
The subtleties of training a Yorkshire terrier

The subtleties of training a Yorkshire terrier
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Recommendations for education
  3. How to toilet train?
  4. Training
  5. Walking behavior
  6. Teaching teams by month

Yorkshire Terriers are very energetic and cheerful dogs. It is difficult to imagine that such a cheerful dog is walking sedately next to the owner and silently gazes at the people passing by. Usually Yorkies are jumping, yapping and bustling all the time. Such fidgets especially need training, otherwise the pet may become simply uncontrollable.... Find out how to properly raise these small active dogs so that they grow up balanced and bring only positive emotions to the owner and those around them.


Taking the baby to his house, the newly-made owner does not even suspect what an explosive nature is in his pet. York is a leader by nature, despite such a small size, he is characterized by courage and curiosity. At the same time, this is a very friendly dog, he is able to give his owner love and tenderness. The owner's task is to achieve a golden mean in his behavior so that the dog's activity does not take on aggressive forms and gets the right direction.

The upbringing of a Yorkie should be started as early as possible. Then your relationship will develop in the right way, and the dog will obey you, and not be considered his secondary companion. Starting with the basics, you will be able to master more and more complex commands over time.

Recommendations for education

You don't need any special skills to train a Yorkie. These animals are smart enough to understand what they want from them, and can be obedient.

Here are the guidelines from experts in nurturing these little energizers.

  • Classes should be held in a comfortable environment, that is, in the right place and at the right time. The dog will listen to you attentively only if he has previously eaten and is in a good mood. The first lessons should be done at home, where there are no strangers, then it will be easier for your pet to concentrate.
  • Before you start training a Yorkie, become a leader in his eyes. If this does not happen, then the dog will take on this role, and all your commands will be deafened.
  • To gain authority in a relationship with a Yorkie, do not let him in your bed - he must know his place. Boys especially like to demonstrate their leadership - it is believed that they are more cocky and more active than girls. Unfortunately, many owners violate this recommendation, which is why they subsequently have problems raising their pet. It is also important that the dog only eats from his bowl and does not beg, hoping to get a tidbit from the common table.
  • Use the "gingerbread" tactic, that is, reward your pet for correctly executed commands with tasty treats. It is not worth connecting the "whip" - physical influence in raising the dog will not be beneficial.
  • It is important that the pet follows the established rules with all household members. To do this, all family members must adhere to a single line of behavior in dealing with the dog. Explain to the children that if they secretly spoil the dog with food from the table, parenting will go to waste.
  • Listening to the commands, the dog looks no less attentively at the owner's gestures. Think them over so as not to mislead the dog, making hand movements "off topic."
  • Prohibiting commands must be executed without question. Pronounce them in the harshest voice, and if the dog is out for a walk, then you should pull up the leash. In some cases, this can save your pet's life, for example, if it rushes into a car.

How to toilet train?

Now let's look at some of the skills that the York Terrier acquires in the first place. Yorkies are so homely that they even go to the toilet not on the street, but in a litter box. You can teach him to relieve himself on the street, but first, look at his behavior. If he categorically does not want to do it in the fresh air and endures until he returns home, then, most likely, he is not interested in the walks themselves.

To change this situation, you need to make his leisure time on the street more diverse - take toys with you, involve him in games.

It will be easier to train a dog to relieve himself on the street, if you take your baby out for a walk immediately after waking up... The moment after eating will also be a good time. If in the summer you take him to the toilet outside, and in winter in bad weather you are lazy to do it, then it will be difficult for the dog to change the habit. The mixed option is less preferable - Yorkies tend to stick to one way to relieve themselves. Therefore, the owner should immediately decide how your dog will go to the toilet.


It is better to entrust the training of a dog to a team by a specialist. Training courses allow you to effectively correct behavior; in these lessons, dogs learn both simple commands and more complex ones. In addition, dog handlers will give you advice on raising your pet for the future.

To raise an animal on your own, you will have to stock up on free time and tremendous patience.

Start classes only with a positive attitude, repeat the same commands day in and day out, and you will certainly succeed.

  • Nickname. It is given to the dog as soon as it appears in your house, and it stays with it forever. Do not confuse the animal with different names. It is unacceptable to distort the name or call the dog by different names.
  • "Ugh"... This command is by no means analogous to the word cannot. It is used exclusively in cases when the dog is trying to pick up something from the ground and eat it.
  • "It is forbidden"... This command has a broader meaning, it gives a prohibition on the commission of certain actions.Pronounce it in a demanding tone, but don't go screaming.
  • "A place"... Training for this command begins on the day the Yorkie appears in the house. When he falls asleep, take him to the dog's place and gently lay him down, saying in a calm tone: "A place"... If the dog tries to get out of there, repeat the steps and say the command with a more strict intonation.
  • "To me". Use this phrase as you show your dog something to eat. After completing the command, give the dog a well-deserved reward.
  • "Sit"... When the dog is on the leash, tell him, “Sit!” While pulling the leash slightly upward. After completing the command, reward your pet with a tidbit.
  • "Lie"... First, show the dog a treat, and then lower your hand down and lead it forward. When the york tries to take it out of his hand, give this command and, after waiting for its completion, present the dog with a reward.
  • "Nearby". As you speak this word, pull the leash slightly towards you to keep the dog in step with you on your left. Say this command as soon as you see the dog trying to run away from you.

Walking behavior

So that your walks do not turn into chaos, the dog must learn that on the street he must strictly obey his master. Let the pet learn that it is not permissible to run away and rush at passers-by.

If the standard commands are still poorly executed, then whenever the dog misbehaves, stop and stand still. Do not forget to firmly hold the leash without pulling it towards you - the dog will not be able to move on anyway. You need to go at a calm measured pace. Please be aware that if you run, the dog will start after you with even greater speed.

It is better not to delay the first walks so that your four-legged friend does not get bored.

Let the walking time build up gradually. After a month, your pet's behavior on the street should return to normal.

Teaching teams by month

Training a Yorkie is not as difficult as other breeds such as the German Shepherd or Bloodhound. It is important to earn the authority of your baby so that he clearly knows “who is the boss”.

  • In 1-2 months life york must learn his nickname. Also teach him the essential commands "to me" and "place".
  • 2-3 months It's time for the baby to master the collar, learn to walk in it, and follow the commands "sit" and "walk".
  • 3-4 months Yorkies understand well the commands "lie down" and "beside".
  • At 4-5 months dog breeders advise not to master new commands, but to hone old ones well.
  • Half year old Now is the time for the puppies to learn the "stand" and "take" commands.
  • Age 7-8 months suitable to learn how to give a "voice", as well as to execute the command "aport".
  • At 10 months it's time to go to the area where other dogs are training. There you can teach your pet new commands, chat with other York Terrier owners, learn the secrets of successful training and exchange valuable experience.

Experts recommend that classes be played in a playful way whenever possible. This will allow the pet to quickly absorb the information and start doing what you want.

For more information on training Yorkies, see the next video.

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