
How to clean a thermos?

How to clean a thermos?
  1. Is the thermos dishwasher safe and why?
  2. Cleaning metal thermoses
  3. How do I clean my glass models?
  4. How to get rid of the smell?

A thermos needs special care, otherwise mold and scale may appear in it, because of which it will be simply impossible to consume drinks. Below we will tell you about how you can clean a thermos, and what tools can be used for this.

Is the thermos dishwasher safe and why?

The dishwasher is for many an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. However, not all dishes should be washed in this unit. Such items include a thermos. The explanation is quite simple: there is a high risk of spoiling the thing.

As a rule, this device is designed in such a way that the bulb is wrapped in a special material with thermal insulation properties. Having got wet, this material can begin to lose its qualities and deteriorate, which will soon affect the state of the thermos. Even after drying, it is unlikely to be able to retain heat as well as it did before.

In this regard, it is recommended to wash thermal dishes by hand, without placing them in water or steam for a long time.

Even if the thermos does not have a special heat insulator, it is not worth washing it in the dishwasher, since there is a void between the body and the flask in such devices. Water easily gets there, which does not dry out and eventually causes an unpleasant odor.

Cleaning metal thermoses

Often, the owners of stainless steel thermoses are faced with such a problem that scale and blackness appear inside the thermos. It is necessary to get rid of this problem - otherwise it will be simply impossible to drink drinks from this device, since scale and plaque will negatively affect their taste. You can get rid of these problems at home, but you need to know certain rules so as not to damage the surface of the thermos during cleaning.

Basic flushing of a thermos is easy enough. Usually it is done even before the first use of a new container.

The thermos must be washed with soap and running water, using soft cloths and sponges, hard sponges cannot be used. You need to wash each part separately, having previously disassembled the device - this also applies to drying.

In this way, the thermal dishes should be rinsed every time after use - this will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

However, if blackness has formed inside the thermos, then simply rinsing it will not be enough. You will have to use home remedies like citric acid. Pour two teaspoons of this product into a thermos, pour boiling water over them, close the dishes with a lid with a button and wait one day. After this time, the thermal dishes must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. This tool does an excellent job with tea and coffee deposits.

Baking soda can also help combat plaque and scale, and can also help eliminate odors and pathogens. You will need to add three tablespoons of soda, pour boiling water, close the thermos with a lid and wait about 6 hours. After this time, add three tablespoons of salt to the solution. Next, the thermos must be shaken thoroughly so that the salt helps to remove all remaining plaque. After carrying out such a procedure, the thermal dishes will need to be rinsed well.

Ammonia is also a handy remedy that can remove impurities. However, when working with it, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, otherwise problems may arise, because ammonia can provoke a burn or make breathing difficult.

To clean a thermos with ammonia, this substance must be mixed with cool water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Pour the solution into a container and wait about 6 hours. During this time, the ammonia must destroy the structure of the plaque and thereby eliminate it. After completing the cleaning, the thermos must be well rinsed and rinsed.

In some cases, the smell comes from the thermos cork. In this case, it must be soaked in a soda-based solution and thoroughly cleaned all places that are difficult to access.

If necessary, the cork can be boiled in water with soda for about 5 minutes. At the end of the procedures, the cork with a lid will need to be thoroughly dried.

How do I clean my glass models?

In glass thermoses, coffee or tea deposits can also remain, or mold can appear, which will cause an unpleasant smell and taste. It is not difficult to clean a thermos from such material; you can do it at home. For this, the same methods and means are suitable that were used to clean the metal thermos.

However, here you need to remember about accuracy, because glass is a fragile material that can be easily damaged.

In order not to spoil the glass thermos, you will have to do without shaking and shaking. It is also not recommended to mix substances in it, this applies to both soda and salt and citric acid.

How to get rid of the smell?

Special means

You can remove the unpleasant smell that has appeared inside the thermos with the help of household chemicals. Most often, an ordinary detergent is used for this. It must be applied to a soft sponge or cloth and thoroughly cleaned the inside of the thermos with it, making sure that it smells the same as the detergent.

If you purchased a thermos with a narrow neck, then in this case, you can use a brush.However, it should not be rigid, otherwise there is a great risk of ruining the thermal dishes.

Another effective remedy that will help if your thermos smells unpleasant is bleach. It quickly removes not only odor, but also mildew and mold, which are often sources of unpleasant odors. Pour the bleach into a container, fill it with heated water, leave for 40 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly and rinse. However, it must be borne in mind that such a tool should not be used for stainless steel thermoses.

An odor absorber can also remove an unpleasant odor, which can be purchased at a specialized store. This tool just needs to be lowered onto the very bottom of the container and left there for several hours. It remains to rinse and rinse the thermos. After this procedure, the smell should disappear.

Traditional methods

You can also get rid of an unpleasant odor using folk methods. They are no less effective than special products from the store.

  • So, in order to eliminate the smell, you can use laundry soap. Rub the inside of the thermos with it with a soft sponge, cloth or brush and rinse thoroughly by pouring boiling water over the container. After that, the thermos must be thoroughly dried. If the aroma remains, then the procedure is repeated again.
  • Toothpaste can also help get rid of odor. You will need to mix two tablespoons of this product with warm water and pour it all into a thermos. Close the ovenware tightly and shake well. Leave the container for two hours, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
  • The favorite drink of many - Coca-Cola - is also able to fight the unpleasant aroma. Just pour it into a container, close tightly and leave for a whole day. Then wash the container using dishwashing gel, wipe the container thoroughly and let it dry. The smell should disappear.
  • Plain lemon can also help get rid of unpleasant odors. It must be cut, placed in a vessel and filled with water. Next, close the thermos and shake well. Overnight, this solution should be infused and eliminate the unpleasant odor. Rinse the thermos and dry it thoroughly.

If the unpleasant odor is still present, repeat the procedure again.

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