Overview of plain dyed fabrics

Diversity is not always appropriate. For those who are tired of bright prints on clothes or curtains with multi-colored patterns, you can pay attention to plain-dyed fabrics. Let's talk about the types of such materials, how best to use them in interior design and when creating sets of clothes.

What it is?
The fabric in question is a fabric of the same color, dyed according to a certain technology (smooth dyeing). This is when a textile piece is painted on both sides, and to obtain an ideal surface, they work not with separate structures, but immediately with the finished canvas. Any kind of fabrics can serve as the basis for such a process: with natural and synthetic fibers, artificial fabrics or mixed compositions.
Each material is immersed in a drum with paint and left to saturate with the desired color for some time (each type of fabric has its own dyeing period). So, a cotton cloth is kept in a dyeing container for 10-12 hours, while the temperature inside is +750 degrees.
Materials dyed using this technology are capable of not losing their color for a long time, they can withstand up to 500 washes and do not fade.

Plain dyed fabric - any one-piece fabric or mixed fabric:
- satin;
- silk;
- coarse calico;
- brocade;
- waffle cloth;
- viscose;
- fleece and others.
Any fabric dyed evenly on both sides according to the named technology (with a whole cloth) is classified as “plain dyed”. This applies to both natural bases and synthetic ones. The scope of application of such materials is mainly limited to sewing various products.

The increase in sales of clothing and home textiles made of plain materials only confirms the demand for plain-dyed fabrics, although there are still those who consider them boring and unattractive. Well, let's consider several options for their use:
- curtains made of plain materials;
- kitchen and bath towels, various napkins;
- bed linen made of plain dyed fabrics;
- plain clothes.
Monophonic curtains always look stylish and laconic. Basically, these are chosen for the living room, study, or where the sleeping place is located. Minimalists do not mind hanging such in the kitchen.

Depending on the room, it can be heavy velvet fabric, light satin, airy organza, gold-woven brocade, taffeta or other plain fabric. In the design of a room, the main thing is to maintain a single style, but this does not mean at all that the upholstery of furniture should be of the same fabric as the curtains. The shade of the curtains can "go" in tune with the rest of the interior. So, white color on the windows will make the space larger, but the curtains themselves will be lost against the background of chic armchairs and carpets. In this case, you can complement them with a bright finish.
Of the red shades, it is better to give preference to raspberry, cherry or wine. In this case, interior designers do not recommend saturated scarlet - this depressing color range causes aggression. But green and its shades, on the contrary, are considered the colors of pacification. Blue and blue curtains bring coolness to the atmosphere of the house. They are good for the summer season in combination with iridescent organza curtains. Yellow curtains will add warmth on cooler days, while the color also enhances the overall mood and improves performance.

Plain dyed fabric for curtains, curtains, curtains is always advantageous. They will not merge with the general interior and are suitable for decorating a room in any of the styles: whether it be country or modern, hi-tech or fusion, and so on. In rooms with wood finishes, choose beige and brown shades - depending on the color of the wood, the curtains should contrast against the general background.
Waffle linen is very much appreciated by housewives, they are happy to use such products in the kitchen, although napkins, towels of different sizes for saunas and baths, sheets, bathrobes and so on are also made from this material. As for bed linen, psychologists just recommend choosing sets of plain dyed material. Sleeping on them is calmer, the quality of rest is higher, therefore, performance will then be better.
Besides, monochromatic shades "fit" more successfully into any interior.

Other advantages of these kits include:
- plain-dyed products are easier to wash, they retain their appearance longer;
- practically do not lose color;
- easy to choose a combination of shades.
So, in sets for sleeping, pale greens with a light lilac shade, raspberry with pink, coffee with blue are harmoniously combined. Lovers of white, so that there is no association with a hospital, are offered products in ivory or soft cream tones. Finally, clothes made of one-colored composition look elegant and noble.

Everyone's favorite world-renowned couturier Giorgio Armani believes that monochromatic sets in the form of jackets and skirts, loose dresses are able to “hide” flaws in the figure and make any image attractive.
Here are some more tips from Armani.
- You can choose clothes in different colors, but keep the style in the same range, avoiding abrupt transitions.
- The combination of things made from a single-color fabric of the same color, but from different materials, looks gorgeous. For example, a jacquard jacket or tweed cardigan with a chiffon skirt or crepe de Chine dress.
- Outfits made of coarse knit and phytin veils or scarves made of other weightless materials will be attractive.
- Dark bottom, white top - this rule has not been canceled. With such an ensemble, the figure looks proportional.
- Within the framework of one look, do not combine more than 2-3 colors and do not mix warm and cold tones (with the exception of white, gray and black - these colors are combined with any other shade).
A solid color ensemble can be complemented with a detail in a contrasting color. But only one thing: either a belt, or a button, a scarf or jewelry. The main plus of monophonic products is that they do not go out of fashion. The classic maintains its positions at any time and remains in trend.