
Baby face in Yorkshire terriers

Baby face in Yorkshire terriers
  1. Description, pros and cons
  2. Character
  3. Standards
  4. Differences from the standard
  5. Health
  6. Care
  7. How to choose a puppy

Lovers of Yorkshire terriers are familiar with the wording "York baby face". This is a specific variety of this breed. We will talk about its features, advantages and disadvantages in our article.

Description, pros and cons

The main difference between baby faces and standard Yorkies is their appearance. Their head and muzzle have a certain structure. Dogs have a rounded skull, a noticeable stop, and the muzzle is shorter and wide enough. Ears are located below the forehead line, large round eyes are set wide apart.

Such dogs are distinguished by their look. He is naive and even a little surprised. One gets the impression that there is a doll in front of you, and not a real dog. However, there is still a great deal of similarity in appearance with the standard representatives of the breed. In addition, the character is not too different.

In order to accurately determine the type of animal, you need to measure the length of the muzzle, and then compare with the length of the head. The part from the back of the head to the tip of the nose is considered. Babyfaces have a third shorter muzzle, while the normal ratio for standard type dogs is 1: 2. In addition, the bridge of the nose is slightly turned up, and the eyes are more prominent.

The cute appearance is definitely the advantage of this type. However, one cannot remain silent about the minuses. The structure of the skull is very specific, which often leads to serious health problems.


We must not forget that dogs of this type are real Yorkies. This means that they will share the basic characteristics of the breed. The difference with the standard in appearance does not affect the character of the pet. Terriers are bold and very active. Cowardice is uncharacteristic for them, therefore, dogs can be pugnacious and cocky, and regardless of what size animal is nearby.

In relation to the owner, baby-faces are very affectionate. They are attached to all family members, love to spend time with them, play and fool around.

If you purposefully engage in raising a puppy, it will have a significant impact on his behavior. In this case, even an adult dog will reach out to children, and also be neutral towards other pets.


Yorkshire Terrier cannot weigh more than 3.1 kilograms. The lower limit of both weight and height is not limited. However, they try not to use mini-Yorkies in breeding, since their health is weaker than that of larger representatives of the breed.

Yorkies are in the top of the smallest dogs in the world. They have a silky, straight and long coat that cascades down along the body. There is no undercoat at all. The babyface's head is larger and much more rounded. The muzzle is slightly shortened.

The baby-face type has a black nose and even small teeth. The eyes are dark and set wide apart, the ears are set low. The back of the dogs is short and strong, and the body itself is in the shape of a square. Paws are large and straight. The tail can be either long or half docked.

There are a lot of color variations. After re-color, it may change. Red and steel shades prevail.

Differences from the standard

To talk about the difference, you need to imagine a standard Yorkie and a baby-face next to each other. The differences will immediately catch your eye.

The first is the size and shape of the head. The standard type has a small, neat head, while the baby-face has a large and rounded one. Their muzzles are long and narrow, and wide, shorter, respectively.

An ordinary Yorkie is distinguished by high-set ears, smaller and not at all protruding eyes. His gaze is smart and alert, while with baby faces, he is always surprised. This effect occurs because the eyes are set very wide.


It is no secret that the life expectancy of Yorkshire Terriers is quite long. They can reach the age of 14-16 years. But this mainly applies to the standard type of breed, and only if sufficient attention is paid to the health of the dogs.

As for the weak points, first of all, it must be said about the ears. This is due to the ability of dogs to quickly hypothermic. There may be problems with the teeth, including teeth that are not growing properly. The stomach and intestines, as well as the pancreas, are rather weak in Yorkies.

Owners should try to protect the fragile pet from injury as much as possible. Failed falls can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system and muscles. In addition, eye diseases and injuries are common in dogs. They can also snore and grunt.

Such dogs should not be overfed, as they are prone to obesity. A carefully thought-out diet will help protect your pet from many troubles, and competent care will help him look great.


You can keep baby faces both in a city apartment and in a private house. He will be comfortable even in a small room, since the dimensions of the dog are quite modest. In addition, due to the lack of undercoat, the Yorkie does not shed, however, it requires combing every day.

It is enough to arrange water procedures for a doggie once every 10 days. For this procedure, you will need special tools that can be purchased in specialized stores for this particular breed. This includes not only shampoo, but also balms and masks, thanks to which the pet's coat will be moisturized and silky.

Prizewinners and exhibitors need long hair. It is wrapped around papillotes, which allows the dogs to look more impressive. The rest can simply be cut short, this greatly facilitates care.

Your pet's ears and eyes should be checked regularly and cleaned as needed. You will also need to trim your nails regularly. The veterinarian should clean the teeth from tartar every six months and carry out treatment, if necessary. We must not forget about timely vaccination, which is carried out according to the schedule.

Since babyfaces have no undercoat, they do not tolerate cold very well. Therefore, the owner will have to take care of purchasing comfortable clothes for the pet. It is best to opt for several different types of options and wear overalls according to the weather conditions.

How to choose a puppy

Babyface is not breed standard. However, to buy it is still worth contacting a specialized nursery or breeders. There, the future owner will be able to obtain all the necessary documents, which is confirmation that it was the Yorkshire Terrier that was purchased, and not the mestizo.

Differences between standard representatives of the breed and baby-faces are noticeable already at a tender age. However, it does not hurt to visually assess the size of the face and compare them with the length of the entire head. In general, the dog should be active, cheerful and playful. The manifestation of aggression or, on the contrary, stiffness and intimidation can alert the future owner.

You should evaluate how good the baby looks. The coat should shine and evenly cover the body. Discharge from the eyes is a bad sign. The ears and nose should also be clean. An indicator of health is tender skin that is free of inflammation and rash.

You can take a closer look at the Yorkie with a baby face.

1 comment

I would like to take a baby face puppy or a retriever.


the beauty
