Features, use and selection of tapestry fabric

Tapestry is a fabric that looks heavy, but this massiveness does not prevent it from being popular. The tapestry is created by cross-weaving the threads. At the moment of interweaving, a composition, plot or ornamental, is formed. The tapestry impresses with its amazing color nuances and the creation of a special atmosphere in the space where it appears.

What it is?
The French word Gobelin means a decorative lint-free carpet, a woven pattern. Tapestry refers to a fabric that is made with a cross-thread weave. The structure of the tapestry will be dense (2 or even 3 layers). The special attractiveness of the fabric lies in the simultaneity of the pattern. The history of the fabric is associated with the ancient Egyptian era. Tapestries were made exclusively by hand, because their price was significant. And the material received its modern name in the 17th century, when the Gobelin brothers founded their own production of dense material.
The French surname gave its name to the ancient method of weaving fabrics, but it is worth noting that since the 18th century, purely heavy, hand-woven double-sided textiles have been referred to as tapestry materials.

The main characteristics are as follows.
- Tapestry can be either cotton or synthetic fabric, the method of its production depends on where in the future it will be used.
- The composition of the canvas can be polyester, silk, as well as wool, cotton, acrylic and viscose.
- The material is UV resistant, and it is very pleasant to the touch.
Today, in the technology of creating tapestry, jacquard weaving is more often used.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each canvas has a special impregnation, which will increase the resistance of the product to dirt. Tapestry also has anti-static properties. Finally, its advantages, of course, include high tensile strength. Therefore, the tapestry stands out pleasantly:
- durability;
- chemical resistance;
- versatility of application;
- simple care;
- durability.
All these are indisputable advantages of the fabric. In addition, outwardly, it is very attractive, capable of bringing comfort along with it and ennobling the room.

What are the disadvantages of tapestry:
- not cheap;
- heavyweight fabric.
But these shortcomings are still conditional. Therefore, if used correctly, the tapestry will be the fabric that will satisfy both the aesthetic and practical request of the buyer.

The main purpose of the tapestry is furniture upholstery. It is truly an upholstery fabric, because it perfectly matches the requirements of the waist. It is strong, durable, and retains its original appearance for a long time. It is heavy and feels like a solid canvas for a sofa or armchair. Tapestry is still one of the preferred solutions for upholstered furniture. Where else is this fabric used?
- Decorative wall upholstery - in many rooms, tapestry on the wall looks stylish and convincing.
- Making "clothes" for windows - with blackout curtains and curtains, the window decoration curtain fabric looks interesting and laconic.
- Upholstery fabric for decorative pillows.
- Making bedspreads.
- Sewing tablecloths, napkins, tracks, lunch mats.
- Use in clothing - light coats, dresses, sundresses.
- Womens bags can also be made from tapestry fabric.

And you can also make beautiful paintings from the tapestry, decorated in the corresponding frames. You can sew bedspreads and covers for furniture with your own hands from them. And even the covers for the car interior are often made of tapestry.
How to choose?
Depending on the structure, the tapestry can be single-layer or double-layer, this parameter is important in the context of the purpose of the product. For example, a bedspread can be single-layer, but a two-layer material is needed to upholster a chair. By the weight of the fabric, it can be light, heavy and medium-heavy. By color and design, tapestry can be:
- with a small print;
- with large ornaments;
- with patterns stylized as embroidery;
- plain dyed;
- melange.

It is difficult to confuse a tapestry with another fabric: it simply will not be as heavy and thick. But to distinguish between hand and machine weaving is already more difficult, but in matters of choice, this is rarely important. The choice of tapestry is based on the following parameters.
- Purpose of use. If you need it as a laconic, restrained, non-accent design (for example, furniture banners), you can choose a monochromatic version. If this is a wall decor that combines the main colors used in the design of a particular interior, you will need a multi-color option.
- Production. And in Russia they make good fabric, but they also make it in Europe, and in the USA, and in China, and many other places. You need to watch the composition, trust your tactile sensations and visual perception of the sample.
- Quality certificate. If there are no important accompanying documents for the fabric that the buyer buys, if there is simply nowhere to read the composition, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

How to care?
Tapestry is not a particularly capricious fabric, but it still requires special care. The main thing that cannot be done in relation to him is to allow the material to get wet and to be regularly exposed to sunlight. The rules for the care of the tapestry are as follows.
- Dust often accumulates in the ribs, on the rough material. If left unchecked, the garment will turn gray and its elegant appearance will be a thing of the past. You can clean the material with a soft clothes brush or simply using a vacuum cleaner.
- Wipe off dirt with a slightly damp cloth... A cloth or sponge must be wetted in a mild soapy solution. Dry the fabric in a place with good ventilation.
- It is usually written on all fabric samples that ironing is not recommended.... But if such a need nevertheless arose and without it in any way, then ironing is allowed only from the seamy side and at a low temperature regime.
- You definitely cannot wash tapestry in a washing machine. Washing can only be done by hand, as delicately as possible, in warm, not hot water.
- If we are talking about a woven picture, it should not be hung in a place where the sun's rays actively fall. Tapestry is not immune from fading.
- If stains that are difficult to remove with your own hands appear on the fabric, it must be taken to the dry cleaner.
- If the material gets wet, dry it with a towel.

The tapestry must be protected from the claws of cats - they leave clues that spoil the whole look of the product.
Beautiful examples
And here are some illustrations of how this fabric changes the interior.
- An example of modern tapestry in the living room. Not a picture, not a carpet, but something in between, but certainly eye-catching.

- If in the bedroom everything is ascetic, but I would like a little appropriate comfort, this option is worthy of consideration. It turns out very atmospheric.

- Today, the fashion for furniture of the 60-70s feels confident in the interior market. A noble and warm tapestry adds a pleasant retro effect.

- On such a sofa, you simply cannot tear yourself away from reading. Vintage mood, tactile pleasure and visual pleasure in one picture.

- And this is what a tapestry tablecloth looks like - durable, thick, very suitable for winter home decor.

- Another example of a successful tapestry tablecloth: on a summer veranda on warm evenings, it will create a warm atmosphere of home and family gatherings.

- Bedspread and pillows even the most modest bed will be made of this fabric, almost royal. Very elegant and beautiful, and also this purchase will last for many years.

- An armchair that will become a favorite of all household members - warm, beautiful, bright.

- Bohemian style, ethnic image - this tapestry was chosen by those who wanted to set a special mood for the whole space. Stylish and original.

- Attractive retro sofa: a great example of the fact that you should not be afraid of furniture in different colors, and that hauling a reliable new product is often the best solution.

For an overview of tapestry fabric, see the following video.