Thematic gifts

What to give for the birth of a girl?

What to give for the birth of a girl?
  1. Selection rules
  2. Original gifts
  3. Useful presents
  4. What can you do with your own hands?

The appearance of a baby in a family is an event that enthralls, causes awe not only among family members, but also among those closest to you. Relatives and friends rarely leave a family unattended: everyone wants to congratulate loved ones on such a happy event. The question is - how to congratulate? What is a gift if, for example, a girl was born in the family?

Selection rules

Is there etiquette in this matter, a set of rules of good form? Rather, it fits into the concepts of the general appropriateness of gifts, politeness, etc. First, you should decide this: you want to give for the birth of a girl what the baby may need right now, or make a beautiful present for the future. Both options are eligible for consideration.

Ahead of further reasoning is the question: maybe ask the parents directly what the child needs? Or rather, what do they themselves need for the good of the newborn? If a daughter was born to a really close person, such a question is appropriate and practical. But, it should be noted, more and more often even young parents prefer surprises.

At the same time, they are insured: for example, they create a vibe chat for all those invited to visit on the occasion of the birth of a baby and tell them what they have already bought.

Fearing that the gift will be duplicated, many decide what to give for the future - this is reasonable. All devices from the series "for the first time" need several months, very often rocking chairs, cradles, development rugs are inherited by young parents from relatives and friends.

Therefore, the algorithm is as follows.

  • If you found out about the birth of a child from a loved one, when the mother and the baby are still in the hospital, it will be useful to send there a small bag of food for the mother and a beautiful greeting card. At this stage, such a sign of attention is enough.
  • When young parents indicated their desire to see you visiting, to get acquainted with a newborn niece (goddaughter, just a daughter of friends), it's time to ask how best to congratulate the family.
  • If your parents shy away from answering, you also have two options for further action. You can cooperate with other invitees, buy a large general gift. If everyone decides together that the best gift is money, that is also not bad. To come to visit with balloons (which will not be in the baby's room, of course), flowers for mom and an envelope is a very good scenario.

A further question is the cost of the gift. There is no one-size-fits-all advice here. Usually, if you go to your sister, brother (close relatives), the amount is larger than if you go to congratulate a friend.

Original gifts

Don't want to give something common, standard? Well, don't, think about a surprise for the newborn. These are what original gifts can be.

  • Jewelry for memory. Of course, this is a gift for the future, it has become original in recent decades. Once upon a time it was quite a traditional action - to present a newborn with a jewelry memorable product. Small gold earrings or a cross (by agreement with the parents), a pendant is more than a worthy gift. By the way, if the mother of the child is a very close person to you, the jewelry can be addressed to her. For example, a pendant on a bracelet or a chain with the word “mother” is a wonderful sign of attention to a young mother.
  • Ballerinas, gymnastic leotards, racket, etc. If a daughter was born to a dancer or an athlete, relatives often try to make the newborn's gift themed. It is touching, symbolic and always causes tears of affection in a young mother. Of course, it can be souvenir ballet flats or a racket.
  • Delivery of birthday shirts. You can agree with a company that makes T-shirts or bodysuits that on a certain day of each month, their delivery will send the mother of a newborn T-shirts with the words "I am 1 month old," "I am 2 months old," etc. And so on - until of the year. This is pleasant, unusual, and very convenient for a photo shoot: after all, in the first year, babies usually take pictures of all her small birthdays. By the way, the idea of ​​delivering T-shirts can be simplified.

Buy clothes in different sizes (so that the gap is up to a year), take them to the printing shop, they will make prints on them. Well, they can be delivered by mail or by couriers.

  • Newbourne photo shoot certificate... Today there are many photographers specializing in photo shoots with newborns. They take pictures of children who are not yet 28 days old, and the pictures are very touching.

Remember that the practicality of the gift is not its main value. It is possible and necessary to give impressions and emotions. This is such a valuable, so quickly passing time that it makes sense to designate it, to celebrate it with unexpected and sentimental gifts.

Useful presents

Not all young parents are in the mood for symbolic gifts: someone wants maximum practicality. Well, there is nothing wrong with that either. The most obvious thing is the gift box. This is a large box (basket, box) in which you put everything that a newborn needs right now: bottles, baby cosmetics, pacifiers, a first-aid kit, etc. It's not a bad idea to put all this in a bath, tie it with a ribbon and so present it. What else can be useful as a gift:

  • sling - the thing is necessary, fashionable, very useful if the mother is determined to take active maternity leave;
  • children's tableware - in six months the baby will need it, plates with suction cups, as well as drinking cups will be very useful;
  • toys - without them it is difficult to imagine the development of a modern child, safe "development" is needed for a baby;
  • clothes - you don't need a lot of it, but how convenient it is when bodysuits, undershirts, overalls, hats lie in stacks in a dresser;
  • linens - even if the parents have already taken care of this, a replacement kit will not be superfluous;
  • playpen - where without it, choose a convenient model;
  • electric swing - but it is worth agreeing on their need with the parents (in the same way, do not buy walkers and jumpers without the parents' opinion about their need).

    A cradle can be very useful, simply invaluable for a mother. This is a cradle on wheels, it is used only until the time when the baby has not learned to sit. You need a cradle for only six months, but how convenient it is for mom to move this crib on wheels around the house, take it to the balcony, etc.

    A useful gift will be baby monitor, and a device for sterilizing bottles, and an infant car seat... If young parents have not yet acquired highchair, give it to them - the gift will definitely be needed and in demand for a long time. Among useful gifts and first bathing circle, and a set of moisture-proof diapers in the crib, and a large supply of diapers.

    What can you do with your own hands?

    If you assume that young parents will appreciate a homemade gift, that's great - a kind memorable thing will remain that evokes pleasant associations. What can you do with your own hands?

    • Box "mother's treasures"... This is a decorated box where the mother will keep the tags from the maternity hospital, the first cut hairs, the first tooth that has fallen out, the baby's first socks, etc. You can arrange the box in different techniques: decoupage, scrapbooking, etc. the most demanded - shabby chic.
    • Album "I am growing". It is more difficult to do this, but if you are good at various graphic and photo editors, then you can completely think over the layout, and professional typographers will print the album for you.
    • Diaper cake... Classics of the genre, of course, but you can also refer to it.
    • Bed linen for baby... You know how to sew, order fabric with the cutest children's pattern and, using samples from the Internet, sew the first bedding set for a girl. Make an interior toy to match a pleasant bonus.
    • Knitted blanket... And if you knit, then the same Internet will offer you a sea of ​​ideas of wonderful blankets for babies - they are irreplaceable on a walk.
    • PHOTOSESSION... If you yourself are strong in photography, invite young parents to make their first photo session with the baby. Then print the best photos, put them in a festive beautiful envelope and give them on the girl's first mini-birthday (or on another day).
    • A set of knitted hats. Today hats tied in the "little gnome" style are very popular. If you knit, then master this simple model. Make several hats - 4-5, different colors.
    • Dummy beads. Also a necessary thing: if a dummy is lost, it is a drama for the whole family. The beads will help the baby to keep the "sedative" with him.

    But first, read the safety precautions - from what you need to make such beads so that the baby cannot be injured by them.

    • Walking bag. You can make your own bag or backpack for mom, where everything that even theoretically can be useful for a walk can easily fit.
    • Knitted octopuses. The gift is relevant for those parents whose baby hastened to be born. Moreover, you can present such a gift without waiting for an invitation to visit (while the child is in the hospital, doctors often ask you to bring knitted toys made of high-quality yarn). Such toys help the child, wake him up so that he does not fall asleep soundly (which is dangerous for premature babies).

      The main thing is to realize that all these chores with gifts for newborns are very pleasant, touching, necessary... Do not forget to highlight the young mother, be sure to give her flowers, this is support, delight, and care in one simple gesture.

      How to make a diaper cake is described in the next video.

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