
How to descale a thermopot at home?

How to descale a thermopot at home?
  1. The use of household chemicals
  2. Cleaning with folk remedies
  3. Prevention measures

Hard water is a real problem. Unfortunately, this water quality is typical for most regions of the country. The result of its impact is the premature failure of household appliances. Water heaters, washing machines and, of course, thermopots suffer from hard water. Timely cleaning will help preserve the life of the device.

The use of household chemicals

Before talking about ways to remove salt deposits on the walls of a thermopot, it is necessary to clarify what ignoring the problem leads to. Scale overgrowth can lead to:

  • decrease in the rate of heating of the liquid;
  • increased power consumption;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste of water;
  • loud noise.

The first sign of scale formation will be dark and light stripes on the inner surfaces of the appliance. You can deal with the problem with the help of professional cleaners. You can buy them at a local supply store or online store.

Here are the most popular formulations.

  1. Topperr. Suitable for cleaning thermal kettles and water heaters. Before use, it is necessary to dilute the solution with water in a ratio of 100 ml per 1 liter, and then warm the liquid in a thermo-pot to 50 degrees and leave for half an hour. After that, it remains to drain the composition, and boil a container with already clean water. The advantage of the tool is that it is non-toxic and takes good care of the details of the device.
  2. Filtero. The tool is released in tablets, cleans both thermopots and kettles from scale. To achieve the result, you need to fill the thermos kettle with ¾ water and bring to a boil, then lower the tablet and leave the solution for 20 minutes.If there is a lot of scale, it is recommended to use 2 tablets at once. At the end of the procedure, the thermopot must be boiled by pouring clean water inside.
  3. Mellerud. Means for quick descaling. To use the composition correctly, you need to pour up to 0.5 liters of water into the device and add 120 ml of solution. Then you need to boil the liquid, leave for a quarter of an hour, then drain. At the end, it remains to rinse the device with plenty of water.

The average cost of the listed drugs is 100-150 rubles.

Cleaning with folk remedies

You can also remove scale using available tools. It is worth considering several popular folk recipes that can fix the problem.

Lemon acid

It is considered a universal solvent for salt deposits in the home. Therefore, with its help, it will be possible to easily cope with scale. To do this, you need to follow a series of steps.

  1. Open the thermopot, and pour citric acid inside, pour in water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid per 10 g of the product.
  2. Bring the resulting solution to a boil.
  3. Give the liquid half an hour to cool and act on the walls.
  4. Drain and descale with a soft foam sponge.
  5. Rinse the thermopot thoroughly with water, after boiling it.

If the scale layer turned out to be too thick, and it did not work to remove the entire crust the first time, the procedure can be repeated. Citric acid is non-toxic and harmless to the device, so the thermal kettle will remain intact.


An old but effective recipe.


  1. Water must be poured inside the device so that it covers the entire layer of scale.
  2. After that, it is necessary to pour vinegar into the liquid based on the ratio of 50 ml of vinegar to 1 liter of water.
  3. Next, you need to bring the device to a boil, then turn it off. Leave the hot solution for 2 hours, after opening the lid.
  4. Then it remains to drain the product. It is better to wash the walls with a sponge, after which it is necessary to boil the device using clean water.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that vinegar begins to smell strongly when heated. Therefore, the procedure is best done in a well-ventilated room. It is also not recommended to lean close to the device and inhale acid fumes, so as not to harm your body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, like any product containing acid, is able to cope with scale. Ascorbic acid helps to loosen salt deposits, which simplifies the procedure for removing scale from the walls of the thermopot. Many people note that the method is not 100% effective, but it will help to cope with small deposits of the vitamin.

Algorithm of actions.

  1. First you need to grind the tablets into powder.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a solution in a thermopot. For 1 liter of water, you need to use 1 tablespoon of ascorbic acid.
  3. The next step is to bring the resulting solution to a boil.
  4. After that, you need to leave the liquid for half an hour.
  5. The final step is to drain the cooled solution and remove the scale that has come off the walls with a sponge. At the end, you will need to boil the thermopot, pouring clean water inside.

Plus tablets are in their harmlessness to the device, so you can use ascorbic acid countless times. However, it is better to resort to such a remedy for prevention purposes.


Carbonated water, which contains orthophosphoric acid, will help to remove scale.

It is quite easy to achieve the desired result.

  1. I need to buy a soda. It can be sprite, fanta, or coca-cola.
  2. Pour the drink into a thermopot and wait until the gases come out.
  3. Bring the resulting solution to a boil without closing the lid.
  4. Leave the liquid to cool.
  5. Drain the drink and rinse the device with clean water.

It should be noted right away that it is better to use a sprite for plastic thermopots. Cola and Fanta can stain the container.


Opponents of household chemicals can clean the thermopot with ordinary brine.The composition of the folk remedy is harmless. The result is achieved due to the content of lactic acid, vinegar and salt in the brine.

Application scheme.

  1. It is necessary to pour the agent into the container so that it completely covers the scale. If there is not enough brine, you can dilute the solution with a little water.
  2. Next, you need to bring the resulting mixture to a boil, then leave for half an hour until it cools.
  3. After that, you will need to drain the liquid, and gently walk along the walls with a foam rubber sponge, removing scale. At the end, it will remain a couple of times to rinse the container of the thermal kettle with clean water.

The method is absolutely harmless. The only negative is a specific smell, which will become stronger when the liquid is heated. Therefore, the procedure is best done in a well-ventilated room.

In addition to the listed products, you can also use soda, lemon and other substances or products with acid content.

Before cleaning a thermopot, you should pay attention to several rules that will help preserve the integrity of the device.

  1. If you plan to use vinegar essence, it is not necessary to boil the appliance. With a little scale, it is enough to add the agent to the water and wait for the deposits to dissolve.
  2. You cannot use the acid in its pure form, it must be diluted in water. Also, do not clean the device with hydrochloric and sulfuric acid in order to prevent deformation or destruction of the walls.
  3. Do not descale with hard objects such as a metal sponge or brush. Such cleaning can damage the device.
  4. After cleaning with any means, it is necessary to fill the thermopot with water and be sure to boil the liquid in order to get rid of unwanted residues. The best solution would be to carry out at least 2 such procedures.

Prevention measures

Of course, not everyone wants to often descale a thermopot. Regular preventive maintenance will help extend the life of the device.

Let's consider the main preventive measures.

  1. During operation, it is worth pouring filtered water into the thermopot. This will reduce the rate of scale formation.
  2. It is recommended to drain the liquid from the container of the thermopot at night. Boiled water promotes the formation of plaque on the walls of the device.
  3. After draining the boiled water, you should additionally rinse the flask with clean water and drain it too.
  4. If, following all the rules and recommendations, scale still forms and settles as a solid deposit on the walls even after 3-4 boils, it is necessary to check the quality of the water. It may also require the installation of an additional filter.
  5. Household descaling products should be used at least once a month. If cleaning is carried out with folk remedies, then the procedure should be carried out once a week.

Limescale on the walls of a thermopot is a common problem faced by every owner of such a device. You can cope with unwanted salt deposits both with the help of household products and using folk recipes.

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