
Terrier species

Terrier species
  1. Classification
  2. Description of medium and large breeds
  3. Small varieties
  4. What colors are there?

Terriers are known all over the world as a versatile breed. Some varieties of these dogs are distinguished by unique hunting qualities, others serve as excellent watchmen or companions, and still others are extremely popular due to their extraordinary appearance. In this article, you will get acquainted with the common types of terriers, as well as the external characteristics of these dogs.


All modern terrier varieties can be roughly divided according to two factors:

  • type of wool;
  • country of origin.

Some of the breeds presented could be equally actively bred in two territories, and may also have a different type of wool, depending on the standard within the same breed.

By type of wool

It should be said right away that the vast majority of terriers bred in Great Britain have a tough type of coat that does not require specific care. Terriers all over the world are characterized as universal types of dogs with respect to all features of the exterior. Most terriers do not need a radical haircut, however, to maintain the neat appearance of the coat of wire-haired terriers, Welsh terriers or Czech terriers, they need to attend trimming procedures at least once every six months.

  • Smooth-haired and short-haired varieties: English Toy Terrier, Boston Terrier, Brazilian Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Wire-haired breeds: australian terrier, border terrier, norwich terrier, norflock terrier.
  • Pets with curly and wired types: Lakeland Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier.
  • Long-haired: Australian Silky Terrier, Tibetan Terrier, Skye Terrier.
  • Hairless: American Hairless Terrier.

By place of origin

Many breeders believe that England will always remain the true homeland of all terriers. It was on the territory of this state that the most active work on breeding these dog breeds was carried out. However, over time, terriers gained incredible popularity, which led to their spread throughout Europe and the United States. These dogs were actively used in the selection and creation of many modern breeds, and therefore their descendants can be found today all over the world. The classification of terriers according to their place of origin is described below (some of the breeds will be indicated in two countries, as they were actively bred in both territories).

  • Modern England. The following terrier varieties were created or bred here: Yorkshire, Jack Russell and Parson Russell, Airedale Terrier, Fox Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Bull Terrier, English Toy Terrier, Border Terrier, Welsh Terrier (Wales), Dandy Dinmont Terrier, Lakeland , Manchester, Norfolk Terrier, Sealyham Terrier (Wales), Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Scotland. Among the most famous local dogs are the Scottish Terrier (or Scotch Terrier), West Highland White Terrier, Border Terrier (bred throughout the UK), Dandy Dinmont Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Skye Terrier.
  • Ireland. Close relatives of the first English terriers: Glen of Imaal Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier.
  • Germany. Only one variety is popular - the jagd terrier (or German hunting terrier).
  • America. Terrier followers from England: American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Hairless Terrier, Boston.
  • Australia. The following breeds are known here: Australian and Australian Silky Terrier.
  • Czech. The only official breed is the Czech Terrier.
  • China. Tibetan Terrier.
  • Brazil. Only one popular variety is the Brazilian Terrier.
  • Japan. The Japanese Terrier is an extremely rare and expensive breed of dog.

To date, the ICF has approved as many as 32 full-fledged terrier breeds with individual characteristics of standard and behavior. About 20 of these breeds were created in England and Scotland., 4 breeds were bred on the territory of Ireland, the remaining species were created based on them. It may seem incredible, but even such different breeds as Toy Terrier and Bull Terrier have the same relatives.

In addition to the established 32 breeds, some countries have their own official standards, which indicate individual varieties of terriers (some Russian and Japanese breeds are a prime example).

Terriers are famous all over the world for their strong, slender and muscular conformation. These dogs have excellent working qualities, and therefore are often used as watchmen and assistants in the hunt.

The breed got its name from the Latin word "terra" - land. An interesting fact: initially, absolutely all dogs were called terriers, which, due to their small size, strong jaw box and sharp mind, could track down fur-bearing animals and fight them underground (with foxes, badgers or raccoons). In addition to hunting, terriers showed themselves excellently in protecting houses, herds of small ruminants and in eradicating rodents.

Description of medium and large breeds

Among the varieties of terriers, there are representatives of both small and medium, large breeds.

Airedale terriers

Some breeders call these dogs "kings of terriers", this name was formed due to the significant size of these dogs - among terriers they are considered the most massive and tallest. Some individuals of this breed can grow up to 61 centimeters at the withers and gain up to 30 kg in weight. This breed is native to the Eyre Valley in Yorkshire. (United Kingdom).The original aim of breeding Airedale Terriers was to create a hardy and muscular dog breed for hunting aquatic mammals.

These dogs differ from their relatives by excellent sports and working qualities, thanks to which they were actively used during the hostilities of the First World War. These dogs delivered messages between headquarters and ignored even the most brutal battles with machine gun fire and bombing.

There are known cases when Airedale terriers rescued entire groups of people, delivering messages at the most critical moment. Often these dogs received numerous injuries and died, but thanks to their courage and heroism, they became known to the whole world.

Experienced breeders consider this breed to be quick-witted, calm and cheerful in capable hands. In addition to excellent orientation skills in any terrain, modern individuals of this breed are distinguished by a friendly and balanced character, which makes them ideal companions.

Externally, these dogs are very reminiscent of the famous fox terriers: slightly curly coat, middle ears with drooping tips, a characteristic beard with a mustache, as well as a small and erect, slightly curved tail; with one exception - in the exterior of these dogs there is an exclusively tan color: red zonal spots on the limbs, chest and muzzle, and a black body.

Bull terrier

Quite a popular variety of terriers in England. For some time, the ownership of these dogs was considered elite - every self-respecting professor at English universities had to have a purebred bull terrier. Initially, these dogs were bred only for fighting activities - their powerful conformation and strong jaws made them an enviable competitor among other dog breeds. Over time, the fashion for fighting pits passed, and then the standard of these dogs was modified to meet the modern needs of breeders. The dogs have become slimmer, more balanced and playful.

These dogs have a unique conformation, which is expressed in a special structure of an egg-shaped muzzle with a wide bridge of the nose and the complete absence of a foot. (pronounced transition from the forehead to the dog's muzzle). The constitution of these dogs is incredibly strong and muscular, the limbs are strong, parallel to each other. With regard to the coat, these dogs belong to the smooth-haired group. Bull terriers grow up to 35.5 centimeters at the withers (according to the requirements of the standard), as for weight, the standard does not limit bull terriers in this. The main condition is that the body of the dog looks harmonious.

Despite such an impressive size and fighting pedigree, modern bull terriers in the right hands are characterized by an extremely playful, cheerful and empathetic character. These are very loyal dogs, ready to protect absolutely all members of their family until their last breath.

Raising these dogs requires a steady hand, as well as a huge amount of time and patience, because for the full development of bulls, regular physical activity is required.

Staffordshire bull terrier

Another breed developed in the UK. Compared to other breeds, Staffordshires are a fairly young breed - they were bred only in the middle of the 19th century. Initially, their potential was used exclusively in hunting big game - bears, moose and even bulls, but in the future these dogs were increasingly used in fighting activities. With the decrease in popularity of dog fighting, the standard of these dogs was slightly adjusted, which led to the creation of individuals that are quite suitable for keeping at home.

These dogs have a very powerful and strong-willed conformation, which is characterized by remarkably developed groups of all muscles., a wide and large head on a small strong neck, straight and widely spaced limbs, as well as an extremely short coat without undercoat.Regarding colors, these dogs can be red, black, white and even blue (there are also official two-tone colors). In terms of size, these dogs can hardly be called very large: they usually do not grow more than 40.5 centimeters and rarely gain more than 17 kg.

Unfortunately, many inexperienced breeders mistakenly consider Staffordshires to be an aggressive and unbalanced breed - this stereotype has formed on the basis of the rich history of these dogs, as well as their fearsome appearance. In the right and experienced hands, these dogs behave like real children: they love to run, fool around and frolic in the fresh air.

These dogs simply need a steady hand for proper upbringing, as well as regular walks with a lot of exercise.

Wire fox terrier

This breed, as well as the smooth-haired fox terriers, was first bred in the UK for hunting fur animals. These dogs differed from other relatives in their endurance, as well as the ability to develop high speeds for chasing game in swampy areas. In addition, these dogs, thanks to the unique placement of the hock joint, are able to jump very high, which makes it easier to hunt some animals.

The exterior of these dogs is similar to the exterior of the Airedale. They can grow up to 39 centimeters in height, the optimal weight indicator for males is 8 kg. The exterior of Foxes is hardly muscular - it is rather slender and athletic. A distinctive feature of these dogs is a rectangular muzzle covered with a long beard and mustache, as well as pointed, half drooping ears. The legs of these dogs are very strong and straight. In wire-haired fox terriers, the wool layer is presented in the form of an undercoat and a hard and wiry guard hair, in color it is usually two-colored or three-colored (black and white or black and white with red spots).

As during the breeding of the breed, fox terriers remain wonderful companions with a balanced, friendly and calm character... Despite the fact that these dogs are considered incredibly intelligent and quick-witted, in training and training they are able to show a high degree of defiance, which irritates most breeders. These pets need a special approach to training, where any manifestations of self-will and indulgences are completely suppressed.

It is not recommended to have Fox Terriers in families where there is already another adult pet - these dogs do not tolerate competition and will destructively fight for the owner's attention.

American Pit Bull Terrier

This breed of dog is a classic representative of fighting breeds - pit bulls have an extremely powerful muscular physique, deadly jaws, a wide chest and very strong, widely spaced limbs. These dogs were bred specifically to participate in dog fights, but over time, the breed standard has undergone some changes.

The exterior of the American Pit Bull Terrier is characterized by a powerful and muscular body, a large wedge-shaped head and a broad skull that widens at short, erect ears. Pit bulls have a very short smooth type (completely without undercoat) - which is why they cannot be kept outdoors. If we evaluate their size, then the largest males of American Pit Bull Terriers grew up to 49 centimeters at the withers and gained up to 30 kg in weight.

To date, this breed of terriers is not recognized by the International Cynological Federation, and is also prohibited for private breeding in most European countries. Despite this, in many other countries, for example, in America and Russia, these dogs are very often used as service dogs - they show themselves excellently in law enforcement when arresting especially dangerous criminals. Besides, pit bulls have a unique sense of smell that allows them to successfully detect narcotic or explosive substances.

About these dogs among the inexperienced public, a well-established opinion has also been formed as about bloodthirsty and ferocious animals that do not spare anyone on their way and rush without warning at any passer-by. These dogs really need an experienced owner, but they will never be aggressive and moody towards him and his family.

In the circle of people who love him, American pit bulls become real favorites who adore general attention, affection and goodies.

Small varieties

Among the modern varieties of terriers, it is the small and dwarf dog breeds that are more common. The most popular and brightest of them can be found below.

Yorkshire Terrier

These dogs are considered one of the most popular decorative breeds in the world. All thanks to the insignificant height and weight of these dogs: up to 20 centimeters and 3 kilograms. Despite their popularity, Yorkshires have a very short, albeit rich history - they were bred in England at the end of the 19th century and managed to break into the market of the most coveted and popular decorative pets in just 100 years. Today these dogs are ideal for families with children, the elderly or other pets. The small size of these pets allows them to be kept even in the smallest apartment, and their good-natured and playful nature makes them a participant in children's fun.

Exterior features of these small dogs: a small head and a short flattened muzzle, covered with a thick coat of hair at the beard, eyebrows and cheekbones, a small and delicate body, lightweight bones, the back is straight, like the limbs. In relation to the size of the head, these dogs have rather large, erect ears.

The main pride of these pets is their soft, graceful and silky wool coat. Naturally, the coat of these dogs should be so long that it falls down to the extremities. However, many breeders cut these babies for aesthetic reasons, which also greatly facilitates their freedom of movement and provides full scope for play. The main advantage of the coat of these dogs is that it is similar in structure to human hair, which makes these pets hypoallergenic. The color of Yorkshires is also quite unusual: the head and muzzle, as well as the limbs, are covered with brown and red hair, and the body itself, along with the tail, is blue and gray.

These are incredibly vulnerable, active and curious kids who are interested in everything that happens around them. In their owners, these dogs do not cherish the soul and, although sometimes they behave stubbornly and capriciously, they always remain loyal and reliable. Unlike larger dogs, Yorkshire dogs live much longer - in rare cases up to 17 years old.

Boston terrier

It is believed that the homeland of these dogs is the United States, as indicated by the name of the breed, derived from the city of the same name. As in the case of the Yorkshire Terrier, these dogs appeared recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Many individuals of fighting dogs became the originator of the breed. This led to the creation of a unique exterior: Boston Terriers are characterized by a fighting type of muzzle (like typical bulldogs), but the slender and athletic build characteristic of any terrier.

Boston Terriers have a wide, square-type muzzle, with a well-defined forehead and foot on the head. The ears are small, but set wide and very high. The jaws are powerful, but not particularly wide. The legs of these dogs are large and massive, like the paws themselves. The coat is short and smooth with no undercoat, which means that these dogs should not be kept in an open-air cage or outdoors.The colors of the Bostons are predominantly two-colored, most often individuals of the black-and-white or black-brown type are found, but sometimes representatives of the brindle color are also found. Bostons rarely grow over 30 centimeters at the withers or gain more than 10 kg in weight.

Today, the Boston Terrier is considered one of the most popular breeds in America. In 1979, "Boston" was even officially recognized as the symbol of one of the American states (Massachusetts).

By nature, they are very friendly and playful, especially friendly with children, in whom they feel "their soul mate."

In good conditions of keeping and with proper feeding, these dogs live peacefully up to 16 years.

Scottish Terrier or Scottish Terrier

It is considered one of the most popular dog breeds in Scotland. Like many other terrier varieties, these dogs were originally used for hunting. The first mentions of these animals appeared in the 16th century - before they were companions only of noble nobles, however, with the spread of the breed, they began to be actively used as companions and helpers.

According to the standard, scotch terriers grow no more than 28 centimeters in height and do not gain weight more than 10.5 kilograms... Outwardly, these dogs resemble Giant Schnauzer puppies, but in this case, a dense and fairly strong body is located on very short limbs with large paws. The head of the tape is rather large, but proportional to the body, the eyes are oval, small in size, the ears are also not particularly large - triangular and erect. A distinctive feature of the breed is precisely its hard coat, which forms a characteristic beard and mustache on the muzzle, as well as expressive and lush eyebrows above the eyes. Due to the short length of the limbs, the coat of these dogs is lowered to the very ground.

Despite their down-to-earth size, Scotch Terriers simply adore entertainment, these dogs are incredibly active, adore any games and hints at them from the owner.

With the right upbringing, these are very docile, persistent, calm and affectionate pets, which, however, do not treat other animals and children particularly well.

Norwich Terrier

Representatives of this breed are sometimes also called Norwegian Terriers, which is fundamentally wrong.

At the beginning of the 19th century in England, there was a huge problem with rats, which not only stole grain and spoiled food, but also spread dangerous diseases among cattle. Despite numerous persecutions, these animals continued to actively develop their population throughout the UK, which was the reason for the creation of special breeds of rat-catcher dogs. One of these breeds is the Norwich Terrier. Small stature, the habits of a hunter and powerful jaws played a role - very soon these dogs began to be found in almost every home. They could skillfully get into even the smallest holes and deal with malicious pests. Besides hunting rats, Norwich Terriers have served as excellent companions for fishermen and hunters.

The standard of this breed is rather primitive for all dwarf breeds: a tightly knit, although not large build, the body and neck are covered with developed muscles. The coat is extremely hard, red, golden or wheat in color.

In terms of character, these dogs are self-sufficient, independent and balanced. In squabbles between other pets (due to jealousy), they often greatly overestimate their capabilities, which can lead to severe injuries.

What colors are there?

Terriers are distinguished by an incredible variety of coat colors and colors.

  • Monochrome. This includes solid colors of black (Tibetan), golden (Japanese, Australian and Lakeland), gray and blue (Kerry Blue Terrier), white (Bedlington, Cairn Terrier) shades.
  • Two-tone. This includes terrier breeds with black hair and red tan marks all over the body (Jagd Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Welsh Terrier, English Toy Terrier). There are also the following two-tone color variations: black-and-white ("boston"), white-brown (Brazilian terrier), gray-white (dandy-dinmont-terrier).
  • Tricolor or tricolor colors. This includes terrier breeds with three shades in color: the Australian silky terrier (gray, red and white shades), wire-haired and smooth-haired fox terriers (red, white, black shades).

The difficulty in drawing up such a classification is that at least 2 separate official colors are allowed for each independent terrier breed.

For the characteristics of the Russian Toy Terrier breed, see the video below.

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