What is semi-linen and how is the fabric used?

It is important for consumers of textile products to find out what kind of fabric it is - semi-linen, what are its properties. It is useful to deal with suppliers of dense fabrics from Belarus and manufacturers in Russia. It is also necessary to study the application of semi-linen towel material and its use for bed linen.

What is this fabric?
First of all, the properties of the semi-linen are remarkable. This is a lightweight and at the same time durable matter, which convincingly refutes the myth, as if only dense fabrics can be mechanically strong and reliable... There is no doubt about the durability of such material. Polulen is practical and safe for people, including in terms of allergic reactions. Typical semi-linen products provide good breathability and are inexpensive, wear little and come in a wide variety of colors.
This fabric, however, is wrinkled a lot. It is rather difficult to work with it (sew, design). It cannot be ruled out that over time, the color may lose its brightness.
Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, such matter can be damaged. It is also not suitable for high-temperature washing, when it gives serious shrinkage.

Half linen cannot be washed with other fabrics. It is recommended to choose modes of 30-40 degrees with a duration of no more than 60 minutes. Only for heavily soiled fabrics, this period is extended by another 30 minutes. White semi-linen can be bleached, but without the use of chlorine. Spinning is carried out at the lowest speed.
Ironing is carried out from the inside out without steaming. The temperature on the iron should be 130 degrees... It is necessary to store products made of such fabric under the condition of good ventilation and without direct sunlight. Hanging on a hanger or folding on a shelf is allowed.Drying is carried out in a straightened state without any folds or creases.

The composition of semi-linen fabric can be quite different. The standard recipe is considered to be 55% cotton and 45% linen, as well as a 70/30 ratio. Semi-linen is sometimes made harsh, or rather, on a harsh basis. This performance is also typical for printed fabrics. Linen can be combined not only with cotton, but also with viscose.
The viscose version is thin and flows easily. It has attractive hygiene properties and shrinks very little. Unlike the cotton version, creasing is not typical. The addition of polyester or polyester reduces the hassle of care and makes the fabric more accessible, but the tactile sensation in this case will be worse. The combination of linen and spandex increases the elasticity of the fabric.

Popular manufacturers
- In Russia, half-linen is supplied by Yakovlevskaya manufactory... The density of the fabric can be 0.18 or 0.22 kg per square meter. m. Some fabrics are sewn with a 7 mm hem. There is an option with a 40 mm hem (hemstitch).
- Linen-cotton is also made on Big Kostroma Linen Manufactory. The same enterprise also produces a combination of flax with lavsan.
- An alternative is "Gavrilov-Yamskiy Tkach"... Production there is carried out using rammed technology. Technologists have mastered obtaining a variety of design options.
- Linen-viscose is supplied from Belarus Orsha Flax Mill - one of the largest in the world.

You can sew a variety of clothes from half linen with viscose. The fiber obtained from wood softens the roughness of natural flax. Such a product is not just a linen product - it is also suitable for the production of home textiles. If polyester, polyester is added to linen, it will be possible to make sheets and other bedding sets in sets. Such fabric is also suitable for making napkins, curtains, tablecloths and other similar products.

The combination of linen and cotton is still considered a classic.
Excellent air exchange and comfort make it possible to sew a dress, napkin, curtain from it. It is believed to be a good towel fabric. The introduction of a small portion of elastane or spandex is used in the sewing of bedding. Linen-elastane fabric is used in the manufacture of various garments - summer and demi-season use.