What is a terrarium and how to equip it?

In order to keep reptiles at home, as well as some insects, it is necessary to create a favorable habitat for them. The most suitable place for this is the terrarium.
It is important not only to buy it, choosing it in terms of size and design, but also to equip it correctly so that the inhabitants are as comfortable as possible.

What it is?
A terrarium is a special container designed for keeping certain types of reptiles and insects at home that need a special microclimate. Terrariums are divided into several categories: by material of manufacture, shape and size, and some other parameters.
Regardless of belonging to a particular group, it must meet certain requirements:
- good moisture resistance;
- strength;
- insignificant body weight;
- environmental Safety.

It is noteworthy that the base of the terrarium can be made of metal or plastic, and the walls are made of durable organic glass. Sometimes terrariums are confused with other similar tanks. One of them is the serpentarium. The difference is that the latter is intended solely for keeping snakes in order to obtain poison, skins or eggs from them.
The aquarium is also outwardly similar to the terrarium, but the latter has thicker walls. In addition, the aquarium is an environment for keeping fish and aquatic reptiles. And also the difference lies in the absence of a cover in the front of the container for the aquarium.

All terrariums can be roughly divided into several large categories. So, in size, small, medium and large reservoirs are distinguished. They must be selected in accordance with the number of potential inhabitants, as well as their size. An important condition is that the reptiles and insects are not crowded and cold.
In shape, there are square, rectangular, round. By location, the tanks are divided into vertical and horizontal. The former contain inhabitants who are used to living on trees, rocks: geckos, lizards, spiders, iguanas. Toads, frogs, praying mantises, stick insects, hamsters, ants can live in horizontal ones.
As already mentioned, most terrariums have a plastic or metal base, as well as Plexiglas walls, floor and ceiling.

Aquaterrarium is a special container designed for keeping reptiles that require both dry areas and water at the same time. For example, for waterfowl turtles or snakes. The reservoir must be sealed without fail.

This is a common terrarium suitable for breeding and keeping those inhabitants that move exclusively on land, such as lizards or spiders. The only liquid that is present in such a terrarium is a drinker or small pool.

This is a transparent reservoir in which there is an artificially created aquatic environment. It is intended for the cultivation of marsh plants, as well as the maintenance of certain types of reptiles.

Equipment and accessories
To create a favorable microclimate, the terrarium must be equipped with many accessories. The most important of them should be highlighted.
- Ventilation holes. Most manufacturers initially make them for the convenience of buyers. In fact, these are simply holes located on the walls or ceiling of the tank.
- Heater. For this purpose, special lamps, thermal cord or thermal mats are used. They can be either built-in or purchased at a separate cost.
- Humidifier - another necessary element, which is designed to regulate the level of humidity inside the tank. The essence of such devices is that they either generate steam or periodically spray a small amount of liquid.
To control certain indicators from the inside of the terrarium, it is necessary to install special devices: a thermometer and a hygrometer. One of them will measure the air temperature, and the other will measure the humidity level.
In accordance with these indications, you should debug the operation of built-in or installed devices.

Top brands
Now there are quite a few companies involved in the production of terrariums. But models from the following manufacturers are very popular among buyers.
- Hagen ExoTerra Natural Terrarium Mini Wide 30x30x30 cm. Compact and lightweight cube terrarium with opening doors. The cost is from 4500 rubles, the country of origin is Germany.

- AquaEl 60 is a terrarium made of silicate glass. Produced in Poland. The convenience of its use lies in the presence of special doors that prevent the escape of the inhabitants. The cost of such a tank is about 5,000 rubles.

- Chinese company MEIJING - budgetary and visually attractive aquariums made of durable glass.

- Repti Zoo brand from China produces premium terrariums, the cost of which starts from 15 thousand rubles.

- Exo Terra are terrariums designed by European herpetologists. Manufactured in Canada. They are distinguished by unsurpassed design and functionality. The cost starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Selection Tips
The choice of a terrarium is a responsible event, since the life and condition of the inhabitants directly depend on it. When buying, you need to pay special attention to the following points.
- The ventilation holes must not be opposite, since this provokes the appearance of drafts, undesirable for the vast majority of reptiles and insects. In addition, due to improperly equipped ventilation, carbon dioxide will begin to accumulate inside the container, which provokes the development of fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms.
- A heating system should be in every terrarium. But not the entire area should be heated, but only a separate part. The inhabitants, if necessary, must warm up or, conversely, cool down.
- Lighting should be moderately bright, spread from above, therefore, the lighting fixtures must be fixed precisely in this part. Lighting and heating must be approached carefully so that the inhabitants do not get burned.

The size and shape of the terrarium should be chosen according to individual preferences, as well as depending on the number and size of potential inhabitants.
Terrariums made entirely of plastic are a cheaper option. They are much easier to clean, difficult to break. The disadvantage is the relatively unattractive appearance.
Glass terrariums are heavy, expensive. They can be broken if handled carelessly. But they have an external appeal, transparent walls allow you to observe the inhabitants.

How to equip with your own hands?
After purchasing and installing all the components, the terrarium must be properly and beautifully arranged so that the inhabitants are comfortable. For the aesthetic appeal and convenience of residents, it is necessary to place shelters and decorations inside: a background, artificial or live plants, driftwood, purchased decor. You can also use coconut shells for cover.
Everything you need must be placed so that reptiles and insects can move freely and safely. Be sure to start arranging a dining corner.
Decorations should not obstruct lighting and heating devices. It is necessary to make sure that the accessories do not obstruct the view for people.

The terrarium should be cleaned periodically. The main directions: replacing the soil, cleaning the surface of the walls, as well as decorations. During this time, the inhabitants should be moved to another secure reservoir. If you do not clean for a long time, harmful microorganisms can start in the terrarium, and an unpleasant odor will appear. Too frequent cleaning is also undesirable, since any manipulation causes stress among the inhabitants.
It is better to do cleaning without using any chemicals, for example, dishwashing gels or laundry detergents. After them, harmful substances may remain on the walls. The terrarium must be kept at optimum air temperature and humidity at all times.