Thematic gifts

What to give for the birth of a boy?

What to give for the birth of a boy?
  1. Features of choice
  2. Original gifts
  3. Useful things
  4. What can you do with your own hands?

Usually, not only future parents are preparing for the birth of a child, but also their loved ones. Therefore, you should think about choosing a gift in honor of this event in advance. Moreover, the date of birth and discharge is almost always a surprise. Making spontaneous, rash purchases, there is a risk of buying a gift that will not be useful at all or will be inappropriate.

Features of choice

To make out in this difficult matter, it is necessary to take into account several nuances.

  • Before you start looking for a gift, you should ask the opinion of future parents or their loved ones (usually grandmothers are aware of all the nuances).
  • Despite the known gender of the child, you should not buy everything in blue or blue colors. The color of clothes and accessories for a boy can be neutral - white or beige.
  • All congratulations should not be directed only at the toddler. You should definitely prepare a gift for your mom and even your father. You can also find pleasant words for newly-made grandparents.
  • A gift "for growth" is not always appropriate. First of all, it will have to be stored somewhere until it reaches a certain age. And there is no guarantee that it will be needed or the mod will not change.
  • Most of the misses are in clothing. It is difficult to guess the size, and if things are larger than necessary, you may not get into the season when the child grows up to them. In addition, it is not always possible to choose things according to the taste of the parents.
  • Before buying unfamiliar items or brands, you can seek help online. There you can find reviews on almost everything, having studied the opinions of those who have already used it in practice.
  • Be careful when choosing flowers, fruits and sweets, as they may not be suitable for a nursing mother and cause allergies in the baby. Alcohol will be inappropriate.
  • There is no point in organizing a noisy celebration, since the boy is still too young, and his mother needs a rest.

    In addition to choosing and purchasing a gift, you need to know when to present it. This is a rather sensitive question. The closest people strive to congratulate mom and baby as soon as possible. Since not everyone is allowed to the maternity hospital, the bulk of gifts are presented on the day of discharge.

    Those who were not invited to check out, or for some reason missed it, should not come unexpectedly.

    For this to be appropriate, you should wait for an invitation from your parents at a convenient time for them. In this case, it is necessary to behave tactfully - communication with a newborn is possible only with the permission of his mother.

    Original gifts

    Most donors strive to find interesting gifts that will match the uniqueness of the event. For example, among jewelry you can find jewelry specially designed for mums. It can be earrings, a ring or a pendant.

    Bracelets are especially convenient in this regard - you can add pendants to them as the number of children increases.

    On the back, you can engrave with pleasant words or capture the weight and height of a newborn. If there is nothing suitable among the finished products, there are craftsmen who can make any fantasy come true. As a symbol of the fact that a boy was born, it is better to use blue stones in jewelry.

    Another way to make an impression is to pick up an inexpensive but creative gift. To preserve important moments in the growth and development of the child, you can opt for a good photo album. Standard options are for the first year of life. In addition to posting photos, you can make notes about the first successes and achievements in it.

    For the same purpose, newly-made parents are presented with sets with which you can make prints of the pens and legs of their baby.

    To show that you care for your mother, she should be given a certificate for visiting a beauty salon. After all, despite all the deeds, she should not forget about herself. And the services of a massage therapist will help you recover faster and get in shape. Here it is important to agree on who will stay with the child during her absence, or to use the services of a nanny.

    Money can also be presented in an original way. To do this, you need to select the appropriate envelope postcard or put the bills in a small paper stroller. It is better to hide a certificate or money in a bouquet of flowers or baby accessories.

    Useful things

    The most practical gifts are those that can make the work of parents as easy as possible, making caring for the baby easy and comfortable. This is the priority in the first months after birth.

    The most essential items are a cot and a stroller. Usually the parents themselves purchase them in advance. If they are strapped for money, help with such large purchases can be divided among loved ones. For example, between grandparents.

    To make the baby less capricious, while the mother is doing household chores, you can give a chaise longue or electric swing.

    In addition to technical characteristics and additional functions (in the form of melodies and arcs with toys), be sure to pay attention to the maximum possible weight of the child - the more it is, the longer you can use it. The purchase of a car seat or infant car seat is usually handled by a father, uncle or other close relative. Only in a special chair and you need to take your son or nephew home.

    Another group of necessary things includes technical devices - sterilizers, food heater, blender, baby monitor, air humidifier. Their use is optional, since you can use the means at hand. But modern devices greatly simplify life, save time and effort.Therefore, their acquisition is fully justified.

    To make daily procedures with your baby simple and pleasant, you can donate a set of care products.

    You can buy it ready-made or assemble it yourself. Anything can be included here - baby creams, oils, powders, foams and bathing gels. You can add bath toys to the set. In order for the child to develop faster, almost from birth you can use circle for swimming. It is better to leave the right to purchase feeding goods to a sister or grandmother, as this process is quite personal.

    If clothes are chosen as a gift, do not buy too many things of the same size, as babies grow very quickly... Ideally, you can take a couple of hats, romper, bodysuit and socks, and then pack everything nicely.

    Now, almost from birth for a child, you can buy all the items of an adult wardrobe - from jeans and shirts to dresses.

    But the fabric should be natural and soft to the touch, and the cut of things should be as comfortable as possible. At the same time, you can take your time to dress up the baby in tiny adult clothes, but give preference to funny overalls or slip-ons, in which the little one will look even more touching.

    An alternative to clothing can be a beautiful set of bedding, a bathing towel or a blanket. To make it comfortable for the baby to lie on the couch, and then on the floor, you will need a rug. It should be not only soft and pleasant to the touch, but also beautiful. Toys placed on it will induce you to stretch out the handles, turn over and move.

    An irreplaceable gift will be books and magazines on the care and development of a child, which will help to avoid many problems and misunderstandings. Books with children's fairy tales and poems that parents will read will also be useful. Or discs with lullabies, songs and recordings of fairy tales. They will be soothing and develop hearing.

    It can be difficult to make a choice, or there is no way to agree on a gift. In this case, the most useful will be a certificate for a certain amount to a children's store... Parents themselves will choose what they need. Moreover, it can be used for several months.

    What can you do with your own hands?

    You don't have to buy a gift, and it's not even about saving money. After all, everything that is made with one's own hand is unique and filled with warmth. This is why things like this are so much appreciated. If the donor has hidden talents or abilities, you can safely show them.

    Consider what you can do with your own hands for a newborn boy.

    • Plaid (blanket, envelope). To make the baby look especially solemn on discharge, he needs an appropriate outfit. For the summer period, a knitted or crocheted blanket is suitable. In colder weather, you need an envelope with insulation for the weather. For decoration, you can use a bow with an elastic band.

    At first it will be convenient to walk in it, since even the smallest overalls can be large. It will be convenient if the envelope can be transformed into a blanket. It is better to coordinate the style, color and other details with the baby's mother in advance.

    • Children's dowry. You can sew absolutely any item of clothing yourself - from diapers to hats. The advantage of such a gift is the complete absence of doubts about the quality and convenience. In addition, no one has canceled the traditional knitted booties, socks and suits.
    • Bumpers... Nowadays, it is fashionable to make them in the form of pillows, and some of them can be stylized as animals. If the name for the boy has been chosen in advance, it can be embodied in the form of soft volumetric letters.
    • Metrics. This is a special memorable gift, which will capture the most important numbers - the weight and height of the child, as well as the time of his birth. The metric will serve as another decoration for the children's room. There are quite a few options for its implementation.

    It can be ordinary embroidery or beadwork, woodcarving, or even a drawing.

    • Mom's treasury. It can be used to put things reminiscent of a baby - a curl, the first tooth, tags from the maternity hospital, baptismal clothes, the first hat or socks. As a rule, it is made in the form of a box with compartments. The size of the box can be different, as well as its design - decoupage, scrapbooking, and the like.

    If you do not have any creative ability, you should pay attention to other ideas. The husband, calling for help from friends, can make a surprise - to prepare the apartment. First, you should clean it well, and then start decorating. For example, order balls and figures from them. You can hang posters with nice words and congratulations.

    It is better for the relatives to take over the organization of the discharge, freeing the mother from unnecessary troubles. This will be the best gift for her.

    Friends can help in creating a memorable video with the participation of the main character - the baby. Or write down your wishes as a keepsake. In addition to words, congratulations can be backed up with deeds - take the initiative and come to the aid of newly-made parents when needed.

    See below for gift ideas for newborns.

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