
Tibetan Terrier: breed description and secrets of keeping dogs

Tibetan Terrier: breed description and secrets of keeping dogs
  1. Origin story
  2. Description of the breed
  3. Character
  4. Life span
  5. Conditions for keeping
  6. Care rules
  7. How to feed?
  8. How to educate?

For many years, dogs have been faithful companions of people. Loyal, affectionate and inquisitive animals not only protect their owners, but also fill them with vital energy. The high demand for this type of domestic animal has provoked the emergence of a huge number of breeds. Breeders in many countries of the world are constantly working to improve already known species and to develop new ones.

Before purchasing a four-legged friend, professional dog breeders recommend carefully study more than a dozen breeds and only then make the final choice. Often, novice dog breeders give preference to popular animals and do not pay attention to less common species at all. One of these breeds is the Tibetan Terrier, which must be paid attention to.

Origin story

The Tibetan Terrier is one of the oldest breeds in the world, the true origin of which is still unknown. The animals got their name thanks to tourists from Europe, who, while visiting Tibetan temples, admired the shaggy watchdogs that look very much like terriers.

Despite the fact that this breed has nothing to do with terriers, the name given to it has survived and has survived to this day.

The ancient inhabitants used dogs not only as guards, watchmen and just four-legged friends, but also as a talisman for good luck. Several centuries ago, animals could not be traded. Sacred dogs were only allowed to be given or used as a reward.

Due to the fact that for many centuries Tibet was an isolated territory, it was possible to avoid mixing of blood, and the breed has survived to this day without genetic changes. Only in 1920, this breed came to Europe, and English breeders began the process of spreading the dogs. For several years, the animal has already been officially registered and recognized. International Cynological Association.

Description of the breed

The Tibetan Terrier is a pretty shaggy animal that has a funny appearance. The animals have a strong and proportional body, as well as a large and massive bone skeleton. The entire surface of the body is covered with a well-developed muscular system and dense skin. This breed has pronounced sex differences. Males are more robust, powerful and stocky. The parameters of purebred males should have more precise characteristics of the standard. The requirements for bitches are not so strict.

The maximum weight of adults can reach 15 kg, and their height is often over 42 cm. Despite its rather large size, the mobile animal has a light and graceful gait.

The square body has a strong neck area, which expands significantly towards the shoulders. The rib cage is oval and deep. The straight back zone has no depressions or bulges. There are no fat folds and skin sagging on the abdomen. The length of the tail directly depends on the size of the animal.

The proportional skull is regular in shape and of medium size. The entire surface of the head is covered with long and thick hair. The narrow and convex frontal area is wedge-shaped. This breed has a pronounced line of transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

Strong and straight limbs are located strictly parallel to each other. The hind legs have a stronger muscular system with pronounced articular areas.

The shape of the forelegs is more elegant and refined.

Round eyes are tightly covered with eyelids. The eyeball is brown. Puppies that are born with bulging or deep-set eyes are discarded immediately after birth. The entire surface of the jaw is covered with a strong and developed muscular system. Elastic lip folds completely cover all teeth. At the end of the straight nose there is a black lobe and open round nasal passages.

The triangular auricles are of medium size and are located almost at the crown. Protruding ears are considered a breed defect. The entire surface of the auricles is covered with thick and long hair.

Particular attention should be paid to the coat, which consists of two elements:

  • undercoat - thick, airy and dense;
  • axis - long, elastic, thin and tough.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the presence of an even parting in the spine area and a beautiful shine of wool in all areas. Long, fluffy and soft hair covers the entire surface of the dog's body and creates a fur coat effect. The only place without hair is the tip of the nose. The color scheme of the coat is presented in the following shades:

  • black;
  • White;
  • peach;
  • cream;
  • Gray;
  • gold.

      Wool can be dyed in one tone, and at the same time in several shades.


      Despite the physical strength and external power, the animal has an affectionate and sympathetic character, and its high intellectual abilities allow the pet to understand its owner from the first word. The main character traits of this breed:

      • friendliness;
      • tolerance;
      • sociability;
      • lack of aggression;
      • sociability;
      • unlimited devotion;
      • playfulness;
      • cunning;
      • quick wits;
      • persistence;
      • stubbornness;
      • curiosity;
      • vigilance.

        Calm and kind animal quickly and easily makes contact with all family members, including small children and other pets. In rare moments of rest, the animal loves to sit next to the owner, who must stroke it and touch its shaggy coat.

        Tibetan Terriers do not tolerate loneliness and long-term stay in a closed room very badly. Lack of communication with the owner can provoke depression and psychological distress.

        A born guard and watchman should constantly feel his importance in the family and regularly receive gratitude from the owners in the form of praise and delicacies, then the pet will be even more willing to fulfill all the duties assigned to him.

        Life span

        The Tibetan Terrier belongs to long-lived breeds that, in comfortable living conditions and with a balanced diet, can delight their owners for 20 years. Despite this positive characteristic, the average life expectancy of pets is 15 years. The following pathologies significantly reduce the life time of dogs:

        • cataract;
        • retinal diseases;
        • dislocation of the lens;
        • obesity;
        • caries;
        • infectious diseases;
        • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
        • diseases of the joints and muscles;
        • Batten's disease.

          Regular examinations in veterinary clinics and timely referral to specialists at the first signs of illness will help prevent the appearance of these diseases. Vaccinations will also help prolong the life of a pet, which protects animals from the most dangerous diseases that can lead to their instant death:

          • rabies;
          • plague;
          • hepatitis;
          • enteritis;
          • leptospirosis.

          Conditions for keeping

          The most comfortable living conditions for an animal can be created in a private country house. Owners should build a spacious open-air cage with a warm kennel for the pet, and in the period of severe frosts and rains, move the animal to a common house. It is not recommended to keep the dog on a leash. Pets kept in the yard need increased care and attention from their owners.

          Before buying a dog, residents of city apartments need to remove from the room all fragile things, valuable interior items, clothing and electrical wires. The animal needs to be allocated a place to rest and eat. The sleeping area should be away from noise and drafts and should be equipped with soft bedding.

          Pets kept in city apartments need daily walks twice a day. While visiting the street, dogs must not only satisfy their needs, but also receive the maximum amount of physical activity for the development of the muscular system.

          Care rules

          Before purchasing a shaggy pet, you need to carefully study the rules for caring for it. Long and thin wool requires special attention, which must not only be carefully combed daily, but also trimmed twice a year. In regions with hot climates, experts recommend making animals very short haircuts every 2 monthsthat will prevent them from overheating.

          For combing wool, you need to purchase special brushes and combs that will prevent tangles.

          To prevent unpleasant odor, your pet should be bathed every two weeks using special shampoos and conditioners. In the cold season, water procedures can be carried out once every 30 days. After bathing, the dog's coat should be wiped with a terry towel and allowed to dry. Experienced breeders do not recommend using an electric hair dryer to dry their hair.

          To prevent inflammation in the eyes, ear canals and nose, experts recommend inspect these areas every week, and if necessary, remove dirt, mucus and pus. The dog's teeth also require attention, which must be constantly treated with special pastes to remove plaque and given special bones from the pet store to gnaw at pets. To adjust the length of the claws, you need use special cutting pliers regularly.

          How to feed?

          This breed belongs to the species that are not picky about food. Animals can be fed with both ready-made feed and natural products. Experts do not recommend mixing these diets and sticking to it all the time when choosing one of them.

          If the owners have chosen ready-made mixtures, then you need to purchase only high-quality food that does not contain dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers. Feeding with cheap feed will have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive system and can provoke the development of dangerous diseases.

          Among natural products, the following components should be preferred:

          • meat;
          • a fish;
          • offal;
          • cottage cheese;
          • kefir;
          • porridge;
          • eggs;
          • vegetables;
          • greens.

            To maintain the vitamin and mineral balance, veterinarians recommend using special vitamin complexes. Dogs should have constant access to clean and fresh drinking water.

            It is strictly forbidden to give dogs fried, salted, and smoked food, salt, sugar, citrus fruits, sauces, mayonnaise and food from the owner's table.

            How to educate?

            In order for the pet to please the owners not only with its unusual and beautiful appearance, but also with good behavior, experts recommend starting its training and education from the first days of the dog's stay in the house.

            A self-confident and intelligent animal will obey commands only from an energetically strong and domineering owner, otherwise, the dog will take a leading position and will not only refuse to obey, but will also become wayward and uncontrollable.

            From the first days of life, a pet should understand that there is only one owner in the house - this is a person.

              A playful pet very rarely shows interest in learning commands, tricks and new rules, so the owner needs not only to be persistent and patient, but also to turn the training into an interesting game. All tasks should be very laconic and take a short period of time in order to constantly keep the pet's interest and attention. If the animal becomes bored and uninteresting, it will instantly find something to do for itself, and it will be very difficult to return it to the training process.

              In order for the dog to begin to execute commands as accurately as possible, it is necessary to constantly return to their study and repetition. Praise and treats will be a powerful incentive to speed up training. It is strictly forbidden to scold, punish and beat the animal. These manipulations will cause aggression and a desire to avenge the offense.

              For more information on the Tibetan Terrier breed, see the next video.

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