
Jack Russell Terrier trimming and grooming

Jack Russell Terrier trimming and grooming
  1. Jack Russell Terrier: coat features
  2. Why you need to trim
  3. Grooming: basic procedures
  4. How to trim a smooth-haired puppy
  5. Wool processing in Broken and Wire-haired Terrier

Regardless of coat type, all Jack Russell terriers need regular hair treatment, as they are subject to constant and seasonal shedding. These procedures are somewhat different, but have a common goal - to maintain the health of the animal and its beautiful appearance.

Jack Russell Terrier: coat features

Animals of this breed differ not only in color, but also in the type of wool.

Dog breeders divide them into three main types.

  • Smooth-haired terriers have hair that is close to the skin and a thick undercoat. According to the standard, it is not allowed if the lower layer of wool is soft and thin. Since this type of dog is intended for burrowing hunting, its coat must protect the pet in different weather conditions.
  • In long-haired dogs hair is stiff, but only visually. They are not rough at all and are soft enough to the touch. Such animals look shaggy, and they are also called wire-haired, based more on their external appearance.
  • Brocken - a terrier with an intermediate coat, very long and broken, however, it also adheres to the body and does not stick out to the sides. In most cases, this dog lacks eyebrows and a characteristic beard.

Based on the structure of the coat in different terriers, the breed requires a full-fledged grooming, trimming and haircut, in accordance with the characteristics of each type.

Why you need to trim

Jack Russell Terrier trimming is an artificial shedding procedure that is important for the wire-haired breed.In contrast to smooth-haired individuals, in which hair periodically falls out, in "stiffs" and brokens, dead hair shafts remain on the body. This can create a lot of problems. If, under natural conditions, animals with no molting are able to independently get rid of necrotic hairs, then a person should help pedigree animals in this.

The need for this is determined by the following arguments:

  • for an elite dog with a pedigree, the quality of the coat and the neat appearance are compliance with the requirements of the standard and a "visiting card" when participating in exhibitions;
  • dead hair remaining on the body weighs down the hairline of a hunting dog, which should be active, light and energetic;
  • extra hairs interfere with the growth of young hair and pose a threat to the health of the animal, since it prevents the flow of air to the epidermis, which can lead to dermatological diseases and allergies.

With constant irritation due to lack of proper care, the dog can get sick and infectious diseases. Therefore, dog handlers who are well aware of such troubles in terriers recommend regular grooming, which includes all types of skin processing and additional hygiene procedures to ensure the health and well-groomed appearance of the Jack Russell.

Grooming: basic procedures

For the owner of a Jack Russell Terrier, it is important to know all the activities that make up the grooming.

  • This is trimming - a procedure that involves plucking out old wool using a special comb (trimmer). It is enough to trim animals that do not take part in the shows every 5-6 months, for show dogs it is done much more often, as the pet's coat loses its well-groomed appearance. The timing in any case is individual for each terrier and depends on the speed of wool regrowth.
  • Washing is carried out every 3 months, since the dog is extremely clean and can rarely get dirty during a walk, except when its hunting instinct is triggered. Terrier shampoos should definitely be designed for dogs, but care should also be taken to make them suitable for your pet. You can choose from emollients, hypoallergenic and nutritional products. For frequent use, it is better to buy dry shampoos.
  • When bathing, it is important not to dry out the hair and skin of the animal, therefore, special balms are used, which additionally contribute to easy combing and do not need to be washed off after application.
  • Drying with a hair dryer carried out at medium temperature, after some of the moisture is absorbed by wrapping the terrier in a towel.
    • The next step is combing with a furminator and rubber brushes. By the way, the first tool can be used daily, but you need to buy it specifically for small dogs with long or short hair.
      • At the end, a Jack Russell Terrier haircut is usually carried out: hair around the genitals, feathers on the neck and limbs, and a brush on the tail are removed. What can not be done is to cut the animal with an ordinary clipper, which is capable of disrupting the structure of the hair, as a result of which the natural appearance of the wool can be lost forever.

      Also, when grooming, claws are cut, and procedures such as cleaning your ears and teeth, you need to do it every 2 weeks.

      How to trim a smooth-haired puppy

      Jack Russells with smooth hair do not give their owners a lot of trouble, especially if they live in a country house, since they molt twice a year, unlike terriers living in an apartment - they molt constantly.

      For smooth-haired representatives of the breed, it is more suitable stripping. This is a gentle procedure that allows renew wool with furminator - a comb that perfectly copes with the removal of dead hairs.

      For such animals, the S brand is suitable - small or short hair.

      A puppy at 4 months old can be trimmed with your own hands; during the first treatment it is not necessary to bathe it, in order to avoid stress.If washing is a plan, it is best to towel dry the puppy without using a hair dryer.

      For work you need a table and a knife for stripping and thinning, as well as rounded scissors. Plucking begins from the head in this order: the back of the head and neck, then the area of ​​the withers, back, tail and limbs. On the legs, hair is stripped down to the hock. At the end, excess hairs are removed with thinning scissors.

      When cutting, special attention should be paid to:

      • neck - overgrown, hanging hair is removed from its lower part;
      • tail - a brush and growing feathers are cut off from it;
      • groin - the wool is carefully trimmed with blunt-tipped scissors.

      You also need to try to keep the undercoat looking even. In general, the procedure takes 3 to 6 hours. A similar operation is performed once a month for dogs that molt all year round, for animals with seasonal molting - once every 2-3 months.

      Wool processing in Broken and Wire-haired Terrier

      Long-haired Jack Russell Terriers have a harsher coat, however, they shed often. Therefore, the only way to treat hair is trimming. You need to accustom your dog to this procedure from 3-4 months, and experienced dog breeders advise to carry out the first haircut with a professional groomer. The event is repeated every 3 months, but at the same time, the dog's coat is regularly combed out.

        Trimming features:

        • pulling out the hair in the direction of its growth in order to avoid damage on the body of the animal - for this, hold the skin with one hand;
        • always begin to trim from the back of the head, moving along the body of the dog;
        • do not grab too large strands;
        • you should pay attention to the uniformity and smooth transitions from short hair to long;
        • an important point is the formation of a mustache, beard and general appearance of the muzzle.

        You can refine the appearance of a broken, which also has a coarse and stiff guard hair, using a similar procedure, carried out every 3 months.

        How the grooming and trimming of the Jack Russell Terrier occurs, see below.

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