
All about Russian smooth-haired toy terriers

All about Russian smooth-haired toy terriers
  1. Origin story
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character
  4. Life span
  5. What to feed?
  6. How to care?
  7. Education and training

Dog breeds are divided into those who serve people, and decorative dogs for the soul. If you are looking for a small dog with a spectacular, funny appearance, inexpensive to maintain, you should pay attention to the Russian smooth-haired Toy Terrier. They are energetic, fussy dogs, pretty, very small. They are able to cheer up anyone.

Origin story

The smooth-haired Russian Toy Terrier has its origins in 18th century England. Toy terriers were extremely popular, bred from English black terriers crossed with a Manchester terrier. At first they were bred to fight rats, but the adorable appearance of tiny dogs fascinated the aristocrats.

Fashionable dogs acquired the status and began to participate in exhibitions already at the beginning of the 20th century, but only in the middle of the century the Toy Terrier was officially named a breed.

When the breed fell into decay, Russian breeders began to restore it and brought out Russian Toy Terriers, which were divided into smooth-haired and long-haired.

Description of the breed

Toy is a decorative type of dog, indoor breed, ideal for a city apartment. The mini dog is a great companion. A short-haired toy terrier looks like this:

  • limbs are long, very thin, standing parallel, with small paws;
  • the addition is lean, harmonious, proportional;
  • the neck is elongated, high, the head is proudly set;
  • the body is equal in length to the height at the withers;
  • the head is small. wedge-shaped skull;
  • lips tight, black;
  • the ears are rather large, triangular, open;
  • eyes are dark, protruding, set wide apart;
  • according to the standard, they can be with docked tails or with the usual saber type;
  • the skin is smooth, without folds;
  • the stomach does not hang;
  • the sexual type is obvious;
  • movements are free, light and fast.

    An adult toy terrier has a height at the withers from 22 to 27 cm, body weight up to 3 kg.

    Any discrepancies are discarded as a breed defect. If you are planning to purchase a pet for participation in exhibitions, you must carefully select the puppies.

    The colors of the Russian Toy are varied, according to the standard of the suit they can be:

    • black, blue and brown and tan;
    • purple and tan;
    • red and black;
    • reddish blue;
    • red & fawn;
    • reddish brown;
    • reddish purple;
    • chocolate;
    • cream.

    Suits are rejected:

    • marble type;
    • tiger;
    • piebald;
    • spotted;
    • white.


    Russian toyi are gentle, empathic, kind dogs, they love not only the owner, but all family members. This is one of the most non-aggressive varieties of toy terriers, although they are proud of themselves and behave quite confidently.

    This is a rather touchy breed, so you can't punish and offend a dog in vain.

    Despite their miniature size, they are endowed with an excellent sense of smell and hearing. And if a stranger appears in the house, the dog will instantly react by barking. The tiny size does not prevent the dog from rushing to protect the owner in case of danger.

    To train a toy terrier is not too difficult a task, as the dog is quick-witted, but at the same time it can be cunning. You should learn to distinguish between such behavior and in no case be led by a capricious pet. Toddlers don't get along very well with children, so it's best to avoid this kind of contact:

    • they have a fragile build, children during active games can harm the dog;
    • the heavy, serious temperament of the toy terrier is not suitable for children, the dog may well bite the child if you give it a physical nuisance.

    The Russian toi does not tolerate loneliness, he is bored, he needs company. She gets along well with pets.

    Experts identify a number of advantages of the breed:

    • nice appearance;
    • small size, suitable for small housing;
    • eat little;
    • get along well with pets if properly socialized;
    • very mobile, you can take it with you on trips;
    • can be taught both to walk and to the tray.

    There are also disadvantages:

    • if you take it to a family with children, you must carefully educate the puppy and protect him from overly zealous children's games, even in adulthood;
    • too fragile physique, weak bones;
    • not too well developed immunity;
    • if it falls ill, it takes a long time to be treated;
    • it is not easy even for a specialist to identify a disease in this breed;
    • if not brought up, it will show aggression, grow up angry, hysterical;
    • does not tolerate cold weather, clothing is needed for walking.

    The Russian Toy Terrier is quite sociable, so it is perfect as a companion for lonely, elderly people.

    He is not too whimsical in terms of walking, does not require too much activity from the owner... However, it is necessary to communicate more with the dog, to buy toys for her so that she does not start ruining things out of boredom. The dog is suitable for affectionate and patient people who like to play with the dog. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the barking of the Toy is quite loud, this breed will not be suitable for lovers of silence.

    Life span

    Russian Toy, like the entire decorative group of breeds, lives for a long time. With proper care, they can live for over 15 years. Unfortunately, the fragile health of the dog in case of mistakes in grooming can significantly reduce this period. Having decided to take a toy, you need to realize that all responsibility for his health and life rests with the owner.

    If you organize competent care, carefully treat the dog and take care of it, it will delight you with its healthy appearance and activity for many years.

    The lifespan of Toy is influenced by:

    • high-quality, balanced nutrition;
    • timely vaccination;
    • competent care and treatment.

    The most common diseases in this breed are:

    • neurological problems;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • diseases of internal organs;
    • epilepsy;
    • allergic reactions;
    • baldness.

    If you want your dog's health to be strong, be sure to choose a puppy responsibly. Do not buy a dog in the markets, from the hands of dubious sellers.

    Russian Toy Terriers are a common breed, so it will not be difficult to choose a worthy breeder or kennel. But even when choosing a puppy in a proven place, pay attention to the following nuances:

    • the appearance of the baby is similar to a tiny fawn, the limbs are long, the chest is high;
    • the body is square, compare the proportions of the height and length of the body, they should be identical;
    • eliminate any spotting if you want the animal to take part in exhibition forums;
    • bulging of the eyes should not be confused with bulging, the purity of the eyes, the absence of pus are important;
    • assess the condition of the oral cavity, occlusion, there should be no inflammation;
    • there should be no unpleasant odors, bald patches, fleas, and other insects.

    Puppy behavior is very important. Healthy dog:

    • non-aggressive;
    • not cowardly;
    • eats well on its own;
    • behaves adequately with other puppies;
    • curious;
    • active, by no means sluggish.

    What to feed?

    There are two ways to feed the Russian Toy Terrier - ready-made food and natural food. The first is already balanced, the organization of the second will have to work hard. Food is best for toys. holistic, premium and super premium, they already have all the necessary nutritional and vitamin-mineral complex. You can choose both dry food and canned meat.

    When picking up a puppy, be sure to ask what it was fed, and at first organize the food according to the same principle, gradually switching to the option that is convenient for you.

    The natural diet of a toy terrier consists of the following foods:

    • lean meats - chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey;
    • cereals in the form of cereals - buckwheat, rice;
    • marine fish species;
    • seasonal fruits and vegetables;
    • kefir, cottage cheese.

    Toy terriers are prone to overeating, so the portions should be satisfying, do not allow food to be overused. Never give your dog:

    • smoked products;
    • pork, lard;
    • sweet, butter, baked goods;
    • spicy, salty, seasoned;
    • food from my table;
    • grape.

    The dog must always have access to clean water, it must be changed a couple of times a day.

    After eating, be sure to remove the bowl of uneaten food in order to educate and prevent poisoning.

        Toy terriers are great beggars, it is difficult for them to refuse snacks, which often leads to obesity... Establish a meal plan right away. The puppy eats 5 to 7 times a day. As you grow older, the number of meals is reduced to twice a day.

        How to care?

        Toy terriers belong to the decorative group of dogs, therefore they do not need serious physical activity. It is necessary to know that dogs are rather fragile, it is dangerous for them to fall from the height of even a standard bed. Therefore, from the first days, teach your dog not to jump on chairs, sofas, beds. To help your dog sleep comfortably on the floor, prepare a cozy bed with removable pillowcases. Ideally, it should have sides, but of a low type.

        It is better to organize a resting place for a dog in a warm, dry room, in which there is enough light and no drafts.

        Small dogs do not cause serious problems in grooming; hygiene rules must be observed. First of all, this applies to the care of the oral cavity. Very often milk teeth have to be removed forcibly, since they themselves do not fall out. To avoid tartar and plaque, it is necessary to brush the dog's teeth with a special brush and paste; for the first time, a bandage wound around a finger will do.

        Regularly examine your pet's ears, remove dust, excess sulfur with a cotton swab, this must be done very carefully... A secretion product often accumulates in the eyes, you need to clean your eyes in a timely manner so that inflammatory processes do not start.

        This is done with a damp cotton pad, water or special lotion. Despite the short, smooth coat, toy terriers shed at a certain period. At this time, you need to comb it out daily, during the rest of the period, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week. It is not necessary to cut smooth-haired toy terriers.

        Dogs of this breed are washed as needed, but not too often. They are prone to colds, and frequent washing can damage the natural protective layer of the skin and coat. Since dogs of this breed walk a little, the claws do not grind naturally, they must be regularly cut no more than 2 millimeters with a claw cutter. You can do it yourself or take you to a groomer.

        Toy terriers are afraid of the cold, so you need to purchase several sets of clothing for bad weather. Otherwise, the dog will instantly freeze on the street, and it is impossible not to take it out at all during autumn and winter. Clothes can be purchased online or at regular pet stores. The kit consists of the following items:

        • overalls;
        • a cap;
        • blanket.

        Despite the fact that the toy does not require too frequent and prolonged walking, it is necessary to take it out into the fresh air regularly.

          While walking, avoid playgrounds with merry-go-rounds, slides, keep the dog away from ditches, logs, steep slopes, obstacles. Toy terrier is very easily injured. Therefore, it is best to train your dog on a leash from the first days of walking so that you can control his behavior and movement. Free range is dangerous for toy terriers also because they recklessly rush with barking at cars, large dogs, which can end very sadly.

          After a walk, especially in winter, wipe the dog's paws with a damp cloth, as reagents can negatively affect the condition of the paws. In addition, dogs can lick them, leading to poisoning.

          Nursing procedures include timely vaccinations, antiparasitic treatments, and veterinary examinations. All procedures should be carried out according to a schedule, general or individual. Before each vaccination, deworming with special preparations is carried out for 14 days. The animal is vaccinated with complex vaccines against rabies. Prevention of worms is carried out every 3 months.

          And also make sure that during the season the pet is protected by special collars from insects, this will prevent the reproduction of fleas, tick bites and other infectious parasites.

          If there is inflammation, an unpleasant odor from the mouth or ears, pus on the mucous membranes - show the dog to the veterinarian.

          Education and training

          From the first days of the appearance of the puppy in the house, you need to accustom him to the order that you will require from an adult dog. Toy terriers can walk on demand in a tray equipped with a special diaper. First of all, it is necessary to accustom him to this action. After each meal, the dog is planted in the litter box and rewarded if successful. If you're teaching your dog to defecate outside, always carry your pet in your arms to avoid injury, and walk the same route to develop a reflex.

          Be sure to understand for yourself that the dog is not a child, therefore, requires a strict, consistent attitude in upbringing.

          There are certain skills that each dog needs to be taught:

          • accustoming to a nickname;
          • weaning from growling at the owner;
          • training to the place - do not let the dog sleep with you in the same bed;
          • do not let the dog in front of you at the door, so you will lose your leadership position;
          • knowledge of the basic commands: "Place", "To me", "It is impossible".

            If you pamper your dog, it will not recognize your leadership and will not listen to you. If a dog growls at you, you cannot persuade him, severity is necessary here. The same applies to situations when the toy terrier behaves ugly, indulges. It is important to accustom the dog to order, to ensure his leisure, otherwise he will ruin a lot of things in the house out of boredom. Buy a variety of toys with which you can't hurt yourself - balls, tweeters.

            Under no circumstances give your dog old, unnecessary things to play with. Having ruined the old slippers, she will start working on new ones.

            In the next video you can watch the training of a toy terrier.

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