Brindle Staffordshire Terrier: what does it look like and how to keep it?

Many people have a variety of pets in their homes. Today we will talk about the features of the brindle Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) breed and its content.

Description of the breed
Staffordshire terrier puppies are medium in size. The body of the dog is densely built, with large muscles. Despite their small stature, animals of this breed have tremendous strength. The head of the dog is massive, the ears are strongly raised and short. The eyes of the animal are dark shades with a deep set. The rim of the eyes is also dark, the pet's nose is black.
The belly, as a rule, is well tucked up in such dogs. Well-developed muscles are located on the shoulders. The chest part of the animal is large. The front paws of the pet are wide apart. The tail of a terrier is of medium length, with a slight taper towards the end. The coat is thick, but short. Its color can be either solid or spotted.

The Staffordshire Terrier comes in a variety of colors. Tiger is one of the most common. This color is characterized by both pure brindle and rich red tones. In this case, light stripes of a black shade can be seen on the dog's body. There is also a blue-tiger shade. In this case, the body of the dog is red. You can see gray stripes on it. There will also be gray markings on the nose.

There are also other colors of this breed.
- Blue. You can find both a light blue terrier and a deep black and blue shade. In this case, the pet's nose will also be blue. At the same time, the eyes of the animal will be brown.

- Black. In this case, the dog has a shiny and rich clean color without different shades and tints.In this case, there may be small pigment spots on the paws or on the tip of the nose.

- In some cases, you can observe mixture of white and black... White spots are most often found on the back, neck and muzzle.

- Blue fawn. The body of the dog is red. At the same time, there is a light gray bloom on the coat. The eyes are black or brown, and the nose and lips are also gray.

- White. The body of the animal is completely snow-white. Eyes, lips, and nose are gray or black.

Maintenance and care
The brindle Staffordshire Terrier requires special maintenance and care. You should not bathe your dog as often (once every 6 months). But at the same time, it should be periodically wiped off with a damp terry towel. This procedure should be carried out after a walk, because particles of the old skin will fall off from the pet. At least once a year, the terrier should be brought to the veterinary clinic for examination and given a special vaccination. The first time a small puppy of this breed should be vaccinated 2-3 times a month. But first, the pet should be rid of the worms 7 days before the procedure.
After the first vaccination procedure for 2 weeks, it is recommended to limit contact of the terrier with dogs of other breeds. Also, the animal should not be physically overexerted and bathed. A dog of this breed must be periodically walked.
Otherwise, she may become naughty and not learn commands. Representatives of this breed must play actively for at least 1-2 hours per day. You can't keep a terrier locked up.

Grooming is simple, as these dogs have a fairly short coat. It can be brushed with a special brush only once a week. You do not need to cut your hair. In the cold season, you should buy clothes for the dog, since the dog's undercoat is poorly developed. Trim your pet's nails and clean the ears as needed. Also, the animal should sometimes be taken to the dentist to remove tartar.
You can feed your terrier with dry ready-made granules from specialty stores or natural homemade products. The basis of the diet should be natural meat. Moreover, it is recommended to choose low-fat species (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit). It is better not to give pork, as it usually contains a considerable amount of fat. It is recommended to include the liver, lung, heart and spleen in the diet. Remember that both meat and offal must be boiled beforehand. Raw foods should be given 1-2 times a week.
To strengthen the teeth, the dog can be allowed to chew on the bones. But remember that sharp bones can injure a dog, and too thin it will break too quickly. The menu must also include various cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, oatmeal). Sometimes you can give your dog sour milk or boiled chicken eggs. A small amount of cottage cheese is also acceptable.

If you want to feed your dog with ready-made food from the store, then remember that you need to choose only super-premium food. When choosing a diet, keep in mind that it should be based on meat and cereal components (oatmeal, rice, corn or barley). Super-premium commercial food should also contain vegetables, fruits and herbs. In addition, it is better to choose diets with vitamin and mineral supplements for the normal growth and development of the animal.
Canned food can also sometimes be added to a dog's diet. But too frequent use of them can lead to the fact that your pet's teeth will begin to severely deteriorate. It is impossible to mix natural food with ready-made feed. Adult animals are fed 2 times a day, it is recommended to feed small puppies 3 times.
The dog should be taught to cleanliness from a young age. For her, you need to have a separate bedding, which must be washed regularly.

Character description
The American Staffordshire Terrier is considered an active dog, it constantly needs long walks and games.If you do not take such a dog outside, it can start to spoil and chew on things in your home. With age, the Staffordshire Terrier becomes a little lazier.
Representatives of this breed are excellent defenders not only of their owners, but also of all their property. Dogs can quickly attack ill-wishers and hold them with a stranglehold for an extended period of time. If such a dog is improperly educated, then it can turn into a dangerous animal that can harm even its own owner.

A properly trained dog will be able to grow obedient, intelligent and flexible. Such a dog will quickly remember what can and cannot be done in the home. Also, with good training, a pet will be as calm as possible, he will not have sudden outbursts of aggression, he will be able to calmly react to other dogs while walking down the street.
A dog can be dangerous for small children, so if you have a child (under 7 years old), then you should not start such a breed. A pet should be raised as a puppy.
Despite the fact that the dog does not attack the child, it may not calculate its strength in the process of active play. The Staffordshire Terrier can crush or knock your toddler down.

How to choose a dog?
Before purchasing such a terrier, you should determine exactly for what purpose you are going to buy an animal (for protection, exhibitions, or just as a pet). If you want to train yourself, then you should choose a puppy between 2 and 5 months old. You can get a dog at an older age, but it will already be trained. The pet will have certain established habits and characteristics, so you cannot correct them even with subsequent training.
Do not forget that when buying a pet from the owners, be sure to inquire about the pedigree of the animal. Also inquire about the health status of the terrier.
Remember that a female American Staffordshire Terrier is much easier to train and train than a male of the same breed.

You can look at the brindle-colored puppies in the next video.