Thematic gifts

What to give a traveler?

What to give a traveler?
  1. New Year Gift Ideas
  2. What to give for your birthday?
  3. Top best present
  4. Useful accessories

While traveling, people get new experiences. But this does not mean that others should ignore them. On the contrary, a present, selected taking into account a person's hobby, will only be more attractive.

New Year Gift Ideas

New Year's holidays come almost unexpectedly. December days pass very quickly, and now queues are already lining up in a variety of stores. But it doesn't matter whether you decide to buy a tourist souvenir or something more serious, the main thing is to consider whether the chosen one is suitable for a New Year's gift. Then buy at least on time, at least not on time, the result will be the same - disappointment. Let's see what we can stock up for the travel and hiking enthusiast.

It would hardly be a mistake to think that these are incredibly lively, active people. And therefore, they will definitely be delighted with compact board games. On the train and on the plane, at the airport and at the station, on the intercity bus and at the halt on foot - they will help out everywhere. These entertainments do not require a power supply and can brighten up long hours of inactivity.

It's easy to choose the right game - the range of compact modifications has only been growing in recent years.

On any journey, especially in the middle of the wilderness, the Saber 2.0 Jacket is useful. At one time it was developed for the militants of special services, but soon the advantages were appreciated by the "peaceful" extremals.

For your information: it is appropriate to buy this product only from official suppliers. Too many companies sell counterfeits of varying degrees of legality.

And to maintain the spirit of romance between trips, you can purchase a miniature globe.

An original solution can be a certificate for the study of foreign languages. Especially in the case when it is known exactly which region of the world the traveler most often goes to or his immediate plans are known.

Recommendation: do not purchase certificates for specific dates. It will be like obliging people, putting pressure on them.

The choice of online education or attending certain schools is up to the donor's taste.

Traveling in comfort for modern people is very important... Portable solar panels can be used to recharge electronic devices anywhere. Their advanced versions are attached to regular backpacks. Some versions use a USB portable battery instead of simple batteries.

What to give for your birthday?

Traveler's original gifts are also needed for the anniversary.

A child who goes hiking may like the erasable card.

Both hikers and travelers on various types of transport will love the travel mug. Its design makes it virtually impossible for water to spill.

Regardless of age, an e-book will do.

Important: if you know the particular conservatism of the addressee, you should think about purchasing the most ordinary paper books.

It's no longer about reading something on the road. But general information on tourism, on a specific region of the world or country will be very useful.

What tourists of any profile will definitely not object to is a camera or camcorder.

If you already have such a device, you can always buy:

  • accessories;
  • backup batteries;
  • memory cards.

Even a compass can be an original surprise.... To do this, it is ordered in an individual design - with a special engraving.

For your information: special engraving will help to personalize both flasks and other tourist accessories.

And for those who appreciate listening to music or radio while on a hike, wireless headphones come in handy. The absence of invariably tangled cables is very beneficial.

Glasses can also come in handy for travelers. Depending on where they go, they pick up:

  • polarized sun protection;
  • ski or polar;
  • cycling goggles.

Lovers of everything original and unique, as well as simply connoisseurs of old-fashioned flavor, will surely like canned glasses.

True, there is no practical value in them, it is rather a decorative accessory. But romantics and adventurers alike can enjoy it.

Travel blankets are much more practical. Such a gift is appropriate for those who value leisure in the air, hiking in sparsely populated places.

It doesn't matter if a person travels to comfortable resorts or goes hiking in the forest. In any case, changeable clothes and socks will come in handy. It may seem a little strange, but such a surprise often makes people happy. Of course, you can only present it to close and well-known people, otherwise uncomfortable situations may arise.

      In any hikes and travels, suitcases for cosmetics and hygiene products will come in handy.

      Top best present

      Anyone who loves to travel will definitely need repellent kits. Harmful insects live in any area, regardless of the level of its technical development and infrastructure arrangement. And when hiking in forests, steppes and marshlands, protection from mosquitoes will be very important.

      If a present for a traveler is being selected, then a miniature set of cosmetics becomes an appropriate choice.

      It is much easier and more comfortable to wear than a full-fledged set, and there is not much difference in functionality.

      Those who cannot decide on a gift in any way (for example, do not know thoroughly the tastes of the gifted or doubts about the appropriateness of some kind of presentation), you need to buy a certificate from a specialized store. Then the addressees will be able to choose what is necessary and important for them.

      But one must understand that this can be perceived as a shifting of responsibilities, and it is not recommended to constantly use such a solution. It is better to properly study a particular person, the peculiarities and nuances of travel. In this case, it will turn out to make a perfectly accurate choice.

      Even when traveling to reputable resorts, an electric torch is often needed. Early twilight, an excursion to caves and quarries, a power outage - these are just the main situations when he really helps out. The selection of electric lights is huge. But still it is worth focusing on models that:

      • compact;
      • lightweight;
      • can be recharged by rotating the handle or from a solar panel;
      • give a stable powerful stream of light;
      • have a durable waterproof case.

      Any of these properties will undoubtedly be appreciated in field conditions.

      But all travelers - including respectable, confident men - will love other things as well. Those gifts that are often underestimated, but are really important for travelers, obviously fall into the top of the best. These include the most common cover for a passport or other documents. A well-made cover will protect them from all sorts of accidents, and at the same time it looks very beautiful.

      Relaxing on the beach in hot countries can be much more pleasant if you have an elegant blanket at hand. And to stand out among vacationers, a T-shirt with inscriptions and drawings will come in handy. It should be selected individually.

      A bright, free and easy journey that delivers pleasant emotions, thanks to the waterproof poncho raincoat.

      Important: in places where strong storms and gale winds are likely, a more serious option will come in handy - a raincoat.

      Contrary to popular belief, a backpack is appropriate not only in the taiga or mountains. He helps out great even in tropical resorts. The opportunity to free your hands is very valuable - but it is all the more important to choose an attractive product, and not a dull gray cloth bag with shoulder straps.

      Having spent a little time choosing, it will be possible to please the gifted with an exceptionally useful and pleasant thing. For those traveling by plane, a set of containers for cosmetics and liquids of minimum capacity will be a real happiness.

      It is allowed to take such containers even in hand luggage.

      And another option for a gift for tourists and travelers, which also hits the bull's eye if properly selected, is shoes. True, there are serious limitations - for obvious reasons, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a surprise, and such a present is appropriate only for loved ones.

      The next place in the top is occupied by inflatable resting pillows. With them, you can easily fall asleep even in the most uncomfortable place.

      For travel gift ideas, see the next video.

      Useful accessories

      Even if a person has everything, you can still choose the best accessory or other useful thing. The main thing is to focus on individual travel preferences. Hikers will love the multitool. This device will replace many individual tools and greatly simplify your camping life. Even in the summertime, the ground or stones can be very cold, and in order to sit quietly on them, a pad will come in handy.

      For the tourist driving a car or motorcycle, picnic kits will certainly come in handy. The ability to quickly organize lunch in the most comfortable environment will definitely be appreciated. You will definitely need a navigator with different maps. Automotive tourists will also love the toolbox. Not necessarily universal - a set of wrenches will work too.

      Any traveler, no matter what they do, will need a map of the world. She will, when these people are at home, remind them of pleasant days on the road.For those traveling by rail, by plane or by ship, it is worth giving belts with secret containers for money and documents. It is recommended to take a closer look at digital photo frames. They make it easy to bring your travel memories to life.

      Cookies, gingerbread and other confectionery products with inscriptions and drawings will also be themed gifts. By presenting such a surprise for the holiday, you can please travelers. Both children and adults like it. Undoubtedly useful tags for suitcases. With them, the likelihood of losing luggage on a long journey is noticeably reduced.

      The world map can be applied to a wide variety of objects - curtains and curtains, pillows and blankets, and so on. Looking at them, experienced tourists will involuntarily build the best plans for further trips. You can also give a notebook for notes. Such a device does not depend on electricity and can be used in any situation.

      You can also give especially durable waterproof cards, which will come in handy even in the absence of communication with satellites.

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