Calico: features and properties of the material

With the development of new technologies, many new types of fabrics have appeared on the light industry market. Very often completely unusual raw materials are used for their production. But despite the huge choice, many people prefer natural materials in the form of coarse calico. This fabric appeared in our country back in the 15th century, when it was imported from Asia.

What it is?
Calico is a cotton material. The word itself comes from the Arabic name for dense fabric, which was obtained using the cross weaving method. Since the 16th century, fabric has been actively produced in Russia and sold at various fairs. Due to its low cost and high quality, the fabric was in incredible demand. It was originally used as a lining fabric for caftans. Over the years, they began to make it much softer, and it became suitable for sewing clothes. When creating the material, the simplest weave is used - plain weave.

Material description:
- the fabric looks smooth on both sides;
- natural cotton is used for the manufacture, but sometimes synthetic fibers may be included in the composition;
- the fabric has a matte surface without any shine;

- it is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies and has high wear resistance;
- in appearance, the fabric resembles a canvas, which is associated with a special weaving crosswise;
- the surface of the canvas is always rough if you run your hand over it.

The material is widely used for sewing sleeping sets. They sew things for children from it.Calico is often used in the manufacture of shirts and diapers.
Based on GOST, the density of coarse calico must be approximately 145 g / sq. m.
When buying material in a roll, you should distinguish between characteristics and density.
- Thin (sparse) fabric has a density of no more than 100 g / sq. m.
- The material with a density of 110-125 g / sq. Is very popular. m. From this material, the main part of the bed linen is sewn.
- In accordance with GOST, the fabric should have a density of 140-145 g / sq. m.
- Very rarely, bleached or printed coarse calico, the density of which is 146 g / sq., Goes on sale. m. This is the densest and most durable type of material.

An essential characteristic when choosing coarse calico is the width of the material in the roll. The total amount of fabric that is required for sewing a particular product depends on the width. The wider the roll width, the fewer meters of fabric you need to buy.

The width of the fabric may vary depending on the type.
- Bleached calico is sold in rolls 80 cm wide.
- Severe coarse calico goes on sale in rolls of 90 cm.

- A very popular parameter is the roll width of 1.5 m. This material is often bought for self-tailoring of bed linen. Most often, printed and one-colored fabrics have this size.
- On sale you can find a harsh coarse calico 166 cm wide.
- Rolls with coarse calico more than two meters are very popular. It is often bought for sewing a set for a double bed. In this area they sell printed, bleached or one-colored coarse calico.

According to domestic standards, the fabric should be made of 100% natural cotton. In China or Pakistan, polyester yarn is allowed. But it shouldn't be more than 15%. Due to its natural composition, it does not cause an allergic reaction and is completely safe.
A material with an admixture of synthetic fibers has a more pleasant texture, does not accumulate static electricity, is easy to clean and absorbs moisture well, but it can cause an allergic reaction in some categories of citizens.

Advantages and disadvantages
The fabric is very popular nowadays due to a large number of its advantages:
- very easy to use;
- has high hygienic properties;
- has high strength and wear resistance;

- environmentally friendly material due to natural threads in the composition;
- it has antistatic properties;
- has hypoallergenic characteristics;
- it is perfectly erased in many modes and is very unpretentious;

- clothes and other products made from this fabric are not deformed;
- the fabric has an affordable cost.

In addition to undeniable advantages, the material also has a number of disadvantages:
- the surface of the fabric does not have a beautiful glossy sheen, and it is rough to the touch;
- very budget options for fabric quickly lose their brightness;

- the fabric is quite dense and tough, which makes it unsuitable for sewing some things;
- during prolonged use, pellets may appear on the surface of the fabric;
- the fabric is natural, therefore it can be very wrinkled.

Types and their properties
The modern light industry market provides consumers with 4 main types of coarse calico.
- Severe calico has a pleasant creamy shade. This is an unbleached fabric. In terms of its technical characteristics and density, it is the most durable type of fabric. It is often used as interior upholstery for upholstered furniture. It is suitable for making workwear. For sewing such clothes, the fabric is pre-dyed.

- White calico not as rough as the first option. It has a lower density, being an excellent option for sewing sleeping sets, shoe covers and other special clothing. Among the large number of varieties of coarse calico, bleached has the highest cost.

- Plain dyed fabric has a similar structure as in the second option.This fabric is monochromatic and is used to make budget linen for the bedroom. It is widely used as a lining fabric for suits and coats.

- Printed fabric comes with colorful patterns and is incredibly popular in the textile market. Lingerie for the bedroom made of this fabric is very popular, as well as pajamas and children's suits for the summer. The stores offer a wide range of coarse calico of various patterns and colors.

Every fabric manufacturer is very interested in promoting their product to the consumer market. In order to increase the demand and sale of fabrics, the assortment of goods is constantly increasing, new shades and patterns are being created. Buy domestic material from natural fabrics or imported with an admixture of synthetic fibers - each consumer decides for himself.

Comparison with other materials
Consider the differences between coarse calico and other cotton materials.
- Chintz and calico have a similar weaving. However, in the manufacture of calico, much finer fibers are used. Chintz has a completely natural composition. Various manufacturers can add synthetic fibers to coarse calico. The chintz is sold in rolls 80 or 90 cm wide. This means that there will be a seam on the bed linen, which is not always liked by ready-made buyers. Calico is a little more expensive than chintz. And also natural chintz has an unstable color, which fades very quickly during use. Currently, many manufacturers make chintz thinned.

- Coarse calico has a significant difference from satin. Satin gets its name from the way the fibers are twisted. They are very thin and rather tightly twisted, which allows for intricate weaving. It also creates a sparkling surface on the fabric, in contrast to coarse calico, which has a matte finish. Satin is very similar to silk materials. It can be marketed in natural, artificial or mixed formulations. At a cost, it is much more expensive. Experts do not recommend to pass an affirmative verdict which of these fabrics is stronger.

- Poplin is a material that is made from fibers of different densities. The horizontal fibers are much thicker than the transverse ones. If you look closely at the matter, then on its surface, you can find small scars. Initially, poplin was silk, and coarse calico consisted of natural fibers. Domestic manufacturers make poplin based on cotton fabrics, while foreign materials can be imported with an admixture of natural fibers and synthetics in different proportions. The composition of poplin can include woolen and viscose yarns. It looks great in a variety of colors and tones. The outer side of it shimmers a little. Poplin is much more spectacular in appearance, and it costs much more than coarse calico. Coarse calico of the highest quality is much denser than poplin. Both materials have high wear-resistant qualities, but the coarse calico will last much longer.
Poplin shrinks due to improper handling. This is especially true for poplin with the addition of silk and woolen threads. Coarse calico is used for sewing underwear sets. Poplin was supposed to be used for making various things. Poplin bedding sets are becoming very popular, but they are much more expensive.

- Polycotton is a blended fabric that consists of polyester and cotton. Bedding, blankets and mattresses are sewn from such fabric. If it contains a greater number of artificial threads, then such material is not very suitable for sewing bedding, but their price will be much less.

- The structure of the threads in percale and coarse calico are similar. The materials are very similar in their technical characteristics. Percale is much thinner and softer with tactile contact. Percale has a high density due to high-quality threads. Thin fibers do not twist, but are connected with a special glue.Percale bedding is a premium class and is much more expensive than coarse calico.

- Calico is different from cotton the fact that it shrinks during the washing process or deforms slightly with improper care. The quality of cotton is much better than coarse calico. During long-term operation, no pellets form on its surface. And yet the differences between the materials are minor, and they are very similar to each other. These are great home textiles.

- Polysatin is a kind of hybrid of satin and polyester fibers. The material has high strength, like coarse calico. But unlike coarse calico, it has a shiny surface. Still, the material is more related to synthetic fabrics. Due to its composition, the material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time even after repeated washing. Such material is much cheaper than coarse calico due to the large amount of synthetic fibers in its composition.

Calico is a fairly common material for creating things and accessories for the home.
- Most often, sleeping accessories are sewn from it. Such linen has high performance properties. It is pleasant to sleep on it at any time of the year. The kits are very strong and durable. A wide range of patterns and colors allows you to choose the desired option.
- Coarse calico is used to make special clothing and uniforms. Bleached or plain-dyed fabric is used for sewing clothes. It is perfect for sewing medical gowns, gloves, shoe covers and sheets in medical institutions.

- Coarse calico material is irreplaceable if you need to sew home furnishings in the form of curtains, tablecloths, napkins or bedspreads.
- This type of fabric is widely used in the form of lining materials. Such popularity is due to the natural characteristics and high wear resistance of the fabric. It washes well and is highly durable, making it ideal for linings.

Care rules
The material is very picky to care for and easy to use. In order for calico products to serve as long as possible, it is worth following the basic rules for caring for such things.
- Items should be washed immediately after purchase. This will produce a soft and pleasant-to-touch material.
- It is best to turn the fabric inside out before sending it to the washing machine. This is especially recommended for printed items.

- It is recommended to boil and bleach bleached calico. But it is better not to expose other types of fabric to such strong influence. For other types of material, experts recommend washing at a low temperature.
- In order for the thing to retain its original appearance longer, it is better to wash the coarse calico separately from other materials.
- In order for the coarse calico to retain all its qualities, to remain soft and easy to iron, it must be wrung out in the machine at medium or minimum revolutions.
- In order to quickly restore the shape of the product, it is recommended to shake off the thing after washing.

- It is recommended to dry products made from this material in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. The fabric absorbs foreign odors very easily and quickly.
- It is recommended to iron coarse calico products when they are not completely dry yet. Due to moisture, the material will quickly smooth out and be soft.

It is important to remember that coarse calico shrinks after washing. So that shrinkage does not occur on the thing that has just been sewn, it is worth washing the fabric in advance, and only after that start sewing the intended product.
For information on what material to choose bedding from, see the next video.