Chocolate toy terriers: features, characteristics and care rules

Experienced dog breeders know that miniature dogs of decorative breeds can become not only a "hand decoration", but can faithfully serve the owner for many years. One of the popular breeds is the Russian Toy Terrier. These are small, but hardy and agile dogs. Chocolate mini-terriers have won a special love of dog breeders.

About breed
Russian toy terriers are descended from their English relatives. The latter ceased to be bred in the 20s of the last century. However, in the mid-50s of the last century, Russian breeders set about restoring this amazing breed. The Russian Toy Terrier was officially registered in 2008.
Small, nimble dogs were distinguished by mobility and dexterity. They did an excellent job of being rodent hunters. Despite their diminutive size, toychiks are excellent friends and loyal companions. They love to fool around with small households and can play for hours with their favorite toy. The Russian Toy Terrier does not differ in fearfulness and boldly rushes into battle with a large enemy. Puppies are perfectly trainable and instantly memorize a large number of commands.

Important! The psyche of decorative pets is rather weak, so toy terriers should not be left alone for a long time. Away from the owner, the dog will be sad and may get sick.
Lovely creatures are perfect for living in a city apartment. The conditions of street life are too harsh for them. The characteristic features of Russian toy terriers include the following:
- muscular body of a square shape;
- wedge-shaped head, pointed muzzle;
- erect ears and dense tail (docked at a "tender" age);
- developed limbs;
- expressive eyes.
Russian mini-terriers are smooth-haired and long-haired. The former resemble adorable deer.

The short fur fits snugly to the body and shines beautifully in the sun. In long-haired individuals, the body is decorated with wavy hairs (no more than 5 cm). The ears are covered with a long, spectacular fringe.
The life span of decorative four-legged friends is 12-15 years. It all depends on care and a balanced diet. The height of dogs varies from 19 to 26 cm, weight - no more than 3 kg. And also there are superminis and dwarf toys. Snoopish "boys" are larger than calm and affectionate females. The latter are easy to train and are strongly attached to the owner.

Important! At first glance, animals look very fragile and delicate creatures. However, dogs are very mobile and active. They love to be curious about new places and subjects.
The breed standard implies the following fur colors:
- ginger;
- black and red;
- chocolate;
- blue.
Dogs with brown hair won the special love of breeders. Animals with a monochromatic coat color are quite rare, most often puppies are born chocolate and tan (light marks are located on the face, chest and paws of the animal).

The little ones look very cute and resemble plush toys. Adult dogs with a brown and tan color successfully participate in exhibitions.
In addition to chocolate and tan, there are also dark red and white-brown colors. In the first case, the base of the hairs of the wool is colored in a rich orange color, and the tips have a dark tone. Chocolate dogs with white markings on their paws and chest fall under the standard and are not considered defective. Note that pets with brown hair, which have a minimal amount of light spots, are already tanned. The chocolate color of animal hair is inherent in a palette of shades. The color can be dark (bitter) or, conversely, light (milky). And also there are tones of black-brown and coffee with milk.

The tan markings can also be of different shades: from auburn to light yellow.
The advantages of the color include its brightness and spectacular appearance. Brown toys will not get lost on a walk, and wool has the property of "playing" in the sun with amazing reflections. However, mites and damage are not visible on dark fur. After each walk, the pet must be carefully examined. According to experts, mini-terriers with brown hair are monogamous. They instantly become attached to the owner and serve him faithfully throughout their lives. Chocolate toy terriers are beautiful and graceful pets.

How to care?
Miniature dogs unpretentious in care.
- First of all, the breeder should take care of the presence of a cozy place and a tray. It is known that the representatives of this breed are easily accustomed to the household toilet.

- Dark-colored animals need to be combed out thoroughly. For smooth-haired people it is enough to comb out with a comb with stiff bristles 1-2 times a week. As for their fellows with long "hair", for them this procedure will take place more often. Mats must be cut in time. For washing, special shampoos are suitable, including dry ones.

- It is important for a miniature dog breeder to focus on the hygiene of the ears and eyes. Ears are cleaned with cotton swabs once every two days. For the eyes, special drops are suitable, which can be easily purchased at any pet store.

- The pet's teeth must be regularly cleaned with special powders or paste. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are also suitable. It is enough just to wet a piece of gauze with the solution and clean the pet's oral cavity.

For an animal's chocolate coat to be thick and shiny, the animal's diet must be varied and balanced. Russian Toy Terriers are fed with natural products and premium industrial feed for ornamental breeds. An adult dog's diet consists of foods such as:
- lean fresh meat (except pork);
- fermented milk products;
- chicken and quail eggs (mainly yolks);
- boiled vegetables and fresh fruits;
- sea fish and cabbage.
The pet should not be given sweets and smoked products.

And also it is worth refraining from bones. The kid can choke and die. These animals are quite voracious, so food intake should be dosed.
Puppies eat up to 5 times a day, an adult dog needs to eat twice a day. Russian toy terriers are prone to eye, bone and dental diseases. The breeder needs to regularly show the pet to the veterinarian.
What a chocolate toy terrier looks like, see below.