What is double thread and where is the fabric used?

Two-thread is a kind of knitwear, which is now more and more actively used for sewing clothes and other products. This simple and inexpensive fabric is highly regarded by customers for its reliability and practicality.

What it is?
Double-thread fabric is a canvas consisting of two intertwined threads. On the one hand, its surface is absolutely flat and smooth. On the other side there are small loops or short uniform pile.
It is believed that this material appeared and began to spread throughout the world in the twentieth century. This happened as a result of the active development of light industry. Previously, one hundred percent cotton was used to create a double thread. Now the fabric contains synthetic materials. This allows you to improve not only the appearance of the material, but also its properties. The fabric becomes more pleasant to the touch and stretches better.

The canvas is now made on modern machines. After processing the material, the thread has a faded grayish color and a slightly loose structure. You can use double strings already in this form. But, as a rule, they prefer to further process the material. For a start, softeners and antiseptics are used.
After that, on a special machine, the canvas is twisted, dried and stretched. This allows you to create a high-quality canvas that will not lose shape in the future. To compact the material and smoothen it additionally, the double-thread is passed through the shafts. After carrying out all these procedures, the fabric looks beautiful, does not wrinkle and allows air to pass through well.

The description of the double thread allows us to understand that this is a high-quality and durable fabric. This material has a lot of advantages.
- High density... This is one of the main indicators that you should pay attention to when choosing a fabric. The density of two strands is in the range of 180-240 grams per square meter. The fabric is resistant to all kinds of damage. It retains its visual appeal over time.
- Color stability. The painted material does not fade, even if it is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Double-thread products do not fade as a result of multiple washings. Therefore, most things look like new even after a few months after purchase.
- Heat resistance... High temperatures are not afraid of things made of two-strand. Therefore, you can wear them in any weather. Separately, it should be noted that the material after manufacture is treated with fire-fighting compounds, so it does not burn. Because of this, double thread is often used for sewing work and protective suits.
- Elasticity... The dense material practically does not wrinkle and perfectly retains its shape. All this simplifies the process of caring for double-stranded things. Therefore, people are happy to buy outfits made from this material.
- Ease... Double-thread products are comfortable to wear. This fabric is often used for sewing summer outfits and tracksuits. The material is perfectly breathable, so wearing it is comfortable even in hot weather. The only exception is fabrics with a high content of synthetic fibers. Such material is practically impervious to air. But this is typical for most synthetic products.
- Hypoallergenic... The fabric is absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, products made from it can be worn even by children and allergy sufferers.
- Hydrophobicity... The double thread is a waterproof material. Water droplets do not penetrate deep into the fibers. They just run down the surface of the fabric. Double-strand products are also resistant to decay.

It is worth noting that double strings are cheap.... Therefore, it can be used for sewing home textiles, work clothes or bags.
Like any other material, double-strand has its drawbacks. First of all, it should be said that when wet, this fabric becomes heavy and tough. In addition, raw material edges are constantly peeling off. This should be taken into account by those who plan to sew double-thread products at home. It is also worth noting that the pile on the wrong side of the fabric can become felted over time. But this usually does not happen very quickly.

Species overview
Now there are two types of two-strand. The first is called harsh... It is a raw material with a rough texture and a grayish color. As a rule, such fabric is made of natural cotton. It doesn't stretch well and doesn't look very attractive.
The second type of material is called sizing. This is a processed fabric. It is softer and stretches much better. This type of canvas is most often used for sewing clothes and home textiles.

Separately, it is worth talking about knitted fabrics, which include synthetic additives. The following types of double-strand are considered the most common.
Double strand footer. It is a warm and soft fabric. In its manufacture, additives such as lycra or polyester are used. The surface of this fabric is smooth, without shine. Especially popular are products from a footer with a piled back side. This material is often used for sewing demi-season clothing.

Double-strand jacquard. A beautiful material with pleasant patterns is most often used for sewing home textiles. Viscose and polyester are used in its creation.

- Diving... This is a dense, but at the same time quite elastic material. It is composed of elastane and viscose. There is no cotton in it. Most often it is used for tailoring suits for sports.

All of these fabrics are now easy to find on the market.
Most of the companies involved in the production of double strands are located in Turkey.It is Turkish fabrics that are considered the highest quality, strong and durable. You can buy high-quality materials for sewing various products from Extenzi Textile. Double-strand clothing and other items are now readily available in most stores.

One of the largest domestic companies producing such material is "Manufacturer". The products are not inferior in quality to Turkish products, so they are popular not only in Russia, but also outside the country.

Chinese manufacturers also produce knitted fabrics. Their fabric is 20-30% cheaper than Turkish fabric. But her quality is also worse. Many Chinese fabric buyers find themselves disappointed with their purchase.

Areas of use
It is possible to use a two-thread cable not only in light industry, but also in various spheres of the national economy. The raw material is most often used to make the following things.
Protective suits. Overalls for locksmiths, welders, metallurgists are sewn from a single-color untreated double-thread. Dense and resistant to mechanical stress fabric makes excellent pants, robes, overalls and jackets. The same material is used for sewing shoe lining and other little things.
Mittens... Thick double-thread gloves, complemented by a canvas handheld, help protect your hands during any physical work.
Bags... Double thread is used for sewing postal and packing bags. They are highly durable and can bear a lot of weight.
Bags and backpacks. In addition to bags for storage and transportation, shopping bags are also sewn from double-thread. A durable and slightly rough material is also used to create hiking backpacks. You can take them with you on any trip, because they are not afraid of any weather conditions.
Materials for creativity... Thin double-thread makes a good base for embroidery. It is used to create both small items and large paintings. It also makes cute toys and amulet dolls. But artists use finished fabric. Great canvases are made from it. Unlike cotton, they are not degraded by oil.
Ecobags and accessories. Nowadays, eco-bags are very popular, as well as cosmetic bags and hats made from natural fabrics. To create them, it is quite possible to use an unprocessed two-thread.
Furniture upholstery. The durable material is commonly used for interior furniture upholstery. In addition, double-thread covers are often sewn for sofas, chairs and armchairs. They look pretty simple, but they have a long service life.

Dressed fabric is commonly used for sewing garments. From it they sew things for both adults and children.
Tracksuits. The breathable and hypoallergenic material is perfect for active sports. Things made from such fabric do not stretch over time and do not become covered with pills or puffs. Two-thread can be used to sew both summer and insulated suits.
Sweatshirts... This soft fabric is also suitable for sewing simple sweatshirts, sweatshirts and turtlenecks. Both boys and girls are happy to wear them.
Pajamas and home trousers. The fabric is perfect for sewing home clothes. It makes things warm and pleasant to the touch. Double-strand household items are lightweight, durable and can withstand a large number of washes.
Accessories... The processed material is also often used for sewing various bags, wallets and various accessories. Finished products are often decorated with embroidery. This makes them not only practical, but also very beautiful.
Kids' things. Soft and pleasant to the touch, double thread is often used for sewing children's clothes. The processed material makes perfect suits, dresses and overalls for the little ones. The child feels comfortable in such things. In addition, the fabric is also suitable for sewing bedding sets.They easily survive the daily wash.
Home textiles... Soft finished fabric, made in different colors and decorated with patterns, is suitable for sewing home textiles. It makes excellent bedding sets, bedspreads, tablecloths and decorative napkins. It is beneficial to use this material for sewing curtains. Such curtains will not fade in the sun and lose their attractiveness.

Most of the processed double-strand items look cozy and evoke pleasant associations with home and relaxation.

To prolong the life of double-strand products, they must be properly cared for. This applies to products from both severe double-thread and finished.
First of all, you need to understand how to properly wash products from this modern material. This can be done either by hand or in a washing machine. In the second case, it is imperative to activate the delicate mode. The water temperature should be between 30-40 degrees. Washing in too hot water will shrink the items.
For washing, use mild powders and stain removers.
It is not recommended to use products with colored granules for washing white clothes. If the product has been heavily soiled, it is better to have it dry cleaned. There, the thing can be properly cleaned without damaging it. If you use strong powders, the fabric can fade and lose its attractiveness.

You also need to twist things carefully. After washing, the product must be gently squeezed out, and then allowed to drain. If you twist the item too much, it can be deformed. You can wash double-thread clothes quite often.
First of all, it is recommended to wash the products immediately after purchase. In this case, the thing will immediately shrink naturally.

Drying and ironing
Drying washed double-thread products in a typewriter is not recommended... This is best done naturally. The product must be carefully straightened. It shouldn't have any folds. Dry the item in an upright position and as far as possible from batteries and other heat sources.
It is advisable that double-strand products are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Such things do not need ironing. But if there are visible creases on the surface, the fabric will still have to be ironed. But for this, the product must be turned out. Iron is best done with the cotton setting. If possible, use a steam humidifier or lightweight handheld steamer instead of an iron. The latter can always be taken with you on the road.

Separately, it is worth talking about the rules for storing double-thread things.
Store products in a well-ventilated place. If things are not worn, they still need to be checked several times a year and, if necessary, ventilated or washed.
A separate shelf should be reserved for jerseys.... If possible, it is recommended to split it into several compartments using vertical dividers.
Things need to be folded neatly. They should not be compressed. This will lead to loss of shape and the formation of ugly folds on things.
You need to put things in piles in the right way. The heaviest and densest products should be located at the bottom, lighter ones at the top. Some people add tissue paper to each layer. This allows things to "breathe".
Do not store double-strand items on a hanger. This will lead to deformation of the shoulder line and rapid elongation of the sleeves. You can only hang double-thread products on a hanger immediately after washing. This is done so that they dry out faster.
Before sending clothes to the closet, you need to make sure that they are completely dry.... Otherwise, things can get an unpleasant musty smell.
It is not recommended to store products made of thin jersey in vacuum bags.... This will lead to the fact that the fibers are very crumpled and it will be impossible to return the thing to its normal state.
To protect against moths, a special bag of granules should be put in the closet where double-thread things are stored.... You can also place sachets with your favorite scent on the shelf to keep things smelling good.
Do not store double-strand items next to batteries or any other heating devices... This will cause light colored items to turn ugly yellow. The rest of the products will simply become rougher and more unpleasant to the touch.

Summing up, we can say that double-thread is a really high-quality material that is suitable for sewing modern fabrics... If you provide this material with proper care, it will serve its owner for a very long time.

You will learn even more useful information about such material by watching the following video.