List of nicknames for Jack Russell Terrier

Everyone who has watched the famous comedy "The Mask" remembers one of the direct heroes of the film - a small, smart and funny dog named Milo. This small and quick-witted dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed has become a real personification of playfulness and friendliness, so people often get it for themselves. It is necessary to emphasize the individual properties of the dog - it is important to come up with a suitable name for it. What criteria should be followed when choosing a male and female nickname for a Jack Russell Terrier?

Features of choice
The Jack Russell Terrier is considered a hunting breed that originated in Great Britain and has conquered the hearts of people all over the world. It is difficult to argue with the pretty appearance of these animals, as well as with their activity and ingenuity. This dog will become a real friend to all family members, including children, and will give a lot of positive emotions.
The choice of a name for a Jack Russell Terrier puppy should be taken seriously and responsibly. It should reflect the characteristics of the breed such as activity, agility, mischief and high intelligence, as well as appearance. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of the pet. With this or that nickname, the owner demonstrates a warm attitude towards his dog and even endows it with certain traits.
It's not a secret for anyone that the name directly affects the character, so it is important to name the puppy correctly and at the same time it is interesting.

Dog handlers' recommendations
- Before purchasing a dog, you should ask the breeders if the puppy already has a nickname. If the Jack Russell Terrier already responds to a name, it may not make sense to change it. It will not be easy to accustom your pet to the new name.
- Do not rush to choose a nickname - it is better to follow the behavior of the puppy for a couple of days. This is the only way to identify its individual characteristics, otherwise the owner runs the risk of getting into a mess.
- It is better to choose a nickname with the whole family. This approach will promote rapprochement and create an overall positive attitude towards the pet. After all, if someone does not like the chosen name, then in the future negative associations associated with the nickname can go to the puppy himself. Therefore, choosing a name should definitely become the main topic of a family council.
- It is better that the nickname is simple, preferably no longer than two syllables. This will not only be more convenient for the dog itself, but also for the owner. It will be inconvenient to constantly call out to your dog with a long name. But if, nevertheless, the choice fell on a nickname of three or more syllables, then it is better to be able to shorten it when pronouncing, for example, Raphael is easily transformed into Rapha.
- If the dog is not purchased for the first time, it is better not to call it by the name of the previous pet. So the uniqueness and individuality of the animal will be lost, wrong associations will be built, and subsequently distorted perception. In this situation, a normal relationship with the Jack Russell Terrier and any other breed will not work.
- It is better that the nickname begins with a consonant letter. It is believed that this way the dog will more easily perceive and remember its name, will respond more lively and more actively to it.
- The name must be unique. The owner should think about the nickname, and not call the Jack Russell Terrier the first common nickname he comes across. Otherwise, there may be confusion on walks if you accidentally meet a namesake dog.
- In search of an original nickname, you can turn to movies, cartoons, computer games, and also study various space or geographical terms. Many owners name their dogs after great scientists, composers and even presidents. It is much more interesting to meet a Jack Russell Terrier on the street, whose name is Roosevelt, not Rex.
- A dog's nickname should reflect not only the characteristics of character or color, but also gender, therefore there is a clear division of nicknames into male and female. This is especially important for walks, where you can meet owners with other dogs. The socialization of the Jack Russell Terrier is an important aspect of parenting.
- Avoid naming your dog after a friend or family member to avoid confusion. In general, human names are not the most appropriate option for an animal from an ethical point of view.
- The name of the dog should not only suit the pet itself, but also not contradict the age characteristics and social status of the owner himself. For example, a respectable middle-aged man dressed in a suit cannot be associated with a dog named Keksik. To avoid ridiculous situations, especially on walks, you should think about the name of the Jack Russell Terrier, taking into account your own image.
- It is believed that dog names, in which the letter "r" is present, contribute to the emergence of aggression in their owners.
This theory has not been scientifically confirmed, but still the name will to some extent affect the character of the pet, although education will play the main role.

Usually this breed has two names. One of them is given by the breeder himself when the dog is born. It is long and complex, intended for a particular exhibition or competition. Usually the main criterion in choosing a nickname is the litter number. For example, a dog has a first pregnancy, which means that the puppies will have names with the letter A, the second with B, etc.
When the puppy gets to the owner, but he gives him a simple nickname, which will be easy for the dog to remember and will not cause inconvenience to the owner when pronouncing. Sometimes breeders may ask for a specific nickname for a puppy, but more often new owners have to turn on their imagination and choose on their own.
When accustoming a dog to a name, it is important to create favorable associations in the pet in relation to its name. It is better for the first time to call the dog by his name before feeding and when praising him. And it is better to scold the Jack Russell Terrier for offense without using the nickname, so as not to develop negative associations in the dog. Also, you do not need to replace the nickname with its diminutive form, otherwise the puppy will perceive both options as different names, and it will be difficult for him to get used to them.

List of names for girls
Female Jack Russell Terrier have a more calm and docile character, in contrast to males.
- All the softness of the dog's character can be reflected in such airy nicknames as Marshmallow or Vanilla.
- You can focus on the small size of the breed, calling the dog Tiny, Barbie, Baby or Slice.
- It is easy to emphasize the external data using the name Snowflake (if the dog has a white coat).
- It is worth considering the English origin of Jack Russell Terriers, so such female names as Naomi, Nicole, Mary, Selena are perfect for the dog.
- Often the owners are looking for nicknames for these pets in the music industry and call the thoroughbred girl Note, Gamma, Agatha, Harp, Melody. You can name a dog in honor of a movie or cartoon heroine, for example: Gerda, Gadget, Jasmine.
- Female names that have certain meanings will sound beautiful.
For example: Tiko (lunar), Nami (wave) or Aimi (love).

Nicknames for boys
Choosing a nickname for a dog, you should observe his character and behavior.
- If the puppy does not show signs of activity too much, then the nickname Sloth or Sonya will be very useful. But for a dog who finds it difficult to sit still for more than a minute, the name Fidget, Shustrik or Sonic is suitable.
- It is worth paying attention not only to character traits, but also to external data. For example, a black puppy can be named Black, and a dog with a birthmark can be called Spot.
- Nobody has canceled the English nicknames for this breed: Loyd, Austin, Neil, Devin, Ford, Rolex.
- Don't forget about characters from movies, cartoons or comics. For example, the Jack Russell Terrier in the movie "The Mask" was called Milo, and in the movie "Richie" it was called Dollar. Jack Russell Terrier, bearing the name of a superhero, will look appropriate and original, for example: Flash, Stark, Batman, Logan, X, Hulk. The last nickname will look a little comical, but, for example, in the movie "Legally Blonde" Chihuahua, the main character was called the Giant (Thug). Why not?
- If the dog shows wonders of intelligence and ingenuity, the owner can christen him Smart, Sherlock, Plato, Socrates.
- Jack Russell Terrier is a real mischievous person. Therefore, a particularly cocky dog can be called a Hooligan, Sly or Pirate.

Versatile options
If it is difficult for the owner to come up with a unique and original name, you can refer to the tried and true name variants:
- boys Jack Russell Terriers are called by the owners: Beam, Baron, Funtik, Wolf Cub, Donut, Crochet, Ball, Bruce, Jay, Chester, Baksik, Stitch, Miguel, Queen, Floyd, Oscar, Gus, Drake, Jack, Taylor, Buster, Gray, Lars, Astik, Archie, Zach, Zeus, Gavroche, Gross, Kyle, Link, Achilles, Blade, Boston, Thunder, Hercules, Max, Patrick, Fox, Finn, Caesar;
- as for the girl, she can be called: Squirrel, Chapa, Yula, Button, Lyalya, Hanoi, Nayda, Berta, Chloe, Roxy, Jeta, Daisy, Gloria, Lime, Bella, Tyra, Alma, Laura, Vita, Dmi, Danae , Eve, Bug, Zlata, Zita, Irma, Mira, Button, Kiki, Monica, Monroe, Nika, Nyusha, Stella, Tiara, Chapa, Sheila.

There are a lot of nicknames for Russell Terrier boys and girls. It is important for the owner to build on the external data of the dog, the characteristics of its behavior, its own feelings and interests. It is important that the nickname evokes pleasant associations among all family members, suits the dog in character, and also reflects its individuality.
It is in the name that the uniqueness of the pet will be enclosed, as well as all the owner's love for his four-legged friend.
For information on how to choose a nickname for a puppy, see the next video.