
What and how to feed a toy terrier?

What and how to feed a toy terrier?
  1. What natural foods can you give?
  2. Overview and selection of finished feed
  3. Features of feeding puppies
  4. How to feed adult dogs?
  5. Recommendations

Many people prefer to have miniature dogs in their homes. Some people prefer the Toy Terrier breed. In this article, we will talk about how to properly feed these pets.

What natural foods can you give?

The owners themselves make up a diet for their pet, which will consist of either natural products or industrial feed. In the first case, meat will be an excellent option for a toy terrier. In this case, it is better to choose beef or rabbit meat. Chicken can only be included in the menu if the dog is not allergic to chicken protein.

Pieces of meat must be cooked without fail. They do not need to be boiled, it is permissible to just scald them with boiling water.... Raw meat should not be given, as it may contain disease-causing organisms.

Also for representatives of this breed, offal, including the lung, liver, heart or scar, will be a good option. They must be boiled first. You can also use sea fish in the diet.

But it must first be boiled and removed from it all bones that can harm the health of the pet.

Fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat types of cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) are also suitable for adults. For puppies, you can use milk.

Toy terriers are often given rye bread. But it should be dried in advance. Do not feed your pet food that contains a lot of salt. If you do decide to use such an ingredient, then it is better to choose sea salt.

Various cereals are suitable for dogs of this breed: buckwheat, rice, rolled oats. Such products are pre-soaked and boiled.Sometimes egg yolks and honey can be given to the animal, but in small quantities, otherwise these ingredients can cause allergies.

Vegetables should also be included in the diet. More often they take pieces of carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. You can also give greens.

Various berries (blueberries, strawberries) and fruits (pears, apples, watermelon, melons, bananas, apricots) are added to the menu. All these products can be given in the form of small pieces, but it is better to grate them on a fine grater. Sometimes vegetables are cooked, but this procedure is optional.

Occasionally, in small quantities, toy terriers can be offered seeds or unsalted nuts. It is recommended that dogs be given several heads of garlic once a week - they need to be chopped. The product acts as a strong anthelmintic and antiparasitic agent. Often a little vegetable oil is added to food.

The ration of a toy terrier should consist of one third of meat fillets, which contains a large amount of the necessary protein. Two-thirds of the menu should be made from cooked cereals, vegetables, fruits and fermented milk components.

To make the diet as balanced as possible, it also includes special multivitamin supplements.

Before purchasing a suitable formulation, you first need to consult with your veterinarian. As a rule, such additives can improve the condition of the coat, help to strengthen joints and teeth. In addition, they are used to maintain the health of young puppies, pregnant and lactating animals, for older animals.

There are products that are strictly forbidden to give to toy terriers:

  • grapes (raisins);
  • smoked meats (sausages, sausages);
  • citrus;
  • pasta;
  • potatoes (high starch content can cause allergies);
  • peas;
  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • pork (too fatty meat);
  • River fish;
  • pickled or spicy foods;
  • sweet products.

Overview and selection of finished feed

Today, you can make a whole list of ready-made food for toy terriers. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that for this breed, only super premium food is suitable. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Royal canin

This brand offers food specially designed for miniature dog breeds (Mini Adult). Such food can stimulate the pet's appetite, help to improve the condition of the coat and teeth.

The basis of nutrition includes poultry meat and cereal components. You can also find flour from cereals, soybean oil, fish oil and yeast in the diet.

Hills Science Plan

The manufacturer produces food only for small breeds (Canine Adult Small & Miniature Lamb & Rice). It is based on lamb meat. This diet helps to improve the condition of the oral cavity, digestive system, and skin. This food contains a high level of antioxidants, which helps to keep the dog's immune system in good condition.


The main component is chicken. The minor products are rice grains and corn. The feed contains an additional vitamin complex and fatty acids.

Almo nature

The products of this brand are distinguished by the fact that they undergo less processing during manufacture. The composition contains poultry, vegetables, fruits, cereals and a mixture of rice grains and oats. The feed also contains rosemary oil and a complex of vitamin elements.


This German brand produces feed consisting of meat, fish fillets, meat flour, egg powder. The main source of fiber in the diet are beet pulp and flax seeds.

The menu also includes fish oil, which saturates the animal's body with the necessary amount of acids. It also contains yeast, which provides the supply of B vitamins.

Arden grange adult

The British brand offers dry food based on chicken, corn, rice, beet cake, and fat.This diet is low in fiber, but it will improve the condition of your pet's coat, it will become more shiny, and the level of activity will increase.

Barking heads

The food is made from natural meat, lamb fillet flour, trout pieces. Brown rice and seaweed are used as minor foods.

Substances containing vitamins A, D, C are additionally added to the food. It also contains a sufficient amount of iron, zinc and manganese for toy terriers.


Made from freeze-dried poultry or lamb. Its frequent use provides an acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. This diet is considered a budget option.


This Swedish company produces chicken feed. Corn and flour are also the primary components. Most often, the brand's products also contain Arctic fish, a mixture of oats, animal fat and additional vitamin and mineral supplements.


The Swedish company produces dry meals from poultry, lamb or salmon. The secondary components are special dried seaweed, oatmeal, brown rice grains, choline, and flax seeds.

Mineral and vitamin supplements included in the feed enrich the terrier's body with manganese, iron, sodium, calcium and copper.

They also contribute to the normal development of young puppies.

Bit Care

The Czech company produces dry rations based on flour from beef, lamb or chicken. Raw materials are obtained by careful processing and grinding of offal (heart, lung, liver) and meat fillets. Wherein corn, aromatic and flavoring additives are completely absent.


The firm offers a menu that includes meat of thoroughbred turkeys, chicken, sea fish. Some varieties also contain eggs, chopped and processed greens, pieces of fruits and vegetables. In the manufacture of some feeds, cartilage and offal are used.

All super-premium feeds differ from other ready-made diets by their high content of antioxidants, medicinal herbs, and minerals.

It is better not to use food of other classes for toy terriers.

Features of feeding puppies

A month-old toy terrier puppy should be fed with breast milk. If it is not enough, then it is necessary to organize additional complementary foods.

In specialized stores, you can buy canine breast milk replacers for your puppy. They are available in the form of dry mixtures, diluted with clean filtered water according to the instructions.

Some owners prepare a mixture for their pets at home. To do this, you need to mix sugar-free milk powder with cow's milk. It should not be too greasy, it should be boiled in advance.

You can also mix natural fresh milk with chicken egg yolk to prepare milk formula for a puppy.

When the puppy turns 20 days old, he should gradually introduce into the menu liquid milk porridge, diluted baby curd, kefir mixed with low-fat curd, chopped pieces of beef.

At the age of 2 months, puppies of this breed become as active as possible and begin to demand more food. During this period, pets should also receive breast milk. In addition to him, the diet should include calcified curd, minced meat, pre-boiled, broths, whole goat or cow's milk.

If before that the pets were fed with ready-made mixtures from the store, then at the age of two months it is not recommended to change the diet strongly, so as not to cause stress to the body. In this case, toy terriers need to be given some ready-made canned food for small breeds and a ready-made milk mixture.

When puppies are 3 months old, they should receive their first vaccination.

During this period, in addition to mother's milk, they need fermented milk products, boiled minced meat or a little raw meat, buckwheat or rice porridge. Vegetable soup cooked in meat broth will be an excellent addition.

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then at the age of 3 months you should give him a ready-made liquid mixture, canned food for miniature breeds. You can also give special semi-moist feed.

At 5-6 months, toy terrier puppies need fermented milk products (cottage cheese can be given in large quantities), boiled lean meat (beef), and a peeled tripe is also suitable.

Raw or boiled eggs will also benefit puppies at this age. Moreover, you can use both chicken and quail eggs.

You can also give vegetable pieces, but they should be boiled beforehand. By-products are also great for the diet (liver, lung, heart).

From 6 months to 1 year, the dog's menu can be significantly expanded. It includes:

  • meat;
  • boiled fish;
  • offal;
  • different types of broths;
  • greens;
  • bran;
  • vegetables (except for boiled potatoes and raw cabbage leaves);
  • cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice);
  • fruits (bananas, pears, apples, melons).

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then at the age of 6-8 months it should be given semi-moist and wet food, as well as dry pieces of food soaked in water.

After a complete change of teeth in a dog, it can be transferred immediately to a dry, wet or semi-moist diet.

At an early age, puppies are fed 4-5 times a day (the night break between meals should not exceed 8 hours). As the pet grows older, the regimen is gradually reduced to 2-4 times a day. For normalized development, you can give a toy terrier additional vitamin formulations (Omega-3, Omega-6, fish oil, B vitamins).

How to feed adult dogs?

For adults, 2 feedings per day will be sufficient. And between them, you should not give the dog small treats. The ration should consist of 2/3 of protein (meat, dairy products, eggs, boiled fish), 1/3 of cereals. Pieces of fruits and vegetables act as additional ingredients in your dog's diet.

The size of each serving for your pet will depend on the animal's body weight. For every kilogram of weight, 50-80 grams of food is required.


Many veterinarians advise feeding toy terriers at the same time every day. In addition, there should always be a sufficient amount of clean, filtered water in the pet's bowl.

Food for toy terriers should be at room temperature. It can be warmed up a little beforehand. Remember that it is better not to feed the animals from the master's table.

All food for your pet should be prepared only from fresh and quality ingredients. In this case, you should not add salt and various spices to it.

Monitor your pet's food intake.

If you notice that there is always a little food left in the bowl, then you should reduce the portion size, as in this case terriers are getting too much food.

Nutrition has a great impact on the appearance of the animal. If he has a shiny and soft coat, clean and healthy eyes, a good appetite, then the diet should not be changed, it contains all the ingredients and substances necessary for the dog's body. For any negative manifestations, you should contact your veterinarian.

For more information on how to feed a toy terrier, see below.

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