Black Yorkshire Terrier: a description of the appearance and features of the content

Yorkshire Terrier black color is not very common. Despite the fact that babies usually have a black coat and small tan marks, the shade changes over time, most often turning into the popular golden or steel. Therefore, coal representatives of the breed are a real rarity. Moreover, they have their admirers.

Description and features
According to the standard, Yorkshire Terriers can have only one color. Currently, there is no such breed as black Yorkies, therefore such individuals are considered a breeding marriage by color. Accordingly, such dogs are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. They can not be used for breeding.
However, black Yorkies do exist. They, like the rest of the breed, are divided into 3 types depending on their size. The standard view assumes doggies weighing from 2.6 to 3.1 kilograms, mini - 1.5 - 2.6 kilograms. The smallest are called super-mini and weigh from one to one and a half kilograms.
However, black dogs are not quite ordinary, and sometimes it happens that they can be much larger than the standard, and at the same time weigh 5-6 kilograms.

The coat of black individuals is distinguished by a large amount of color pigment.... This also affects its structure. Such Yorkies have a harder and very thick coat that does not fall down the sides, but lies beautifully in small waves. In this case, there is no parting on the back, the hairs bristle in different directions. Silky sheen is absent in most cases. It should be noted that the coat of black dogs grows much worse than their standard counterparts.
Professional breeders believe that you can determine the color of puppies almost immediately after their birth... If we are talking about coal-black babies, they will be distinguished by the absence of tan. In addition, the structure is peculiar from infancy. However, more accurate assumptions can be made by the age of three months, just at the time when the puppies are put up for sale.

Black Yorkie owners say their pets are very smart and energetic. They differ special devotion not only to the owner, but also to everyone with whom he lives in the same house. Make great friends for children, can play with them for a long time.
If a black Yorkie gets into a family that has other pets at a tender age, he will not show aggression towards other pets. but These dogs do not like unfamiliar dogs very much. They are not afraid of strangers, they can show interest in them.
It is necessary to bring up such kids as early as possible, this will help to form the character and characteristics of behavior.

Such dogs are very active and love movement. They will be happy to take part in walks or jogging with the owner. It is necessary to ensure sufficient physical activity and not leave the dog alone for a long time, otherwise it may get bored and start having fun on its own, which can be expressed by barking or howling, damage to things, depression.
Black yorkshire terriers very attached to the owner. Due to their compact size, they are convenient to take with you on trips or trips. Spending as much time with the pet as possible, the owner will surely raise an intelligent, well-mannered, understanding and kind dog.

Basic shades
York black can be presented in 4 basic shades. However, there is also a fairly large number of intermediate color options. Among the main ones are such colors as black, black and white, black and red and black and tan. Let's talk about them in more detail.
Monochrome black representatives of the breed are very rare.
Most often, the coat has a slight dusting of a brown or silvery shade. If the puppy had a charcoal color at a tender age, this does not guarantee anything in the future, since fading may be observed as it grows.

Black and white is characterized by the presence of markings on the main background. It can be a "tie", "socks", a pattern on the face, the tip of the tail. It is not at all necessary that the white color will affect all of the above areas of the body at once, there may be only one or a couple of marks.

Tanned puppies resemble Rottweilers in color. They are characterized by the presence of red markings on the chest, paws, eyebrows and tail.
Auburn Yorkies are closest to color standards. The dark coat on the back does not change during recoloration, which only affects the head.
In all the previous ones, except for the black-and-red representatives of the breed, re-color does not happen in principle.

How to care
Future Yorkie owners need to take into account that no matter what color they choose, the breed is a decorative dog. This means that it will take time and effort to care for them. There are several basic things to watch out for throughout the life of such a pet.
In order for the Yorkshire Terrier to always be healthy and looking great, he will need care and mandatory procedures. It is very important to ensure that your pet has regular walks. The best option would be to go outside 3 times a day, 2 of which is to cope with natural needs, and the third is longer. Since the dog is very energetic, it needs to provide physical activity outside the house, the opportunity to run and play to its fullest. However, you should take care of timely vaccination in order to avoid dangerous consequences.
Besides, once every 3 months, the dog needs to be treated for parasites. In tick season, it is very important to take care of protection, which can be a special collar. Also we must not forget about monitoring the condition of eyes, ears and teeth. Clipping should be done as needed.

Starting a Yorkshire Terrier at home, you need to take care of its diet. When the dog just appeared at the new owners, its food at first should not differ from the usual. The change, if planned, should be gradual.
Representatives of this breed are suitable both dry food and natural food. In the first case, care should be taken about the high quality of products, since cheaper mixtures may contain ingredients that can provoke allergic reactions.
You need to focus on the rulers intended for decorative pets.

Natural food is also acceptable, but it creates certain difficulties for the owner. First of all, you should take care of fresh meat. This can be chicken, veal or rabbit. In addition, the dog will need fruits and vegetables, dairy products that do not have aromatic and flavoring additives. The diet should include offal, fish, eggs and herbs.
It should be borne in mind that food from a common table is categorically unsuitable for black Yorkies.

Hair care
The coat of this breed will need to be regularly looked after, this will ensure its healthy appearance and attractiveness. Such dogs can either be cut or grow a beautiful fur coat. It all depends on the preferences of the owner. If the pet is preparing to participate in exhibitions, long hair is a must. However, the list of procedures is not very different.
- First of all, Yorkie owners need to take into account that you will need to wash your pet at least once every 1.5 - 2 weeks... During the procedure, you need to use a special shampoo, it can be advised by previous owners or a veterinarian. In pet stores, there are even special lines of cosmetics for this breed.
- The charcoal color of the coat can be accentuated by using detergents that preserve the shade... They are marked "for black dogs" in Russian or English. Use a hair mask or conditioner to further nourish and moisturize your pet's delicate coat.
- Also, we must not forget about such an important procedure as combing.... It should be carried out at least once every 3 days. You will need a natural bristle brush, special massages with metal teeth without balls, a comb with smooth teeth of medium length.
- Experts do not recommend brushing the coat of these dogs when wet.... It is recommended to comb it before starting water procedures, and after that - only after thoroughly drying it. There are special sprays with which the process will be more pleasant, it should always be in the owner's arsenal. The appearance of the pet will depend only on the correct care.

For interesting facts about Yorkshire terriers, see below.