Description of burlap and its application

There are many different types of fabric. Burlap is very durable and reliable. This kind of fabric is characterized by a plain weave and a rough structure. In the article, we will consider a detailed description of burlap and its application.

What it is?
The durable material of plain weave in the characteristic gray-beige shade of thick fibers has a rustic appearance. That is why burlap is used in various fields much less often than other existing materials.

However, the considered old textiles of natural origin have many positive characteristics.
Burlap is a natural type of fabric. It is environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful substances and chemicals.
Burlap is characterized by high air permeability.
The fabric is hygroscopic.
Burlap is inert.
The matter in question is highly durable, does not deteriorate or deform due to the abrasion process.
Burlap does not attract various pests and midges, so they do not spoil it, do not feed on it.
The material in question is distinguished by a very affordable price.
Burlap does not react actively with chemicals.
Such a fabric is characterized by an interesting texture, an unusual structure.

Burlap appears to be a material of high strength. The fabric is available from most modern textile stores. But one must also take into account certain disadvantages that this material possesses.
Burlap is a rapidly flammable matter.
In a damp environment, such matter often begins to rot, and then completely decompose.

Nowadays, there are many different types of burlap. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics and features. Let's get to know them better.
Hemp. This category of fabric has another name - hemp. This burlap is made from quality hemp fiber. The material turns out to be highly durable, reliable and practical, especially when compared with cotton or linen fabrics. Products made from hemp burlap do not rot, even if they are in a damp environment. Multiple washings cannot harm such things.

- Linseed. This variation of burlap is woven from fibers that are originally located in the inner part of the flax stalks. High-density things come out of such matter. Basically, they are used as containers for various components or bulk products. Linen fabric is very durable and designed for a long service life. Of all the varieties, this burlap is the softest.

- Jute. This variation is gross matter. Its shade is lighter than linen. Jute burlap is characterized by a high level of density and is quite thick.
The matter in question does not absorb liquids, does not rot, since it contains a natural polymer - lignin.

- Bombay. Another name for the fabric is kenaf. It is an Asian material that is made from the fibers of a tropical plant.

- Polypropylene. Currently, a polypropylene type of dense and high-strength fabric is also being produced. This is a matter of white or other color, which is made from synthetic fibers. The material boasts strength and durability even under the influence of impressive loads.

Today you can find not only a one-component, but also a more complex version of burlap, in which several variations of raw materials are combined. For example, it can be a fabric made up of a whole mixture of different fibers.
Due to this composition, the products are of higher quality and durable, and can be used in a wide variety of industries.

Conventionally, all varieties of burlap can be divided into the following main groups:

So, the decorative subspecies of matter is subdivided into blended and linen categories of fabrics. Mixed materials imply the presence of jute and flax. Such options are characterized by an average level of rigidity, a relatively low price. Mixed fabrics are durable and wear-resistant.
Linen varieties of decorative fabrics are the most airy and soft. These specimens are characterized by antiseptic properties, most often used for cleaning floors.

Packaging fabric is very cheap today. The specified category of materials boasts many of the advantages typical of cotton textiles. Packaging products are hygroscopic, durable, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe.
In addition, the packaging material has a light shade and soft texture.

Today burlap is useful and in demand in various fields. Despite the unattractive appearance, the material is used not only in everyday life, but also in a fashionable environment.
We will understand the main areas of operation of high-quality and durable matter.
Initially, burlap was used in many cases for packing various objects and things. For example, bulk components and foodstuffs used to be transported in bags. Even postal parcels can be packed in very rough cloth.
Often, wine bottles are neatly packed in burlap "covers". Such packaging turns out to be not only very reliable, but also designed for several applications.

- Burlap is a material that is also suitable for home use. This fabric is often used for interiors. Very good covers, tablecloths and even curtains are made from it. The latter can form a unique cozy atmosphere in the room, associated with country peace and regularity. As a rule, linen is used for home interiors. Jute and hemp varieties can be suitable for the production of mattresses with orthopedic properties, as well as some finishing materials. Due to the high level of hygroscopicity, the fabric is allowed to be used for home (and technical) cleaning.

- In many cases, dense matter turns out to be a very useful material in the summer cottage. It is used both in the field and in the beds. For example, burlap can be used as a textile that protects the roots of bushes and fruit trees. For decoration of landscape design, burlap is also suitable. It is best to use practical jute material for this.

- The material in question is useful not only in everyday life and in the garden. A lot of various fashionable things are made from it. We are talking about attractive bags and backpacks, as well as interesting little things for the hair. Sundresses and sackcloth dresses look original. Natural, natural shades in clothes are coolly combined with multi-colored burlap, for example, black, green, red and others. Due to correctly composed combinations, modern women of fashion can create truly unique images.

- The category of textiles in question is also in demand in the art world. Often, artists take linen fabric as a high-quality canvas, on which different shades acquire unique tones and halftones, and the whole creation turns out to be very interesting and bright. Burlap is also used to make curtains and decorative components for the theater. This fabric is also great for creating stage looks with ethnic motives.

- The matter in question is often used in the construction and industrial fields. Basically, sacking is used as a primary filter element for a variety of liquids. It can make very good spacers with soundproofing and sound-absorbing effects. Burlap is often used to implement leveling layers when decorating wall or ceiling bases.

- Burlap is ideal for the production of various decorative items, for needlework. From the textiles in question, beautiful and original gift wrapping, decorative covers and bags come out. Bottles, bouquets are wrapped in cloth. Such things can be decorated with elegant ribbons or multi-colored bows of a wide variety of color palettes. With the addition of burlap, almost any present will look brighter and more creative.

Care Tips
Despite the high level of practicality and durability, burlap remains a material that needs proper care. Fortunately, taking care of this fabric is extremely easy and simple - everyone can handle it.

Let's figure out the basic rules for caring for burlap.
Various variations of bags and packaging components made from the material in question need to be thoroughly dried. Products must not only be dried, but also cleaned from dust accumulations and dirt by mechanical methods.
If necessary, durable fabric is allowed to be washed in the washing machine. At the same time, it is permissible to use almost any means and compositions for washing.
Various items of clothing and accessories made of burlap are also allowed to be machine washed.
When the washing is completed, the products must be steamed with a steam iron or ironed through a damp cloth.
When caring for burlap, it is important to observe one main condition - prolonged interaction with moisture should not be allowed. Things need to be ventilated and dried well.

If you properly monitor the condition of the burlap, it will last a very long time, will remain strong, reliable and practical.