What is loden and how to care for the fabric?

Almost 3 centuries ago, in Austria, almost by accident, a completely new woolen cloth was invented, from which a variety of clothes are already sewn, it is actively used when creating new models of shoes, various accessories or bags. This material was named "Loden".

What it is?
Loden, or, to use the translation, "boiled wool" is a cloth felted from wool that looks very much like an ordinary cloth. When using a unique type of processing (using a special digestion), this 100% natural fabric receives excellent quality characteristics - increased air permeability and environmental friendliness, water-repellent qualities and thermal insulation properties. According to a very popular legend, this type of fabric first appeared in the Austrian Tyrol in the 18th century. In those days, peasants were strictly forbidden to buy or wear expensive cloth, since it was produced only to be worn by noble people. Poor people could only afford the cheapest and very poor quality cloth.
Once one of the poor people mistakenly left his clothes made of cheap cloth in rather hot water for a long time: he simply soaked it and forgot about it. Soap made of ash and fat also contributed to an amazing transformation: the fabric after such an impact shrank heavily, almost collapsed, acquired an increased density and became waterproof. So, thanks to an amazing coincidence of circumstances, mankind received a new unique material. Loden fabric has been made from natural sheep wool for several hundred years.
Many modern manufacturers can include mohair in the composition of loden to make this fabric softer and lighter.

Like any other natural material, Loden has a significant number of advantages.
- Eco-friendly component. The fabric is made from only real wool fibers.
- Thermal conductivity... Woolen fabrics are excellent at keeping warm.
- The material will not crumble during cutting. This quality helps you not to think about the subsequent processing of seams. Some accessories made of high-quality loden are sewn with seams outward, and at the same time they look very neat and attractive.
- Excellent tactile sensations... The fabric is very pleasant to the body. In a special way, velvety, even delicate in texture, it will allow you to do without padding on many rather thin things, for example, on trousers, without any problems.
- Craftswomen unanimously claim that Loden is easy to model and cut, as it is one of the most malleable types of woolen fabrics. She helps dressmakers create truly unique pieces. In this case, the canvas will keep its shape remarkably.
- Perceptible breathability. Loden actively "breathes", for this reason it is quite comfortable to use it, and therefore things made from this fabric are in great demand among fashionistas.

Along with the visible advantages, Loden also has a number of negative properties:
- fabrics needs delicate care, and before buying products from Loden, this should be taken into account;
- before starting to cut the material, first you need to decorate it;
- natural wool, from which the fabric is created, may well cause for some ordinary people an allergic reaction.
All these negative features are characteristic of such a composition. So that the fabric does not lose its shape, does not shrink too seriously and does not change its beautiful appearance for the worse, all the existing care rules should be strictly followed.
Knitted fabrics are often prone to severe shrinkage.

Comparison with other materials
Loden is actually universal in all its qualities a fabric that has managed to combine the excellent properties of different materials. For example, experts often compare this material:
- with felt cloth - both materials have good density, but the loden is much thinner;
- with felt - however, loden is much softer than dense felt;
- with drape - Loden is characterized by increased wind resistance;
- with fleece - but real wool is used in the loden.
This material is simply superbly draped. And also it is distinguished by high plasticity and very obedient in texture. Has increased water resistance, will not get wet even in very heavy rain.

There are quite a few varieties of this unique material. The following fabrics can be distinguished by the methods of release:
- impregnated type and felted;
- woven and felted;
- non-woven and felted;
- with jersey base;
- non-roll type.
And also there is a technical type of Loden. It contains at least 50% synthetic polyester.

By the type of pile, the material can be subdivided into tack:
- with a smooth pile (woolen look);
- with an elongated pile (fleecy look).
According to the decoration options, the fabric is:
- with beautiful and stylish embroidery or applique;
- double-sided type;
- bouclé type;
- textured loden, with an embossed image.

Areas of use
For a long time, the inhabitants could associate loden only with travel, as well as tourist or agricultural activities. This is due to the fact that it was more often used in those areas where people had to struggle with harsh conditions and look for good protection from snow, rain and wind. For example, in Russia, this fabric has long been used to produce clothing for riding.
Nowadays, all types of boiled wool are often used in the production of clothing. Fashionable and very warm men's and women's coats, insulated jackets and soft capes, beautiful cardigans and jackets, original hats and even very warm shoes are made from such material as loden.Much thinner fabric is used for the production of pantsuits, skirts, all kinds of accessories.

Care Tips
Loden products are characterized by capricious care. In no case should they be washed in a typewriter or by hand. Such things can only be cleaned under dry cleaning conditions. At home, the product can be gently cleaned with a regular brush - but only in the direction of the pile location. If you are going to iron the product, turn it out, or use a gauze layer. If it gets wet, the product from it should be laid horizontally and slightly blotted with a dry towel, and then left to dry 100%.
It is strictly forbidden to hang the product vertically, otherwise the fabric will stretch... Store things in folded paper bags, preferably away from other types of clothing, and take care of protection from moths. Despite the fact that it is difficult to care for a loden, clothes made from such a unique type of wool are still one of the most popular.
Warm loden products will be able to decorate the most picky lovers of fashionable things.