American Pit Bull Terrier: description and content

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a powerful animal with a formidable appearance. But under the harsh appearance is an adequate and intelligent creature that will turn out to be dangerous only in the hands of an irresponsible breeder. Today we will take a closer look at this famous breed and find out what its features are.

Origin story
Before delving into the characteristics of these dogs, you should understand the history of their origin. This breed was obtained in America by crossing a Bulldog and a Staffordshire Terrier. Initially, representatives of this formidable species were taken out for dog fights. Due to the excess of aggression in character, American Pit Bull Terriers have been banned in some countries of the European Union.
At one time, pit bull terriers were completely prosecuted by American laws. For breeding these animals, their breeders received severe penalties. The persecution of dogs of this breed was only fueled by photographs that showed people cruelly torn to pieces by them. Such photographs were periodically published in various publications.

Despite the fact that many treated the American Pit Bull Terrier with great apprehension and hostility, in most countries it is these dogs that are involved in police work. In the service, these animals turned out to be very useful, because they have excellent lightning-fast reaction and subtle scent. Pit Bull Terriers can easily detect drugs or explosives.

If you are planning to have such a powerful pet, then first you should familiarize yourself with its exact description. Representatives of this breed are very difficult to assess in terms of exterior and character. All pit bulls are divided into two main lines:
- terrier;
- bulldogs.
American Pit Bull Terriers can vary greatly in size and behavior. These animals are characterized by great tenacity, strong-willed character and truly steel jaws.
Experts recommend contacting representatives of this breed exclusively for experienced breeders and professional dog handlers who know how to work with fighting type pets.

The description of the external standards of American Pit Bull Terriers is vague. However, a certain framework should still be noted.
- The head of a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier is of medium size and a characteristic rectangular structure. In the upper part, the animal's skull is flattened, expanding towards the forehead line.

- "Americans" are distinguished by fleshy and prominent cheeks. No drooping wings are observed.

- The muzzle of Pit Bull Terriers looks massive. The length and width parameters are approximately equal. The transition from the forehead to the nose can be either clear and sharply noticeable, or smooth.

- The American breed will have a standard scissor bite. Pit Bull Terriers are distinguished by the fact that they have well-developed powerful jaws, so their grip is appropriate.

- The ears of these dogs can be either cropped or intact. Both options are valid. In purebred pets, the ears are set high. In animals that have not been docked, the tips of the ears fall slightly downward.

- The eyes of Pit Bull Terriers are slightly elongated, they are characterized by an oval shape. The eyes are not set too deep. The colors of the iris are very different - from light blue to dark brown.

- The nose of thoroughbred individuals is wide and has a rounded shape. The color of this part of the pets can be different - from simple black to pale pink. The nostrils are always open.

- The muscles on the shoulder blades of the Americans are very well developed. These parts are widely spaced.

- The neck is dry but strong. In this area, the muscles are just as well developed.

- The tail of the American Pit Bull Terrier is short and low. Closer to the tip, it becomes narrower, but does not curl.

- The belly of this breed is always tucked up. Skin color can be any. The woolen layer is practically not observed. No undercoat.

- The chest is medium in size, with well-developed muscles.

- The thighs of Pit Bull Terriers are also very powerful, but in this area the muscles will be drier.

- Paws are medium, their upper part is wide. The elbows are straight.

- The teeth are large, tightly closed.

- The lips are dry and fit well to the jaws.

- The color of purebred dogs of the described breed can vary greatly. Individuals with gray, brindle, red, gray-white, brown and other colors are allowed.
The standard does not provide for deviations in this characteristic of animals. Only merle was banned.

- The weight of an adult American breed directly depends on the specific line to which the animal belongs. Typically these dogs weigh between 11 and 36 kg. The standard weight of a dog is up to 28 kg, and a bitch is up to 19 kg.

- At the withers, an adult male American Pit Bull Terrier can reach 46-53 cm, and a more graceful and compact bitch - 43-50 cm.

Let's consider the main possible defects that can be typical for the American Pit Bull Terrier.
- A defect in the breed is a muzzle that is too narrow in structure. If the lower jaw turns out to be weak, then this will also be a disadvantage of the animal.
- The lack of the required number of teeth is also considered a breed defect.An exception can only be those cases when the pet has lost them for a "good" reason, for example, due to old age. A malocclusion or an asymmetrical jaw should not be present.
- Eye color must match; heterochromia is discouraged.
- It is important to pay attention to the neck of a purebred dog. If this part of the animal's body is disproportionately thin, devoid of well-developed muscles, then this will refer to deficiencies. The neck should not be too thick or short.
- An important detail of the structure of pit bulls is the shoulders. If they are straight or loaded, and the elbows are turned inside or outside, then this will be obvious defects of the animal.
- The animal must not be clubfoot. Curvature of the paws is not allowed.
- The knee joint should not be too pronounced. But its absence is also a serious disadvantage of thoroughbred individuals.

Advantages and disadvantages
The American Pit Bull Terrier is known all over the world. This breed is famous not only for its fighting qualities, but also for its sharp mind. Pit bulls have both pros and cons. Let's get acquainted with the first ones.
- The American Pit Bull Terrier does not need very complicated and expensive care. It does not have to be monotonously combed out or bathed every day.
- The daily diet of such dogs will not be intricate and sophisticated. They can be fed not only with natural food, but also with high quality prepared food.
- These pets are characterized by a natural mind, thanks to which they learn in the shortest possible time, subject to the correct actions of the owner. As a result of training, pit bulls make excellent protectors for the whole family.
- It is a pleasure to communicate with dogs of this breed. This is because pit bulls are active and cheerful creatures.
- These pets do not get sick too often.

Now let's move on to the cons.
- Raising and training an American Pit Bull Terrier is not easy. This should take a lot of human effort, time and patience. Such a pet will be the best solution for an experienced dog breeder who has dealt with fighting breeds at least once.
- Pit bulls are naturally aggressive. If an animal is poorly educated or not educated at all, then it turns out to be a real dangerous predator, capable of tearing its prey apart.
- Pit bulls are sociable dogs by nature, they need a lot of attention from their owners. If a person does not communicate with his pet and leaves him alone, then this can badly affect his character and normal behavior. As a result, the animal will become uncontrollable.
- Pit bulls are prone to cardiovascular disease.
- It is not recommended to leave such a pet with children. Although a properly raised beast will seem completely safe, it is still better to keep the situation under control.

Features of dwarf dogs
Separately, it is worth highlighting the unusual dwarf American Pit Bull Terriers. These small dogs, like their larger cousins, have a powerful and stocky body. Their jaws are as strong as possible, and their muscles are well developed and clearly visible. The ears of these mini pit bulls are docked in most cases. Their coat is also very small and smooth, tight to the body.
Little pit bulls are very popular these days. In another way, they are called "pocket", for their modest size. Although these pets cannot be called completely miniature. Dwarf pit bull terriers are often started by people who want to have such a friend, but are not ready to face a larger and more powerful dog or do not have the proper experience in dealing with dogs of this kind.

These pets need frequent and serious physical activity... Training should be daily. Before buying a puppy of a small American Pit Bull Terrier, a person needs to think several times whether he will be able to provide the dog with the necessary load for its body. Stimulating games and activities are very much needed by representatives of this breed.
Pets of this type are suitable for keeping in an apartment, but only on condition of regular and long walks. Little pit bulls need plenty of room for a lot of physical activity. Daily work and sports training will be impossible if such a dog lives in the dungeons of a simple city apartment, and almost never leaves it.
If the mini-pit bull terrier does not consume energy, then it inevitably begins to behave badly, bringing the owners a lot of trouble and disappointment. The dog will not only render the furniture unusable, but will also begin to demonstrate excessive aggression towards other animals and people.

American Pit Bull Terriers are popular with many people, although they do not have the best fame. Before you get such a pet, you need to familiarize yourself in detail not only with its external data, but also with the features of character and behavior. Only taking into account all the nuances of these dogs, you can make the right decision about their acquisition.
Pit bulls are hardy and powerful dogs... They are fighters by nature, and are always eager to fight. True, the character of these pets is quite balanced. Such a dog can even behave softly and pliable towards his family.
The personal qualities inherent in bull terriers were formed thanks to the careful and scrupulous work of breeders, as well as selection during dog fights. As a result, only those animals were selected for breeding that demonstrated the maximum balance and stable psyche for them.

Certain participants in the fierce and merciless dog fights were completely destroyed. These were dogs that ceased to see the line between another rival dog and a man. It took many years to achieve the pit bull character he has today. However, if this dog has certain reasons to attack, he will demonstrate extreme cruelty and will be more dangerous than any other known breed. Such animals are subject to euthanasia.
American Pit Bull Terriers are very smart and quick-witted animals.... It is the mind that allows such a dog to be well prepared for future competitions. Pit bulls always keep all their emotions under strict control. A well-mannered dog is not so easy to confuse and unbalance. Moreover, it is incredibly difficult to force a healthy and adequate American Pit Bull Terrier to attack another person. For the dog to decide on such terrible actions, something completely extraordinary must happen.

Usually a well-mannered Pit Bull Terrier behaves calmly when faced with other animals on the street. He does not bully them and does not react in any way to their barking. True, the pit bull can tense up a little inside. Outwardly, it will demonstrate complete calmness. Usually, the uncontrolled aggression of these dogs is shown by them only in those moments when they are in the ring.
The passion for wrestling that these dogs personify has come to be known as game. Courage and fearlessness, resilience and high pain tolerance are the main characteristics inherent in American Pit Bull Terriers.
Even when dogs of this breed are seriously injured, they continue to strive for victory. It is believed that pit bulls are capable of fighting for several hours in a row. But their courage should not be confused with aggression. An angry dog will not be able to clearly define the situation and adequately respond to it, even when it is in the ring. You should not leave American Pit Bull Terriers without education. With such pets, the owner must demonstrate firmness, perseverance and all his leadership qualities. Purebred American pit bulls always show maximum stubbornness in absolutely everything.
If such a pet decided to do something, he will go and do it. Nothing can stop him or make him change his mind. Persuasions and commands of the owners do not always work in such situations.

Despite their harsh appearance and fighting qualities, American Pit Bull Terriers are great lovers of play. They especially like exciting sports games that involve impressive physical activity. Pit bulls will be happy to play both at home and in nature. With great pleasure they are ready to run after a stick, bring a ball, and even heavy car tires. These pets cannot be left without games and physical activity, otherwise their unspent energy may result in bad behavior, which the owners will definitely not like.
When a pit bull turns one and a half, his psyche becomes less stable. It is important to consider this for the owners of such animals. A properly raised pet treats the younger family members adequately, but it is advisable not to leave him alone with the children. This also applies to the elderly. Old people and children in case of inappropriate and aggressive behavior of the dog are unlikely to be able to fight back.
However, the American Pit Bull Terrier doesn't like being alone. Dogs of this breed always need the company of the owner or their own kind.

It is necessary to control the contact of Pit Bull Terriers with other pets. It was already mentioned above that on walks these dogs can behave as restrained as possible. But there are times when a pitbull suddenly rushes into battle with other pets that appear on the horizon. Such a dog can easily tear apart another dog, cat or other small animal. Usually pit bulls behave this way solely for the sake of gambling. Therefore, it is so important to play with these animals and provide them with physical activity.
If you have such a dog, then it will be necessary to deal with its upbringing and socialization. from puppyhood. It is impossible to delay with this, because lost time can ultimately affect the future behavior and adequacy of the dog. Pit bulls are very suspicious of strangers. Sometimes they can behave aggressively. If a stranger persists in communicating with such an animal, as a result, the pit bull terrier can get very angry, and even bite him.

Dogs of this fighting breed can be trained with great difficulty. This requires great patience and perseverance of the owner. Weak people who do not have free time to train with a pit bull, it is better to give preference to another, more peaceful breed.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is very attached to its owner. Dogs of this breed can become great friends and human defenders if they are educated and socialized according to all the rules.

Life span
The average life expectancy of an American Pit Bull Terrier is 12-15 years old. This figure may be affected by the conditions in which the pet is kept. If a dog eats in a balanced and correct way, plays regularly, walks, and does not live on the street, then its lifespan may even increase. Small pit bulls live longer than their larger counterparts.

The largest dogs in the world
There are many breeds of dogs that grow into real giants. The American Pit Bull is naturally not too big, but an exception is the big man named Hulk. By 18 months, this dog weighed about 78 kg. With all its appearance, the pet inspires fear, but, according to its owners, in fact, he is a very kind and obedient boy. Hulk is a big fan of playing with children and spending time with his family.
Due to its imposing size, the Hulk needs adequate food. He eats at least 2 kg of ground beef every day, and this is not the limit. This dog is so strong and hardy that it can roll the son of its beloved owner on its back.
Despite the kind and playful nature, the Hulk can at any time rush to the protection of the owners, if necessary. In such conditions, the dog is able to demonstrate all the dark sides of his character.
Hulk breeders are professional trainers, therefore they raised this powerful giant to be obedient and well-mannered.

How to choose a puppy?
If you have weighed the pros and cons, took into account all the features of the character and behavior of the American Pit Bull Terrier, then you should pay attention to how to choose it correctly.
First of all, you will need to pay due attention to the appearance of thoroughbred puppies. Even the slightest deviations from the norm and standard should not be observed. Obvious defects should discourage you from buying such a dog. Healthy puppies will have a perfectly smooth and shiny coat. It should not be monochromatic. The palette of colors is wide - from snow-white to dense black. Marks will be visible on the dog's body.
It is important to closely follow the selected thoroughbred puppy.... A small American Pit Bull Terrier should not show excessive aggression: rush, bite and growl viciously at everything around. But the kid cannot be too cowardly and fearful. These extremes will indicate that in the future such a dog is unlikely to grow into a healthy and adequate individual. Better to look at other puppies.

The puppy must behave appropriately. It cannot be too sluggish or painful in appearance. His eyes and ears should be clean, without traces of pus. It should also be clean under the tail of a small Pit Bull Terrier. It is not recommended to purchase an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy that is too small or, on the contrary, grown up. The optimal age is 8 weeks.
You should not buy puppies of this harsh breed from your hands, because in this case there is a high probability that you will run into unscrupulous resellers. These people can sell you a sick, unclean, or defective dog.
It is better to buy a bull terrier in a specialized nursery with a good reputation. If you contact such an organization, you will be protected from many risks and potential problems associated with the purchase.

Before purchasing a purebred Bull Terrier, you should ask for information on its pedigree. With this, you can exclude common hereditary diseases or a tendency to uncontrollable anger, aggression. Be sure to find out about the vaccinations that have been given to a thoroughbred puppy. Consult with the shelter about the best food to feed your bull terrier puppy. Ask all the questions you are interested in so as not to make any mistakes in the future.

Features of the content
The American Pit Bull Terrier, like any other breed, needs good conditions and proper care. From the first day a puppy appears in a new house, he needs to be shown where his place is. Prepare a soft and comfortable bed or mat for your pet.
Pit bulls are not too large, so many people keep them in city apartments. If the animal lives in such an environment, then it will often have to go for walks with it in order to expend the accumulated energy. For this reason, most owners still prefer to equip a place for such dogs on the street, in a specially organized spacious enclosure. But if a pet lives in such conditions, then this does not mean that he will not need to communicate with a person. The owner will need to visit the pit bull more often, communicate with him.
You should not leave the American Pit Bull Terrier (young or mature) for a long time. Because of this, the pet can noticeably deteriorate in character. He will behave badly and extremely aggressively, which can lead to very bad consequences.

Pit bulls do not need too complex and expensive care. Everyone can easily cope with this work. Consider how you need to competently look after these wayward fighters.
- A purebred dog will need to be bathed using a special shampoo (the usual versions released for a person will not work for a pit bull).Instead of shampoo, it is permissible to use baby soap - it will not harm the pet. Usually such procedures are performed once a year.
This is due to the fact that any soap formulations can wash off the necessary protective layer from the pet's skin. The rest of the time after walking, you need to wipe the dog's paws and stomach, especially if they are very dirty.

- Since the American Pit Bull Terrier is an animal with extremely short hair (there is no undercoat at all), it does not need daily brushing.... Once every few days, you can gently comb the dog with a special soft comb equipped with bristles made from natural materials. Many pet stores sell similar tools.

- It is important to keep your pit bull's ears and eyes clean. Wipe them every three days. For the eyes, a cool brew or warm chamomile infusion (pharmacy) is enough. Ears need to be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic purchased from a veterinary pharmacy.
If suppuration is found in these areas, then it is better to show the pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible in order to avoid further development of the infection.

- Pit Bull Terriers are naturally cocky and assertive in nature, therefore, during walks, they very often receive damage to their paws, skin or ears. Upon returning home, the animal should always be inspected for any damage or wounds in the indicated areas. If the pet is injured, the damaged areas will need to be carefully and carefully treated with a special antiseptic.

- Grooming is also required for the pit bull's claws. They should be pruned once a month. To do this, use a special tool - a claw cutter for large breeds. It is advisable to process the sharp ends of cut claws with a file.

- Pit Bull Terriers need teeth cleaning. This should be done at least a couple of times a week. For the procedure, you need to use not an ordinary, but a special paste. It is applied to a brush or to a special attachment on the finger. To prevent the formation of dangerous tartar on the dog's teeth, it should be given more often solid foods or special toys with a cleaning layer applied.

- In the spring, after each walk, the animal must be carefully examined for attached ticks. Once a year, special vaccinations against piroplasmosis are required.
Pets of this fighting breed are very fond of long walks with games and active pastime. It is advisable to walk with the bull terrier for at least three hours a day.

American Pit Bull Terriers do not do well in the cold seasons. In the autumn period, puppies of this breed are susceptible to various kinds of viral and bacterial diseases. Until the baby is 3 months old, you will need to take care about the first vaccination against hepatitis, enteritis, rabies and distemper.
Before starting the vaccination, the dog needs to be thoroughly treated for any parasites. Treatments and vaccinations of animals must be resorted to once a year throughout their life.

There are a number of pathologies that affect dogs of the American breed.
- Allergic reactions to different foods.
- The older the American Pit Bull Terrier gets, the more joint problems it gets. If the animal does not eat properly, it may face such a serious disease as arthrosis, which will lead to a lot of inconvenience.
- Females over 3 years old often encounter pyometra. In this case, inflammation of the uterus occurs, inside there is a process of accumulation of purulent secretions. A similar problem happens with pets that have undergone the sterilization procedure, but this happens much less often.
- Over the years, dogs of this breed often develop mental health problems. If such are observed, then bull terriers are put to sleep, otherwise they can attack a person.

What to feed?
If you want to have an American Pit Bull Terrier, then you need to take into account that dogs have a very good appetite. For this reason, it is very important to keep the dosage of food under control at all times. From overeating, the dog will quickly get fat (pit bulls are susceptible to this problem) and will lose the proper activity.
The owner must immediately decide on how exactly he will feed his comrade. American Pit Bull Terrier it is allowed to give ready-made feeds from well-known brands or natural food. A combination of the first and second options is allowed.
In order for your pet to be in good shape, it should consume the required amount of proteins, proteins and amino acids. All the necessary components can be found in premium and super-premium ready-made feeds from well-known brands. Such food is expensive, but it does not harm the health of the pet.

If you prefer to feed your dog with natural food, then you need to add cereals to the diet: rolled oats, buckwheat or rice. Wheat or millet should not be on the American Pit Bull Terrier menu. An adult thoroughbred individual should consume at least 200 g of lean meat products per day. The latter include:
- beef;
- veal;
- turkey meat;
- rabbit meat.
Cartilage foods such as tails and ears will prove to be very helpful. In the body of the American Pit Bull Terrier, fresh dairy products are very quickly and easily absorbed: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. As a supplement to food, you can make special high quality vitamin supplements. These should only be purchased from veterinary pharmacies. "Human" vitamins should not be given to dogs.
The American Pit Bull Terrier menu doesn't have to be monotonous. You should not be limited to exclusively meat products or only one cereal. Such food will not benefit the animal's health. Make a varied menu if you care about your dog's condition.

If we are talking about feeding a pit bull puppy, then some features should be taken into account:
- the nutrition of a small pit bull should be high in calories;
- meals should be at least 4-5 times a day;
- give your baby food at the same time;
- food must be served in the same clean dish;
- water changes should be done regularly.
The food that a dog of any age feeds on must be fresh, and the feeders must be perfectly clean. Spoiled food and dirty water can cause serious illness for your pet. The diet of the American Pit Bull Terrier must be balanced and of good quality.
If you cannot compose a menu for such a dog yourself, then it is better to contact your veterinarian. A specialist will help you choose the best food option for your pet.

How to educate?
Without proper education and training, a pit bull can become a very dangerous and uncontrollable animal. Given that these dogs are distinguished by great strength and fearlessness, such an outcome can lead to big problems. It is not recommended for novice dog breeders to keep an American Pit Bull Terrier - in inept hands this creature will turn into a real melee weapon.
Raising a puppy should be done as soon as possible. It is advisable to start as soon as the puppy is weaned. During this age period, the owner will need to pay a lot of attention to his four-legged friend. It will be necessary to play with him, stroke, caress. This should be done by all members of the family in which the puppy is.
The main thing is to show the pet that he has become a full-fledged member of the family. At this age, contacts with strangers will also be useful. Thanks to this, the dog will not perceive them as dangerous objects in the future.

The puppy should move freely around the house. Do not limit him to this. The kid must get used to the new environment in order to feel comfortable in the future.If there are rooms that the dog cannot enter, then it is better to close them in advance so that the puppy cannot get there, exploring new territories.
It is advisable to walk with a small pit bull in crowded places. This will have a beneficial effect on his socialization. As a result, the pet will quickly understand that there is a large world around, which is not limited only to its home.
In some cases, puppies try to be aggressive and tough. In order to stop such phenomena in time, the doggie will need to be quickly turned over with its stomach upward and kept in this state for a few seconds. Such actions will awaken in a young dog the genetic memory and the herd laws, according to which the position on the back means submission. Thus, the person will show that he is in charge.

Consider - American Bull Terriers have an excellent memory. When raising such a pet, it is important to follow the sequence. Form a competent system of prohibitions and always stick to it. If today you have forbidden something to the baby, and tomorrow you have allowed it, then this will confuse him. The puppy will get confused and will not understand what can and cannot be done.
The established rules must be adhered to by all members of the family in which the dog lives. Nobody should overturn prohibitions. Pit bulls are playful pets, especially at an early age. It is better to educate them in the process of active games.
At first, a puppy of this breed should go through the basic stage of training. It is necessary to ensure that the pet unquestioningly fulfills all commands. Thus, the animal will be able to master the basics of obedience. If the dog does everything right, it must be rewarded by giving it a favorite treat.

If the kid suddenly decided to demonstrate his strength and put his teeth into play, the owner must sharply give the command "No!" and immediately stop the entire teaching process.
By such actions, the person will make it clear to the pet that his attempts to bite interfere with communication. Dogs usually learn this lesson almost immediately. If such an incident has taken place, the training process can be resumed no earlier than 20 minutes later. Try not to drag out your pit bull training. One lesson is enough for 5 minutes. Before that, it is advisable to take a walk with your pet, so that in the future he can accurately focus on the commands. If the first time the dog does not agree to do them, you need to be patient and return to the basics, making a repetition of the previous step.
Dogs of this breed should not be allowed out into the street without a leash and muzzle. This can be done only if you are with your pet in the forest or on a special, well-fenced area. Be sure to make sure there are no other dogs near you before doing this. In the future, the training of the fighting pet can be continued in the protective guard service.
To master this discipline, pit bulls have everything they need: intelligence, ingenuity, a clear sense of smell and hearing. In addition, this course will allow the animal to control its own behavior (especially excessive aggression), and the owner will give the opportunity to control the dog in various situations.

The owner must always be in close contact with such a pet. A pit bull owner should not show excessive cruelty and anger towards the dog. We must remember that it is the owner who “creates his pet”. An American Pit Bull Terrier will treat an evil and cruel person accordingly. When raising such four-legged, the main emphasis should be on playful qualities, curiosity and a desire to please the owner.
If you do everything right and be patient, then such a pet will make an excellent friend and bodyguard. The main thing is not to break down on shouts and physical punishment in response to incorrectly executed or not executed commands at all. If you neglect this rule, the relationship between the dog and the owner will be hopelessly ruined. The pet will not trust its person and will treat it with aggression.
If you cannot raise such a wayward and strong dog on your own, it is better not to waste time in vain and turn to specialists. In their hands, the animal will quickly learn everything it needs, and in the future it will not pose a danger to others.

List of nicknames
American Pit Bull Terriers are called by many different names. It all depends on the preferences of the owners, as well as the appearance and character of the pet.
So, the following nicknames are suitable for boys-dogs:
- Thunder;
- Graph;
- Kevin;
- Silver;
- Sturdy;
- Pirate;
- Darkness;
- Gray and Black (these nicknames are usually given to dogs of the corresponding color - gray and black);
- Atlant;
- Tyson;
- March;
- Bandit;
- Killer;
- Indigo;
- Gomel.

These are not all suitable names for the powerful male American Pit Bull Terriers. For a dog-girl, other nicknames are suitable:
- Aster;
- Margot;
- Rosalie;
- Namiko;
- Lassi;
- Vivien;
- Ami;
- Jakarra;
- Camella;
- Justina;
- Omega;
- Blizzard;
- Cinnamon;
- Ice;
- Night.

Literally from the first days of the appearance of the puppy in the house, it is necessary to accustom him to the new name that the owners gave him. You should talk to the animal more often using the nickname given to it. It must be pronounced clearly and understandably, but one should not speak too loudly - this can frighten the animal, and subsequently, his own name will cause him not the best associations. A name for a Pit Bull Terrier should not be too evil and repulsive. Better to pick something calm, but serious.
It is not recommended to choose nicknames in a diminutive form. This is the wrong decision. Such names are not at all suitable for representatives of this serious fighting breed. In some cases, such nicknames even provoke aggression in the behavior of the animal.

It is better to choose a suitable, but not too long name for the American breed dog. It is good if it begins with a voiceless consonant and is pronounced easily, without pauses and confusion. The best solution would be a name with only one word, not a few words. Otherwise, a too intricate nickname can cause irritation in the dog, and then aggression.
If you are planning to raise a powerful and fearless fighter from an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy, then it is better to choose an appropriate name for it, starting with the letter "R". For more gentle and flexible girls, it is recommended to choose beautiful and sonorous nicknames that are easy to pronounce. These can be bright and memorable names that emphasize the beauty and grace of the pet. All family members should be involved in the selection of the ideal nickname for such a dog. Everyone's opinion is important.

Helpful hints and tips
Consider a few more additional recommendations to help raise a healthy and well-mannered dog.
- The American Pit Bull Terrier must not be forced to eat. Don't force your dog to eat foods that he doesn't like. Do not starve your Pit Bull Terrier so that he agrees to eat whatever you give him. Such actions can adversely affect not only the health, but also the mental state of the dog.

- Do not give your pet the leftovers from the table. Sweet, fatty, flour, rich, salty and fried foods should be prohibited, even if the dog begs them hard. Pit bull terriers are not allowed to eat legumes either.

- Do not allow strangers, who are not family members, to feed your dog. It is necessary to give food to the pit bull strictly on time.

- The American Pit Bull Terrier should not be kept outdoors without proper shelter and heating. These dogs do not have an undercoat, so in low temperatures they risk getting sick and dying.

- During walks, the pet can be released from the leash so that it can play with other animals, but this should be done only if it has completed a full course of special training. Even in such conditions, always keep an eye on your four-legged fighter.

- If you are transporting your dog somewhere, it should be muzzled at this time.

- If you decide to buy a puppy of this breed, then you need to decide not only on whether you can raise him correctly. If quarrels and scandals often occur in your family, then such a pet will not suit you.
American Pit Bull Terriers are very vulnerable creatures, and in conditions of constant conflict they begin to feel bad. In such an environment, the dog will be restless, prone to neuroses.

- It should be borne in mind that such pets are patient, but if you provoke them for too long, the hunting instinct will come first. If a stranger gets into a fight, the Pit Bull Terrier is unlikely to be able to stop.

- If you are offered to buy an elite puppy for a fabulous price, then such an offer will be absolutely inappropriate. Only adults and well-bred individuals who have achieved certain results at exhibitions and competitions can have true value.

- When choosing a fighting breed puppy, you need to pay attention to the proportionality of his physique. Even the posture of a young dog is important - it should not have any flaws, especially if you are planning to acquire a future show winner.

- You need to walk with such an animal twice a day. Walks don't have to be boring and monotonous. Brighten them up with games. Do not forget about leaving the house, otherwise the dog will show you his displeasure to the fullest.

- Do not give milk to your purebred pet. It is not allowed for Pit Bull Terriers.

- Many American pit bulls have joint problems. These ailments can be encountered by both elderly and young individuals, and even puppies. It is enough to pay attention to the dog's gait. If her movements arouse certain suspicions, then it is better not to waste time, but to show the pet to the veterinarian.

- Praise your dog gently during training, especially if you are working with a small puppy. Give your baby treats and praise, but you don't need to rejoice in the execution of commands with harsh exclamations - they can scare the pet. Because of this, the further training process can be noticeably complicated.

- If an American Pit Bull Terrier from puppyhood lives in the same territory with other pets, then, most likely, in the future he will maintain normal relations with them without aggression.

Owner reviews
Today, many people own the strong and fearless American Pit Bull Terriers. For the most part, these are people ready for all the difficulties that such unusual pets with a not very kind past can bring. The owners find many positive qualities in them. Judging by the reviews, pit bulls are good for the following characteristics:
- they are strong and courageous, they are not afraid of anything, they do not behave cowardly;
- very smart and quick-witted, quickly understand what the owner wants from them;
- have an attractive appearance;
- loyal and loyal to their owners;
- demonstrate themselves as excellent fearless guards;
- do not have long hair that requires grooming;
- calm and balanced.
Many owners speak of American Pit Bull Terriers with genuine enthusiasm, saying that this is not just a dog, but "sheer pleasure." Pleases the unpretentiousness of care and the high level of obedience of the representatives of this breed. People who have found an approach to such pets do not notice serious flaws in them.

But not without negative reviews. Not all owners see only advantages in pit bull terriers. Of the main disadvantages of these dogs, people have noticed:
- the need for a long and difficult training, which takes a lot of patience;
- aggressive behavior, if the dog is not provided with an ideal upbringing;
- a lot of falling out short hairs that constantly have to be removed;
- very aggressive behavior towards other pets;
- exorbitant appetite - such a dog eats a lot.
Most owners are dissatisfied with the fact that the American Pit Bull Terrier has to be brought up for a long time and persistently, and without proper education, such a pet behaves inadequately. Some people even write that this dog is “one big minus”.
It all depends on how the four-legged was trained and brought up. If you do not have time to train with him, then it is better to immediately refuse to buy a pit bull terrier - without proper attention and training, this animal can be dangerous.

For more on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.