Choosing thermal underwear for a boy

When planning walks in cool or frosty weather, all mothers want their baby to stay warm and not catch a cold, so they are thinking about buying thermal underwear. Such clothes are especially relevant for boys, because they actively explore the world and do not want to walk in winter and autumn less than on warm summer days.

Features, pros and cons
Unlike other types of clothing, thermal underwear is made using a special technology, due to which the fibers form a cellular structure and create a protective air gap. It is she who helps to maintain body temperature, and also helps to wick away sweat. Due to these properties thermal underwear keeps you dry and warm, regardless of the weather outside.

Products are usually light and rather thin, so they do not interfere with active movement... A child in such clothes is protected from overheating and colds. The pluses of thermal underwear can also include a large assortment, thanks to which it is not difficult to get the right thing for both a small child and a teenager.
Among the cons are high cost, but experienced parents assure that it is fully justified by its long service life and high quality.
Many mothers also refer to the disadvantages of difficulties with leaving, since many things (especially made of fine wool) need to be washed by hand or in a typewriter on a special mode, and you also need to use a special rinse aid.

Depending on the function performed, all clothes with the "thermo" prefix are divided into three large groups. The first includes things that help keep warm. The second group is represented by linen, which helps to wick away moisture. The third group includes products that combine the properties of the first two groups.Most often, these are two-layer clothes that both warm and prevent you from sweating a lot.
Types of children's thermal underwear also differ in the material from which it is made. The most popular is wool, because it warms well, is pleasant to the body and is worn for a long time. Clothes are recommended for the smallest children from merino wool. It can be thin (one-thread fabric) and dense (jacquard, knit or fleece).

Many manufacturers offer wool thermal clothing for boys with the addition of other natural materials, for example, bamboo, cotton or silk. Active children are advised to buy thermal underwear, which also contains artificial fibers (for example, spandex or polyester). Such things are not only more resistant to external influences, but also better remove moisture, therefore, they are especially in demand when playing sports.
Besides, all children's thermal underwear can be categorized by age. Clothes for newborns are thinner, with hidden seams, hypoallergenic. For preschool children, kits are produced in which it is convenient to play on the street and go to kindergarten.
Boys of 7-10 years old and adolescents are offered comfortable and beautiful models in which you can both go to school and do winter sports.

The greatest demand is for Finnish, German, Swedish and Danish thermal underwear. Clothes of manufacturers from these countries are durable, high-quality, solid. Popular brands are Janus, Reima, Norveg, Name it, Joha, Brubeck, Oxouno, Lopoma... The assortment of these manufacturers includes underpants, long sleeves, T-shirts, turtlenecks, socks, as well as ready-made sets. They differ in material thickness, color, size grid.

Selection Tips
The most important criterion for choosing the right thermal clothing for a boy is size. It doesn't matter if you buy only thermal pants or want to purchase a set, things must necessarily correspond to the age and height of the child. In order for the products to fulfill the functions assigned to them, thermal underwear should be close to the body, so buying for growth is impractical.

The second important nuance is the purpose of the acquisition... Some types of thermal underwear are more suitable for everyday use, for example, if the child is calm or he needs clothes for school or kindergarten. Other options are used for sports and outdoor activities. When purchasing thermal clothing for winter walks, do not forget to clarify the temperature regime at which the product is used. Pay attention to the composition, and also inspect the fittings and seams.
When choosing a certain brand, read not only promotional materials from the manufacturer, but also real reviews from mothers who have already purchased such thermal clothing for their children. In them, parents share both their impressions of wearing specific brands of lingerie and advice on care.

For a video review of IceDress thermal underwear for boys, see below.