
Smooth fox terriers: what do they look like and how to keep them?

Smooth fox terriers: what do they look like and how to keep them?
  1. Origin story
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character
  4. Life span
  5. Content
  6. What to feed?
  7. How to train?

Smooth-haired fox terriers are especially popular among medium-sized dog breeds. They are energetic and highly optimistic. You cannot be in a bad mood next to them. These four-legged friends, with their behavior, will be able to eradicate sadness and make you forget boredom. The original purpose of the Fox Terrier was to help hunters, and today the representatives of this breed are true friends of man and true family members.

Origin story

According to historical records, the first mass breeding of fox terriers began in England. The main purpose of these dogs was to hunt foxes, hence the name of the breed, "fox" - "fox", and "terra" is Latin for "earth".

And the historical mention of fox terriers dates back to the 11th century. It says that the first fan of this breed, directly involved in the selection and breeding of fox terriers, was Count Monte. First of all, he considered the representatives of the breed as working animals, not paying attention to their appearance. The image of dogs, familiar to our time, has turned out thanks to crossing with bull terriers, dachshunds, spaniels and even beagles.

Due to their hunting instincts, fox terriers became widespread in the 18th century.

It was around this time that fox hunting became popular throughout the UK. At the same time, the main task of the fox terriers was to drive the foxes out of their holes.

In the same period, breeders began to deal with the issue of coat color of these dogs.They wanted to fill the animal's fur coat with the predominant white color, so that the dogs would have a vivid difference from foxes, and the hunter would not accidentally shoot his pet instead of prey. Besides, individuals with a wide chest were considered culling, since the size did not allow them to crawl into the narrow distance of the hole.

In the 19th century, the Fox Terrier became the definitive standard in appearance.

Then its representatives began to be divided into several types, namely: smooth-haired and wire-haired. At the same time, the breed standard was the same.

At the end of the 19th century, fox terriers began to spread throughout Europe. The first puppy that ended up in Russia was intended for Prince Golitsyn, who was later recognized as the first Russian connoisseur of fox terriers.

Description of the breed

Fédération Cynologique Fédération Internationale suggests differences in Fox Terrier breed for smooth-haired and wire-haired representatives. Moreover, the difference in the breed standard lies only in the characteristics of the hairline of the animals.

The coat of the Wirehaired breed is a wiry texture of high density and medium length. In the area of ​​the back and paws, the hairline is somewhat longer than along the rest of the body. A small beard grows on the face of wire-haired fox terriers, which gives it a rectangular shape.

In representatives of the smooth-haired variety of the breed, the hairline throughout the body has an equally short length. And only on the paws and muzzle the fur is slightly shorter.

Having considered the differences in wool, you should get acquainted with a detailed description of the breed standard.

  • Body length fox terriers are directly proportional to the height of the animal. The body structure is strong and muscular. The body itself is refined, in appearance it seems light and springy.
  • Head has a flat shape, tapers smoothly towards the tip of the nose, narrow cheekbones only emphasize the external characteristics of the muzzle.
  • To fall fox terriers have strong jaws. It is important to have a complete set of teeth. In this case, according to the standard, the bite should be scissor.
  • Eyes should be dark in color, rounded in shape. On visual inspection, it seems that the eyeballs are particularly expressive.
  • Standard ears are small in size, triangular in shape, upright standing position, while the tips are slightly inclined forward.
  • Rib cage narrow, belly is tucked up.
  • Front and hind limbs have a straight shape with pronounced muscles.
  • Tail located high on the body, directed upward, quite often docked. It is this part of the body of fox terriers that has tremendous strength, if necessary, you can pull the dog out of the hole for it. Representatives of this breed never wag their tail, they make light swings that resemble shaking.

The coat color has a three-color card, namely: red and black spots, spread over a white background. According to the standard, a color of two colors is allowed, although such dogs are quite rare.

The main characteristic of these mini-hunters is their height and weight, where the standard for the growth of fox terriers at the withers is 35–40 cm, and the mass ranges from 6–8 kg.


Smooth-haired terriers are kind and sympathetic animals, they are very attached to their owner and his family. They can be demanding of the owner if they do not have enough physical activity.

In the absence of attention, fox terriers begin to show nervousness, expressed in erratic barking and bad behavior. If you know in advance that the dog will belong to itself to a greater extent, it is better to give up the idea of ​​starting a fox terrier.

By nature, the representatives of the described breed are considered companionable creatures. They will be with great pleasure to spend time with the owner. Fox Terriers very quickly find a common language with children and adolescents.

At any moment, they are ready to start playing, to vigorously throw out the accumulated energy.

On the other hand, fox terriers tend to be jealous. The dog will be angry with any family member if he lets someone else's animal close to him. The fox terrier is especially vivid when it expresses jealousy when another pet appears on its territory and most of the attention goes to the new pet. It is important for representatives of this breed to be in the center of general attention, to feel the love and care of each loved one.

Fox Terriers are active dogs that require constant movement. They will rush in pursuit of a butterfly, cat, bird and any rodents with great pleasure.

The owner, who first encountered the content of fox terriers, needs to know that these dogs have a cocky temperament. During a walk, they can pounce on another dog for no reason, without even paying attention to the size of the opponent. For this reason you will have to constantly monitor your pet, educate and train.

In the nature of fox terriers, a feeling of suspicion very often jumps, for this reason the dog is a real watchdog.

Puppies of the described breed are very active, they love to run, jump, play, but at the same time obey the owner. Adults do not lose their liveliness and love of play at all, they are ready to carry out commands, follow the requirements of the owner.

It is inadmissible to leave the fox terrier alone for several days... If you have a working trip, it is best to find a specialized overexposure for the animal, where the dog will not get bored in the circle of its relatives. And for a family trip, it is best to take the dog with you.

Hunters will especially enjoy keeping fox terriers. They will be able to maximize the potential of the animal, especially in the hunt for burrowing animals.

Life span

On average, fox terriers live about 12-15 years. If the animal is properly cared for, there is a good chance that the dog will be able to delight its owner for 20 years, although such cases were extremely rare.

Unfortunately, hunting dogs cannot boast of a long lifespan. Sometimes, in a fight with a wild animal, they can get wounds that are incompatible with life. And inept shooters can even accidentally shoot a dog.


The care and maintenance of dogs of individual breeds is very different from each other. However, fox terriers are unpretentious in this matter. The pet owner will only need to trim the nails as they grow, check the eyes for discharge, and brush the ears and teeth.

You can keep these wonderful four-legged friends both in an apartment and in a private house with a fenced area where the animal can run, jump and have fun. Fox terriers do not suffer from abundant shedding, which is highly appreciated by housewives.

The pet owner should pay special attention to the health of his pet. High-quality care and regular check-ups by a veterinarian help prevent the occurrence of diseases. From birth, fox terriers must pass timely vaccination.

The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 6-8 weeks, beforehand, a small organism should be disinfected from parasites. A booster shot is given at 12 weeks of age.

The next vaccination is done at six months of age, after the change of the dog's milk teeth. In a year, a comprehensive vaccination is given against many serious diseases, namely: from plague, enteritis and rabies. After each vaccination, the dog may experience discomfort, sometimes it seems lethargic, and occasionally loses its appetite. You should not worry - in a day, at most two, everything will pass. It is important to know that after each vaccination, the dog must spend some time in quarantine.

Fox Terriers, by their nature, like to lead an active lifestyle, respectively, walking is a separate issue in keeping a dog. Representatives of this breed must go out on the street every day, give themselves free rein, throw out the accumulated energy. It's a good idea to take the dog to the park area, to give the opportunity to run along the obstacle course.

But the most ideal option would be a picnic in nature in a family circle, where the fox terrier can run around and spend time with dear people.

From early childhood it is important to teach fox terrier puppies to muzzle, leash and collar. In adulthood, without these attributes, the dog cannot be taken outside. Their tendency to attack other animals should be suppressed from childhood, and for this you will have to make every effort to educate and train the dog.

A very important aspect of keeping fox terriers is the socialization of the animal.... It is necessary to acquaint the dog with the outside world from early childhood. It is very important that the puppy communicates with its relatives from young claws, gets to know other people, perceives the street without fear and fear.

The coat of smooth fox terriers does not require special care. The absence of undercoat significantly reduces the need to wash and scratch the dog. For these treatments, you will need to purchase a short-haired pet shampoo and a soft-bristled brush.

The dog should be bathed as needed, and scratched once a week.

Breeders need to take the fox terrier to the trimming procedure several times a year, which helps to get rid of dead hair. If you neglect this rule, the dog can develop many dermatological diseases.

It is not necessary to make decorative haircuts for fox terriers, even if the animal is preparing for an exhibition. Any manipulation of hair shortening can not only spoil the appearance, but also reduce the quality of the wool.

What to feed?

The diet of fox terriers should be as balanced as possible, which has a positive effect on the pet's health. You can feed your dog with super-premium dry food. The main thing is to select food corresponding to the age and size of the dog.

In addition to dry food, fox terriers will enjoy natural food with great pleasure. The main thing is not to mix two separate food options.

If the dog's diet consists entirely of natural products, the owner needs to remember that most of the daily diet should consist of meat... On some days it is preferable to bring in the fish variety. As a supplement, you should give your dog vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Adults need to arrange fasting days (once a week is enough). But this does not mean that the fox terrier must be completely protected from food.

On a fasting day, the animal's diet should consist of water, raw vegetables and homemade crackers.

It is very important that the dog has constant access to drinking water. Especially in cases where the pet's diet consists only of dry food. In order to properly compose a natural menu, the owner should know what products the fox terriers should receive.

  • The basis of the daily diet is meat products. It contains the maximum amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. The fox terrier is best served with turkey, rabbit and beef.
  • The fish menu should be arranged a maximum of two times a week, while completely excluding meat. Before giving fish to your dog, it must be boiled and deboned.
  • It is important for any dog's body, especially fox terriers, to get enough fiber. It is found in rice and buckwheat. Zucchini, carrots, cabbage and herbs are rich in fiber from garden products. In addition, each ready-made dish should be lightly seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • It is undesirable for adults to give milk; kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt or homemade yogurt will do.

    In addition to the permitted food, there is a small list of foods that are prohibited for fox terriers.

    • Tubular bones... They can scratch internal organs and cause internal bleeding in the dog.
    • Sweets. Foods containing sugar, vanilla, and other sweeteners are considered poisonous to the dog's body.
    • Human food. Dogs should not be given food from the table. Human food in the cooking process is seasoned with spices that are forbidden to the canine body.
    • Fat meat... Fox Terriers should not be fed pork and high-fat meats.

    How to train?

    Raising and training a fox terrier is not an easy task. The owner of the dog will have to be very patient. First of all, the pet must be toilet trained. Initially, to the home, and after a couple of weeks to the street. After each meal, the puppy needs to be taken to the place of recovery, and after a well-done job, be sure to praise the baby with a treat. Of course, it will not do without mistakes, but you cannot severely punish the baby either. A reprimand can be made within 15 seconds after the appearance of a puddle, made in front of the owner. Otherwise, the dog will not understand why he is being reprimanded.

    Fox Terriers do not perceive rudeness, especially in the learning process. They cannot stand being neglected. And it is strictly forbidden to beat the animal, otherwise the relationship between the owner and the dog will be ruined. In simple terms, the dog will be afraid of its owner.

    The education of the fox terrier should begin at the age of three months. The duration of each lesson should not exceed 15 minutes.

    It is best to train the animal 30 minutes before meals. In this way, each individual lesson will have a connection with good emotions.

    If the owner of the fox terrier during the lessons shows attention and patience to his pet, then in a few days a huge breakthrough will be seen. The dog will begin to obey, to carry out some commands. And all thanks to ingenuity and quickness of understanding. However, dog handlers claim that there are some factors that can spoil every single activity.


    During training, the owner will have to make every effort so that the dog's attention is directed only to the owner. The animal should not be distracted by extraneous sounds, noises, voices and movements. During training, there must be equal contact between the dog and the breeder. Cynologists recommend carrying out each lesson with an animal in a playful way, have a large number of treats with you, so that the dog has tasty motivation throughout the training.

    The first basic lessons the dog should take on an individual basis, and after studying the standard package of commands, the dog should be transferred to group lessons. In a company with other dogs, the learning process will be a little more difficult, the main thing is that the pet oversteps the stage of distraction.

    Domination of character

    Even a novice breeder can adequately educate a fox terrier. In this process, it is important for a person to show patience, firmness of character and severity of voice. Each action must have a clear sequence. The owner must show leadership qualities, if you give at least minimal slack, the dog will stop obeying and will begin to consider itself the main one “in the pack”.

    Physical punishment

    Fox Terriers do not accept assault on their person. If suddenly the owner hit his pet, there is no need to wait for a good outcome of the situation. The reaction of the dog can be different, but in most cases the animal begins to grin and snarl. Often, after such an incident, it becomes impossible to obtain obedience from the animal. Fox Terrier will completely lose confidence in the owner and be offended.

    If a new breeder has doubts about his own possibilities of dog training, it is better to contact an experienced dog handler.He will show you how to conduct classes, advise on how to behave with your dog, and point out possible mistakes.

    For smooth fox terriers, see below.

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