
Melancholic: characteristics, pros and cons of temperament

Melancholic: characteristics, pros and cons of temperament
  1. Who is that?
  2. Characteristic
  3. Advantages
  4. disadvantages
  5. Famous people
  6. Advice

Each person has a certain type of temperament, which determines his character traits and behavior in society. The most interesting people are considered melancholic. They are distinguished by sophistication and sophistication, they love beauty, literature, music and poetry. Most of them have high intelligence and different talents.

Who is that?

The type of temperament melancholic was discovered by Hippocrates, in translation from the Greek the definition of "melena hole" means "black bile". People who have a melancholic temperament have this short description: they are too withdrawn, prone to frequent depression, alienated and emotional. Since representatives of this temperament are impressionable, they quickly become anxious and upset. Minor problems and bad luck can easily unsettle them, deeply hurt, and cause sadness. When such signs of upset appear, it is important that close people are close to the melancholic who can not only support him in difficult times, but also know how to empathize.

Despite the fact that the melancholic temperament is characterized by weak features, its owners are impressionable and, thanks to the subtlety of the soul, show themselves well in creativity. To avoid the formation of introversion and develop resistance to adverse circumstances, such people need to learn to control emotional reactions. After that, they can become social individuals and simply cope with any tasks and difficulties. In addition, melancholic people should carefully choose their surroundings and communicate with significant people.


The melancholic character is multifaceted, it can simultaneously combine analyticism, introversion, stubbornness, pedantry and perfectionism. One of the most leading qualities of this psychotype is stubbornness. Thanks to him, a person has his own personal vision and opinion, which he considers ideal and correct. These traits make the melancholic solitary, because with him it is not easy for everyone to follow the same "direction of life." In addition, melancholic people also have such qualities as high intuition and a predisposition to information analysis. It is typical for them to constantly make plans of action, for such people, upbringing and an accurate daily routine are important, therefore they are often referred to as bores.

Representatives of this temperament love to complain, they have constant interests and tastes that never change. It is difficult to communicate with melancholic people, as they practically do not know how to ask directly, but they often begin to "whine". If conflict situations are created, then you can be sure that it is the melancholic who initiates them. He does not tolerate when they try to educate him, he prefers to see everything in the perfect order, which he himself invented. At the same time, the dispute is not considered a way for self-affirmation, the guy or the girl just wants to give their arguments, after which they calm down.

The melancholic lacks such a trait as confirmation of superiority, their self-esteem is underestimatedso they don't consider themselves worthy of thanks or compliments. A melancholic teenager is often an extrovert, he can be described as an introverted person. The nervous system of young people is vulnerable and often stressed, so you should have a special approach to them. A striking quality of melancholic people is perfectionism, thanks to which they do everything in a certain way. Because of this, many difficulties are created for others, since big problems are created from scratch.

An extroverted character is often the cause of depression. If you point out to a melancholic his mistakes, then he quickly becomes upset, loses his peace of mind and begins to consider himself insignificant. A sharp decrease in self-esteem can cause a lethargic state, apathy, and if this is not dealt with, then self-destruction of the individual is possible. People begin to blame themselves for not meeting someone's requirements. Only the recommendations of psychologists can help in such situations.

In addition, the imperfection of others can lead to melancholic disorder. They do not understand how people do not live according to their rules. Therefore, people often have to ask the melancholic for forgiveness even for what they did not do. At the same time, such severity is characteristic only externally, but in fact, inside the representatives of this temperament there is a struggle. They worry about the current situation and are upset that the world around them does not meet their standards.

The character of melancholic people is pedantic, this is due to the fact that it is formed from perfectionism and a tendency to high analysis. Thanks to these traits, people pay close attention to even the smallest details. They do not know how to perceive the general picture of life, for them existence is separate episodes and "puzzles" that cannot be put together. Due to the incomplete acceptance of reality, the melancholic does not see the essence, so in the end result he can expect great disappointment.

As for analyticity, the obsessive desire for detail is a very useful quality of character. The most important thing is that it should be in moderation, otherwise you will get a negative perception of the personality. Since melancholic people often suffer from neuroses caused by regular processing of information, they need to realistically assess the situation and try to see the task not only externally, but also to get to its inner truth. This will increase their self-esteem and reduce the risk of alienation.

Sensitivity and emotionality are also considered the leading character traits, which indicate that the melancholic is at the same time a great inventor, dreamer and romantic. Representatives of this temperament are highly sensitive not only to everything beautiful and beautiful, but also to injustice. Therefore, any wrong attitude towards others can cause resentment in them. This is especially true of rudeness, rudeness and bad manners. In response to them, the melancholic will not show aggression, he may just cry.

Summing up, the following features can be distinguished in melancholic:

  • the desire for loneliness;
  • difficulty in choosing others for friendship and communication;
  • shyness;
  • self-doubt.

In order for such people to restore spiritual harmony and feel needed in life, one should try to channel energy as much as possible into a creative channel. This will help broaden your horizons and not pay attention to the negative aspects of life, noticing only the most beautiful. You also need to reconsider your relationship with people and not try to blame them for all the little things that do not matter.


Representatives of the stronger sex, who have a melancholic character, are distinguished by punctuality and seriousness. They have excellent manners of good behavior, so they can be considered real gentlemen. Such men are always ready to protect their beloved. Since melancholic people are used to making and implementing their plans, making clear calculations, they always stick to the given promises. In addition, such guys are reliable in relationships, and if they meet with a girl, they will never deviate from the intended path.

A melancholic man has a refined nature, because of this, he takes everything to heart and is hard at parting. Therefore, he needs to choose a soul mate that would fully correspond to the organization of his soul. In addition, the girl should be sensitive and notice changes in his mood. This will help reduce pessimism and anxiety in the partner's temperament. It is difficult for such guys to meet girls, they are too shy, so they often remain loners.

Guys of a melancholic type become good musicians, poets, psychologists and artists. In order to achieve something in their careers, they need to learn how to communicate with people, not to close in themselves, but to direct the negative energy, manifested by stress and anxiety, in a creative direction.


Melancholic girls are prone to contemplation and prolonged reflection. They can sit for hours in thought and be inactive. For such ladies, the biggest difficulties in life are disputes and conflicts, because of which they quickly fall into apathy. Melancholic women do not like noisy and large companies, so they will refuse the offer to go to a party and prefer to stay at home. Such girls have few friends, they try to maintain old acquaintances and are reluctant to make new ones.

Representatives of a melancholic temperament are characterized by low self-esteem and are insecure about their feelings. They doubt their attractiveness, are notorious and can often engage in introspection and self-criticism. Many melancholic girls have high vitality. They are active, cheerful, but it takes a lot of energy, which takes a long time to recover.

Melancholic women are considered romantic personalities, so they often "soar in the clouds" and spend a lot of time in fantasy and daydreaming. Her second half can only be romantic, decisive, courageous and noble men. If a girl cannot find her ideal, then she can quickly become upset and forget about the relationship for a long time, remaining lonely.Representatives of this temperament are faithful wives and excellent housewives, they are serious about raising children and marital ties. Just like men, women who are melancholic are at their best in creativity.


Melancholic children are quite kind and quiet, they feel calm surrounded by family and friends who will not offend them. If a child finds himself in an unfamiliar society, he can immediately stop playing and talking, observing everyone with complete disbelief. In their opinion, strangers can hurt or harm them, although in fact there is no reason for this. Melancholic babies are too impressionable, they always listen to adults or older children, so they can become dependent on others.

A child with such a temperament tries to avoid conflict situations and does not argue. He loves to retire and do his favorite thing, because he quickly gets tired of active and noisy peers. Such children should not be blamed or scolded; it is necessary to talk to them calmly and explain the reasons for mistakes. The melancholic does not perceive an increased tone, so you cannot just shout at him.

That the child has correctly formed his personality and was confident, he must be supported and given love in every possible way. Children of this temperament love reading, music, appliqué and painting.


Despite the fact that melancholic people are too emotional and sensitive, this character has its advantages. The emotions of such people are clearly expressed, so even the slightest trifle can please them or bring them to tears. The positive features of this temperament include such moments.

  • Aesthetics. A subtle nature and love for beauty makes men gentlemen, and women - respectable ladies.
  • The ability to anticipate difficulties. Constant anxiety and fear throw the melancholic off balance, but this helps them to avoid trouble in advance.
  • Propensity for serious relationships. Representatives of this psychotype carefully choose their environment, so their circle of communication is limited. If a partner has earned trust, then the connection with him will be strong and long. Melancholic people are the most loyal and reliable friends, they are constant in keeping promises.


Melancholic people require frequent rest, as they quickly get tired. During such pauses, they are in thought and find interesting ideas for new projects. Such people have a pure soul, are harmless, but there are also disadvantages in their character.

  • Closure. Bustle and noisy companies tire melancholic people, so they prefer to be in splendid isolation. In addition, it is difficult for these people to reveal and express their feelings.
  • Increased anxiety. Since the owners of such a temperament do not consider themselves heroes, they have to constantly fear and fear that this or that situation will end badly.
  • Pessimism. Such people are not born pessimists, they later become due to frequent encounters with life difficulties. Therefore, in adulthood, men and women begin to "whine" and complain about their fate. Despair is considered a prominent feature of the melancholic.
  • Instability to stress. An emotional outburst awaits melancholic people at almost every step, so even a small nuisance is experienced by them as a big shock. Such people recover painfully and takes a long time. Stress inhibits their activity and hinders self-realization. Due to the constant readiness for troubles, melancholic people do not notice the colors of life.

Famous people

Melancholic people are considered creative individuals, which is why such celebrities are often found in the world of music, poetry and painting. For example, Sergei Yesenin, a famous Russian poet. He had a subtle nature and lyrically described not only nature, but also sounds and smells.American computer innovator and businessman Bill Gates is also a representative of this temperament. Despite the negative traits of melancholy, he became one of the richest people on the planet.

You can also distinguish among melancholic and such famous personalities as Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Maxim Galkin. This list is supplemented not only by musicians, but also by actors (Marina Savina, Denis Diderot). Therefore, it cannot be said that this type of character is good or bad. For each person, it is formed by living conditions, environment and the influence of upbringing.


Melancholic people are classified as introverts, since they are more comfortable in a small team. Big and noisy companies are inconvenient for these people. Therefore, employers should take these nuances into account when recruiting personnel. In addition, professions that require perseverance, monotony and analysis are best suited for melancholic people. This can be music, architecture, design, programming, and performing arts. As for the work related to communication and organization of projects, this is not for them.

Since the traits of the human psychotype can change over the years, the melancholic has a chance to live better: actively express yourself in a relationship and stop being an introverted person. Melancholy is not a reason for despondency, longing and sadness, in order to change their worldview, such people should simply focus on their non-standard abilities and talents. In addition, you need to understand that psychological protection is not only "armor" for the psyche, but also an enemy that can harm a person.

If you constantly "turn on" psychological protection, then you can not notice more important events and lose the chance to achieve success. As a result, a person “breaks down”, becomes attached to only one place and becomes a loser. To prevent this from happening, melancholic people should exclude the manifestation of such psycho-defenses as identification, projection and avoidance. Identification evokes empathy and fear of everything new, projection destroys inner balance and makes a person irresponsible, and avoidance overwhelms a person with heightened sensitivity.

In order for a melancholic to feel like a real person and fully reveal himself, he needs to take into account the following recommendations of psychologists.

  • You do not need to see a large-scale problem in every situation. By protecting yourself from unreasonable anxiety, you will be able to maintain inner peace and continue the action without focusing on weaknesses. Individuals need to remember that they are as useful and fruitful as possible.
  • When setting goals, melancholic people need to engage in reassurance on their own. Increased anxiety and uncertainty in a difficult situation causes a reverse reaction - isolation and vulnerability. Therefore, if there is positive energy and support, then dealing with an unfavorable situation is much easier.
  • You should always believe in your ideas and not wait for arguments or criticism of others. A high level of empathy and sensitivity allows representatives of this type of temperament to be the first to feel the "direction of the wind" and predict the correct design of successful plans in a particular area. Such people are unsure of personal ideas, start to implement them only when they receive universal recognition. If the project has gone unnoticed, then no one will know about it. To prevent this, you must not be silent and boldly promote your ideas, without requiring them to self-incarnate and in-depth substantiation.
  • You can't be a loner in life. If representatives of other temperaments in extreme situations arrange a cry, fuss and "storm", then melancholic people are characterized by an unusual reaction - complete numbness and inhibition. Sometimes such a manifestation can be quite dangerous.For example, instead of ejection, the pilot will simply "freeze in a daze." Therefore, in order to cope with the signs of numbness, the melancholic should undergo special educational trainings that help not only find a way out in difficult situations, but also often save lives.
  • There is no need to be afraid of quick changes in life. The dynamic development of events causes in melancholic people a decrease in activity, despondency, therefore it is difficult for them to overcome difficulties. If you stop being afraid of this and exclude personal insolvency, then you have more chances to cope with the problem. For example, many doctors practice a similar technique when treating patients. They set themselves up positively and recover. In addition, such people should engage in self-support and rely on memories from past successful situations, even if they are insignificant.
  • Developing certain behavioral skills can help you avoid stress. The main cause of depression and psychological exhaustion is considered to be a state of time trouble. At the same time, melancholic people can predict unfavorable situations in advance, so it is easier for them to prepare for work and eliminate problems.
  • You can achieve success in your professional life by increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. There is no need to strive to do everything in the best possible way and criticize your work, as this takes a lot of time and the value of the project is lost. It is important to remember that the most important thing in life is to achieve success. Therefore, if you endlessly adjust your plans, you can harm them and reduce their effectiveness, as a result, such work will not make sense. Any project must be considered ideal and maximally lead to its implementation.

For information on how to recognize a melancholic, see the next video.

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