Neoprene: description of fabric, composition and purpose

Neoprene is a relatively "young" fabric that was created exclusively for the needs of industry. The material was presented in 1930 by the famous chemist Carothers, an employee of the largest enterprise at that time, DuPont. Unlike most other types of fabric, neoprene is not made from interwoven yarns, but is nothing more than foamed rubber.

What it is?
Neoprene is a lightweight, elastic, but at the same time quite durable fabric, which is hygroscopic and resistant to wear. One of the subtypes of synthetic rubber, polychloroprene rubber, is used as a raw material for its production. The structure of the canvas differs sharply from the usual types of matter., more like a honeycomb due to miniature air bubbles located inside small rubbery cells. Thanks to this structure, the material is almost impossible to tear, but at the same time it stretches quite well and does not wrinkle at all. There are several varieties of neoprene material.

Depending on the degree of density, several types are distinguished.
- SOFT Is a fabric with a minimum density. As a rule, it is used for sewing sportswear. This canvas is soft, it tightly fits the body and stretches very well.However, over time it changes shape, begins to deform and quickly becomes unusable.
- MEDIUM DENSITY - this is an option with medium density parameters, its period of use is longer, it holds its shape much better, however, some structural parameters make this fabric not entirely pleasant and comfortable to wear.The material is practically not used for the production of sports suits, and only workwear is made, for example, for rescuers.
- HIGH DENSITY - neoprene with the maximum density, it is used only for equipment of divers and divers, since under standard conditions it is not possible to move in such things.

In addition to density, other characteristics are taken into account when classifying neoprene:
- products marked LS are the smoothest material, its distinctive feature is a sliding coating, therefore, the fabric is often used for the production of ordinary clothing;
- S is a rather flexible, but dense material intended for special sewing.
- HS is a very tough option;

- HHS - material with minimal parameters of elasticity, mainly used for making shoes;
- NF - neoprene resistant to high temperatures;
- W is a material with specific properties that has found wide application in medicine.

The composition of neoprene is determined by the peculiarities of its production. The canvas is made in several stages. Petrochemical products are taken as raw materials, mini-granules are produced with the help of chloroprene, which become the basis of the material.
As a result of a high-tech process, these very granules combine and form a rather sticky mass. A dye and a foaming composition are poured into it, as a result, a thick substance is formed, which is sent to the oven, heated intensively and, under the influence of heat, it is converted into foam. As a result of heat treatment, long thick black layers are formed, they are cut into thin ones so that the thickness of each is no more than 1 cm.Such sheets are very unattractive, therefore, to improve their appearance, as well as to enhance the strength characteristics, the layers are glued with other materials (more often only with polyester).

Thanks to this unusual technology, a unique material is obtained, which consists of a large number of cells filled with nitrogen. This structure degrades the heat-conducting properties of the web.
The cells can be of different shapes.
- Open - at the same time, they visually resemble suckers, which is why the canvas fits the body quite tightly. This type of neoprene is ideal for making wetsuits.
- Closed - in this case, the fabric has a special coating and does not cover the body so tightly, therefore it is much easier to put on and take off such clothes.

This new material type has some truly unique user options. Neoprene has the most beneficial effect on the human body, since it fixes tissues and organs in one position. The cloth massages and warms, helping to activate blood circulation in the skin. Neoprene clothing tends to speed up metabolism and eliminate toxins. Simply put, the effect of such a suit can be compared to being in a bath or sauna. Due to its unique structure, the material does not hinder movement and retains heat. Neoprene has some of the most exceptional user characteristics:
- the material is completely waterproof, due to this property it is, in most cases, used for the manufacture of wetsuits;
- neoprene retains its physical and technical properties in a wide temperature range - from -60 degrees to +90;
- neoprene is heat resistant, it retains the heat of the human body and does not allow a person in such a suit to freeze;
- the fabric maintains its integrity under conditions of exposure to saline solutions and some types of chemicals, oil ingress also does not damage the fabric;

- the material is highly durable, so a person in it is protected from various cuts and scratches, and in addition, the canvas is able to significantly soften any impacts and mechanical damage;
- neoprene does not accumulate static electricity inside its fibers;
- characterized by hypoallergenicity;
- neoprene refers to materials with increased fire resistance;
- it is noteworthy that with such strength characteristics, the canvas is quite flexible and soft, so you can freely go in for sports in clothes from it - it absolutely does not hinder your movements.

However, nothing perfect has yet been invented, and neoprene is no exception. The fabric also has its drawbacks. Firstly, neoprene does not allow air to pass through, so it is impossible to use things made from it for daily wear. Moreover, during the day, clothes are allowed to be worn for no more than two hours, otherwise intense sweating begins, which leads to the creation of a "greenhouse effect", as a result, a rash appears and the state of health sharply worsens. Secondly, the material requires special care. Neoprene should not be wrung out, ironed, or bleach should be used when washing. Dry products made from this cloth only in a well-ventilated place so as to prevent exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Thirdly, the product is destroyed under the influence of acid-base solutions.

The exceptional properties of neoprene have made it a material suitable for the production of physical education and sportswear. Despite its low weight, the fabric lightly massages the body, and due to its ability to retain heat, it breaks down fats rather quickly. Today, the shops sell stylish pants, summer shorts, graceful neoprene tops, and designer dresses and coats. The unique features of neoprene have long been noted by fashion designers who immediately included this material in the development of the fashion industry. Clothes made from such a canvas are distinguished by their purity of color and clear geometry of lines, thanks to which they always look stylish and attractive.

Lightweight versions of neoprene are used for sewing skirts, dresses and sweatshirts. Such matter tends to recreate curvy styles or bandage details. These garments tend to hold their shape well and retain heat, making them ideal for wearing in the cold season. It is usually used either as a base fabric or to create decorative ornaments and prints. For example, neoprene clothes in a futuristic style with a wide variety of space patterns look very stylish. Autumn shoes or slates are often made from neoprene, while most often the material is used only for the sole.

Popular are neoprene travel clothing, tents and protective sleeping bags. It perfectly retains heat and does not allow moisture to pass through, so the products are optimal for trips, hikes and travels in frosty and rainy weather. These same properties make neoprene ideal for sewing footwear for fishermen, hunters and people involved in winter sports. Things made from neoprene have become widespread in many other industries:
- medicine - here neoprene is used to create corsets, orthopedic belts, bandages and many other structures;
- construction - exceptional heat and sound insulation properties, as well as high environmental friendliness of neoprene is quite often used for finishing work in premises;
- cases for laptops, tablets and mobile phones are often made from this material - they not only protect gadgets from damage and moisture, but also emphasize the individual style of their owner;
- diving - since the 50s. of the last century, neoprene has become the most important friend of a diver (to this day, no canvas has been created that could surpass neoprene in the field of sewing diving equipment) - it is used for wet and dry equipment;

- for fishing and hunting underwater, you can use the most common neoprene, but so that its pores are certainly cut off - thanks to this feature, the fabric adheres to the body, which reduces the circulation of moisture in such a suit and the person becomes much warmer;
- due to its chemical inertness, the fabric is widely used in industry in the production of hoses, as well as gaskets and various types of oil seals, in addition, it is often used as a sound-absorbing material;
- the combustibility of the composition is much lower than that of rubber, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of fireproof coverings for interior doors, and is also used in the production of equipment for rescuers and firefighters, for example, protective helmets, goggles and gloves are made of it;

- in the technological field, neoprene is used as a sheath for electrical wires and cables;
- in the automotive industry, all kinds of sealing rings are produced from it, as well as devices designed to damp sounds and vibrations;
- neoprene has found its application in construction, where it is often attached as a gasket between concrete products and columns;
- the canvas is widely used in equestrian sports, industry and the manufacture of some types of haberdashery products.

Various countries are engaged in the creation of neoprene: Japan, France, the USA. But as evidenced by the facts, a chemist from an American company was the very first to present the new material. DuPontTherefore, the material itself was initially called "duprene" (only later it was renamed neoprene).

The most popular is neoprene, branded products Yamamoto... Products of this brand are distinguished by increased air permeability, the canvas is made from limestone mined in the mountain ranges of the Land of the Rising Sun. Products made from Japanese neoprene turn out to be very warm and light, however, the cost for them is much higher than the prices for products of all other brands of neoprene. Canvases from manufacturers such as Daiwabo and Heiwa NJN (National).

In Russia, neoprene was not produced until 2013, only a few years ago domestic company Rufom presented the very first prototype 5 mm thick with a nylon coating - this experience was successful and the manufacturer significantly expanded the range, creating a material coated with polyester, viscose, cotton and even leather.

What kind of fabric is neoprene like?
By its description, neoprene is similar to a rubberized fabric, which has long been used to reliably protect things from the effects of water. Usually, a variety of types of fabrics are taken for production - cotton, linen or synthetic. Fabrics are impregnated with glue and dried, and when all hazardous volatile components evaporate, the rubber is glued to the fibers of the material. Such a coating is completely impervious to moisture and tolerates well the effects of any household chemicals., the fabric is elastic and durable, however, it has a significant disadvantage that distinguishes it from neoprene - rubberized fabric is quite easy to pierce and cut with sharp objects.

Like neoprene, such a fabric is not particularly beautiful, therefore it is most often used as a basis for sewing workwear or lining, however, it often serves as the basis for creating stylish decor elements and design accessories, because due to its smoothness, the fabric can give a zest to even the most ordinary-looking women's handbag.
About what neoprene is, what kind of clothes are sewn from it, see the next video.