Black Staffordshire Terrier: what does it look like and how to care for it?

Among the large variety of breeds, the Staffordshire Terrier strikes with a combination of a serious, even threatening appearance and a balanced, non-aggressive character.

The breed was developed relatively recently, in the second half of the 19th century. At that time, Bulldogs originally from Staffordshire were brought to the United States of America from Great Britain.
Strong dogs helped farmers - they guarded the house, protected from predators.
At the same time, fights between dogs became widespread. Bets were placed, and the owner of the winner could pick up a rather impressive amount.
The breeders and owners had a goal - to breed such a breed that could withstand many fights and win them. For this, a militant, but heavy bulldog and a light, nimble terrier were crossed. The experience was more than successful - the offspring inherited the best parental qualities.

The dogs of the new variety turned out to be absolutely fearless, with a dead grip, agile, nimble. They fought stubbornly, often to death, ignoring the severe wounds.
Gradually, this cruel entertainment became a thing of the past, fighting dogs ceased to be in great demand. Instead, they were used as bodyguards.
The name of the breed has changed over time. She was first named Pit Bull Terrier in 1898. Then in 1936 - the Staffordshire Terrier in memory of the ancestors - the Staffordshire Bulldogs and Terriers, and since 1972 the word American or Amstaff has been added.
This breed can have different colors - white, blue, fawn, brindle, red. The breed is classified as shorthaired.

The Black Staffordshire Terrier, as the name implies, is a dog whose coat color is solid, black.
Another name is "black boston". The wool of such individuals is of a rich black color, nowhere is there the slightest shade, not even overflow. The tip of the nose, paw pads, and eyes are also black. Very rarely there are small blotches of white on the face, head or back.
Amstaffs are reliable defenders and loyal friends. But in order for an adult dog to fully show all its positive qualities, the puppy must receive a full-fledged balanced diet, timely vaccinations and proper training.

The character traits of the Staffordshire Terrier are due to its original purpose - to attack the enemy and withstand the fight to the bitter end, despite the damage.
At the slightest danger, real or imaginary, the dog rushes at the enemy with lightning speed and does not calm down until he is completely neutralized.
Staffs are loyal to their master, vigilantly guarding family members and the owner's property. They value care, love and affection, but do not tolerate "calf tenderness".
They are very sociable, tireless, prefer outdoor games and running.

Children (of their family) are treated kindly. Calmly tolerate the presence of other pets in the house or on the site.
However, it must be remembered that this is a fighting breed... Aggressiveness is inherent in it at a subconscious level.
Do not leave your pet alone with small children without adult supervision.
The Staffordshire Terrier is a subject with a tough, strong character and a pronounced desire for leadership.
In dealing with him, it is very important to correctly combine love and severity.

Features of the content
The breed is considered unpretentious and does not require any special conditions of detention.
Frequent bathing is not necessary for him, twice a year is enough. The rest of the time, especially after walking, the animal is simply wiped off with a damp terry towel, you can brush it with a brush with a hard bristle.
The dense short coat does not fall off and always looks neat.
Every year you need to visit a veterinary clinic for a preventive examination and vaccination.
The first vaccination of a puppy must be done at the age of two to three months, 7 days before that, drugs for worms are given.

After the injection of weeks 2, you can not bathe, it is also advisable to limit physical activity and contact with relatives.
Staffs should walk as much as possible. And not just walk on a leash, but actively move, play, run, follow commands.
In no case should such a dog be kept locked up, as this can lead to outbursts of aggression and uncontrollable behavior.
A very important point in caring for these animals is to ensure adequate nutrition, as they have a tendency to indigestion.

What to feed?
There are two answers to this question - ready-made dry food or fresh food.
Here, each owner chooses for himself based on his own situation. In both cases, there are pros and cons.
Dry food is easier to use, but their price is quite high, and besides, you cannot always be sure of their composition. Moreover, the first one that comes across is not suitable for this breed.
On the other hand, natural products are cheaper, you can immediately see their condition. But you have to devote some time to cooking.

The diet should be balanced and contain all the ingredients necessary for growth, development and maintenance of good physical shape.
If the choice is made in favor of natural feeding, the pet's menu includes a number of must-have products.
- Raw meat - beef with a low fat content is better. This is the basis of nutrition. To protect it from possible parasites, it is frozen. You can also keep it in boiling water for a short time.
- Liver, lung, heart - raw or boiled.
- A fish - only marine.
- Kefir or yogurt.It is not recommended to give yoghurt as it contains flavorings and sugar.
- Raw eggs, you can omelet.
- Porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
- Greens (finely chop and mix with porridge, egg).
- A little vegetable oil (better than unrefined).

It is necessary to immediately accustom the dog to the regime, and strictly observe it in the future.
Feed at certain hours, remove leftover food. Fresh water should be kept in a separate bowl at all times.
In no case should you overfeed - this can lead to health problems.
Education and training
As already mentioned, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a serious breed. The training of such a pet must be approached with all responsibility. Education begins at an early age.
The owner must immediately, literally from the first days, explain the "rules of the game" to the dog and show who is in charge. If this is not done, the dog will strive to take the place of the "leader of the pack".
But one should not "go too far" and punish the puppy for the slightest disobedience, on the contrary, you need to praise more often even for the smallest successes... The pet will feel love and kindness, and will try to earn praise. At the same time, the commands must be pronounced confidently, clearly, understandably.

For good results, it is important to train your dog for 2-3 hours daily.
For education, communication, training, you can consult with the specialists of the canine service.
Staffs are very intelligent and intelligent animals.... Representatives of the breed serve in the police and the military. They can even be trainers, train their relatives.
With the right upbringing, this dog is able to become the best friend. Moreover, the diet, communication, training absolutely do not depend on the color of the pet's coat.
How the training of American Staffshire terrier puppies is going on, see below.