
How to choose nicknames for toy terriers?

How to choose nicknames for toy terriers?
  1. General recommendations for choosing a nickname
  2. What nickname can you give girls?
  3. What are the boys called?
  4. Most popular options
  5. How to accustom to the name?

Miniature dogs of the Russian Toy Terrier breed are adorable at any age. Their fragility, grace and grace can touch even a person who is not prone to sentimentality. However, not everyone knows that behind the defenseless appearance of the dog there is a brave and brave heart, devoted to the owner. Given such an amazing feature of this breed, choosing a name for your pet is appropriate - sonorous, noble and refined. What can you call a toy terrier?

General recommendations for choosing a nickname

Some happy owners of toy terriers believe that a number of specific nuances should be taken into account when choosing a suitable name for dogs of this breed. In their opinion, these miniature animals rarely fit the nicknames that are usually given to large-breed dogs. However, not all toy owners agree with this opinion. So, dog breeders with humor often call their dwarf pets Atlantes, Athletes, Titans, Tysons, Jordans and even Mukhtar.

Experienced breeders recommend choosing euphonious and beautiful, but not very difficult nicknames that are easy and convenient to pronounce. Practice shows that over time, the nickname Cleopatra is reduced to Cleo, Matilda turns into Motu, Marseillaise into Masu, and Brunhilde into Brunei.

Long names are not only inconvenient to pronounce, but also difficult to perceive and remember for the animals themselves.

It is not recommended to give a new pet a nickname that was worn by a previous pet that died from illness or injury. Some superstitious pet owners believe that this can bring misfortune and trouble to the new dog.Psychologists do not advise doing this either, claiming that each time calling a new pet by the name of the previous animal, a person will mentally refer to sad memories. It is advisable not to use popular human names as a nickname for a new pet. In the future, this can lead to awkward and awkward situations while walking.

Most often, novice dog breeders in choosing a suitable nickname for a new pet are guided by the features of its exterior, color, character. An excellent source of inspiration in the search for a sonorous name can be the hobbies of the owner himself, his hobbies, profession, favorite literature, music, films.

In addition, in the absence of any original ideas and solutions in choosing a beautiful nickname for a toy terrier, you can always resort to the directory of popular foreign names.

What nickname can you give girls?

The tiny size of a toy terrier girl puppy can be a landmark in choosing a suitable nickname. Examples of funny and simple names here include such options as: Mini (Minnie), Smalley, Slimmy, Baby (Baby), Baby, Knop (Button), Kiddy, Tinky (Tinkerbell). Nicknames that go back to the translation of the word "small" or "tiny" in different languages ​​of the world sound original. So, a little toy terrier girl can be called one of the following name options:

  • Tini, Shoti;
  • Mala, Malu;
  • Malika;
  • Klein or Klein;
  • Paty or Paty.

    The color of the animal is also capable of suggesting a cute and euphonious name for a girl puppy of the Toy Terrier breed. Here you can give the following possible options for nicknames:

    • Ashley, Gray, Grace, Dymka - for pets of gray color;
    • Whitey (Whitey), Pearl, Snezha (Snezha), Suga, Blanca (Bianca), Alba, Aisi (Aisa, Aiza), Christa, Bright (Bright), Belka, Belyasha, Claudia, Angie (Angie), Frowzie - for dogs white, fawn or pearl color;
    • Blackie, Nori (Nuori, Noir), Ducky (Darky), Agatha, Knight (Find, Knightley), Piper - for black puppies;
    • Brownie, Lilu, Shoko, Ocher, Goldie, Sunset, Whiskey, Gemma, Foxy, Brandy, Reddy, Gina (Ginger), Paprika, Ambergris - for puppies of chocolate, light brown and red color;
    • Lily, Lilac, Viola, Violet, Violet, Spinel, Chara, Zhadi, Indy or Indira - for puppies of lilac-gray color.

      The external nobility and grace of girls of the Toy Terrier breed is an excellent reason to choose a beautiful royal name for a pet. So, as possible options here you can cite the following nicknames: Margot, Lizzie (Elizabeth), Emma, ​​Thea (Theodora), Leia, Eleanor, Adele, Isabella, Matilda, Consi (Constance), Beya (Beata, Beatrice), Berta, Charlie (Charlotte), Cleo (Cleopatra), Marlene, Josephine, Donnie (Donatella), Elsa, Isolde, Mira (Mirabella), Arabella. Suitable for dogs of this amazing breed and beautiful female names belonging to ancient goddesses and mythological characters. For example, quite often the owners of the Toy Terrier breed girls give the following names: Athena, Hera, Medea, Aurora, Thea, Irida, Electra, Vesta, Diana, Dana, Ishtar, Shakti.

      Nicknames that go back to the names of luxury brands and the attributes of glamorous life are considered very popular in relation to this breed. Examples of nicknames for girls of the Toy Terrier breed: Tiffany, Fendi, Furla, Bugatti, Gucci, Calypso, Calista, Coco, Dora, Donna, Esprit, Eva, Fly, Erme (Erma), Izadora, Kylie , Laura, Chloe, Chanel, Prada, Dolce, Milana, Nomi (Naomi), Audrey, Posh, Salma, Sally, Tantra, Uma, Umbra, Vita, Winterra, Zarina, Zara, Bonnie. Other beautiful names for toy girls: Shanti, Darcy, Aina, Aster, Brida, Darin, Ida, Irma, Casey, Kayla, Katherine, Lyme, Lima, Marta, Erin, Nancy, Utah, Ingrid, Laila, Lyalya, Connie, Corrie, Berta, Britney, Alice, Greta, Granda, Gride, Xena, Princesses, Queen.

      What are the boys called?

      Puppies-boys of the Toy Terrier breed are distinguished by their playfulness, curiosity, sociability.They willingly show interest in everything that surrounds them, easily make contact with strangers and animals. The following nicknames may be suitable for such puppies:

      • Joy (translated from English means "joy");
      • Brave (translated from English means "brave");
      • Lucky (from English - "lucky");
      • Pritty ("pretty");
      • Nice ("cute", "cute");
      • Ricci ("rich");
      • Windy ("windy")
      • Sweet or Sweetty ("sweet").

        It is not difficult to choose a harmonious name for a boy puppy of the Toy Terrier breed, focusing on the color of the coat and the bright features of the pet's exterior. Here you can give such common variants of nicknames:

        • Carbon, Chernysh, Dark, Night, Nigel, Nightwish, Schwartz, Agat - for puppies of black or black-brown color;
        • White, Snowball, Zephyr, Blank, Bright, Shine, Angel, Star or Stark, Ice, Salt, Pearl, Freeze, Belek - for animals of white or fawn color;
        • Gray, Greg, Cloud, Ash, Steel, Chrome, Silver, Sylvester, Wolf or Wolf - for gray and smoky puppies;
        • Badge, Latte, Mokko, Bounty, Snickers, Brown, Tabak - for brown puppies;
        • Fox, Orange, Gold, Sunset, Sunrise, Yantar, Ginger, Amber, Jem - for puppies of red and brown-gold color.

        The charm, beauty and elegance of Toy Terrier dogs often inspire pet owners to search for original, intricate and majestic nicknames. For example, some owners often opt for such nicknames: Count, Marquis, Consul, Duke, Viscount, Chevalier, Sultan, Baron, Prince, Sheikh. Other owners choose to name their pets after famous personalities - historical, military and political. Here, as examples, we can cite such legendary names as Caesar, Tamerlane, Genghis Khan, Aurelius, Lucius, Napoleon.

        It is worth noting that toy terriers are often named after great commanders and military leaders for good reason. Dog handlers claim that toy terrier males, despite their miniature size, are distinguished by extraordinary courage and courage. They are able to boldly rush to protect their master if they feel that he is in danger.

        There are also glamorous nicknames for toy-terrier puppies-boys:

        • Cardin;
        • Dior;
        • Mather (Maseratti);
        • Apple;
        • Maybach;
        • Cartier;
        • Rolex;
        • Escalade;
        • Infinity;
        • Aston;
        • Bentley;
        • Porsche;
        • Prado.

          Funny nicknames for small breed males related to weaponry sound funny. Such nicknames include the following: Colt, Walter, Nagant, Mauser, Stan, Winchester (Winch). Other possible options: Brass knuckles, Stiletto, Harpoon, Dirk, Nunchak, Broadsword. In choosing beautiful and sonorous dog names, one of the most popular topics is related to history and ancient mythology. Turning to her, you can easily choose an original nickname for your pet. The most popular variants of names in this topic are the following: Zeus, Hermes, Cupid, Argo, Antey, Theseus, Abder, Amon, Ajax, Boreas, Bacchus, Hector, Veles, Helios, Danai, Dardan, Loki, Mars, Parnas, Sirius, Scythian, Sylvan, Troy, Khors.

          Common foreign names are another source of inspiration, able to tell the owner of the toy boy a suitable nickname for the pet. Most often, toy terrier breeders prefer the following names: Archibald (Archie), Benjamin (Ben), Vincent, Harry, Oscar, Arthur, Gordon, Dylan, Harold, Lucas, Edward, Jakey, Jeremy, Dundee, Freddie, Logan, Joseph , Jason, Aiden, Tyler, Dexter, Richard, Arnie (Arnold), Donald, Mark (Marcus).

          Most popular options

          Nicknames selected in accordance with the nature of the animals are popular among the owners of Russian toy terriers. For example, playful, courageous and energetic dogs are often called Igruns, Shustriks, Skodas, Buyans.Quite often, restless pets are given the following nicknames: Typhoon, Buran, Hurricane, Tsunami, Vortex (translated from English means "whirlwind"), Spindle (translated from German means "spindle").

          In search of a harmonious and original nickname for a toy terrier you can be inspired by the theme of your favorite feature films and cartoons... The most popular options for nicknames here are: Assol, Dorian, Ariel, Fiona, Gerda, Jasmine, Malvina, Artemon, Dantes, Ostap, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Ellie, Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, Othello, Tarzan, Conan , Ivanhoe, Sherlock, Watson, Turandot, Figaro, Valmont, Carmen, Til, Robin, Carlson, Peter Pen, Barbossa, Turner, Ursulla, James Bond, Alice, Lolita, Vinnie, Tigra, Dean, Gatsby.

          The names of dogs associated with the professional activities of their owners sound very funny. The funniest examples here are: Pixel, Syringe, Tweezers, Whatman, Flash Drive, Reader, Forex, Kuhlman, Compasses, Pharma. Monetary-related nicknames are also quite popular. For example, quite often the owners of toy terriers give their pets the following names: Ducat, Gulden, Bucks, Euro (Evra), Tugrik, Schilling, Dinar, Penny, Frank (Franca), Pound (Funtik), Lei (Leia).

          How to accustom to the name?

          The description of the Toy Terrier breed indicates that these intelligent dogs have a good memory and quickly get used to their nickname. With the right approach, perseverance and regular training, you can train your animal to respond to a name in just a few days. At first, it is important to refer to your puppy by name at all times. Whenever the animal responds to the call of the owner, it must be encouraged with a treat. Pieces of a boiled heart or slices of hard cheese are allowed as a delicacy.

          It is necessary to repeat the nickname before and during the puppy's meal. So you can develop the pet's reaction to the name. The nickname should be pronounced as often as possible, even if there is no particular need to call the dog. During training, you should strive for an immediate response of the puppy to the name, even if he is very passionate about something. The pet's reaction to the master's call should be lightning fast.

          You should not change the nickname, referring to the puppy - for example, pronounce it in a diminutive form. You need to call the dog in an even, calm and confident voice. It is unacceptable to shout at an animal if it does not immediately respond to the owner's voice. It is strictly not allowed to use brute physical force in the process of accustoming a puppy to a name. It is also forbidden to punish an animal by getting the desired reaction from it.

          The process of accustoming to a nickname will be faster and more effective if the owner of the toy terrier manages to win the pet's affection and trust. This can be achieved only through an adequate and competent approach to the upbringing and training of a puppy.

          For more information on the Toy Terrier breed, see the next video.

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