the number of layers. The gold standard can be called three-layer cakes, which are decorated with children's toys, rattles, wide satin ribbons, and even useful things like scissors, nipples and bottles for newborns around the perimeter.

The easiest way to make a one-tiered diaper cake is cute and adorable. at the same time, it will be quite possible even for those who do something with their own hands for the first time. He will need at least 11 diapers, a beautiful diaper, wide ribbons, hot melt glue, scissors and jewelry (in this case, small booties).

To make such a cake, you must follow certain points.

  1. A roller is made from one diaper, which is fixed with a regular tape. The roller is installed with the base on the table, and the rest of the diapers are placed around it in a circle.
  2. Then they are gradually rolled up around the main roller, and the structure is fixed with a wide tape so that a circle is obtained in the form of an ordinary cake. The base is ready and can be decorated according to personal preference.
  3. You can completely wrap it in a beautiful multi-colored diaper, wrap it with a bright ribbon and tie it with a bow. At the top are small baby booties or a soft toy, which will be a great decoration.

There is another way how you can make a cake like this. To do this, all diapers are twisted with a small roller, and then one is placed in the middle, and the rest around it, thus forming a round base. The base is fixed with a wide tape, on which, afterwards, another thinner one is attached, as a result of which a cake is obtained that is quite similar to the real one.

In this way, you can make several layers, but then you need to make each base slightly smaller than the previous one in order to comply with the necessary parameters.

To make three tiers on a cake, you will need at least 80-85 diapers, ribbons of different widths, a round base made of cardboard from paper towels (you can make it yourself), cardboard, threads, beautiful fabric or paper in the color of diapers, hot melt glue, a couple of pins and items for decoration.

In the absence of a round base from paper towels, you must make it yourself. Thick cardboard is suitable for this. It is rolled up into a small narrow tube and glued together as long as the future cake should be. Next, the tube must be pasted over with a beautiful cloth or paper along its entire length to give it an aesthetic appearance.

After that, the base for the cake is prepared from the same cardboard. For this, a circle of such a diameter is simply cut out, which one would like to see in the future the first layer of the future product. It is desirable to glue the cardboard, like the tube, with a cloth or paper to match the diapers.

When these stages are over, you can safely start assembling the cake. To do this, each diaper is rolled up with a small roller and fixed with threads, after which the tube is glued to the base in the middle. Already, diaper rollers are gradually attached to it in a circle so that they fill the entire base in several circles.

For the second tier, the base is no longer required. The rollers are installed on top of the first layer and attached around the tube in the same way, after which the third layer is fixed. Each layer is wrapped in a wide band that will hold all the diapers together while also giving the product more attractiveness. On top of it, you can fix another tape, but narrower, which will add multilayerness. In addition to the tape, you can also use baby diapers, on top of which the tape is already attached. The cake is almost ready, but it requires decorations from various children's items, toys and ribbons.

You can attach a soft toy or baby booties to the top layer. This is done using ordinary pins, since then they can be easily removed and at the same time do not spoil the diapers in any way. A beautiful large bow will also help to decorate the top, which is made of multi-colored ribbons, matching each other in shade, using a glue gun.

It is desirable to decorate not only the top, but also each tier of the product. Small bows made of satin ribbons, rattles, nipples and bottles, small soft toys, socks, and hats are perfect for this. It is not difficult to attach them to the product, because they perfectly cling and are held by tapes, which are attached to a wide tape that holds the diapers together.

Other options

Cakes are just a small part of what you can think of from diapers as a gift for new parents. For example, an owl looks beautiful from diapers, diapers and baby socks.

For work you will need: 40 diapers, cardboard, cloth, paper, a diaper, socks, a couple of flowers, elastic bands, a bib, threads, tape and cotton wool.

Start by rolling 20 diapers into a circle. This can be done both in a master class with cakes, and in a slightly different method, when diapers are gradually stacked into the lid from a round box one to one and the result is a round base. With rollers, you get the same good and strong base, so the choice of manufacturing method depends on personal convenience. At the end, everything is secured with elastic bands.

For an owl's face, you need 20 diapers. From 10, one part is made and fixed with an elastic band, and from the remaining 10 - the second part, which is also fixed with an elastic band.

Next, you need to assemble an owl from three components, fastening it all with a diaper, which is located above the head (folded in such a way that a long flat line 10-15 centimeters wide), and its edges hang from the sides, simulating wings.

The diaper is fastened with a tape in the middle of the owl, separating the head and body. It is tied with a bow for beauty, and at the same time, a bib should be placed between the face and the body, which will become the front of the owl, and a small twisted piece of fabric is the future nose. Artificial flowers should be used as eyes, which are fixed with hot melt glue. Additionally, you can decorate the gift with a bow.

Using such techniques, you can make a variety of designs from diapers, and make their design original.

The main thing is to use the ideas proposed in this article and donate them in a non-trivial way.

You can learn how to make a diaper lock cake from the following video.

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