Everything you need to know about the Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier

The funny and jumpy terriers became wildly popular after the release of the movie "The Mask". They conquered people not only with their playful character, but also with their good nature.
Origin story
Such animals were born thanks to the holy father Jack Russell. He was very fond of hunting and devoted almost his entire life to breeding such a terrier that would have the qualities of a hunter. The animal had to be not only hardy, but also patient in order to be able to drive animals out of their holes. Another important distinction of this dog breed is its coat.

The priest believed that it must be short and tough... And he succeeded, after many experiments an animal was born, which very quickly became popular among local hunters. However, the wire-haired Jack Russell Terrier, which possessed all the standards of such a breed, appeared after additional work by Arthur Heinemann. Now such pets can be found in many homes of various celebrities.

Description of the breed
If we talk about the general characteristics of Jack Russell Terriers, then this breed of dog can be distinguished by several main characteristics. For example, by the type of their fur, by color, as well as by their height.
There are three varieties of such dogs, which differ in many respects from each other in their appearance, as well as in the structure of the hairs.
- Smooth-haired dogs are intended for hunting various animals living in burrows, including foxes. It is this dense fur that helps them to move through underground burrows completely without obstacles.Distinctive features of such wool were considered to be very thick and coarse hairs, which, among other things, were very short. They fit quite tightly to the skin, while not bristling in different directions. To keep them in good shape, their pets need to be combed and bathed at least once a month.
- Long-haired dogs they look very funny, as they have a short beard, rather thick eyebrows, and a fluffy fur coat. Terriers with long coats have a fairly thick undercoat. Their hairs are both fine and coarse. Many call these dogs wire-haired. For proper care of this type of dog, it is enough to regularly pluck out their dead hairs. Such a manipulation should be carried out by a specialist.
- Brocken. This type of terrier has a fur with a break. They are characterized by tough villi that adhere very tightly to the dog's body. In addition, animals of this species do not have eyebrows, as well as beards on the muzzle, or they are not pronounced.

Among the dogs of this breed, two shades of fur stand out. It is black and white and red and white. In addition, white is dominant in any case, since it is considered standard in the breeding of this breed of dogs. There are spots of various shapes on a white background, and sometimes it can even be specks.
As for the classic color, then on the face of a thoroughbred pet there must be a mask in the form of a huge spot that covers not only the eyes, but also part of the ears

At first, the standard size was the small height and weight of the dog, because the animal had to easily climb through the holes in search of prey. His parameters were to remain as follows: weight up to 6 kilograms, and height up to 30 centimeters. Such small sizes even allow you to carry your pets in special portable bags, which is especially convenient in big cities.

All Jack Russell Terriers should have the same standards. In addition to weight and height, the following are worth noting:
- the physique is rather muscular and flexible;
- the head has a flat and proportional skull that tapers slightly from the eyes to its jaws;
- the neck is not thin, in proportion to the length of the body;
- the nose and rim of the eyes, as well as the lips, must be necessarily black;
- the jaws are well developed and have a scissor bite;
- the eyes are black and small, moreover, they are almond-shaped;
- ears are small, with a drooping shape;
- the tail is small - when the animal is in a calm state, it hangs down and, conversely, when it is too overexcited, it immediately rises; if the owner has a desire, then immediately after birth, the dog's tail is docked.

One of the most important qualities of this breed of dogs is their excessive activity. In addition, a great passion for hunting developed in them a love for long walks. Hosts need to be prepared for their playful nature.
Homebodies will have to think carefully before acquiring such a companion for themselves.

Such dogs get along well with children and strangers. But children under three years old should not play with puppies, after all, they can either pull the animal by the tail, or press too tightly to themselves. The dog may react incorrectly to this.
Important! Such dogs will not be able to be in the same room with rats or guinea pigs, because they will simply hunt them, mistaking them for their prey.

How to choose a puppy?
When choosing a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, you must remember that the structure of their fur will be visible only after 90-100 days. Previously, it was simply impossible to distinguish it, so you can buy such a pet for yourself only when this period has passed. Only in this case it will be possible to fully make sure that the animal is really purebred.
And also when choosing a puppy, you must definitely pay attention to whether there are documents for him. It can be either a passport or a metric or certificate of its origin.

In addition, the act of mating pedigree dogs, the conditions of their maintenance, is also important. He must have all the vaccinations, and it is also important that the dogs are treated against various parasites. In addition, the puppy must be completely healthy and meet all breed standards. He must definitely please the owner himself, not only for his appearance, but also for his habits.

Maintenance and care
If a person takes such a pet into his house, then he must definitely know what kind of care he will need. Combing puppies is considered one of the important points.... You need to do it daily, since the dog itself is quite fluffy. But for long-haired animals it is best to use trimming.
It is necessary to accustom dogs to such a procedure from an early age, starting from three months.
If the owner cannot do this on his own, then it is best to seek help from specialists. This procedure should be carried out no more than once every three months. Some people cut their pets to avoid brushing their fur daily.

Once a week, you need to brush your terrier's teeth with a special paste and a brush, and also regularly clean the ears from wax using special ear sticks. Do not forget about regular vaccinations, because the health of your beloved pet will depend on this in the future. For the dog, you need to create certain conditions. To begin with, he will need a bed and a toilet, as well as proper feeding.

Many people choose industrial food for their pets, because this greatly facilitates the life of the animal owners themselves, who do not have to cook food. In addition, they contain most of the useful elements and vitamins that are so necessary for a dog.

Those who have chosen natural food should definitely know all the ingredients of the required diet, namely:
- first of all, this is meat, which can be given both boiled and raw; the last option is more acceptable, but it is better to cut it into small pieces, and not twist it into minced meat;
- the next product is sea fish, which must first be boiled; the two products are best alternated rather than given at the same time;
- fermented milk products should be in the diet of dogs - it can be cottage cheese, and yogurt, and kefir;
- various cereals, for example, buckwheat, rice, wheat or oatmeal; they must be given along with meat or fish;
- raw or boiled vegetables, which are rich enough in various useful elements, since they contain a large amount of vitamins, as well as fiber; for this, fresh apples, green cucumbers, fresh or boiled zucchini, as well as pumpkin are suitable; dogs are very fond of boiled carrots and red beets;
- Greens should also be present in the daily diet of the Jack Russell Terrier - it can be parsley or dill.

Important! But there are some foods that are strictly forbidden to dogs. These include any sweets, spicy and smoked foods.
Feeding regimen is no less important. So, small puppies should be fed at least 5–6 times a day. As they grow older, the number of feedings decreases. When they are six months old, they will be able to feed the puppies 3 times a day. When they turn one year old, the terriers should be given food no more than twice a day. This should be done in the morning and evening.
Important! Do not forget about clean water. It should always be in the access area of pets, while clean. It needs to be changed daily.

Education and training
Jack Russell Terriers need to be raised from an early age. As soon as the dog crosses the threshold of the house, you need to show where his place will be. Besides it is imperative to repeat the command "place". Further, you should accustom the animal to the command "eat", each time giving him food.
Training is best done in a playful way, so the terrier can quickly get used to them.All commands can be encouraged to begin with with your favorite treats, but you should never use aggression, because this will only aggravate the situation.

Jack Russell Terriers will be wonderful pets for their owners. They will not only be able to brighten up their loneliness, but will also be excellent partners in various games. The main thing is to take proper care of them.

In the next video you can watch a Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier puppy.