Food for toy terrier: what are they and how to choose the right one?

Toy Terriers are a breed of small dogs for keeping exclusively at home. As you know, miniature animals need special attention from the owner, and especially - in proper nutrition. This is the guarantee of their health and longevity. This feature is associated with the predisposition of dogs, which throughout their lives look like puppies, to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In order for your pet to be always cheerful and healthy, and his coat to shine, his diet must be complete and balanced.

Small breed dog food is divided into two types, such as:
- natural - self-prepared from fresh products;
- dry - special balanced prefabricated mixtures.
Which option to prefer, each owner of a puppy or an adult dog decides independently. It is important to remember that veterinarians recommend not using a mixed diet - feeding both natural products and dry food at the same time. Better to focus on one thing. In addition, your puppy's diet can be made from natural ingredients, and gradually switched to dry mixes as they get older.

The nuances of dry food
When choosing a brand and manufacturer of dry food for your pet, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that it is intended specifically for small breeds of dogs. And also you need to choose only the highest quality feed, which contains ingredients that are extremely useful for the "baby": meat, cereals, vitamins, vegetables and fruits in dry form.In no case should the composition of the feed contain dyes, soy, corn, as well as flavor enhancers that can have a detrimental effect on the dog's stomach. Many manufacturers produce food for different age groups, from newborn puppies to older dogs.
The main distinguishing feature of the products is that each category contains exactly the set of useful ingredients that the animal needs at a certain period of its life. Therefore, it is not only important to choose the right food itself, but also to control the compliance of its age with the pet.

All feeds available in the trade network are divided by veterinarians into several categories.
- Economy class... For example, Pedigree, Chappy. They are based on corn, which is the strongest allergen. And we have already mentioned that the stomachs of our "little" friends are very sensitive and prone to allergies. Thus, this line of dry food is categorically contraindicated for use by toy terriers.
- Premium class. Pro Plan, Royal Canine, Hill's - these are food from trusted manufacturers, in which there are no harmful additives, and the diet is completely balanced.
- Super premium class. Eagle Pack Holistik, Acana, Orijen are first-class products from elite manufacturers. As part of it, you not only will not find anything that is contraindicated for dogs, but you will also be amazed at the widest range of its components: several types of meat, berries, fruits, herbs, vitamins and minerals. With such nutrition, your four-legged friend will always be healthy and vigorous.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is impossible to overfeed individuals of small breeds. This leads to rapid obesity, loss of mobility and a shortened life span. On the package, the daily feed rate is indicated, depending on the weight of the toy terrier, and it should be adhered to.
When keeping a pet on a dry diet, make sure that there is always fresh water in its bowl. This will eliminate the development of urolithiasis.

Feeding with natural products
If you decide to prepare food for your four-footed friend on your own, then especially carefully consider the balance of the diet for the period of puppyhood. It was at this time that the foundations of his health and upbringing were laid. remember, that it is very important to feed the dog correctly from a very early age, giving it only healthy food, and not leftovers from the master's table. It is best to prepare food for the toy terrier separately and daily.
Despite the diminutiveness of toys, they are predators. Their diet should be dominated by meat products. Meat can be given raw to adult dogs, after dividing it into portions and keeping it in the freezer for several hours. This is done in order to neutralize the product - a low temperature will effectively get rid of parasites, if they are present in meat pieces.
After the freezing procedure, the meat delicacy must be thawed and brought to room temperature. Toy Terriers should not be fed too cold or hot food - it should be slightly warm or at room temperature.

It is worth considering what to give to dogs of this breed. Chicken and beef should prevail on the menu, which can be given both raw and boiled. And also the following foods should be present in the diet:
- cereals: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats - they must be boiled;
- vegetables: zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes - it is advisable to stew beforehand;
- chicken yolkhard-boiled;
- sea fish: salmon, pollock or hake - only boiled;
- offal: heart, liver, scar - you do not need to boil it, but be sure to pour it over with boiling water;
- cottage cheese or kefir;
- greens: dill or parsley;
- fruits: it is better to give apples and bananas in small quantities.

In addition, sometimes you can pamper your pet with foods such as:
- natural yogurt that does not contain dyes and sugar;
- a drop of honey;
- a few drops of vegetable or olive oil: usually 1-2 drops, no more than twice a week;
- a slice of lamb, raw or cooked;
- low-fat unsalted cheese.
As for salt, it can be added to food very rarely at the tip of a knife, while using exclusively sea salt. For a balanced diet, cereals and vegetables are necessary for small dogs. But if animals refuse to eat them in their pure form, then you can try mixing them with the meat in such a way that the meat ingredients prevail.

It is strictly forbidden to give toy terriers the following products:
- fatty, fried and smoked foods;
- any sweets containing sugar;
- salty foods: vegetables, fish, and so on;
- flour products: cookies, bread, pasta;
- raw fish, eggs, offal;
- potatoes and legumes;
- various sauces, mayonnaises, margarines and butter.
Important! Any food from the owner's table is contraindicated for a dog, because it must contain salt, spices and other components harmful to the animal's body.

Feeding frequency
If you have to artificially feed a puppy from birth, then with its growing up, the frequency of food intake should decrease, and the intervals between receiving food should gradually increase. So, newborn babies during the first two weeks should be fed every two hours with milk or a special mixture. Further, the time between feedings should be increased so that when the puppy reaches one month old it is already 4 hours.
During the second month of life, babies are fed every 4 hours, that is, 6 times a day. In the third month, the number of feedings is reduced to 5 times, in the fourth - up to 4 times, and starting from the fifth month, they switch to three meals a day. When the dog reaches adulthood - 10 months - it can be fed 2 times a day, but at the same time. Best of all - immediately after the walk.
Important! Veterinarians do not recommend feeding before walking due to the fact that they are very mobile, and this can lead to volvulus.

What is the best way to feed?
With a properly composed and balanced diet, any type of food: natural, dry or wet will be equally useful for a four-legged pet. The main thing is to comply with the rate and frequency of feeding. Still, feeding with dry ready-made formulations has a number of advantages over a natural diet, namely:
- a fully balanced menu that does not require additional feeding;
- prevention of tartar formation and removal of dental plaque in the process of chewing crunchy granules;
- convenient, does not take the owner's time to prepare food;
- monotony and the same calorie content in a portion has a positive effect on the work of the digestive system;
- it is easy to observe hygiene: dry foods do not stain the dog's coat and its bed, and also do not deteriorate;
- the ability to choose food that is fully consistent with the age and needs of the dog.
You will learn more about caring for toy terriers in the following video.