
Temperamental men: what does this mean and which nationalities are the most temperamental?

Temperamental men: what does this mean and which nationalities are the most temperamental?
  1. Personality features
  2. Sex life
  3. The most emotional nationalities
  4. How to determine a man's temperament?

A person who is characterized by an active life position and bright facial expressions and gestures is called temperamental. He has an impulsive and life-affirming character and wants to be the first in everything and always. Having chosen such a man as a partner, a woman should be ready for submission, since a lover with a hot temperament will be the undisputed leader in the relationship.

Personality features

Temperament is the individual properties of the psyche, characterized by human behavior. As a rule, its main features are inherent in a person from birth, but the environment can correct some of the features.

A temperamental man is a leader who, in any situation, is ready to take responsibility for those close to him and solve all problems. His opinion is considered authoritative and cannot be questioned. This impulsive person knows how to quickly analyze the situation in order to find the only correct solution.

A temperamental man does not like to sit in one place, and therefore is always in motion. In relations with women, he takes a leading position and always solves common issues on his own. He will never be bored with him, since such a person always has a lot of interesting ideas about spending time together.

As for work, such individuals do not like to obey, and therefore most often occupy leadership positions or work for themselves. They are used to participating in all work issues and actively expressing their opinions.Such people are not used to being in the shadows, and therefore may become enraged if their authority is not recognized.

A temperamental man has wisdom, prudence and tremendous willpower. The ability to restrain their emotions is not inherent in all representatives of this character, but many individuals try to smooth out their impulsivity with age.

A huge disadvantage of this nature is stubbornness, as well as an unwillingness to listen. Men with a bright temperament do not know how to restrain their feelings and always react sharply to insubordination. Protest is expressed in the form of a shout, active gestures and even a threat.

Temperament is not a negative trait, but requires constant monitoring of your own reactions. This means that a representative of this nature must study a lot in order to have sufficient knowledge, as well as be able to control himself in order to achieve an authoritative position.

Sex life

For a temperamental man, sex is an important part of a love relationship. The brighter his temperament, the more he will demand from his partner. Such a person is constantly looking for new sensations and can be rude and even cruel in bed. Therefore, as a companion, he will look for an emotional and liberated woman who is not afraid of experiments.

As a rule, men with a choleric or sanguine personality type have a temperamental character. This is due to the fact that these psychotypes are sociable and attractive, while phlegmatic and melancholic people prefer to remain in the shadows.

Sexual relationships in a temperamental man are always associated with passion. Such a person has a charismatic nature, and therefore knows how to attract the opposite sex to himself. Rarely is such an individual left alone. There are always women around him who are ready to succumb to his authority.

The most emotional nationalities

It is believed that a man's temperament is influenced by his origin. Most women who dream of a vibrant sex life are looking for representatives of certain nationalities as companions. These usually include Turks, Italians, Spaniards, Germans and French.

  • Turks - are the most temperamental men. They are distinguished by their sexuality, which has developed due to the combination of oriental mentality and natural temperament. In such partners, women are attracted by the fact that the Turks know how to speak beautifully and always try to extol the lady. Almost no woman can resist their charm and perseverance.
  • Italians - have an impulsive and tireless nature, which makes them attractive to many women. Italians are distinguished by an abundance of body hair, which indicates a high testosterone content. Their temperament is manifested in active gestures, sociability and cheerfulness. In addition, they are not averse to showing the ladies their admiration.
  • Spaniards - have a passionate and romantic character, complemented by temperament. They have attractiveness and sociability, but unlike Italians, they are able to remain faithful to their partner. These are emotional and explosive natures, able to cope even with a very strong opponent.
  • Germans - are distinguished by tirelessness and pedantry. Women appreciate them for their domineering character and ability to give pleasure. The Germans know what their partners expect from them and are always ready to please them. In addition, representatives of this nationality are not afraid of experiments and always express their emotions vividly.
  • French people - they know how to speak beautifully and surround their beloved with attention. Compared to the Turks and Italians, they have a less pronounced temperament, but they are distinguished by a strong character and a sharp mind. The French love to be in the spotlight, are able to convey information to the public, and therefore often enjoy authority.

How to determine a man's temperament?

In order to correctly determine the emotionality of a familiar man, a woman needs to pay attention to some of the features of his behavior. For example, if a person easily makes contact and adapts well to a new environment, then most likely he belongs to the sanguine personality type.

Sanguine is defined by loud and clear speech, accompanied by bright gestures. Their mood often changes, and therefore they can often turn from a sweet interlocutor into an aggressive opponent. In addition, sanguine people do not like monotony and monotony, and therefore are constantly looking for new sensations.

You can understand choleric in a man thanks to his unbalanced behavior. He quickly gets annoyed and shouts. It will not work to argue with such a person, since he will find a lot of arguments in his favor. This type of personality is determined by high conflicts and excessive straightforwardness. It is this psychotype that is most often found in temperamental people.

Impatience and monotony are inherent in phlegmatic people who prefer silence and tranquility. It is almost impossible to see them in the center of events, as they usually take an inconspicuous position. They do not know how to express their emotions and do not differ in clearly expressed gestures and facial expressions.

The melancholic has the lowest temperament. This type is characterized by resentment, secrecy and detachment. Such people do not like a large crowd of people and it is difficult to make new acquaintances. It is easier for them to hide feelings within themselves than to bring their own thoughts to the public.

It is almost impossible to meet the owner of this or that type of temperament in its pure form. Each person combines several types in himself, which allows us to call a large category of people a temperamental man. Even such a combination as "melancholic-sanguine" can be distinguished by bright emotionality and sociability. It's just that such a person will need more privacy than, for example, a "phlegmatic sanguine".

For information on how to determine the ideal man, see the next video.

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