Features of the voile fabric and its use

The marquise is a fabric with an almost titled name, which is not so common today as it was half a century ago. This amazingly beautiful material looks incredibly stylish both in photographs and in reality. The canvas is capable of retaining its positive characteristics for the longest possible period, it is distinguished by unpretentiousness in maintenance.

What it is?
According to the description, marquise is a rather thin structure and almost weightless fabric, which has a magnificent silky surface and has a distinctive light sheen. For the production of this canvas, plant fibers are used. Thanks to the special mesh weaving, the fabric can be easily folded into beautiful folds. The earliest information about marquise material appeared in the Rococo era. At first, this fabric was chosen for creating luxurious curtains and curtains. The semi-sheer fabric ensures that the sun's rays are scattered, helping to create maximum comfort in the room.
A little later, luxurious ball gowns for representatives of high society began to be made from matter. At first, only natural fibers were used as part of the awning fabric: silk or cotton. The modern canvas began to be produced from synthetics in order to reduce the cost of products. The marquiset will certainly appeal to those ordinary people who prefer to opt for natural materials. Experts consider this fabric to be multifunctional and versatile: it can be used for sewing any clothes, for decorating the interior of any home, and even for creating comfort in summer gazebos and on terraces.
Sheds for gazebos are often made of this material.

Most often, this material can be found with a beautiful printed pattern, but it can also be plain dyed (solid color) or bleached. The awning, if made from natural fibers, has all the standard characteristics of a natural fabric:
- environmental friendliness: the material will not contain harmful components;
- hypoallergenic: if the fabric is made from natural fibers, then they will not cause any allergies;
- hygroscopicity: the fabric is good at absorbing and retaining various types of moisture, for example, sweat;
- antibacterial: due to the natural origin of the threads, the material will not be attractive to bacteria;
- breathability: clothes made of this material will not be hot, as it perfectly permeates air flows;
- ease of care: the thing can be easily washed and ironed;
- the durability of the existing color;
- Pleasant touch: The material is soft, yet very dense.
The canvas will not stretch after prolonged wear, almost does not shrink, will not fade and will be able to perfectly hold any given shape. There are not many disadvantages to such a luxurious fabric. But due to the presence of strongly twisted threads, the material has a crumbling edge, therefore, when sewing garments, sometimes the product diverges in the seams. It is also worth considering the fact that natural marquise is quite expensive.

Features of production
A marquise is a cloth that is obtained from silk or cotton fibers strongly twisted together. The fibers must first go through a special procedure called mercerization (treatment with caustic soda), and then they are well washed in running cold water. Only after all these manipulations can the fabric be dyed in the desired color. Mercerizing helps to make the material durable, as well as smooth and as silky as possible to the touch.
Thanks to this procedure, the awning gains the ability to be free from UV radiation. When the material is released, a simple weave of the fabric is used, which allows you to end up with a loose-type mesh structure. Thanks to this, the material turns out to be so dense and at the same time delicate and very soft.

Areas of use
The marquiset was at one time quite actively chosen to create clothes for women. This fabric was in greatest demand in the distant 19th century: experts called the marquise the best material for sewing summer, lightweight and elegant women's and children's clothing. In addition, delicate underwear was also sewn from a thin type of linen. Today, the cotton variety of this fabric is also very popular among lovers of natural materials. The awning is used to create stylish blouses and shirts, business skirts and summer sundresses, and is used for versatile children's clothing. Modern marquise dresses are perfect for wearing in the warm season. It will not be hot in them, as the fabric will perfectly let the summer air pass through.
Very stylish and luxurious curtains with beautifully designed draperies are created from the awning. To create this kind of products, inexpensive artificial or mixed-type canvases are most often chosen. However, for the design of modern canopies, they continue to select materials with a composition of natural fibers. Then they will not fade in the direct rays of the active sun and will be able to guarantee high-quality protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
The awning can also be used as a cloth for sewing luxury bedding. For such purposes, a thin but very durable fabric is used. In this case, the kits remain beautiful for a long time.

Care rules
The Marquisette is distinguished by the fact that he is completely uncaring in his care. It is not very difficult to preserve the original qualities of the material.
- It is best to wash this material by hand. Machine wash can also be used, but only on the most delicate cycle. In any case, the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
- You can only wring out the cotton type of awning in the washing machine. Silk fabric is dried using a regular terry towel. It is strictly forbidden to twist such a cloth.
- Ideally, clothes made from this fabric should be dried outside., as far as possible from natural or artificial heat sources. Before hanging things, shake them a little and place them in a vertical position.
- Ironing garments or awning curtains is best donewhen the fabric still retains a little moisture. The mode should be selected depending on the type of fabric itself.
- Clothes should be stored on a separate shelf, protected with a good cover.
The manufacturer will place a full recommendation on the proper care of the canvas on the product label: it is there that you can find out in what mode the item can be washed and whether you can trust dry cleaning to take care of it.