Types of female figure

The "pear" figure: features of weight loss and diet

Pear figure: features of weight loss and diet
  1. Description of the type of body structure
  2. Basic nutritional rules
  3. Sample menu
  4. Workout
  5. Useful Tips
  6. Reviews

Despite the fact that the "Brazilian" fifth point is currently in fashion, many women who have a figure with strongly pronounced hips dream of making their body more proportional. The figure of such ladies is usually called "triangle" or "pear".

Description of the type of body structure

The "pear" figure is not a deviation from the norm, it is just a discrepancy with modern concepts of beauty, which are very subjective. This type of women is quite attractive to men, since their main difference is the seductive curves and mouth-watering forms of the lower part. In addition, women with such a figure usually tolerate pregnancy and childbirth well. Despite these advantages, most pear-shaped ladies tend to reduce their body proportions.

Distinctive features of a triangular shape:

  • height: usually this type is characteristic of women of average height or slightly below;
  • shoulders: not wide or sloping, may be of normal height and width;
  • waist: is present even in the case of excess weight - in such a situation, kilograms are deposited in the stomach, but not in the sides, it can be weak or pronounced, slightly underestimated;
  • breast: has a bone type, small or medium;
  • legs: due to the low waist, they seem shorter, in the case of weight gain, they quickly gain weight, especially above the knees and in the calf area;
  • hips: usually wide, in comparison with the chest, they are pronounced, look massive, begin to gain kilograms first, are prone to the formation of cellulite.

It has already been noted that pear-shaped forms have always been considered a symbol of motherhood and the feminine principle, however, women who have such a figure are often inclined to be overweight, especially in the lower part, and therefore the body must be constantly maintained.

Basic nutritional rules

Women with a "pear" figure, striving for a normal weight, it is recommended to reduce the portion of food in the morning. It was at this time that fat is deposited in women with this type of body. It is better to "lean" on food at lunchtime, and reduce the amount of food in the morning and in the evening. Separate food is perfect.

Hard diets and fasting are prohibited. You should focus on the diet, and not on its complete absence.

In addition, there is an opinion that women with a pear-shaped figure are prone to weight loss in moments of joy and energy, an emotional outburst. That is, refusing food and a strict diet can have the opposite effect, and in a bad mood, a hungry lady will begin to gain weight. If, as a result of starvation, kilograms and begin to "burn", then first of all this process will affect the upper body, and the legs and hips will remain massive.

For women with such a figure, it is recommended to consume a minimum of fat, exclude refined simple carbohydrates and animal fats, starchy foods, give preference to complex, indigestible carbohydrates. For a good metabolism, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning. The number of calories consumed should not exceed 1500 per day.

One of the disadvantages of such a figure is a predisposition to the appearance of osteoporosis, therefore, calcium-rich foods are needed in the diet. And remember that you cannot include fiber - it interferes with the absorption of calcium. Table salt must be replaced with Celtic or Himalayan salt, and morning coffee with milk tea, as coffee increases the production of estrogen, which is already abundant in women with a pear figure.

Recommended products:

  • tomato juice, tomatoes;
  • cereals;
  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • fruits: oranges, apples, pears;
  • vegetables, especially greens, cabbage, spinach, turnips;
  • seafood, seaweed;
  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • walnuts, soy.

Prohibited food:

  • potato;
  • rice;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • flour products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet;
  • packaged juices and soda;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • whole milk;
  • pickles;
  • coffee.

Sample menu

For women with a triangular figure, there are several menu options that will help both to reduce weight in unwanted places, and to maintain the existing slender shape. Here is some of them.

Option 1


  • a glass of cold water before breakfast;
  • oatmeal or lentil porridge;
  • apple or grapes, nuts;
  • a glass of natural juice.


  • soup made from meat or vegetables;
  • boiled beef;
  • a piece of wholemeal bread;
  • any vegetables except potatoes.


      • boiled chicken;
      • beans;
      • a glass of kefir with a low fat content.


      • crispbreads with cheese;
      • pulp yoghurts;
      • fruits;
      • herbal teas;
      • chocolate puddings.

      Option 2


      • porridge;
      • nuts;
      • boiled egg;
      • fruits.

      First afternoon snack:

      • fruit or light vegetable salad;
      • cottage cheese or yogurt.


      • light vegetable soup;
      • lean fish;
      • any side dish except potatoes and rice.


      • baked or raw vegetables;
      • lean meat.

      It is necessary to use such menu options not only for women who are losing weight, but also for those who already have beautiful, smooth shapes in order to avoid gaining excess weight and associated diseases. After losing weight, such a diet should also be followed, since all ladies with "triangular" body proportions are prone to weight gain.


      No diet will help you achieve the desired result without special physical activity. You should not overload yourself, but there is no point in relying only on a useful menu.

      The set of compulsory exercises for girls with a triangular figure should include aerobics and strength training. The main areas of the figure that women with these proportions are unhappy with are the legs and hips. It is these parts of the body that you should pay attention to when choosing the type of training. Physical activity inspires women, improves mood, gives strength and confidence, and this, as noted above, has a beneficial effect on fat burning in women with a pear figure.

      It is necessary to walk at least half an hour a day, stop using the elevator and the car, as much as possible, run, roller-skate and bike, jump rope - all this contributes to weight loss in the pelvic area and legs.

      Strength training is recommended three times a week. Half-hour morning aerobics classes in the morning will be useful - it is better to do this on different days with strength training. Any activity should be supplemented with balancing exercises.

      You can train not only in the gym, but also at home. Try the following exercises.

      Thighs and buttocks


      To burn fat quickly, you should do one hundred squats per day, intermittently. At first, it is enough to squat 15 times for 4-5 approaches. Over time, the amount of exercise should be increased. You can effectively load your leg muscles with this exercise on your toes. It is recommended to alternate simple squats with side bends.


      1. put your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your socks apart;
      2. sit down slowly to knee level, linger for 10 seconds;
      3. slowly straighten up.

      Swing your legs

      A simple, but very effective exercise to combat excess deposits in the leg area. Especially well such workouts help to cope with the elimination of fat in the "breeches" area. For one lesson, it is enough to complete 20 swings on each leg with 3-4 repetitions.


      1. we kneel, lean on our elbows, the lower back is slightly twisted inward;
      2. while inhaling, raise the leg back, pay attention not to the height of the rise, but to the knee - it should be straight;
      3. on exhalation, we return the leg to its original position.

      Leg swings can be carried out from any position. They can be done while standing, or you can lie on one side and raise your legs to the sides. You can even lie on the couch and watch the movie, the main thing is to make sure that the knee does not bend and gradually perform the exercise more intensively.


      A universal exercise for all muscles of the body.


      1. stand on your elbows, lean your socks on the floor, raise your pelvis;
      2. keep in this position for as long as possible;
      3. repeat 10 times.

      Strength exercises

      The weight of dumbbells for strength training is selected so that a woman can perform 10-12 repetitions and 3-4 approaches. The standard weight is 4-7 kilograms.

      The strength training complex should include the following exercises:

      1. dumbbell rows with an incline;
      2. push ups;
      3. rises;
      4. lunges with dumbbells in place;
      5. "Wiring" in the simulator or similar exercise lying on your back with dumbbells.

      For best results, strength training should be combined with interval cardio.

      An effective result can be achieved by combining some exercises. For example, gymnastics that is simple and useful for the buttocks is lifting the pelvis while lying on the floor. If at the same time you take a barbell in your hands, then the lesson will become even more productive. The extra weight will make the exercise heavier and significantly increase the load, and therefore it is recommended to perform the more complicated version for women with already trained muscles. For beginner athletes, ordinary lifts without a barbell are enough.

      Between strength training, it is recommended to do pull-ups, jump on a trampoline or jump rope, and exercise on a rowing machine.


      If a woman with a "pear" figure got into the gym, then you should pay attention to the following simulators:

      • treadmill - it is advisable to start training with it;
      • exercise bike;
      • rowing machine;
      • exercise plie;
      • fitball;
      • simulators that provide a tightening of the abdomen.

      Currently, special training programs have been developed for women with a "triangular" physique. You can take individual lessons from a trainer or sign up for a fitness group for women with this type of figure.

      Useful Tips

      Women with pear-shaped body proportions are advised to heed the following tips.

      • Don't overdo it with diet and exercise. Do not try to reduce the fifth point, modern beauty standards are very subjective. It is better to play with those parts of the body that you consider imperfections with the help of clothes. For example, women with a "triangular" figure are very suitable for sleeves-lanterns, skirts of any type, classic trousers.
      • Supplement your nutrition and workout routine with manual or vacuum massage. The massage improves the metabolic process and promotes fat burning. Massages for cellulite and soda baths are effective.
      • When taking a shower, it is useful to use cellulite scrubs. Salt and coffee products are especially good. You can make them yourself - insist a mixture of ground coffee, sea salt and olive oil for an hour, apply the product on steamed skin and rinse off after 15 minutes. Homemade scrub improves skin elasticity and tone, which helps to eliminate cellulite.


      If you study the opinions of girls with a "pear" figure, then most of them are still satisfied with their bodies. Of course, a healthy diet and exercise is required, for example, many people prefer to go swimming. As for clothes, some ladies recommend wearing dresses with a high waist, but not under the bust, but just above the waist, long blouses, cardigans, jackets.

      With the help of outfits, you can perfectly emphasize a narrow waist, however, difficulties in choosing clothes often arise, since the sizes of the top and bottom may differ.

        After evaluating the reviews of men about women with a pear complexion, we can safely conclude that this is one of the preferred types of figures. Men do not know this mysterious name, but most of them note that curvy lower forms are very appetizing, seductive and sexy.

        See below for important tips on nutrition and weight loss for a pear figure.

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