Polyamide and polyester: features, similarities and differences

In the modern world, we are increasingly faced with the concept of "synthetics". But at the same time we absolutely do not think about what kind of "miracle" it is and what are its advantages. Most synthetics today are made from polyester and polyamide. The difference between them is that different polymers are used in their production. Let's take a closer look at these two materials, so that when choosing a particular thing, we have an idea of the composition of the fabric, its properties and quality.

It is a synthetic fiber with a number of distinct advantages. These include the following "pluses":
- the material is breathable;
- has high strength;
- does not hesitate, he is afraid of frequent "excesses";
- dries quickly;
- retains a presentable appearance for a long time;
- does not burn;
- has high hygiene (almost 10 times higher than polyester);
- pleasant to the touch;
- dirt from the material is easily removed.

Undoubtedly, things made of polyamide have some disadvantages. For example, they do not retain heat sufficiently and have the ability to become highly electrified. In addition to fabrics for outerwear, stockings and hair bands, beloved by all beautiful ladies, are made from this material. Polyamide is especially relevant in summer - it “breathes” well and is highly resistant to sunlight.
Note that when washing things that contain polyamide, you should not use a high water temperature (it is recommended not to exceed 30 degrees).

Polyester is rightfully considered one of the most popular man-made fibers. It has various names around the world and is widely used in modern light industry.In the manufacture of fabrics, polyester can be used in whole (100%) or in part (from 35%). For example, adding (40-50%) of this fiber to natural fibers increases the wear resistance of the fabric.
This synthetic fiber has undeniable advantages:
- sufficient strength and durability;
- wear resistance;
- almost does not wrinkle;
- comfortable weight;
- things do not require special care;
- affordable price.

Note that polyester is highly hygroscopic, that is, it instantly absorbs moisture. At the same time, if during physical exertion you are wearing clothes containing polyester, moisture quickly “leaves” the body and does not cause unnecessary discomfort.
Comparative characteristics
As noted above, the main difference between polyamide and polyester lies in the polymers used in the production of synthetics. Polyamide is made from organic materials (we are talking about plastic), and polyester is made by melting polyethylene terephthalate.
Consequently, their main differences are in appearance, thickness and purpose. The similarity lies in the fact that both materials perfectly retain their shape, hardly wrinkle and are resistant to light. However, polyamide is more expensive than polyester.

Polyamide fabrics are perfect for sewing outerwear. The varieties of this fiber include nylon, nylon and bologna fabric. For example, a jacket made of 100% nylon is lightweight and offers excellent weather protection. Raincoats and down jackets, which contain polyamide, are distinguished by a long "wear" and resistance to moisture.
Also, modified fibers are made from this material, which are very close to cotton in their hygienic properties. We are talking about megalone and trilobal - fibers that imitate natural silk. These materials are not used in their "pure" form. They are used in textile production only in combination with other fibers, including natural ones.

Polyester, in most cases, is used in the manufacture of linings for sewing outerwear, underwear and curtains. Note that modern man-made fabric can have breathability similar to cotton. Sometimes synthetics are indistinguishable from natural fabrics.
Summing up the properties of polyamide and polyester, it is safe to say that the fibers are in many ways similar. But polyamide has a higher strength and its hygienic properties are much higher than that of polyester. At the same time, things that contain polyamide are more expensive. Mixing of various fibers is widely practiced in modern light industry.

Fiber synthesis
The combination of polyester and polyamide creates elastic, durable fabrics that retain their presentable look over time. This synthesis is optimal for the manufacture of women's underwear. "Diluted" polyester does not absorb moisture as much and is almost unable to electrify.
Also polyester goes well with elastane (soft film). This "mixing" is widely used to create hosiery, sportswear, gloves, and tight knitwear. Thanks to elastane fibers, the material becomes "breathable" and has good "ductility". However, things made by this synthesis can fade and yellow when exposed to direct sunlight.
The combination of cotton and polyester (no more than 35% of the latter) makes the fabric more durable. Also, clothes made of cotton with the addition of synthetic fibers do not stretch or fade in the sun.

It is believed that synthetic fabrics can cause allergic reactions. However, this opinion is erroneous.The only thing that can lead to wearing clothes that contain synthetic fibers (polyamide / polyester) is a slight discomfort when in contact with the skin in individual cases.
See below for the difference between polyurethane and polyester.