
What are thermopot samovars and what are they?

What are thermopot samovars and what are they?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Species overview
  3. Popular models

The first samovars appeared in Tula in the 1730s. Since then, they have gradually spread throughout the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. Then their popularity faded a little, and now the fashion for this accessory has returned again. Of course, today's samovars cannot be compared with those that were in past centuries. Modern models are very interesting and varied. One of these are thermopot samovars.


A modern samovar-thermopot is a device that looks like a traditional samovar, but at the same time it is powered by a network. Such a thermopot is intended for boiling a large volume of water (minimum from 3.5 liters).

The thermopot samovar has gained great popularity due to the large number of advantages that almost every model has.

  1. It automatically shuts off if there is no water in it.

  2. The quality of the brew can be controlled using a special removable filter.

  3. Thermopot can maintain water at a given temperature for a certain amount of time.

  4. Immediately after the water boils, the samovar turns off automatically.

  5. Equipped with indicator lights.

  6. The device is absolutely safe, moreover, it is energy efficient.

  7. Most of the models have a nice chrome finish.

In addition, it is very convenient to operate both at home and in the office. If a big company is going, then you don't have to boil the kettle several times. It is enough to boil the thermopot samovar and set the mode of maintaining the desired temperature in it. Moreover, such an accessory is very stylish and looks great on the festive table, unlike even the most expensive modern electric kettles.

The only drawback of the electric samovar-thermopot is its rather large weight. But this feature is not considered critical either.

Species overview

On the modern market, there is a fairly wide range of thermopots made in the form of a samovar. They can be conditionally divided into several categories by type:

  • made in the classic form of a real samovar or other shape;

  • volume (from 3.5 to 7 liters);

  • chrome plating is present or absent;

  • with or without an additional teapot.

Accessories also vary in color. Black or chrome plated are especially popular. And also on the surface of each of them additional decor may or may not be present. Some can be used as a thermos (keep the water temperature), and some do not.

Popular models

The choice of a particular model of such a thermo pot depends solely on individual preferences. But as an example, you can consider several popular models.

  • Painted black samovar from the manufacturer "Dobrynya". Volume 4 liters. Features: the shape of a vase, the presence of a teapot, the boiling time is only 15-20 minutes. The cost is about 4 thousand rubles.

  • Samovar white with Gzhel painting from the manufacturer Centek. The technical specifications are the same as in the previous version, but there is no teapot here. The cost is approximately 3.5 thousand rubles.
  • Samovar-thermopot Persian DE in the form of a vase. There is a large volume - 7 liters, external chrome finish. The cost is an order of magnitude higher and amounts to 17.5 thousand rubles.

An important role in choosing such an accessory is played by the power of the heating element. It should not be lower than 1800 W. The rest of the choice is purely individual.

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