
Yorkshire Terrier mini: breed description and content

Yorkshire Terrier mini: breed description and content
  1. Description of the breed
  2. Character and behavior
  3. Differences from ordinary Yorkies
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. How to choose a puppy?
  6. Maintenance and care
  7. Feeding
  8. Nickname options

Fashion dictates its terms for everything glamorous and cute, and dog breeding is no exception. Today, the most popular and widespread breed of dog is the Micro Yorkie (Mini Yorkshire Terrier), these adorable pets can be found almost everywhere - from photographs on cups, clothes to famous films. To grow such a handsome man at home, you need to know the rules for keeping it.

Description of the breed

The Mini Yorkshire Terrier breed first appeared in the early 18th century in Great Britain. Oddly enough, this puppet dog was bred specifically for catching small rodents that lived in large numbers in workers' districts and factories. In addition, cute pets were kept to protect products from rats in garment factories and were often released to hunt pests in the fields.

The Micro Yorkshire Terrier originated from the mixing of such breeds as the Paisley, the Maltese lapdog and the Crisland Terrier. Super-mini dogs became widespread at the end of the 20th century.

A purebred micro dog has no restrictions in height and weight. She is a super active and friendly animal with long fur. The average weight of an individual is usually between 1 and 1.5 kg. At the same time, at the age of one month, the puppy weighs only 370 g, at two months - 610 g, at 3 months - 850 g, in six months - 1450 g and in a year and a half - up to 1.5 kg. The height at the withers can have different indicators, as a rule, the dimensions depend on the genetic characteristics of the pet and the conditions of its keeping.

Outwardly, the characteristics of animals are not much different from representatives of other varieties of this breed, the only thing is that they have long hair, streaming in a waterfall. There is no standard for color, it can be either reddish-fawn or silver-steel. In addition, the descriptions of a purebred handsome include:

  • black nose;
  • rounded edges;
  • straight back and forearm;
  • black eyelids;
  • ears of medium size, V-shaped;
  • tripping.

Just like the English Terrier, mini dogs are very energetic - if you are not too lazy and watch these animals for a while, you will get the impression that there is a battery inside this charming "doll". Pets of this breed are also distinguished by playfulness, cheerfulness, but in the absence of constant attention and love of the owner, the dwarf Yorkshire Terrier becomes too nervous and capricious.

The life expectancy of these pets does not have a strictly established period, since it depends directly on the conditions of detention, type of diet, heredity and many other factors. Usually such pets live from 6 to 9 years.

Character and behavior

Micro Yorkies, just like representatives of other breeds, reliably defend their territory not only from other dogs, but also from pets living next to them. To prevent aggressive attacks on animals and people, the owner needs to control such impulses from an early age. Yorkies also have a hunter instinct, so they can catch anything on their way, ranging from beetles, butterflies and ending with rodents and birds.

If we consider the nature of these animals as a whole, then they can be attributed to funny, cute, intelligent and sociable creatures. Children especially love them. It is recommended to start this breed for those people who have a high level of self-control, because not everyone can bring up such a "zinger".

Such a dog is well suited for single people, it will become an excellent companion and friend.... The only thing that can subjugate the leadership inclinations of a dog can be at the same time persistent, strict and caring owner. Otherwise, the animal will turn into the main one in the house.

Differences from ordinary Yorkies

Despite the fact that the York mini and the regular York are varieties of the same breed, representatives of the latter are not allowed to breed and participate in exhibitions. Outwardly, the difference between animals lies in size, but if we make a physiological comparison and separately consider the features of character, then the dogs have significant differences. Micro Yorkies are considered too fragile creatures, they are more likely to suffer from diseases and require caring for themselves.

The fur of mini Yorkies is not as long and thick as that of their large-sized counterparts. The average weight of micro dogs ranges from 1 to 2 kg, while for representatives of ordinary Yorkies this figure can reach up to 3.2 kg. Compared to standard Yorkies, whose average lifespan is 12 years, mini dogs live at a maximum of only 9 years. In addition to the above, mini yorkies need special conditions of detention.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mini Yorkshire Terrier belongs to decorative breeds. Despite the fact that these cute crumbs are miniature in size, the blood of formidable terriers flows in them. It is generally accepted that small dogs are easy to care for, but in reality this is not the case, since there may be some difficulties in keeping them. Representatives of this breed have the following advantages:

  • takes up little space in the apartment (house);
  • requires a minimum amount of feed;
  • easily learns to go to the toilet on the tray;
  • has a sharp mind;
  • such pets can be taken with you on trips.

This breed also has disadvantages. Animals often succumb to various diseases and are distinguished by a fragile constitution.Dogs are especially sensitive to cold and drafts. The psyche of some mini-yorks is unstable, so it is not recommended to have them in families with small children. In addition, these pets do not live long.

How to choose a puppy?

Before you get a mini york puppy, you need to take into account many nuances, since the owner's comfort will depend on this in the future. When choosing an adorable baby, it is recommended to pay attention to such moments.

  • You should buy a pet at the age of 2-3 months. He must have a special veterinary passport and be vaccinated. At this age, babies are playful, active and strong, so it is best to refuse calm pets who prefer solitude.
  • The external data of the baby also play a huge role. A black nose should always be cold and damp. If white bloom and discharge is observed along its edges, then this indicates the presence of diseases. The legs of a healthy puppy are straight, the legs are rounded.
  • It is important to examine the dog's mouth. The gums should be pinkish, at this age there are 2 incisors and 6 canines on the lower and upper jaw. It is important that the pet has a correct bite, that is, the upper teeth should cover the lower ones.
  • Additionally, you need to look at the puppy's crown, in two-month-old puppies it is already closed.

In addition to all of the above, you should pay attention to the state of the eyes of the future pet. In healthy individuals, they are moist, look forward and have a dark shade. Discharge from the eyes is not allowed. As for the cost, it may be different, it all depends on the region of sale and the puppy's purity.

Maintenance and care

Mini Yorkies are adapted only for keeping indoors, while their resting place should be away from drafts. Dogs of this breed must be properly looked after, performing not only daily combing of the coat, but also doing regular haircuts. Otherwise, the beautiful fur will fall into “felt” and will have to be cut very shortly.

It is recommended to bathe pets infrequently, using balms and shampoos designed for Yorkie wool.... The owner should also regularly monitor the condition of the dog's eyes and ears, while cleaning them unnecessarily is impossible.

Dental care is also considered important. Mini Yorkies often have problems with them - permanent teeth can grow in place of milk that has not yet fallen out. Also, tartar periodically appears on the teeth, it is recommended to clean it only in a veterinary clinic.

To prevent the formation of tartar, pets should be given special toys or soft cartilages to chew.

Another aspect of caring for a mini york is claw cutting, this is done, as a rule, as needed. For this procedure, it is recommended to purchase a special nail clipper; it is best to give preference to guillotine-type products. Representatives of this breed adore walks in the fresh air and love active games, so the owner will have to walk the pet for at least one hour every day.

Before this, the dog should be taught such simple commands as "To me", "You cannot", "Next" and "Sit"... An untrained pet will not listen to the owner during walks and may get lost.

Special attention should be paid when caring for a dog the issue of vaccination. The very first vaccinations are given to a puppy at the age of 2 months from adenovirus, distemper, coronavirus and microsporia. At 2.5 months, vaccination against microsporia and trichophytosis is carried out, at 3.5 months, the same vaccinations are given as at 2.5 months.

At the age of 4–5 months it is necessary to vaccinate against rabies, then at 6 months and a year the vaccinations are repeated, as at 2 months. You cannot vaccinate immediately after purchasing a puppy, you need to wait until he gets used to a new habitat.


In order to grow a healthy and beautiful Mini Yorkie, in addition to proper care, it is important to provide for a proper balanced diet. You cannot feed a pet like yourself, and give everything that comes from the table. There is a nutrition table for pets of this breed, according to which the daily diet should consist of 50% protein (meat products), 25% are various cereals and 25% are fresh vegetables and fruits.

From meat it is best to give beef, for this it is finely chopped and scalded with boiling water. It is recommended to include sea fish and liver in the menu 4 times a month.

Pets are very fond of cottage cheese, so both a puppy and an adult can eat it in small portions. You can diversify the menu with such fermented milk products as kefir and fermented baked milk. Mini Yorkies are prohibited from giving the following foods:

  • sweets;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • bones;
  • fat meat;
  • mushrooms of all kinds;
  • raw onion:
  • pickles, marinades and smoked meats;
  • milk.

Homemade food can be replaced with ready-made food, they will significantly save time on cooking. Additionally, it is recommended to give the animals vitamins. For mini Yorkies, premium and super-premium food, as well as holistic foods, are well suited. containing at least 70% meat. Do not give dogs purchased food and homemade food at the same time. This is because they are digested differently.

If the owner prefers ready-made feed, then he must control constant availability of fresh water in the drinking bowl. Supporters of natural food will have to prepare their own food from quality products, but in this case, the dog should be additionally given a vitamin complex.

In no case should you overfeed the dog, individuals with excess weight will not be able to take part in shows and international exhibitions. For a small puppy of 0.5 kg of weight, it is enough to give 1 tbsp. l. food. Food should always be served at room temperature.

Nickname options

After purchasing a puppy, you will have to worry not only about organizing his place, but also choosing a suitable nickname in advance. The easiest way is to choose a name for a boy, but with a nickname for a girl, things are much more complicated. Since you can think about the names of dogs for a long time, you should follow the main principles by which they are given to mini terriers. Since the birthplace of dogs of this breed is England, it is customary for girls to give names such as Jesse, Berta, Vicki, Vesta, Yucca, Baby, Danielle. For girls with a serious character, such spectacular bright names as:

  • Kristen;
  • Audi;
  • Cherry;
  • Chanel;
  • Guerlain.

If you wish, you can give the dog a funny nickname, but you can't overdo it with a sense of humor. For a playful and friendly girl, names such as Lyalka, Klyaksa, Duska and Lelka are suitable. It is not recommended to call mini yorks by names meant for large dogs. For example, the nicknames Ulla, Laima and Linda are more consistent with large German shepherds and are in no way suitable for a tiny Yorkie.

As for the boys, the following nicknames are ideal for them: Mars, Louis, Tisha, Archie, Maurice, Sema, Jem, Bobby, Mickey, Greg. From the cool names, you can choose the following options: Pudding, Cupcake, Bumblebee, Shaman, Fruit, Pancho. Nicknames such as Macho, Danny, Vito, Ricky, Barney are also very popular.

For more information on the Yorkshire Terrier breed, see the next video.

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