
Cold accumulators for thermal bags

Cold accumulators for thermal bags
  1. What it is?
  2. Species overview
  3. Secrets of choice
  4. How to use?
  5. How to do it yourself?

On long hikes and trips, sometimes you have to take food supplies with you. But if the weather is good outside the window and it is rather hot, no food can be kept fresh for a long time. Therefore, it is better to use a special device - a cold accumulator for a thermal bag, which is offered in different versions. The article will talk about a similar unit, its features, operating features.

What it is?

The cold accumulator is a special container, inside of which there is a substance with a high heat capacity. It is often placed in a cooler bag to maintain the optimal temperature. The device is in demand in various industries, since it allows you to transport not only food products, but also medicines, other substances, for the transportation of which it is important to maintain a certain temperature level. Many people mistakenly believe that the thermal bag is the source of the cold, but it keeps the temperature only together with the ice packs. The device uses a carboxymethylcellulose solution as an active substance, which must be kept in a freezer before use until it becomes ice. Motorists, tourists and travelers cannot do without such a useful device.

Species overview

The cooler consists of two elements - a plastic block and a solution, which is located inside the container. It is worth noting that manufacturers use a different composition: the main ingredient can be isopropyl alcohol, table salt, glycerin or the abovementioned carboxymethyl cellulose. These chemical additives are mixed with water in varying proportions, thereby increasing the heat capacity of the liquid. Thus, the battery does an excellent job, as it “saturates” with cold, and only after that gives it to products or other objects through the container. This is how it works.

As for the varieties, the battery is silicone, it is great for thermal bags. These are efficient models capable of maintaining temperatures at zero degrees for a week.

The device is sold in a plastic bag.

The gel type fixture is suitable for the car refrigerator. The main advantages include the fact that the service life of such a product is much longer, since the filler will not leak out even if the container is damaged. Another plus is the ability to keep not only cold, but also warm inside. Experts consider such a device to be the safest and at the same time effective.

Salt models are able to maintain a freezing mode for 24 hours. But if the container gets damaged, liquid will spill out, so you need to be careful with it. The advantage is the ability to add water if the need arises. Therefore, if you are transporting ice for soft drinks, you can safely consider this battery option.

As you can see, each option works according to its own principle and has its own characteristics.

Secrets of choice

If you are going to choose a device for yourself, you must take into account various criteria, including the composition, dimensions and other characteristics of the device.

Industrial systems are in demand due to the lack of life limitations, they can work for quite a long time. Thermal containers are made from toxin-free materials, so make sure your products are environmentally friendly. The properties of the product should not be affected by sudden changes in temperature and natural conditions.

In terms of volumes, the battery can hold from 250 to 800 ml of substance. Factory devices are equipped with powerful refrigerants, it absorbs cold quickly and stores this energy for a long time. The product has a jelly structure that works efficiently, but this affects the cost. If you're looking for a budget option, it's best to explore other systems.

On the body of the product, manufacturers always indicate the volume of the chamber for which the thermal container is designed. The device will serve as long as the integrity of the tank is not violated. When choosing a battery, consider the size of the bag where it will be installed so that there is still room for food that must be kept cold.

For a large capacity, you will need a large device or several compact ones.

How to use?

It is not difficult to use the battery, but there are a few rules to follow and storage must also be adequate. You can prepare the product for operation as follows. Place the container in a regular freezer, turn on the maximum cooling rate so that the liquid freezes quickly. The preparation time depends on the active substance used in the product. After that, the device can be placed in a thermal bag, and food or medicine can be sent there. The efficiency depends on the type of battery, the rationality of placement, the temperature of the products at the beginning, as well as the insulating characteristics of the bag or suitcase itself. To get the maximum effect, you need to correctly position the ice pack. For example, it can be placed on top of the provisions, or horizontal layers can be made. As soon as the composition begins to defrost, remove the battery, rinse and wipe dry, then you can store in the freezer until next time.

How to do it yourself?

If you don't want to spend money on buying such a battery, you can make it yourself. The main advantages of such a solution include ease of manufacture, a minimal set of available tools that can be found at home, an affordable price and a small time investment. There are several ways.

You will need raw materials and a container that can be used with regular plastic bottles. For the preparation of the substance, table salt, gelatin or wallpaper glue is suitable - of your choice. If you settled on table salt, prepare a liter of water, 450 g of the main ingredient. All this is mixed, then warmed up a little until the crystals dissolve. The liquid must be poured into a bottle or plastic bag and then frozen at –18 degrees Celsius. Within 8 hours you will have refrigerant. To prevent condensation from getting on the food, wrap it in a cloth and put on a bag. With this homemade battery, food will be chilled for about 12 hours.

Wallpaper glue is easy too. Take a plastic container, mix a liter of water and 40 g of dry matter in it to get a gel-like substance.

The solution is poured into a container and frozen.

Instead of glue, you can use gelatin: one sachet is enough for 4 liters of water. Add salt to a liter of water in a ratio of 10: 3 and stir thoroughly until dissolved. The rest of the liquid and a bag of gelatin are sent there, the refrigerant should become thick. The gel substance has a great advantage in comparison with the previous ones, since it melts slowly. Keep the battery in the freezer at all times until you use it.

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