Choosing women's thermal underwear for cold weather

With the onset of cold weather, you have to think about buying warm clothes. Many women are trying to get thermal underwear, which eliminates the need to put on many layers of fabric. However, not all women of fashion know how to choose the right clothes.

Features, pros and cons
Thermal underwear is underwear with different effects. Its main task is not so much to warm the body in cold weather as to create a comfortable microclimate in which the body cannot sweat. Due to a special manufacturing technology, it removes excess moisture, eliminating the possibility of hypothermia.

These clothes are not at all universal. It differs in thickness, material of manufacture, technology of interlacing of threads, the presence or absence of reinforced inserts. The wrong choice is fraught with the fact that thermal underwear may not meet the desired requirements.
These clothes are selected taking into account the degree of activity, complexion and consists of a wide range of wardrobe items.

Women's thermal underwear for cold weather has many advantages. It differs:
- functionality and aesthetics of appearance;
- heat-saving and moisture-removing functions;
- the variability of the size range and colors;
- practicality, durability and efficiency;
- variety of design and invisibility under clothes;
- a wide range of assortment;
- variability of prices for each separately taken product;
- elasticity and optimally tight fit of the figure;
- suture or seamless production technology;
- the presence of antibacterial and hypoallergenic inserts;
- variability of the purpose of wearing (for active and passive).

Along with the virtues, women's thermal underwear for the cold season has several disadvantages. It does not always warm up and is effective. However, this is due to the wrong choice. Often, women are sure that all thermal underwear is necessarily thin and equally warm. In fact, each type of undergarment has a special purpose.
Not all of these clothes need to be warm. For the same reason, not all products are equally good at removing moisture, and cheap ones are completely impractical, they roll quickly and even break. Unscrupulous sellers sell ordinary underpants and fleece T-shirts under the guise of thermal underwear. However, they are not made of high-tech material, and therefore do not have the desired effect.

The disadvantage, according to most buyers, is high price for women's thermal underwear... Specialized clothing is expensive, the price of two pieces of clothing can exceed 3000 rubles. In addition, the wrong choice degrades its performance. Choosing the right thermal underwear is more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

There are several ways to classify women's thermal underwear for cold weather - class of manufacture, size, structure of materials, temperature level outside. Thermal underwear includes not only thermal jackets or thermal trousers, but also thermal leggings, thermal shorts, thermal long-sleeved shirts, as well as thermal socks with reinforcement in the toe, heel, toes and sidewalls.

Models can have different types of sleeves (classic, raglan). Almost all sweaters and leggings have tight elastic cuffs. However, the main differences between thermal underwear are the type of effect. Based on this, all products can be divided into 3 groups with characteristic differences in each.
Understanding the difference between all types of thermal clothing is important in order to choose the option you want.

Heat saving
Linen with a heating effect is made from textiles with a waffle weave structure... Due to this feature, air pockets are created between the fibers, which reduce heat loss. Such thermal underwear is great for everyday wear or for medium-intensity outdoor physical activity. This thermal clothing has a high level of thermal insulation.

It is suitable for wearing at outdoor temperatures up to -20 ... -25 degrees... It is made from blended fibers with heat-saving properties. The weave is optimally tight, due to which, along with the warming properties, the body is protected from the wind. However, in comparison with other lines of thermal clothing, this underwear is not as durable. It does not have a high drainage effect.

Moisture wicking
Such underwear is made from synthetic threads, its task is to quickly remove moisture from the body to the outside. It differs in less thickness, high vapor permeability and is responsible for dryness of the body. Moisture-wicking lingerie has a special weave of fibers: it has air pockets, but it does not have high heat-saving properties.

When the body heats up, the pockets increase, due to which the pressure inside the canvas increases. Air comes out together with sweat particles. The advantages of such clothes are considered strength, instant drying while maintaining body heat, as well as durability... The disadvantages include the relative rigidity of the material and the retention of heat only under the condition of active movements.

The combined type of thermal underwear for cold weather is something between heat-saving and drainage underwear. An optimal effect is created by compaction of the moisture-wicking material or by reducing the volume of weaving in the heat-saving layer. However, such thermal underwear cannot be called universal and highly effective.
Products of a two-layer type cope with the assigned tasks much better. On the inside there is a moisture-permeable polymer layer, and on the outside there is a bulk fabric with a cellular structure. The advantages of such thermal underwear are durability, pleasant tactile sensations, windproofness, density and wearability in cold weather. The disadvantage is the low heat-saving effect in products of cheap lines.

Manufacturing materials
In the production of thermal underwear for wearing in cold weather, they use natural and artificial fibers. The warming and drainage properties depend on which one is more. For example, thermal clothing can be casual or sportswear, it is intended for different degrees of activity and has a different ratio of synthetics and natural threads.
In the production of heat-saving products, they use cotton and wool, adding them to microfleece, polyester and microplush. This is thermal underwear suitable for wearing at temperatures up to -25 degrees. You can play sports in it or wear it under clothes to maintain an optimally comfortable microclimate.

Moisture-wicking thermal underwear is made of artificial materials using polyester, lycra, fleece, microfiber, polypropylene. These fibers do not absorb moisture. The hybrid is made using approximately the same amount of natural and synthetic fibers. Mixing them allows you to get laundry with warming properties, but not very good drainage.

Thermal underwear for women is produced by Russian, Finnish, Norwegian and Chinese companies. Several brands can be distinguished among the manufacturers of high-quality professional thermal underwear for women. The rating of the best companies includes brands whose products are in great consumer demand.
- Columbia produces unisex women's thermal underwear, characterized by a strict design and flawless fit. The manufacturer's products are suitable for wearing in cold weather and have warming properties. It is made from natural and synthetic fibers.

- Solomon produces sports models. The French company produces models using innovative technological processes and combining various types of fibers.
This is a functional thermal underwear, which is based on the principle of layering.

- Norveg offers to the attention of customers high-quality models of thermal underwear with the addition of merino wool and the innovative termolite material. The products are characterized by shape stability to deformation and do not change their properties after repeated washings. They fit optimally on the figure, repeat its features and withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees.

- Guahoo produces women's models of thermal underwear using mixed fibers. The production uses polyester, wool and acrylic. Products of the brand are suitable for outdoor activities in winter, they can be used for ice skating, they are good for everyday wear.

- Janus differs from competitors in the production of products from natural wool. The brand's products are distinguished by a special technology of weaving of threads. Thanks to this, the products have a small thickness and are distinguished by optimal heat-saving characteristics. Their colors are predominantly strict and monochromatic.

Selection and care tips
Thermal underwear does not warm up by itself. However, it maintains body temperature. In order to choose a truly effective product for regular wear, a number of criteria must be considered. For example, sports and everyday wear are different.
There are differences between conventional products and heated versions. The latter have tiny electrical wires that, when a certain mode is turned on, begin to heat the skin.
Today such clothes are in special demand among women, they have a thermoregulatory effect. At the same time, if you wish, you can change the operating mode from minimum to intensive.

Products can be one-piece and separate. Overalls cannot be called too comfortable clothes for winter, however, they also find their buyer.... Their advantages are tight fit of the figure, invisibility through the main clothing. Such clothes are elastic, thin and comfortable to wear.
It is necessary to buy products taking into account their exact size. You cannot take more or less kits. Large ones will hang down, creating folds. It will be cramped and inconvenient to move in small ones. As a rule, such clothes bite into the body in the armpits and groin area, constricting the chest.

Manufacturers indicate the size of the laundry taking into account its shrinkage after the first wash. There is no need to be afraid that the laundry will shrink too much. If it is large, it will not be able to fit snugly to the body, and therefore its heat-saving functions will decrease.
The size mismatch will also affect the drainage. To take a good option, you can flip through reviews of a particular brand's products. This will allow you to understand all its pros and cons.
The following video will tell you how to choose the right women's thermal underwear for cold weather.