
Jack Russell Terrier: breed description, character, standards and content

Jack Russell Terrier: breed description, character, standards and content
  1. Origin story
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character traits
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. How to choose a puppy?
  6. Maintenance and care
  7. Feeding
  8. Education and training
  9. Owner reviews

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog. This dog is rightfully popular with dog breeders and not only has protective qualities, but is also able to become an indispensable assistant to a livestock farmer. The material of our article will be useful to those who liked the representative of this breed. We will tell you in detail about how the breeding of these dogs began, what are the nuances of their exterior, what are the pros and cons of animals, and also dwell on the aspects of their maintenance.

Origin story

The story of a ball dog or little adventurer, ready to accompany his master everywhere, began in Great Britain when Jack Russell, a Devonshire pastor, began breeding hunting dogs. The priest loved fox hunting, which was fashionable at that time, and was engaged in breeding fox terriers. It is to his hand that the first description of the appearance of the representatives of the breed belongs. At the same time, his opinion, as an expert, at fox terrier exhibitions was indisputable.

The breeder pastor, in the course of breeding burrow-type dogs, hunting foxes, inoculated his foxes with the blood of small bull terriers, as well as border terriers and Lakeland terriers. The dogs he bred were quick and agile in order to keep up with the fox on the hunt. The ancestor of the breed was a dog named Trump, which the pastor bought while studying at Oxford. Her color was white with reddish markings located at the base of the tail, as well as a mask on the head.

It was this color that was considered ideal at that time, although the pastor put his main priority not so much on the appearance of the animal as on its working qualities.

The priest paid attention to the ears and chest circumference of the bred dogs. In his understanding of the exterior, the ears were supposed to close the auditory openings, pressing tightly to the head. This was important so that the ground could not get into them when the dog began to dig a hole.

The sternum had to be covered by a pair of palms so that the animal could fit in the fox hole without getting stuck. Breeding experiments were carried out with the participation of fox terrier genes. Even after the death of the vicar, work on breeding a working hunting dog did not stop. However, the appearance of the dogs began to change and then went in two directions. Some dogs were more elongated, others had high legs and a square build.

At that time, the dogs bred by the priest were called Terriers of Pastor Jack Russell... Subsequently, the name was stuck in the name of the breed. However, the Jack Russell Terrier became a separate breed only in 2001, which was promoted by activists from the UK and Australia.

Since then, short-legged dogs with an active lifestyle have received official recognition, representing a separate species of Russell Terriers.

Description of the breed

A remarkable point separating the modern Jack Russell Terrier from other brethren is white with red or black markings. Reddish markings may vary in shade. Despite the fact that before black color was not particularly appreciated, today these dogs are no less popular with breeders. As for tones redhead, then they can be very dark, almost brown.

Another color option is considered tricolor, in which the main color remains white, and the spots can be black and red. However, whatever the color of the markings, they themselves should be roundish. In this case, the total area of ​​the spots should not exceed a third of the entire surface of the dog's coat.

An animal's fur coat can be different: in addition to a short one, a medium-length one is allowed, forming a beard and eyebrows.

The coat itself can be smooth, with a dense undercoat, pressed against the body. This coat should be tough and thick.

Coats of moderate length do not have a snug fit. They are softer to the touch than the previous type of wool.

It is also allowed and Broken version, in which the wool can be broken in several places.

Such a fur coat adheres to the body, does not stick out, the dog does not have a beard and mustache. However, the type of coat in these dogs is determined not earlier than two months of age. Moreover, even in one litter, it can be different, and sometimes an experienced breeder cannot recognize it.

The exterior allows the growth of males in the range from 27 to 30 cm, while the height of a female individual should not exceed 25-27 cm. If the dog is tall, it is subject to disqualification. The average weight of an adult dog is 6 kg. It is generally accepted that the weight of the pet must correspond to its height at the rate of 1 kg per 5 cm of height. For example, a dog 25 cm tall should weigh 5 kg.

However, in some cases, some minor discrepancies are allowed.

Representatives of the breed look memorable: the appearance of Russell Terriers was once glorified by the restless jumping dog, who starred in the movie "The Mask" with Jim Carrey. According to the generally accepted standard, a thoroughbred representative of the breed has a flattened skull, moderately wide, tapering from the eye sockets to the jaws. The nose of these animals is colored black, the lips are tight-fitting, black, the jaws are deep and powerful. The bite in dogs is correct, scissor bite.

Russell Terrier eyes are small, although their size is visually increased by dark or even black outlines along the edges of the eyelids. The eyelids are completely closed. Ears can be erect or hanging, they are mobile and structural.

The neck of a purebred representative of the breed is strong and strong, the physique tends to a rectangular shape, the croup is quite even, the loin is small, the sternum is deep, but not wide. The edges of the sternum are defined in front of the shoulders.

The paws of the Russell Terrier are powerful and strong, their pads are soft and round, the gait itself is springy. The tail in the process of movement rises to a vertical position. When the dog is calm, he can hang. The standard allows for tail docking, although today this practice is often suppressed by the rules of individual exhibition events.

Character traits

The Jack Russell Terrier is incredibly active and energetic. This dog is not characterized by laziness or empty pastime. This animal is characterized by a strong will and the ability to understand the owner almost perfectly. In this case, the owner of the animal can love to unconsciousness.

There are often cases when the Russell Terrier, in search of care and affection, asks to the owner in his arms.

At the same time, this dog does not know such a feeling as shyness. She makes decisions instantly when necessary. In order for a well-bred pet to grow out of a puppy, it is necessary to start training and training it as early as possible. Otherwise, a fool grows out of the dog, creating problems from scratch.

Lack of upbringing can manifest itself in different ways. For example, with a lack of attention and affection, a pet can allow itself to sharpen its teeth on the owner's furniture, show aggression to strangers or brothers in the canine world.

Russells can become such in the absence of the possibility of getting rid of a large amount of unspent energy. It is impossible to call the behavior of these dogs angelic: they become cute and obedient as a result of competent upbringing. Given their passion for ball games, frisbee and other subjects, it is used in teaching. It is also noteworthy that these dogs can pop balloons in a matter of seconds.

They are fun to play with, although parenting may seem daunting at first.

In comparison with other types of terriers, Russells are considered to be more balanced in terms of behavior. In addition, they do not spend as much time barking and stubbornness as their counterparts. These dogs are well trained and generally unpretentious, although at heart they are born athletes. With constant physical exertion and proper attention, they do not cause problems for the owners, they grow up as strong-willed and developed pets.

They are not only playful: these dogs can be safely called positive generators. In relation to children, they are compliant and friendly, but this is the case when the pet grows up with the children. As for pets, the friendliness of Russell Terriers does not extend to them. The reason for this is innate hunting instinctthat the dog can't do anything about.

In most cases, rabbits and decorative rats, as well as cats, suffer from these dogs.

A distinctive characteristic of the Jack Russell Terrier is the need for constant employment. If the dog is not in business, he begins to get bored and look for something to do, including digging the floor. Her curiosity knows no bounds at times but this animal is not suitable for every breeder. For example, an elderly owner simply will not be able to give the pet the necessary relaxation, it will be difficult for such a breeder to keep Russell.

In relation to strangers, these animals show interest and alertness at the same time.

Given their thirst for adventure, they need to be walked on leashes, letting go of them in familiar places. At the same time, during a walk, it is necessary to give the pet the opportunity to completely throw out the energy, the dog must run, jump. Jumping in these beauties seems to be inherent in the genes, if the dog cannot jump over the obstacle, he proceeds to digging.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any dog, the Jack Russell Terrier has its merits and demerits.For example, the positive qualities of a dog include the fact that not much space is needed for its placement. However, if the dog's bed does not take up much space, then the area for dog toys sometimes requires a lot.

The disadvantage of Jack is his habit of waking up the owner in the morning. Its habitual habitat requires constant communication, running around and bustle. With a person who is far from sports and prefers to lie on the couch for a long time, a dog of this breed will be bored.

At the same time, despite the fact that, in general, the animal will treat all household members well, it can be justified to change its pet.

Russell needs a morning run owner who loves to travel, hike, and go outdoors. These animals do not always get along with small children. The reason for this is the dog's unwillingness to put up with being pulled by the tail or hugged to the point of suffocation. Demonstration of a growl can be a response to such behavior. And although a dog of this breed rarely bites and on business, such behavior can scare kids.

The advantage of these animals is excellent appetite with which they sweep away their food. However, it is the passion for everything edible that sometimes leads to gaining excess weight. At the same time, dogs can be compared to a perpetual motion machine, which is good not only for them, but also for their owners.

These animals in all possible and impossible ways will attract the attention of the owners, tearing them away from the TV series or the computer, requiring a walk or game.

Friendliness and lovingness make dogs the favorites of the whole family. But among the representatives of the breed there are individuals with a jealous character. They are not very patient when care and affection goes to another pet.

If, in addition to them, there are other pets in the house, Russell Terriers will try to take a leadership position among them. These attempts can turn into dog fights, and at these moments the dogs usually behave especially courageously, defending their positions.

It should be understood that although these animals are considered hardy dogs, but they are not immune to bad heredity. Some individuals may have not only congenital, but also acquired diseases. For example, a problem such as Perthes diseasewhich appears as lameness in puppies. In addition, these dogs may have dislocation of the knee caps, hip dysplasia, deafness, heart disease, epilepsy and scleral malformations.

How to choose a puppy?

Buying a purebred puppy is not an easy task, you need to approach it with information-savvy knowledge. If the buyer is inexperienced, it is better to invite an independent expert to the deal who will help determine which puppy to choose.

The reason for the need for a specialist is the fact that today, due to the growing consumer interest, other breeders do not care at all about the gene pool and any kind of socialization of puppies.

If you cannot find a specialist, you need to rely on basic knowledge about the exterior and appearance of a particular baby. It should be remembered that you can buy a baby only from a trusted breeder in a nursery with a good reputation. These puppies are more expensive, but subsequently the buyer will not have to treat the animal for a long time in expensive clinics or constantly run into his uncontrollable behavior. You can take a baby as early as 2 months, when meeting him you need to pay attention to the degree of activity, type of color, gait and behavior in general.

If the puppy is too lethargic and lethargic, this may indicate his illness. If he starts throwing himself, this may indicate poor socialization and, possibly, an unstable psyche. At an early age, puppies should not show excessive aggression towards people, but they should be able to communicate with each other.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the conditions of keeping puppies in the kennel. The mother and her babies should be neat and clean. They must have their own toys, as well as documents (veterinary passport and pedigree). The more generations the pedigree shows, the better.

Other points to consider when purchasing include type of animal, which can be domestic and show. The range of prices in this case speaks not of marriage, but of the level of the animal. For example, if a buyer needs a pet that can take part in exhibitions, he will have to spend 50 to 60 thousand rubles on it. In this case, a typical working puppy will cost about 15-18 thousand rubles.

However, regardless of the type of pet, at the time of purchase, it must be vaccinated, which will allow it to be taken outside for walks and to cope with natural needs.

Maintenance and care

It is possible to keep a dog of the breed in question both in a city apartment and in a private house. However, practice shows that a pet of this breed feels more comfortable in its home. The reasons for this are excessive activity and great freedom during games and walks, which allow pets living in country and private houses. Often, owners living in apartment buildings justify themselves by the fact that it is enough for the dog to go out for a walk only once a day.

However, this opinion is erroneous: there should be at least two walks, and both of them should be long.

Besides walks, it is necessary to take the animal outside every time it wants to use the toilet. In general, the animal adapts well to different climates, it loves to frolic under the sun in summer and does not deny itself the pleasure of plowing the fluffy snow in winter. Many breeders take their dogs outside in warm clothes during the cold season. At the same time, the range of such products today is so diverse that you can easily choose an option even taking into account the complexion and age of a particular pet.

From the first day of appearance in the house, the puppy should have its place, as well as its own territory. This is a key content rule that teaches your pet to understand the basics of parenting. A place for a dog can be chosen such that there are no drafts on its area. Also, it should not be in the immediate vicinity of heat sources (for example, you cannot "lodge" a Russell Terrier by the fireplace).

The bedding can be a natural dense type mattress, resistant to the teeth of an animal.

The new family member should have their own dishes. Under no close relationship, you should not make it from your own plates and bowls, which are used by family members. If the animal eats and drinks from them, in the future they will be perceived as his property, which for some reason is used by people. There should be no shortage of dishes either: the dog should have three bowls: for dry food, liquid food and water.

Care and hygiene should be regular: the animal is not able to wash and comb itself. A characteristic feature of this breed of dogs is the fact that they molt throughout the year if they are kept at home. However, wool is not a big deal if you get rid of dead hair on time. For combing terriers with coarse coats, you need to purchase special trimmers called furminators.

These devices are convenient in that, without much effort and in a short time, they can rid the pet of dead hair that prevents the growth of a new fur coat. It is even easier to care for the coat of other types of Russells: ordinary brushing is enough for them. As for washing, then frequent water treatments are contraindicated for these dogs.

The fact is that with frequent bathing at jacks, the natural protective layer on the skin and hair is destroyed.

However, the lack of the need for frequent bathing does not eliminate the need for paw hygiene after each walk. Every time you come home, you need to wipe the dog's paws with a damp towel or special wipes for animals. In addition, it is necessary to inspect them for cracks and wounds. Besides, do not forget to inspect your pet daily for ticks and fleas that it can bring from a walk.

Hygiene of the ears and eyes is carried out regularly. This must be done 2-3 times a month. Earwax is removed with a napkin dipped in a special product. If redness is detected in the area of ​​the auricles or eyes, the animal is immediately taken to an appointment with the veterinarian. In addition, discharge from the eyes and an unpleasant odor from the ears can be the reasons for contacting a specialist.

Dogs' teeth should be brushed once a week. So that the pet does not resist such a procedure, it should be taught to it as early as possible. This should be done through special snacks sold in specialized stores, as well as with the help of zoos and a brush for dog teeth. Pastes for humans are contraindicated for dogs, as is brushing teeth with a finger with a fingertip on it.

Dogs' ears are indicators of their mood. From them you can understand whether the animal is sad, happy, interested. Due to natural data, the ears are able to rotate 180 degrees and return to their original position.

If they get up, this is considered a serious drawback, and therefore, in order to prevent such a defect, they must be glued with a plaster. If the situation is running, you have to solve the problem surgically.


There are no special feeding requirements for Russells. Like other dogs they can be fed with natural food or concentrated dry granular food. Given the small size of dogs of this breed, they consume little food. Due to the fact that it is concentrated, its amount per serving is less than the volume of natural food.

In addition, ready-made industrial feed is convenient because it significantly saves time for feeding the pet and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. However, it is completely balanced only in premium varieties and holistic types. In cheap analogs, the main ingredient is not meat, but meat flour, which is obtained at best from offal, and at worst from crushed hooves.

You cannot buy food for dogs by weight, since after opening the package, it immediately begins to oxidize and deteriorate.

Considering that poor-quality food can be on the shelves for a long time, the buyer runs the risk of purchasing a stale product. If you decide to feed the dog with natural food, you should immediately from the list of permitted foods exclude pork and lamb... Meat in the diet should be low-fat. Beef, turkey, veal and chicken will do.

In addition, you need to watch out for so that the animal can eat boneless sea fish, buckwheat and rice porridge... An active pet needs vegetables (with the exception of legumes), which can be flavored with vegetable oil. We must not forget about fermented milk products, which in this case include kefir and low-fat cottage cheese. About once a week, the pet needs to be treated with eggs (chicken and quail are suitable).

In order for the dog to receive everything it needs for growth, development and maintenance of health, when choosing natural food, it is necessary to add to it special vitamin complexes. It is also important to understand the nuance that the food of the animal should be varied.

This rule also applies to pelleted feed: it is imperative to change its tastes.

Education and training

You cannot discount the mind that the animal possesses. In the process of learning, it can be stubborn. Considering that, in addition to physical activity, he also needs intellectual, monotony and mediocrity will put an end to learning. If the breeder has no experience in raising a dog, at first, you can contact a professional dog handler.

The dog is cunning by nature, and therefore she will quickly figure out how to take a dominant position by controlling her caregiver. Despite the fact that Russell Terriers do not get along well with their relatives, with early socialization, this behavior can be corrected. You cannot shift training and instilling certain rules from day to day, only in this case the owner will have a dog that is neutral towards passers-by and strangers.

An animal of this breed can show the worst qualities of its character if it feels its impunity.

When teaching Russell, you will have to be patient and strong in spirit. This will allow you to establish yourself in the role of authority. You cannot shout and beat the dog: training cannot be built on fear and hatred of its owner. In order for the animal to readily follow commands, it is necessary to include various games and rewards in the learning process. In addition, classes must be diversified and combined with outdoor activities.

Owner reviews

The Jack Russell Terrier lives up to the title of one of the smartest and most trainable dogs. This is evidenced by the reviews of dog breeders left on the information portals of the Internet. According to the owners' reviews, these animals, even without special training, if necessary, can show several tricks, engaged in their improvement... They enjoy learning if the course is structured in a playful way.

Also, as noted in the comments, these beauties are able to become companions for people with an active lifestyle. They quickly adjust to the rhythm of life of the owners and gladly go for every street walk. If the dogs are sad, then, according to the owners, this may indicate poor health or longing for the owner. Some commentators write that Russell Terriers may become less active as they age.

Breeders associate this with the growing up of the animal and the set of "life wisdom" by it.

The sizes of puppies, according to breeders, vary. In a month, a baby can weigh from 0.7 to 1 kg with a height of 8 cm. At 2 months, his growth increases by 2 cm, in 3 months, his height is 11 cm with a weight of 2.5-3 kg. At six months, the baby weighs from 4 to 4.3 kg, and his height at this time is 15 cm.After a couple of months, he increases by 4 cm.

The video below will tell you about the features of the Jack Russell Terrier breed.

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